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Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl  Mm11

Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl  Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl  Mm11

Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl  Regist10

Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl

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Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl  Empty Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl

Post by Tony Bennett 19.10.15 15:09

First, the mother of a child who was abducted becomes an 'Ambassador' for missing children - despite on her own admission leaving three children all aged under four alone most of the evening, six evenings in a row, in an unlocked apartment whilst on holiday.

Now we hear of a CEOP Ambassador who was, well, viewing Category A child sexual abuse images and was grooming a 13-year-old schoolgirl whilst employed at one of Britain's 'prestigious private schools'.

The article doesn't quite say he was a 'CEOP Ambassador' but uses the words 'Ambassafor for chid protection online'. The only reference I can find to 'child protection online ambassadors is this one, here:  ...which is most definitely about CEOP Ambassadors.

I notice that the 'prestigious private school' is not named in the article. 

Fancy sending your child to massively expensive private schools, only to find out that one of the teachers watches Category A child sexual abuse images and grooms 13-year-old girls, sending them pornographic images.

Jim Gamble's close friend and ally Mark Williams-Thomas admits to watching lots of child sexual abuse images online. Like Peter Townshend of 'The Who', it's for 'research'

IT teacher jailed for grooming 13-year-old girl 'sorry for what he has done'

07:30, 16 Oct 2015

By Eleanor Davis

Guildford Crown Court heard how Nicholas Flower had become 'resentful' towards private school children after suffering a nervous breakdown in front of his class. 

Respectable CEOP Ambassador, Head of IT at private school, downloaded Category A child abuse images and groomed 13-year-old girl  Guildf10
Pic: Guildford Crown Court

A former IT teacher and ambassador for child protection online has been jailed for grooming a 13-year-old Esher schoolgirl on the internet and making indecent photographs of young girls.

Guildford Crown Court heard how 53-year-old Nicholas Flower had been the head of IT at a prestigious private school when he befriended a 13-year-old girl on Facebook under a fake name.

The teacher of 19 years committed the offences between January and August 2013 because he was ‘resentful’ towards children from private schools, after he had suffered a nervous breakdown in front of his own class and been replaced by another teacher.

Prosecuting, Lee Harris said Flower had been a teacher at the time, but not at the same school as the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons. Mr Harris said Flower repeatedly changed his name on Facebook, including to Charlie Wheeler, Charlie Walker and Charlie Haynes, which caused the girl to be concerned.

“During conversations she received a Skype call from him,” Mr Harris told the court.

“During the course of that Skype call she was shown pornographic material.”

In a police interview, the young girl described the footage as ‘powerful’ and ‘quite shocking actually seeing it’.

Mr Harris continued: “She was asked if she would put a picture of her up.”

“On one occasion she tried to not answer the call and then received a threatening message through (social media site) Ask FM”.

The grooming took place over the period of a week, with Flower usually calling at 11pm and ended when the girl told her head of year.

Police tracked Flower via an IP address and seized his iPad and computer, on which they discovered more than 150 indecent images.

Of these, 61 were classed as category A images involving female children mainly under the age of 13.

When arrested in August 2013, Flower admitted the offences and said his wife and children were unaware.

In police interview he said: “I am very sorry for what I have done,” and that he stored some of the indecent images on a virtual hard drive to prevent his family from seeing them.

Flower, who is now a driver delivering bathroom fittings, said he had been unhappily married at the time and admitted to receiving sexual gratification from the images.

'Respectable background'

Defending Flower, Selwyn Shapiro said the case was one of ‘utmost seriousness’ and that the defendant had attended 70 sessions of a rehabilitation programme but tried to argue it did not constitute a breach of trust.

He said Flower was of a ‘respectable background’.

“There was a time in his life when he was facing his class and he broke down – he was crying,” Mr Shapiro said.

“For him within that was devastating, that led to him losing his sense of self.

“There is nothing worse, as he saw it, than having a colleague come into the classroom and take over.

“This led to effectively a breakdown.”

Sentencing Flower on Friday, Recorder Jane Humphryes made reference to the irony of his position protecting his own students from online dangers, for which he had been monitoring their Facebook pages.

The judge said his victim had been targeted because of her private school status and Flower had been under the influence of alcohol during the offence.
“He began to feel resentful after they saw him break down in class,” she said. Miss Humphryes said the court had received a character reference from Flower’s girlfriend, who had three children including a ten-year-old daughter.

“People such as you who choose to work with children are put in a position of utmost trust,” she said.

“You have let down not only yourself and your own family but your profession and public confidence of security and safety of all children in our schools.”

Flower, of Arrowhead Close, Gloucester was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment for one count of causing a child to watch an image of sexual activity, three counts of making indecent images and one count of possessing an extreme pornographic image.

Also reported here by a group campaigning for proper action against British society's child molestors:


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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