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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Mm11

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Regist10
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Mm11

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Regist10

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by AndyB 31.10.14 23:13


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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Garrincha 31.10.14 23:23


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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by tiny 31.10.14 23:49


   I personally believe that Jim Gamble can rescue this travesty of an inquiry and deliver the answers that everyone wants. I believe he will deliver the clear leadership and independence which will give survivors confidence in the CSA Inquiry as a whole

THANK GOD ITS HIS OPINION ONLY. this person must be brain blind

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by comperedna 01.11.14 0:29

Ha ha ha ... 'They're coming to take me away' as the song goes... not Gamble!

I think the chap from the National Association of Survivors of Abuse in Childhood had it right... you need an independent minded criminal lawyer to run this (yes preferably with knowledge of child protection) but with INDEPENDENCE from the higher echelons of government, and what is loosely referred to as 'The Establishment'. Michael Mansfield and Helena Kennedy were mentioned...

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Woofer 01.11.14 2:06

He needs to do a bit of homework on Jim Gamble.

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by sharonl 01.11.14 3:50

Woofer wrote:He needs to do a bit of homework on Jim Gamble.

Who is he? Could it be Gamble?
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Liz Eagles 01.11.14 5:48

Jim Gamble already has a handy five point plan:

Jim Gamble @JimGamble_INEQE  ·  Oct 29
5/5 public hearings for survivor testimony, witness scrutiny & updates.
0 replies 11 retweets 6 favorites

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Vz_VWSOk_normalJim Gamble @JimGamble_INEQE  ·  Oct 29
4/5 an investigation team to actively pursue lines of inquiry with access to all areas, individuals & records.
0 replies 11 retweets 7 favorites

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Vz_VWSOk_normalJim Gamble @JimGamble_INEQE  ·  Oct 29
3/5 a small team of specials academics 2 complete the review of reviews highlighting themes, patterns of behaviour & any cultural of coverup
0 replies 13 retweets 7 favorites

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Vz_VWSOk_normalJim Gamble @JimGamble_INEQE  ·  Oct 29
2/5 there should be a survivors forum, the chair & vice chairs of which sit on the main Panel.
0 replies 13 retweets 9 favorites

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Vz_VWSOk_normalJim Gamble @JimGamble_INEQE  ·  Oct 29
#CSAinquiry 1/5 There needs to be clear distance between @ukhomeoffice & the inquiry team as the Home Office must be subject to the review.
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Cheshire Cat 01.11.14 5:52

sharonl wrote:
Woofer wrote:He needs to do a bit of homework on Jim Gamble.

Who is he?  Could it be Gamble?
I don't know who the Needle blogger is but he has expressed support for the McCann's on a previous entry. He has also got into some arguments with Exaro regarding Elm Guest House and other matters that concern LB.
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by plebgate 01.11.14 5:56

Whoever is next appointed  will come under a lot of scrutiny from the victims' reps, the internet bloggers and the press.    Government can't afford to have another person who may have to resign.

Someone who knows that there will be" no skeletons found in their cupboards" needs to be approached.   The Government know (although they may not say) where any skeletons are.     With the elections looming they will know that EVERYONE is watching and waiting to see what happens next.

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Liz Eagles 01.11.14 6:28

plebgate wrote:Whoever is next appointed  will come under a lot of scrutiny from the victims' reps, the internet bloggers and the press.    Government can't afford to have another person who may have to resign.

Someone who knows that there will be" no skeletons found in their cupboards" needs to be approached.   The Government know (although they may not say) where any skeletons are.     With the elections looming they will know that EVERYONE is watching and waiting to see what happens next.
Jim Gamble is almost baying for Theresa May's resignation and whilst she's made a monumental cock-up (that could be deliberate or directed from on high) of selecting an appropriate person to head up the CSA inquiry it's also worth bearing in mind Gamble is no fan of Theresa May and is a staunch Labour man anyway.

Were Gamble to be selected for the role he's not daft enough to know he wouldn't meet with 'obstacles' and no-one in the present government is likely to appoint Gamble, the Labour man in the run-up to a general election.

This is all bluster imo. No matter what Gamble's opinion is he ain't likely to get the job.

The Home Office will come under attack from all the other parties who in truth are probably very relieved it's not 'on their watch' and can use it as a stick to beat the opposition as and when it suits.

Delay tactics are abundantly clear (to me at any road)....just keep stringing out the problem until after the election - and if Theresa May becomes the sacrificial lamb it will be a small price to pay.

Just my opinion and all that.
Liz Eagles
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Woofer 01.11.14 6:32

sharonl wrote:
Woofer wrote:He needs to do a bit of homework on Jim Gamble.

Who is he?  Could it be Gamble?

Just checked his blog - he calls himself gojam and the only article on the McCanns suggests he sympathises with them so it`s a possibility. But note on twitter he follows JG, not that that means much.

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Liz Eagles 09.12.14 10:19

I've been having a look at Jim Gamble's tweets (or should I say mostly re-tweets).

Oh my, doesn't this man spread himself thinly. Scaremongering abounds! which is good if you're trying to sell your services as the ultimate consultancy to the UK government/schools and pretty much anyone else you can bill in this maelstrom of evil that is the internet (according to Jim that is).

I can separate Jim's own tweets into categories. I can separate Jim's re-tweets just the same. I can separate Jim's ego much the same (see 'how I did on twitter' tweets).

Jim is the 'all embracing' media darling/expert parking his bottom on many radio/tv sofas without actually saying much. He's the 'Daily Mail' equivalent of 'life in UK is awful - be afraid'. Don't despair though, 'my company and my experience in this field will save your children from the demon internet'. 'We'll keep you safe and a labour government will keep you safe too'.

Jim is selling a product - I'm not sure what that product is as I've looked at INEQE and can't get past the business-speke. It tells me absolutely nothing of substance - and neither does Jim.

Just my opinion of course.
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Guest 09.12.14 15:47

Yes, Aquila, JG made another appearance on Stephen Nolan's 5 Live radio show on Sunday night.  Are there no other "experts" the BBC can call on - very cosy.

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Liz Eagles 09.12.14 20:38

Ladyinred wrote:Yes, Aquila, JG made another appearance on Stephen Nolan's 5 Live radio show on Sunday night.  Are there no other "experts" the BBC can call on - very cosy.
Mark Williams-Thomas has been rolled out too. Celebrity experts.
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by plebgate 10.12.14 0:08

Here we go, here we go, here we gooooooooooooooooo.

Would love to know how much a time they get for these gigs giving their expert opinions.

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Doug D 28.12.14 5:15

Lazz on JG:

‘………………………Other than being an ex cop I know little of Gamble.  What I do know I have "heard" him say online, and in interview etc, and frankly he comes across boorish, vulgar, a common low breed, malicious, ignorant in every way -wickedness personified.
And for anyone who does not know of the type of comments he makes, the following one of his Twitter postings demonstrating, and leaving the reader in no doubt whatsoever the character of this man.   Here we have Gamble congratulating Martin Brunt for attacking Ms Brenda Leyland a lady innocent of the accusations made against her by Brunt, Gamble and those online vigilantes who Gamble and Brunt both befriended/communicated with on Twitter/elsewhere to enable their planned assault on this lady.
His comment is shocking, sickening!
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by tiny 29.12.14 3:02

Doug D wrote:Lazz on JG:

‘………………………Other than being an ex cop I know little of Gamble.  What I do know I have "heard" him say online, and in interview etc, and frankly he comes across boorish, vulgar, a common low breed, malicious, ignorant in every way -wickedness personified.
And for anyone who does not know of the type of comments he makes, the following one of his Twitter postings demonstrating, and leaving the reader in no doubt whatsoever the character of this man.   Here we have Gamble congratulating Martin Brunt for attacking Ms Brenda Leyland a lady innocent of the accusations made against her by Brunt, Gamble and those online vigilantes who Gamble and Brunt both befriended/communicated with on Twitter/elsewhere to enable their planned assault on this lady.
His comment is shocking, sickening!
That was a bloody good read and so true,who ever l-azzeri is ,BRAVO

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Liz Eagles 29.12.14 3:06

tiny wrote:
Doug D wrote:Lazz on JG:

‘………………………Other than being an ex cop I know little of Gamble.  What I do know I have "heard" him say online, and in interview etc, and frankly he comes across boorish, vulgar, a common low breed, malicious, ignorant in every way -wickedness personified.
And for anyone who does not know of the type of comments he makes, the following one of his Twitter postings demonstrating, and leaving the reader in no doubt whatsoever the character of this man.   Here we have Gamble congratulating Martin Brunt for attacking Ms Brenda Leyland a lady innocent of the accusations made against her by Brunt, Gamble and those online vigilantes who Gamble and Brunt both befriended/communicated with on Twitter/elsewhere to enable their planned assault on this lady.
His comment is shocking, sickening!
That was a bloody good read and so true,who ever l-azzeri is ,BRAVO
It's another great blog from l-azz (is there any other kind?).

I've no idea who l-azz is but she (I like to think of l-azz as a she) always hits the nail on the head and doesn't mince words about her opinion.
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Doug D 15.01.15 20:27

Just been looking at JG's twitter as he has been tweeting about the CSA case, and someone has pinched his 'two flags'! Does this mean he's trying to change his 'international spokesperson' image?

He's still standing at the same podium (I think) but the backgrounds been blacked out.
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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Battle of the crania...?

Post by missbeetle 16.01.15 6:15

Doug D wrote:Just been looking at JG's twitter as he has been tweeting about the CSA case, and someone has pinched his 'two flags'! Does this mean he's trying to change his 'international spokesperson' image?

He's still standing at the same podium (I think) but the backgrounds been blacked out.

Crumbs, Doug D! Perhaps Uncle Jim is going for 'intergalactic spokesman'?

He has an electric blue beam coming down on him now :

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair <a href=Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Pre_zps7c0b5c3d

Any ideas what that thing strapped to his belt is? A microphone? A walkie-talkie?

A leather-covered Taser?

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair <a href=Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Tab_zpsfe17acae

Hmmm - which is the real image - the 'two flags' or the 'into the deep blue abyss' one?

(I did think the addition of the poppy made him look like he'd been shot)

I've found a photograph of Jim when he had hair, back in 1992 (I think) :

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair <a href=Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Jghair_zps3604eb4f
These days he wears his phrenologist's dream bald pate with pride...

...and I have wondered if Table Mountain ever reminds him of Gerry McCann -

- with his horizontal hair-do? Or vice versa?

My thoughts only.

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
(from Lord Byron's 'Don Juan', 1823)

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by j.rob 16.01.15 7:02

tiny wrote:
Doug D wrote:Lazz on JG:

‘………………………Other than being an ex cop I know little of Gamble.  What I do know I have "heard" him say online, and in interview etc, and frankly he comes across boorish, vulgar, a common low breed, malicious, ignorant in every way -wickedness personified.
And for anyone who does not know of the type of comments he makes, the following one of his Twitter postings demonstrating, and leaving the reader in no doubt whatsoever the character of this man.   Here we have Gamble congratulating Martin Brunt for attacking Ms Brenda Leyland a lady innocent of the accusations made against her by Brunt, Gamble and those online vigilantes who Gamble and Brunt both befriended/communicated with on Twitter/elsewhere to enable their planned assault on this lady.
His comment is shocking, sickening!
That was a bloody good read and so true,who ever l-azzeri is ,BRAVO

Seconded! Excellent post.

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by j.rob 16.01.15 7:08

missbeetle wrote:
Doug D wrote:Just been looking at JG's twitter as he has been tweeting about the CSA case, and someone has pinched his 'two flags'! Does this mean he's trying to change his 'international spokesperson' image?

He's still standing at the same podium (I think) but the backgrounds been blacked out.

Crumbs, Doug D! Perhaps Uncle Jim is going for 'intergalactic spokesman'?

He has an electric blue beam coming down on him now :

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair <a href=Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Pre_zps7c0b5c3d

Any ideas what that thing strapped to his belt is? A microphone? A walkie-talkie?

A leather-covered Taser?

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair <a href=Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Tab_zpsfe17acae

Hmmm - which is the real image - the 'two flags' or the 'into the deep blue abyss' one?

(I did think the addition of the poppy made him look like he'd been shot)

I've found a photograph of Jim when he had hair, back in 1992 (I think) :

Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair <a href=Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Jghair_zps3604eb4f
These days he wears his phrenologist's dream bald pate with pride...

...and I have wondered if Table Mountain ever reminds him of Gerry McCann -

- with his horizontal hair-do? Or vice versa?

My thoughts only.

big grin

What a total prat he is.

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Jamming 16.01.15 17:24

j.rob wrote:
missbeetle wrote:

...and I have wondered if Table Mountain ever reminds him of Gerry McCann -

- with his horizontal hair-do? Or vice versa?

My thoughts only.

big grin

What a total prat he is.

Agree, and loving the table mountain/GM comparison

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Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair Empty Re: Jim Gamble recommended as Fiona Woolf's replacement as CSA enquiry chair

Post by Doug D 16.01.15 19:55

Posted JG's blog on the CSA meeting on the thread:

But the past still comes back to haunt him!
eric hardcastle
‪@SimonDanczuk ‪@JimGamble_INEQE   innocent families & children suffered under Gamble's Op Ore where stolen credit cards were ignored.
Melbourne, Victoria
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