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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Mm11

Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Regist10
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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Mm11

Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Regist10

Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 13.10.14 21:56

I've just seen this on twitter and felt i should post it  here

Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Vee810

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 13.10.14 21:59

It certainly was a spectacular mess Vee8 wasn't it? Brenda Leyland is DEAD because of you lot.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by sallypelt 13.10.14 22:05

Didn't PG make the same mistake that Summers and Swan were "Pulitzer prize winners"?

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Guest 13.10.14 22:06

And posters here have made the connection with the publication of the book, the so-called dossier and the harrassment of Brenda Leyland leading to her death.  Chilling and sinister.  IMO.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by PeterMac 13.10.14 22:22

Why do we find this "Shocking" ?

Why do we not believe that the people who give their uncritical and unconditional and unthinking and ludicrous support to the McCanns
and who refuse to debate, argue or disuss any of the evidence, and merely decry, abuse, and threaten . . . and drive to suicide,
are in fact "people"
and not, as I think many suspect, merely a tentacle of TM.
Very probably coordinated by Mitchell, who is still obviously on a huge retainer.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Tony Bennett 13.10.14 22:31

Vee8 = Nigel Nessling from Suffolk and muratfan = Ian West from Norfolk both have access to what the 'inner circle' is planning and doing about Madeleine McCann.

That is all I am prepared to say on the matter.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by plebgate 13.10.14 22:57

Removed the post as just realised that it was aimed at Sweepyface.

Got to say that I am shocked that such a post could be sent to Brenda.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by petunia 13.10.14 23:03

On the other side of the coin vee 8 is saying read the files, google the gaspers statements, give it 1* not*5* titter

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by plebgate 13.10.14 23:09

Interesting that the fan base of the Pullizer prize winners that spans the World don't seem to have bought many copies of the book.

Maybe the Express will print a copy of that post.   They do seem to be following twitter, so come on THE EXPRESS, let your readers see exactly what Brenda was putting up with.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by petunia 13.10.14 23:34

Am i reading something different to everybody else? where is it directed at Brenda?

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by plebgate 13.10.14 23:40

Not good understanding how twitter works but Sweepy face is named at the top.  @Petunia. 

Anyway I am now going to try and paste this over from twitter 

" *Catwoman* @TheCatwoman2
Maria Bandeirinha: “Kate passed by my door, laughing her head off, with a friend, days after her daughter disappeared." #mccann #Itsnojoke "

I remember reading that (I thought) in a newspaper report and have been looking for it for quite a while.   Now it has been put on to twitter.    Again, I was shocked when I read it and still am.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by waiting for justice 14.10.14 0:15

Given the date - very creepy. 

So the "Troll" outing was planned all along?
waiting for justice

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Guest 14.10.14 0:35

Well, that settles the Vee8 debate, Woofer. A set of Top Gear-esque boys and toys.

The sort of men who revel in loud exhausts and spoilers and stick extra bits on their vehicles and race each other out of the pub car park. Oh dear.

Why would they jump on the McCann bandwagon, I wonder?

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Woofer 14.10.14 0:40

Dee Coy wrote:Well, that settles the Vee8 debate, Woofer. A set of Top Gear-esque boys and toys.

The sort of men who revel in loud exhausts and spoilers and stick extra bits on their vehicles and race each other out of the pub car park. Oh dear.

Why would they jump on the McCann bandwagon, I wonder?

Testosterone maybe - the cause of all mankind`s ills.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Snifferdog 14.10.14 5:22

gm Not Testosterone it seems, as it seems that many people are lacking in the balls to stop the Mcs.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by sallypelt 14.10.14 14:05

Why are all the truth seekers still on Twitter, and the "pros" conspicuous by their absence? Says it all doesn't it?

Oh, I haven't seen Gurney or any of her socks for a day or two. Hope she's ok titter

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by lufc50337 14.10.14 14:43

Twitter is where they really wanted the truth seekers banned from

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Cora 17.10.14 11:58

sallypelt wrote:Why are all the truth seekers still on Twitter, and the "pros" conspicuous by their absence? Says it all doesn't it?

Oh, I haven't seen Gurney or any of her socks for a day or two. Hope she's ok titter
She "liked" a comment on a FB group yesterday it was one she was very vocal in the so called MM debate group, I am not a member, I did join it a few months ago but it was pure evil and I only lasted an hour or so.

I have a screenshot of somebody called Hotrod commenting on the Summers and Swann book on 4th October at 20.41 naming Brenda and saying Trollmagedon is on the way!!  Does anybody know if Brenda was still alive at this time?  I don't know how to upload it here, but you may all be familiar with it anyway.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Guest 17.10.14 12:38

No she wasn't. She was found in the early afternoon of 4th October.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Guest 17.10.14 12:46

Cora wrote:
sallypelt wrote:Why are all the truth seekers still on Twitter, and the "pros" conspicuous by their absence? Says it all doesn't it?

Oh, I haven't seen Gurney or any of her socks for a day or two. Hope she's ok titter
She "liked" a comment on a FB group yesterday it was one she was very vocal in the so called MM debate group, I am not a member, I did join it a few months ago but it was pure evil and I only lasted an hour or so.

I have a screenshot of somebody called Hotrod commenting on the Summers and Swann book on 4th October at 20.41 naming Brenda and saying Trollmagedon is on the way!!  Does anybody know if Brenda was still alive at this time?  I don't know how to upload it here, but you may all be familiar with it anyway.

Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty
by Marian on Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:38 pm
No she wasn't. She was found in the early afternoon of 4th October.

But not reported until the next day wasn't it,did some one know before hand?

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Snifferdog 17.10.14 13:02

Woofer wrote: snipped...

Welcome to the Mods’n’rodders non-conformist car club!
Club Moderators
Irene Upshon. Her Royal Highness, The Honorary Chairlady (l'il Deuce)
The Queen Bee's loyal subjects!!
Nigel 'Nessie' Nessling. (vee8)
Adrian Upshon. (Deuce)
Kevin Grimwade.
Jason Sims. (Happytruck)


"Now then, now then, hows about that then?" "Goodness gracious, as it 'appens guys and gals, they are also in with royalty, just like me!"

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Guest 17.10.14 13:07

The link doesn't work.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Cora 17.10.14 13:16

Marian wrote:No she wasn't. She was found in the early afternoon of 4th October.

Thank you, then Hotrod must not have known she was already deceased.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Cora 17.10.14 13:23

Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 <a href=Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Capture" />

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Geowoo 17.10.14 13:49

PeterMac wrote:Why do we find this "Shocking" ?

Why do we not believe that the people who give their uncritical and unconditional and unthinking and ludicrous support to the McCanns
and who refuse to debate, argue or disuss any of the evidence, and merely decry, abuse, and threaten  . . . and drive to suicide,
are in fact "people"
and not, as I think many suspect, merely a tentacle of TM.
Very probably coordinated by Mitchell, who is still obviously on a huge retainer.

It is wise to consider that this case is so serious that there will be "fallout". Goncalo Amaral...his family..Tony Bennett...and so many others just as an example. Now Brenda Leyland...I seriously believe that this case has reached a new and desperate level...and it's no holds barred for the team. They cannot control their sycophants and seemingly remain disconnected when "accidents " happen.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Cora 17.10.14 15:40

Geowoo wrote:
PeterMac wrote:Why do we find this "Shocking" ?

Why do we not believe that the people who give their uncritical and unconditional and unthinking and ludicrous support to the McCanns
and who refuse to debate, argue or disuss any of the evidence, and merely decry, abuse, and threaten  . . . and drive to suicide,
are in fact "people"
and not, as I think many suspect, merely a tentacle of TM.
Very probably coordinated by Mitchell, who is still obviously on a huge retainer.

It is wise to consider that this case is so serious that there will be "fallout". Goncalo Amaral...his family..Tony Bennett...and so many others just as an example. Now Brenda Leyland...I seriously believe that this case has reached a new and desperate level...and it's no holds barred for the team. They cannot control their sycophants and seemingly remain disconnected when "accidents " happen.
I have to say I have seen some of the most vile and abusive tweets from REAL trolls I have ever seen in my life (though I am not a twitter user). Brenda's tweets were not troll like at all.  Why was she singled out?

I saw her son was studying law at University and only hope the reason the family have gone quiet is because they are preparing a case against these vile people.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Woofer 17.10.14 19:23

Cora wrote:
Marian wrote:No she wasn't. She was found in the early afternoon of 4th October.

Thank you, then Hotrod must not have known she was already deceased.

I don`t think it was known until the afternoon of Sunday 5th - well that was when the first tweets of her suicide were noticed.  Unless Hotrod had inside info, he wouldn`t have known until the rest of us did.

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Cora 17.10.14 20:33

Woofer wrote:
Cora wrote:
Marian wrote:No she wasn't. She was found in the early afternoon of 4th October.

Thank you, then Hotrod must not have known she was already deceased.

I don`t think it was known until the afternoon of Sunday 5th - well that was when the first tweets of her suicide were noticed.  Unless Hotrod had inside info, he wouldn`t have known until the rest of us did.
It seems like a well orchestrated hate campaign.  I honestly am not sure if Brenda did in fact commit suicide.  The MSM are doing their best to portray her as some sad, lonely, old divorced lady but was she in fact?  I am 61, divorced with an opinion that is anti McCann and I can assure you I am not sad and lonely NOR old.

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Joss 18.10.14 3:37

Cora wrote:
Woofer wrote:
Cora wrote:
Marian wrote:No she wasn't. She was found in the early afternoon of 4th October.

Thank you, then Hotrod must not have known she was already deceased.

I don`t think it was known until the afternoon of Sunday 5th - well that was when the first tweets of her suicide were noticed.  Unless Hotrod had inside info, he wouldn`t have known until the rest of us did.
It seems like a well orchestrated hate campaign.  I honestly am not sure if Brenda did in fact commit suicide.  The MSM are doing their best to portray her as some sad, lonely, old divorced lady but was she in fact?  I am 61, divorced with an opinion that is anti McCann and I can assure you I am not sad and lonely NOR old.

I do not believe that Brenda was what MSM portrayed her to be, that is all a lie. In fact the video footage i saw of her being confronted by the Sky news reporter troll MB on camera, she was in a hurry to go in the car with  her friend that was waiting for her, so no, i'm pretty certain she had her friends.
I think just like a lot of other people in this case, she was also a voice for a little girl that was abandoned by her parents in a strange country in a an unfamiliar environment, and consequently turned up missing.
The huge risk the McC's took in leaving their very minor children unattended for however long, if that is what happened, probably cost Madeline her life.
Just like the rest of us that want to see some justice in this case, as we would for any other missing child, i think Brenda Leyland was no different than most of us who are Pro Madeline.
And i think to paint the Madeline supporters with such a limited brush is unfair reporting. There are many people of different age and from different backgrounds that want to see a resolution of the laws being applied in the ongoing saga of " What happened to Madeline McCann"?

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Shocking post on twitter from Vee8 Empty Re: Shocking post on twitter from Vee8

Post by Cora 18.10.14 12:35

Joss wrote:
Cora wrote:
Woofer wrote:
Cora wrote:
Marian wrote:No she wasn't. She was found in the early afternoon of 4th October.

Thank you, then Hotrod must not have known she was already deceased.

I don`t think it was known until the afternoon of Sunday 5th - well that was when the first tweets of her suicide were noticed.  Unless Hotrod had inside info, he wouldn`t have known until the rest of us did.
It seems like a well orchestrated hate campaign.  I honestly am not sure if Brenda did in fact commit suicide.  The MSM are doing their best to portray her as some sad, lonely, old divorced lady but was she in fact?  I am 61, divorced with an opinion that is anti McCann and I can assure you I am not sad and lonely NOR old.

I do not believe that Brenda was what MSM portrayed her to be, that is all a lie. In fact the video footage i saw of her being confronted by the Sky news reporter troll MB on camera, she was in a hurry to go in the car with  her friend that was waiting for her, so no, i'm pretty certain she had her friends.
I think just like a lot of other people in this case, she was also a voice for a little girl that was abandoned by her parents in a strange country in a an unfamiliar environment, and consequently turned up missing.
The huge risk the McC's took in leaving their very minor children unattended for however long, if that is what happened, probably cost Madeline her life.
Just like the rest of us that want to see some justice in this case, as we would for any other missing child, i think Brenda Leyland was no different than most of us who are Pro Madeline.
And i think to paint the Madeline supporters with such a limited brush is unfair reporting. There are many people of different age and from different backgrounds that want to see a resolution of the laws being applied in the ongoing saga of " What happened to Madeline McCann"?
I couldn't agree more, I am a member of a couple of Facebook groups and there are people from all walks of life and ages who have all formed the same opinion that there was no abduction.  On one of these groups yesterday Joana Morais posted a link to a FB conversation talking about Madeleine a year ago, Brenda being one of those people included,  she comes across as educated, intelligent, articulate and very measured.

I looked at Brenda's FB page when she had been found dead and although restricted you can see a number of photo's of her friends and pets.  Just a normal person not a hate filled bitter old harridan troll at all.

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