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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Mm11

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Mm11

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by haroldd2 10.10.14 14:39

ModernistOne wrote:
Who paid/booked for Brenda's hotel room?  SkyNews?
That's one of the BIG questions. It's also an aspect susceptible to later falsification. Did the Marriott hotel (owned by a Mormon-controlled company by the way) take a payment from BL or take her bank card number or not?

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by haroldd2 10.10.14 15:02

Jauna Loca wrote:
someone else delved further and unearthed a tweet from AT which was claimed to be the link to swinging. 
Do you remember their Twitter handle? Or something in the tweet from AT which can enable it to be found? Did she post it as "basilandmanuel"? You can find a log of basilandmanuel's tweets here.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Guest 10.10.14 15:09

haroldd2 wrote:
ModernistOne wrote:
Who paid/booked for Brenda's hotel room?  SkyNews?
That's one of the BIG questions. It's also an aspect susceptible to later falsification. Did the Marriott hotel (owned by a Mormon-controlled company by the way) take a payment from BL or take her bank card number or not?

Everything that happened from the first door-stepping (which wasn't necessarily Brunt) to her death needs clarifying.


From the unsurprised way she dealt with Brunt I think she had been contacted before that.

There might be CCTV in and around the village.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Jamming 10.10.14 15:17

BlueBag wrote:
haroldd2 wrote:
ModernistOne wrote:
Who paid/booked for Brenda's hotel room?  SkyNews?
That's one of the BIG questions. It's also an aspect susceptible to later falsification. Did the Marriott hotel (owned by a Mormon-controlled company by the way) take a payment from BL or take her bank card number or not?

Everything that happened from the first door-stepping (which wasn't necessarily Brunt) to her death needs clarifying.


From the unsurprised way she dealt with Brunt I think she had been contacted before that.

There might be CCTV in and around the village.

Indeed, but any investigation into this must go back further and determine who singled out Brenda, and why

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by palm tree 10.10.14 15:27

Does anyone think MB was abit surprised when Brenda came back and offered him inside to her home? Anyone know how long Brenda was away from her home when she came back?

Fight for Madeleine
palm tree
palm tree

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Jauna Loca 10.10.14 15:45

haroldd2 wrote:
Jauna Loca wrote:
someone else delved further and unearthed a tweet from AT which was claimed to be the link to swinging. 
Do you remember their Twitter handle? Or something in the tweet from AT which can enable it to be found? Did she post it as "basilandmanuel"? You can find a log of basilandmanuel's tweets here.
I swear I posted this a few minutes ago and now it's gone!
No, neither user was followed by me. They were both retweeted by people I follow and ended up on my timeline this way. I can check back.
IIRC the AT/@basilandmanuel link was made first during the summer. Recently (like in the last 2 weeks) a photo allegedly of user @basilandmanuel
from somewhere was posted and along with it a pic of AT from FB. It did seem to be the same girl. Then another user claimed to have found a statement
online form AT or BasilandManuel and it was hailed as "evidence of the link to swinging". I have a notion this may have been posted by her on FB. I am not
on FB so I have not seen this. I do remember the substance of the statement however. Apparantly AT had stated something like "I find sex with strangers very satisfying".
This was pounced on as the swinging link and thus key to this case.
As I never considered swinging a factor in this case I did not attach much importance to this. (In my vanished post I outlined what IMO only I felt was the crux of this case
so maybe I was bordering on libellous and whoosed for good reason by admin. Or maybe the last of the marbles are slowly escaping...)
I was however shocked at the initial outing of OC nanny and prime witness, nay HELPER on A-night,  tweeting abuse for TM. I understand the huge implications of this
being a systamatic perversion of justice by her paymasters. I believe that this discovery was reported by tweeters to OG at the time of the initial unmasking.
I hope I suceed in posting this!!
Jauna Loca
Jauna Loca

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Dee14 10.10.14 17:50

Textusa has a screen shot of the "swinging" tweet here:

I haven't seen any proof yet though that AT and BandM are one and the same

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by notlongnow 10.10.14 18:44

BL wouldn't have been surprised by being confronted by brunt as she was being followed by him so there was no surprise for her.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by saloongirl 10.10.14 19:08

I dont understand why she would go to the trouble of booking into a hotel to kill herself, rather than do it at home, unless she didnt want a family member or friend to find her

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by canada12 10.10.14 19:22

saloongirl wrote:I dont understand why she would go to the trouble of booking into a hotel to kill herself, rather than do it at home, unless she didnt want a family member or friend to find her

She would have had to have made arrangements for someone to look after her pets. She wouldn't have just fled her home, leaving them to starve and fend for themselves.

She would have taken someone into her confidence and given them instructions regarding her pets, even if she hadn't told that person where she was going.

Or, if no instructions were left with anyone regarding the pets, perhaps she booked into the hotel, not intending to stay long. Perhaps she was given instructions to meet someone there? And the instructions included, booking a room for just one day/ night for the meeting? And there she met with foul play?

Just thinking out loud here. All speculation.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Dr What 10.10.14 19:26

Dare I say that it is the same type of strangeness that made Dr David Kelly walk into a field and sit down at the base of a tree[????]

I don't believe he left a suicide note either, did he?

Strange world.
Dr What

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by WeAreOne 10.10.14 19:38

Just found this forum talking about this very post and all of us conspiracy loons.

For one. I am not a conspiracy loon. I had no interest in this case until I was made award of a few facts about the Mccan case a few months ago that werent largely in the public domain. I didnt tell others, post or tweet about it. It was only when this hit the news recently that my suspicions became alerted and I decided to dig further.

My first thoughts were why so much news coverage and headlines about a poor 63 year old women, so called 'troll', when there are are millions worse out there. Why did the Mccans have to be protected so much? It all seemed to fit in nicley with the new internet/privacy laws they are pushing, some of which are already inforce..???

Thats when i decided to look just what Brenda had been tweeting. What I found was no where near what the media had made it out to be. Everyone is, after all, entitled to freedom of speech, are they not???? I have seen a lot, lot worse on twitter. I mean, what about all those paedophile tweets and websites naming politicians, celebrities??? Why havent Sky gone to their houses and 'outed' them???? Makes you wonder doesnt it??

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a realist. I like cold hard facts. Some people blindly listen to the media and take it all in as the gospel truth without doing their own research. I am not asking people to believe what I say. I just ask you to do your own research, verify stories, double check and check again and make up your own minds.

From my own research i have found that the goverment is corrupt to its core, they wish to silence people and sensor the internet and alot more. Maybe you think it doesnt effect you. But what if, one day in the future, we live in a government you dont like and you wish to protest and actually do something about it but, you cant, because every means you have to communicate with people have been stopped, blocked or are spied upon??? Maybe you might get arrested for being a terrorist because you dont like the government, after writing on a website.

Well hello people!! Its happening today, its happening now!!!

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by petunia 10.10.14 19:52

WeAreOne wrote:Just found this forum talking about this very post and all of us conspiracy loons.

For one. I am not a conspiracy loon. I had no interest in this case until I was made award of a few facts about the Mccan case a few months ago that werent largely in the public domain. I didnt tell others, post or tweet about it. It was only when this hit the news recently that my suspicions became alerted and I decided to dig further.

My first thoughts were why so much news coverage and headlines about a poor 63 year old women, so called 'troll', when there are are millions worse out there. Why did the Mccans have to be protected so much? It all seemed to fit in nicley with the new internet/privacy laws they are pushing, some of which are already inforce..???

Thats when i decided to look just what Brenda had been tweeting. What I found was no where near what the media had made it out to be. Everyone is, after all, entitled to freedom of speech, are they not???? I have seen a lot, lot worse on twitter. I mean, what about all those paedophile tweets and websites naming politicians, celebrities??? Why havent Sky gone to their houses and 'outed' them???? Makes you wonder doesnt it??

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a realist. I like cold hard facts. Some people blindly listen to the media and take it all in as the gospel truth without doing their own research. I am not asking people to believe what I say. I just ask you to do your own research, verify stories, double check and check again and make up your own minds.

From my own research i have found that the goverment is corrupt to its core, they wish to silence people and sensor the internet and alot more. Maybe you think it doesnt effect you. But what if, one day in the future, we live in a government you dont like and you wish to protest and actually do something about it but, you cant, because every means you have to communicate with people have been stopped, blocked or are spied upon??? Maybe you might get arrested for being a terrorist because you dont like the government, after writing on a website.

Well hello people!! Its happening today, its happening
WeAreOne there is a very good artical in a Magazine called Wonderpedia this week,are we being lied to 24 hours a day well worth a read.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Pershing36 11.10.14 3:48

I vowed not to comment on this case again but feel I have too.

I have seen references made towards this death described as 'she has been silenced'.

Someone being silenced in my mind is not somebody of free will that was taken themselves off somewhere to voluntarily end their life.  Silenced to me is an act to stop somebody force-ably from talking again.

Very strange that people describe it that way.

Not the first suicide in this case either, after I heard the news Mr Sahlke came to mind.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Snifferdog 11.10.14 4:35

WeAreOne wrote:Just found this forum talking about this very post and all of us conspiracy loons.

For one. I am not a conspiracy loon. I had no interest in this case until I was made award of a few facts about the Mccan case a few months ago that werent largely in the public domain. I didnt tell others, post or tweet about it. It was only when this hit the news recently that my suspicions became alerted and I decided to dig further.

My first thoughts were why so much news coverage and headlines about a poor 63 year old women, so called 'troll', when there are are millions worse out there. Why did the Mccans have to be protected so much? It all seemed to fit in nicley with the new internet/privacy laws they are pushing, some of which are already inforce..???

Thats when i decided to look just what Brenda had been tweeting. What I found was no where near what the media had made it out to be. Everyone is, after all, entitled to freedom of speech, are they not???? I have seen a lot, lot worse on twitter. I mean, what about all those paedophile tweets and websites naming politicians, celebrities??? Why havent Sky gone to their houses and 'outed' them???? Makes you wonder doesnt it??

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a realist. I like cold hard facts. Some people blindly listen to the media and take it all in as the gospel truth without doing their own research. I am not asking people to believe what I say. I just ask you to do your own research, verify stories, double check and check again and make up your own minds.

From my own research i have found that the goverment is corrupt to its core, they wish to silence people and sensor the internet and alot more. Maybe you think it doesnt effect you. But what if, one day in the future, we live in a government you dont like and you wish to protest and actually do something about it but, you cant, because every means you have to communicate with people have been stopped, blocked or are spied upon??? Maybe you might get arrested for being a terrorist because you dont like the government, after writing on a website.

Well hello people!! Its happening today, its happening now!!!

All to true, but many happenings engineered by those who control us are so fantastic sounding, against decent human morals and norms, that most people,, not doing independent research, refuse to see it. Those who try to warn others, are branded loonies by these evil people and the ones who take all at face value.

“‘Conspiracy stuff’ is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.”
– Gore Vidal

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by j.rob 11.10.14 9:29

Rogue-a-Tory wrote:
ModernistOne wrote:Hi everyone, is the Amy Tierney that is mentioned in Brenda's posts on twitter the same Amy Tierney who was head of the kids club at the resort where Maddy 'Vanished'?
That's my understanding that she is one & the same.

If Amy Tierney was head of the kids' club that week, the week Madeleine 'vanished' then of course her role is important. Because there are many who have questioned the creche booking sheets. Whether they were accurate. Whether they were falsified. Whether another child could sometimes have been mistaken for Madeleine. or being used as a 'stand-in' for Madeleine.

And I think there are many indications that all was not well with Madeleine quite early on in the holiday. Whether by accident; whether by design; whether pre-planned; whether not.

By Tuesday, I think there are indications that all was seriously not well. The dodgy tennis-ball photo is one indication of this in my opinion. Kate's purple prose in her book over Madeleine's alleged activities on Tuesday. Claiming she ran back to get her camera to take the photo. Which I think is TM's attempt to place Madeleine as well and happy on Tuesday when she wasn't. 

There is very little about how Madeleine and the twins were on Sunday and Monday. Despite the obvious challenges of placing three children under four into creches/clubs in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar staff. The little Kate has written on this I find unconvincing.

 Kate claims she went swimming with Madeleine on Saturday afternoon but there are no photos or any evidence of that. 

What does Kate write about Amy Tierney in her book? I find that what Kate writes often gives indications of what may have really happened, or not happened, that week , provided you read between the lines. 

My comments in italics below.

Kate writes that, following the release of the police files. "I still despair at the lengths to which certain elements of the PJ were prepared to go to try to unearth some sort of evidence to use against us. 

I might imagine the P.J might have been astonished at the lengths they may have considered you were prepared to go to in order to hide any evidence against you. Or to fabricate evidence that all had been well when it hadn't been.

On the night Madeleine went missing, Russell, anxious to get posters produced and out there quickly, asked me for my camera, so that he could used the photographs of Madeleine stored on it. 

The whole group appeared to be far more interested in running out some very out-of-date photos of Madeleine and contacting Sky rather than actively searching for Madeleine. Police advice was not to publish her photo - especially with the very pronounced eye markings. Which was ignored. Police considered that to be her 'death sentence.'

The PJ appear to have been determined to prove we'd brought these posters on holiday with us from Britain. 

Interesting. I wonder why they thought that? They thought it would be impossible to print them all out on Ocean Club printers in short time, perhaps? They did not look 'freshly printed'?  They did not appear compatible with the equipment that they were supposed to have been printed on at OC?

They sent them to a forensics lab for analysis, asking for information on how old they were and how they had been printed and cut. I was exasperated to read all this. 

I suppose you were. I wonder what the results of the analysis at the forensics lab were? Is the lab report in the police files? Naturally, you will not be concerned about the results, Kate, as you know you and Gerry have always told the truth and are innocent of any involvement in Madeleine's disappearance.

There was a much easier, more obvious way of confirming how and where these posters were producd. They could have just asked. 

Asked you or Gerry, do you mean?  lol4 Why do you think they didn't ask you or Gerry?

As it was, it took them until April 2008 to verify that the posters had been run off, on the night of the abduction, by Amy Tierney, the Mark Warner duty manager, using her own Kodak paper and her own Kodak printer.

What kind of verification was this, exactly? Do you mean verification from the analysis of the forensic lab? Is that what you mean? Where are the results, then? Or do you mean this was verification from Amy Tierney, the MW duty manager who was also in charge of the creche/kids'clubs, it would seem. 

Still, interesting that you state it was in April 2008 that this 'was verified'. 


Given that it would appear that the police were interested in the provenance of the early posters of Madeleine, I wonder what they thought about the later photos that were produced of Madeleine for publication in the press. Especially the tennis-ball photo and the 'last photos' - both allegedly taken of Madeleine during that week at the Ocean Club. Not to mention the other photos that appear to have been in very poor taste, given the very suspicious circumstances in which Madeleine disappeared.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by WeAreOne 11.10.14 18:58

After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney. A familiar name to a lot of you I know. She is a very busy women that Pamela, a firm supporter of the Mccans since day one, posting under a number of different pseudoynms and importantly she is the person that outed Brenda.

For those of you who dont know what I am talking about. A quick google of "Pamela Gurney" will result in a number of different results. This women seems to be borderline infatuated with the Mccans and fights for them at every chance, on every web page, twitter and facebook page that dare question the official story. She has no evidence to back up her idea that the Maccans are telling the truth. She just 'knows'. Despite having no evidence or apparently not even knowing the Mccans personally she seems to have made it her lifes work to protect the mccans, whenever and wherever she can, on the internet. She also likes to abuse people who have a different opinion.

It is now my belief, unless any other proof comes forward, that BasilandManuel twitterer is Pamela Gurney. I don't think Amy Tierney has anything to do with this. Pamela Gurney 'outed' Brenda and posted her photo and address online. I believe Pamela, herself, is the person the police should be questionning over her 7 year obsession with the Mccans and her harrassment and threats to Brenda and others.

Now as to why she is doing this. As I am new to this and still researching I have yet to make up my mind. She is either someone who has nothing better to do with her time. Or a paid troll. However, maybe the Mccans dont really need to pay people, there might just be people out there who, like i said, have nothing better to do, believe they are doing the right thing, become obsessed and it takes over their life.

As for Brendas tragic death. Theres are a few possibilities. Maybe instead of helping, Pamela was hindering the mccans plans and Brenda was silenced to bring some control to the situation. Or maybe Brendas death was the plan all along, to scare off other investigators and to 'make an example' of, as Gerry Mccan said, thus giving the go ahead for more internet control. Maybe Pamela is a real fruit cake who, along with other fruit cakes, went all vigilante and finished Brenda off themselves. Or maybe Brenda had found something out, maybe about paid trolls on the Mccans payroll, as she was hinting at on her twitter feed and that is why she had to be kept quiet.

I will be investigating further.

It is possible to trace IP addresses and peoples home addresses, especially when they are not careful. So verifing how many twitter, facebook and different psuedonyms Pamela Gurney has is possible and shouldnt be that difficult.

An interesting thing I found was this, maybe some of you might know more about it -

A frustrating conversation where Pam refused to answer any questions and cried 'bully' and any chance-

Alot of people complaining about Pamela here-

And here outing Pamela as posting as someone named judy -

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by sallypelt 11.10.14 19:09

WeAreOne wrote:After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney. A familiar name to a lot of you I know. She is a very busy women that Pamela, a firm supporter of the Mccans since day one, posting under a number of different pseudoynms and importantly she is the person that outed Brenda.

For those of you who dont know what I am talking about. A quick google of "Pamela Gurney" will result in a number of different results. This women seems to be borderline infatuated with the Mccans and fights for them at every chance, on every web page, twitter and facebook page that dare question the official story. She has no evidence to back up her idea that the Maccans are telling the truth. She just 'knows'. Despite having no evidence or apparently not even knowing the Mccans personally she seems to have made it her lifes work to protect the mccans, whenever and wherever she can, on the internet. She also likes to abuse people who have a different opinion.

It is now my belief, unless any other proof comes forward, that BasilandManuel twitterer is Pamela Gurney. I don't think Amy Tierney has anything to do with this. Pamela Gurney 'outed' Brenda and posted her photo and address online. I believe Pamela, herself, is the person the police should be questionning over her 7 year obsession with the Mccans and her harrassment and threats to Brenda and others.

Now as to why she is doing this. As I am new to this and still researching I have yet to make up my mind. She is either someone who has nothing better to do with her time. Or a paid troll. However, maybe the Mccans dont really need to pay people, there might just be people out there who, like i said, have nothing better to do, believe they are doing the right thing, become obsessed and it takes over their life.

As for Brendas tragic death. Theres are a few possibilities. Maybe instead of helping, Pamela was hindering the mccans plans and Brenda was silenced to bring some control to the situation. Or maybe Brendas death was the plan all along, to scare off other investigators and to 'make an example' of, as Gerry Mccan said, thus giving the go ahead for more internet control. Maybe Pamela is a real fruit cake who, along with other fruit cakes, went all vigilante and finished Brenda off themselves. Or maybe Brenda had found something out, maybe about paid trolls on the Mccans payroll, as she was hinting at on her twitter feed and that is why she had to be kept quiet.

I will be investigating further.

It is possible to trace IP addresses and peoples home addresses, especially when they are not careful. So verifing how many twitter, facebook and different psuedonyms Pamela Gurney has is possible and shouldnt be that difficult.

An interesting thing I found was this, maybe some of you might know more about it -

A frustrating conversation where Pam refused to answer any questions and cried 'bully' and any chance-

Alot of people complaining about Pamela here-

And here outing Pamela as posting as someone named judy -

Also add this to the list. Someone by the name of Tony Booth has posted this list on Twitter, and so has Joanna:

Tony Booth says that only 4 people run these accounts:
@phoebus1 @safarisara @jonoriver51, @josephodriscoll @wahootie @19barbara57 @mobyra @ zante03 @zannalise @truthizsexy @tigertiger439 @thewhitewizard @nicwits @thejenreturns @thescarreturns @alfibab3 @justclairee @ mrbuskom @c_buskom @randomleigh1 @smashytrashy @judemckew @woollyback11 @janoschGonzalez @rebeccacasher1 @muratfan @Pool55SW19 @portiatolkien @Verity-2012 @CrazyHorser @Tiger_Loaf  @greenink211 @greenink211 @OlwynMassey @TaraL_Tolkien @RobinLovejoy @superdupedoodle @News_Meister @kellycozens1 @Cop_G_Amaral @BobsStillhere @PUP_Official @sitheran @PippaBrownp29 @mrsmlouis @DAFFODIL53 @AmaralFiction @PJ_Blunders @nowayjomo @nowaymojo @urcrazytoo @jillslaw @kiki_barnes  @xmaseveevil1 @turningstones4 @woolyback12 @Cerb32 @noelogara @irish_Gaels @xxxxxFernxxxxx @JohnnyWatergate @cafemccann @juestrenger

I know many of those ids belong to Pamela Gurney

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Tony Bennett 11.10.14 19:16

WeAreOne wrote:After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney...
An interesting thing I found was this, maybe some of you might know more about it - 
I know who this blogger is.

He is one of the few left who really believe that Hollie Greig, who is now a severely handicapped Downs Syndrome adult, really was serially abused and raped for a period of 14 years (between the ages of 6 and 20) by a ring of 22-31 (the numbers vary as Anne Greig, Hollie's mother, tells her tales) senior Scottish paedophiles, including several high-up members of the Scottish legal establishment, including a Sheriff.

These claims have been promoted relentlessly by Mrs Greig and one Robert Green, who has been imprisoned twice for breaking injunctions - including alleging that various individuals living in Aberdeen are paedophiles, and leafletting the streets where they lived. One of Anne Greig's former friends, Mrs Sylvia Major, was forced as a result of this leafletting activity to give up her hairdressing business as a result of these claims. Sylvia is a member of this very forum.

The 'Jon' referred to is one of two researchers who have done most to expose the false claims of Anne Greig and Robert Green, along with 'Maggie', who is also a member here.

The blogger says this in his blog-post:




Who knows? I might be right about both


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Question mark

Post by Guest 11.10.14 19:25

This Gurney character (?)

Do we know who that is?

The vituperation is sooh reminiscent of one of our main characters

Are we sure its not her?

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by .Guest.. 11.10.14 19:45

Portia wrote:This Gurney character (?)

Do we know who that is?

The vituperation is sooh reminiscent of one of our main characters

Are we sure its not her?

Take your pick Portia. She is all pervasive,

adjective: pervasive
[*](especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
"ageism is pervasive and entrenched in our society"
synonyms:prevalent, pervading, permeating, extensive, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal, rife, widespread, general


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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by WeAreOne 11.10.14 19:48

Tony Bennett wrote:
WeAreOne wrote:After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney...
An interesting thing I found was this, maybe some of you might know more about it - 
I know who this blogger is.

He is one of the few left who really believe that Hollie Greig, who is now a severely handicapped Downs Syndrome adult, really was serially abused and raped for a period of 14 years (between the ages of 6 and 20) by a ring of 22-31 (the numbers vary as Anne Greig, Hollie's mother, tells her tales) senior Scottish paedophiles, including several high-up members of the Scottish legal establishment, including a Sheriff.

These claims have been promoted relentlessly by Mrs Greig and one Robert Green, who has been imprisoned twice for breaking injunctions - including alleging that various individuals living in Aberdeen are paedophiles, and leafletting the streets where they lived. One of Anne Greig's former friends, Mrs Sylvia Major, was forced as a result of this leafletting activity to give up her hairdressing business as a result of these claims. Sylvia is a member of this very forum.

The 'Jon' referred to is one of two researchers who have done most to expose the false claims of Anne Greig and Robert Green, along with 'Maggie', who is also a member here.

The blogger says this in his blog-post:




Who knows? I might be right about both

Didnt realise you were the same Tony. I cant comment on this as I know nothing about the case. I was more interested in 'Pamela Gurney' being mentioned again but fail to see anything being said about her on that page so maybe irrelevant.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Guest 11.10.14 19:49

anon357 wrote:
Portia wrote:This Gurney character (?)

Do we know who that is?

The vituperation is sooh reminiscent of one of our main characters

Are we sure its not her?

Take your pick Portia. She is all pervasive,

adjective: pervasive

A poster here, Portia?

Good to see you again.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by Woofer 11.10.14 20:47

Just read through the Facebook conversation with Pam Gurney - HiDeHo tried to engage her in a sensible conversation but other people kept butting in.  It would have been better if the conversation had just been between HiDeHo and Pam Gurney.  Anyway, there`s no getting away from the fact that everything PG writes is vapid and empty - she dodges genuine questions, is not able to answer anything concretely and obviously tells lies.  Absolutely pointless engaging with the woman at all.  IMO she doesn`t have the intelligence to compile a shopping list, let alone a dossier.

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Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!??? - Page 3 Empty Re: Was Brenda Leyland Murdered Because Of What She Had Just Found Out!???

Post by galena 11.10.14 21:07

WeAreOne wrote:After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney. A familiar name to a lot of you I know. She is a very busy women that Pamela, a firm supporter of the Mccans since day one, posting under a number of different pseudoynms and importantly she is the person that outed Brenda.

As for Brendas tragic death. Theres are a few possibilities. Maybe instead of helping, Pamela was hindering the mccans plans and Brenda was silenced to bring some control to the situation. Or maybe Brendas death was the plan all along, to scare off other investigators and to 'make an example' of, as Gerry Mccan said, thus giving the go ahead for more internet control. Maybe Pamela is a real fruit cake who, along with other fruit cakes, went all vigilante and finished Brenda off themselves. Or maybe Brenda had found something out, maybe about paid trolls on the Mccans payroll, as she was hinting at on her twitter feed and that is why she had to be kept quiet.

Interesting theory in that it could have been different parties involved. I find it hard to credit that any kind of plan that could consist of both 'outing' Brenda as a troll and then killing her.  If you plan to kill someone because of stuff they are posting online you don't first make them famous, ensuring after their death 100s of amateur sleuths will go through their tweets looking for anything significant about the case.  Similarly if you plan to make an example of someone and possibly sue them (as happened with TB and GA) it's not in your interest for them to die in tragic circumstances.

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