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Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by justagrannynow 1 Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:00 am

It’s always the little detail that makes the whole difference. A little thing that suddenly ignites the linking and connecting of events and people seemingly disconnected from each other.

With the details with what had happened in Praia da Luz, on the evening of the 3rd, I was quite satisfied with what I was able to deduce. But it’s always been intriguing how these people could have manipulated and ordered around a whole country.

Their power had to be based on them being able to leash out a scandal, and not just any kind of scandal. It had to be more than about money or “tame” sex. It had to be something big, really big.

Big enough to answer that questions we’ve been asked over, and over again, as to WHY the McCanns have enjoyed the protection that they have had.

When I read that Mr. Gambles had been a member of, and had led the SBI Branch in Belfast, a lot started to make a lot of sense. Finally.

The more I read, the more the pieces of the puzzle started to fall in place. And this is what I read (hopefully I’ll read a lot more…):

From the CV on Jim Gamble that I took from the 3A Forum, I left out some information that I thought to be irrelevant but is anything but that:

At the end of 2001, Jim took up a leading role with the National Crime Squad for England and Wales as an Assistant Chief Constable and, in 2004, as Deputy Director General. Jim was also responsible in this time for the UK’s National High Tech Crime Unit, co-ordination of Operation Ore – the UK’s largest ever investigation into online child abuse – and the national Paedophile Online Investigation Team.

From Wikipedia on Jim Gamble:

James "Jim" Gamble QPM is a senior British police officer from Bangor in Northern Ireland. He is chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), a police unit affiliated to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) in the United Kingdom.

Earlier in his career he was head of the Northern Ireland anti-terrorist intelligence unit in Belfast, then Deputy Director General(with the rank of Deputy Chief Constable) of the National Crime Squad which in April 2006 merged into the Serious Organised Crime Agency.

Gamble led the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) fight against child sex abuse, including initiatives such as the controversial Operation Ore. He led the work to set up the National Crime Squad's specialist response cell – the Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT). He was awarded the Queen’s Police medal (QPM) in the New Year Honours 2008.

Gamble is among five candidates shortlisted to succeed Sir Hugh Orde as Police Service of Northern Ireland chief constable.. Also in the running is Bernard Hogan-Howe, chief constable of Merseyside; Jon Stoddart, chief constable of Durham; Paul West, chief constable of West Mercia; and Matt Baggott, chief constable of Leicestershire

From Wikipedia on CEOP:

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), formed in April 2006, is a UK cross agency and cross business department of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), which is tasked to work both nationally and internationally to bring online child sex offenders, including those involved in the production, distribution and viewing of child pornography, to the UK courts.


Jim Gamble is Chief Executive of CEOP. A senior police officer of 25 years, he was head of the Northern Ireland anti-terrorist intelligence unit in Belfast, then most recently tackled organised crime as the Deputy Director of the National Crime Squad. In March 2010 Gamble called for a "panic button" - for the public to report suspected paedophiles - to be installed on the main profile page of every Facebook user.


CEOP gained its first successful prosecution in June 2006, when Lee Costi, 21, of Haslemere, Surrey, was sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court where he admitted grooming schoolgirls for sex. Costi was caught when a Nottingham girl told her mother about his chatroom messages.

Following this, in June 2007, Timothy Cox was jailed at a court in Buxhall, Suffolk, following a 10-month operation by CEOP Officers, as well as other Virtula Global Taskforce Members, leading to 700 new suspects being followed up by law enforcement agencies around the world.

From Wikipedia on SOCA:

The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) is a non-departmental public body of the United Kingdom government and a national law enforcement agency in the United Kingdom.
A consequence of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, SOCA formally came into being on 1 April 2006 following a merger of:
- the National Crime Squad (NCS),
- the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) (elements of which were incorporated into the Association of Chief Police Officers Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service (AVCIS))
- the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU),
- the investigative and intelligence sections of HM Revenue & Customs on serious drug trafficking,
- and the Immigration Service’s responsibilities for organised immigration crime.

Child protection

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is technically part of SOCA and its officers are SOCA officers. However, CEOP largely operates separately to the bulk of SOCA. The task of online child protection had previously been (in part) the responsibility of the NHTCU. CEOP recently announced the opening of the CEOP Academy, designed to be a centre of excellence in this area of law enforcement. CEOP works in conjunction with New Scotland Yard Child Abuse Investigation Command which has its own hi-tech unit.

Computer crime

Officers from the former National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU) became SOCA's e-crime unit. However, the remit of this unit is much narrower than that of the body it replaced. In particular, the NHTCU had established a confidentiality charter to encourage victims of computer crime to contact the police in confidence, because many corporate victims in particular do not report attacks due to fears of bad publicity. The loss of the confidentiality charter has been widely criticised although similar protection is now provided by the same Act of Parliament used to create SOCA.

From Wikipedia on Operation Ore:

In May of 2002, Operation Ore was implemented in the UK to investigate and prosecute the Landslide users whose names were provided by the FBI. Police conducting Operation Ore targeted all names on the list for investigation due to the difference in laws in between the US and the UK, which allowed for arrest on a charge of incitement to distribute child pornography based solely on the presence of a name in the database.

In all, 3,744 people were investigated and arrested. The charge of possession of child pornography was used where evidence was found, but the lesser charge of incitement was used in those cases where a user's details were on the Landslide database but no images were found on the suspect's computer or in his home. Because of the number of names on the FBI list, the scale of the investigation in the UK was overwhelming to the police, who appealed to the government for emergency funding for the case. Reportedly several million pounds were spent in the investigations, and complaints mounted that other investigations were put at risk because of the diversion of the resources of child protection units into the case.

Information from the Operation Ore list of names was leaked to the press early in 2003. In January the Daily Mail first led with a story implicating a "legendary British rock star." After obtaining the list, the Sunday Times stated that it included the names of a number of prominent individuals, some of which were later published by the press. The Sunday Times reported that the list included at least twenty senior executives, a senior teacher at an exclusive girl's public school, personnel from military bases, GPs, university academics and civil servants, a famous newspaper columnist, a song writer for a legendary pop band, a member of a chart-topping 1980s cult pop group, and an official with the Church of England. An investigation followed the leak, and police complained that the advance warning would allow suspected paedophiles to dispose of evidence. A police officer was reported to have lost his job for leaking the names.


CEOP and its Chief Executive were accused of using vague terms which do not have a recognised meaning within either child protection or law enforcement when they defended the operation.

That is a whole lot of information. Tedious even.

Let’s try and simplify things and timeline things:

1982 – 2001 (Jim Gamble) Joined the Police Service of Northern Ireland in 1982 (formerly the Royal Ulster Constabulary) to Head of Special Branch Intelligence (SBI) in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in charge of all counter-terrorism and operations relating to Irish terrorism in the UK and overseas.

1997 – Tony Blair elected UK’s PM

2001 – (Jim Gamble) Assistant Chief Constable of the NCS for England and Wales

2001 – 2006 – (Jim Gamble) Responsible for the UK’s NHTCU, in part responsible for the task of online child protection.

2002 – Operation Ore was implemented in the UK to investigate and prosecute the Landslide users whose names were provided by the FBI.

(?) – (Jim Gamble) Led the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) fight against child sex abuse, including initiatives such as the controversial Operation. He led the work to set up the National Crime Squad's specialist response cell – the Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT).

2003 – Operation Ore list of names was leaked to the press. It included at least twenty senior executives, a senior teacher at an exclusive girl's public school, personnel from military bases, GPs, university academics and civil servants, a famous newspaper columnist, a song writer for a legendary pop band, a member of a chart-topping 1980s cult pop group, and an official with the Church of England.

2004 – (Jim Gamble) Deputy Director General of the NCS for England and Wales

2006 – Creation of SOCA, merging among other agencies, the NCS and NHTCU

2006 – Creation of CEOP, led by Jim Gamble

2007 (May) – Madeleine Beth McCann dies in Praia da Luz, Algarve

2007 (June) – Tony Blair resigns from UK’s PM

2009 – (Jim Gamble) Among five candidates shortlisted to succeed Sir Hugh Orde as Police Service of Northern Ireland chief constable.. Also in the running is Bernard Hogan-Howe, chief constable of Merseyside; Jon Stoddart, chief constable of Durham; Paul West, chief constable of West Mercia; and Matt Baggott, chief constable of Leicestershire, who was appointed.

2010 – (Jim Gamble) Called for a "panic button" - for the public to report suspected paedophiles - to be installed on the main profile page of every Facebook user.

It’s easy to see that we have before us an individual who with an IMPRESSIVE experience in handling intelligence, with a particular emphasis in both in internet and pedophilia, areas which I assume him to be an expert.

It’s a known fact that anybody involved in investigating the violent phenomenon that is pedophilia, should be in it for no longer than three years. If you’re exposing yourself to the graphical violence, that period should not exceed six months.

It’s got to do with mental health, numbness to details, and possibility of irrational vengeful behavior. Since this gentleman has long exceeded any of these periods, one can only assume that he hasn’t been in direct investigative duties but coordinates the teams that do that.

Much like Gonçalo Amaral in the Maddie case. Quite a coincidence, wouldn’t that be?

To the intelligence people, who this man is certainly included, there’s no such thing as luck, coincidence or fluke.

Any of situations happening and those circumstances, and they do happen, are by definition unforeseen. That means that somehow the analysis of that particular information could have been done in a more precise manner, or even in a correct manner.

It means basically that they’ve failed.

Let me try to explain this just a little better. An economist is a person who is able to tell you, quite correctly and justifying each and every statement, what went wrong, or right, with the economy, nationally or internationally, in a certain period that has passed and in which, as they explain you are suffering what you are suffering right now.

Economists are information analysts who reach certainly valuable conclusions.

But Intelligence doesn’t require economists, it wants to know what the future reserves, not explanations about the past, however correct they may be. If you can’t predict, you can’t prevent. Putting out fires is for firemen.

So, please, when thinking about people as these, wipe out from your brain expressions like “it may have been that…” No luck, no fortune, coincidences, no flukes, just plain hard work.

I won’t get, at this stage, into what I think about the possible connections between this man, Operation Ore, the UK Government and Maddie’s Scandal. But they are, in my opinion, very much linked and intertwined. My good friend Ironside has been feeding you some adequate information in his comments, as I’ve had valuable contributions from my readers, who I take the opportunity to thank.

I want to focus Mr. James Gamble and pedophilia and his online capabilities.

Not even hinting that he’s one himself, but if there’s a single man that is able to spot a pedophile even before that individual has even had his first dirty thought, then you’re before him.

He’s a man who knows, as an expert that he is, that any pedophile is completely aware of his sick vice and will do anything to hide it, ashamed as he feels for the pleasure felt from such an abject need.

He’s a man who knows, as an expert that he is, that pedophiles will always use other than their own identities to purchase or be officially linked to this disgusting activity, for they know they are committing the vilest of acts. The vast majority of credit card payments to purchase or view this type of aberration is obviously done through credit card fraud. That’s not experience, that’s common sense. Mr Gambles knows, as an expert that he is, that pretty well, I’m sure.

He also knows, as an expert that he is, that the security systems set up by pedophiles to protect themselves is extremely complex in such a manner that to “progress” up the chain of trust. To reach some levels you have to perform these unspeakable acts before you’re accepted in the inner circle of these animals.

He knows perfectly well, as an expert that he is, that child victims of online predators go VOLUNTARILY to the slaughter. Like innocent lambs they are. And it’s their innocence that is exploited to be conned, convinced or fooled into a trustful relationship.

Nobody, not even a child, goes to meet a stranger that they suspect will harm them. To say that is being arrogantly malignant. No, not even a stupid idiot would say it.

The filter has to be somewhere else and certainly not dependant of the victim who, Mr. Gamble perfectly knows, as an expert that he is, is totally unaware of the threat.

He knows, as an expert that he is, that the push-button thing is pushing is a as a big and as vile marketing ploy as was Maddie’s eye. It’s stupid and useless to protect kids, but what a wonderful tool to persecute anyone you wish.

You see, he also knows, as an expert that he is, and exploits that very well, that to be branded a pedophile is worse than wearing a David’s Star in Auchwitz, than being a black in Alabama when lynching was fashionable, than being a muslim in Sbrenica in 1995. It’s worse because you’re branded with something that only a part of society hates, but of something that the WHOLE society hates.

And if you’re innocent of the charges, you’re as much to blame for the branding as any of the persecuted groups I just referred.

He knows all this, and much more, as an expert that he is,. Some I will discuss it later, but most important thing that he knows is what I’m about to say next.

He KNOWS who the real pedophiles in the UK are. And outside UK, but that is not his jurisdiction. He may not know them all, as pedophiles, unfortunately for us all, don’t cease to appear.

But he knows who’s on THE LIST. Not the Ore list, THE LIST. Let me just remind you what Wikipedia said about the Ore list: “it included at least twenty senior executives, a senior teacher at an exclusive girl's public school, personnel from military bases, GPs, university academics and civil servants, a famous newspaper columnist, a song writer for a legendary pop band, a member of a chart-topping 1980s cult pop group, and an official with the Church of England”.

That, as we now know, is based purely on credit card transactions, so most of the names in it are of totally innocent people. But not the names on THE LIST.

And this Ore List came from the US, whilst THE LIST that I'm supposing to exist, is homemade. And it doesn't exist only if UK assumes that only the US investigates these things. Mr. Gamble's curriculum states otherwise, but, for libel's sake, let's just SUPPOSE it exists.

I imagine that average-Joe (and Jane, for pedophilia is not an exclusive male aberration, as much as Mr. Gamble tries to convince us that only whoever has a penis is a danger to children) that has ever been on that list, has been, correctly persecuted and condemned.

But average-Joe’s don’t feed power. And there’s no more power than having in your hand the names of the nations’ notorious as the most perverts of perverts.

As I said, I don’t have proof that THE LIST exists, but apparently there is proof that out all of the Ore List names not all were charged, as we hopefully shall see on the 27th. So there is a double standard in the British Judicial System when it comes to pedophilia.

Also Mr. Gamble also knows, as an expert that he is, that if you have a foe, or if you need a name, well, just hack a computer, hide a couple of pictures in it, bring in the cavalry, and, voilá, you have yourself a certified pedophile, that you, and only YOU, know that he’s not. No, not saying he would ever do THAT. Didn't cross my mind for a minute.

But, in any case all required is the adequate computer knowledge. Know anyone who has?

Last, but not least, and completely off-subject for now, let me just go back to my timeline.

2009 – (Jim Gamble) Among five candidates shortlisted to succeed Sir Hugh Orde as Police Service of Northern Ireland chief constable.. Also in the running is Bernard Hogan-Howe, chief constable of Merseyside; Jon Stoddart, chief constable of Durham; Paul West, chief constable of West Mercia; and Matt Baggott, chief constable of Leicestershire, who was appointed.

Now ain’t that just luck, fortune, coincidence and a fluke, all in one?

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Autumn Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:11 pm

hi Thanks for posting that Justagran, imo, Jim Gamble is connected to this case and we need to keep the spotlight on him.

Could it be that the pieces of the jigsaw are finally starting to fit together? For me, it was only after reading an article posted here by Tony, questioning Jim Gamble's suitablility as a person to head a review into the case, that alarm bells started to ring in my head. I read up about Gamble's past and was particularly concerned about his conduct relating to Operation Ore and am convinced there is a connection to this case.

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Judge Mental Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:58 pm

Alarm bells rang very loudly for me when it was repeatedly pointed out to viewers that Kate McCann had called Gamble herself.

I felt like Quasimodo after listening to that over and over again. Deafening.

Nothing would make me believe me that Kate McCann contacted Gamble of her own volition.
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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Jill Havern Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:12 pm

I didn't know she did that Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Icon_eek

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Judge Mental Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:28 pm

jkh wrote:I didn't know she did that Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Icon_eek



'........... Ceop did not work directly with the Portuguese police, who led the investigation into the little girl's disappearance before shelving the case in July last year.

But any relevant information received will be passed on to Leicestershire Police, who will share it with detectives in Portugal.

Mr Gamble said the appeal came about after Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, wrote to him expressing frustration that lines of inquiry were drying up.

He added: "We talked to psychologists about guilt, about how we can open the opportunity for an individual or remind them that they can redeem themselves, they can do the right thing.

"It's about considering how normal people deal with keeping a secret and how they can be prompted to come forward."

Mr Gamble stressed that investigations involving missing children were never closed, citing the cases of youngsters such as Jaycee Lee Dugard, who turned up in California in August this year after disappearing 18 years earlier.'
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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Judge Mental Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:36 pm

Gamble has no credibility in this case. If he openly gave the dogs and the PJ one scintilla of credibility and the Tapas 9 just a tiny bit less credibility, then perhaps somebody somewhere may give him a speck of credibility. Please understand that I would not personally be able to give him any credibility at all because he has burned his boats with me.

He still looks like a guy with a big hat and no cattle.
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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by laurie Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:53 pm

Wouldn't trust Gamble asfar as i could throw him, and believe me that would not be very far. Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Icon_rolleyes
Formerly Assistant Chief Constable of the National Crime Squad (responsible for co-ordinating Operation Ore)
As a direct consequence of the statements and decisions of Jim Gamble and associated people, the innocent were incriminated, guilt was overstated, lives were endangered or lost, public morals were corrupted and justice was denied.
Jim's done very well out of Operation Ore, he's now CEO of the UK's new Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP).
On 31/08/2005 Complaints to the IPCC regarding Jim Gamble's conduct prior to and during Operation Ore were upheld. It appears that the IPCC are now unwilling to investigate the complaints as they are legally required to

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Guest Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:25 pm

If he had complaints made against him why should he be handed such a high profile job on CEOP, I would have thought they should have had someone with no alleged skeletons in his closet! Are they giving him this job as a reward for keeping quiet about something? in the same way that Baggott may have got rewarded with a new job?

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by tigger Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:45 pm

Didn't like to start a new topic but came across Spudgun's article on Gamble on Twitter.

I'm particularly interested in the back-pedalling regarding his earlier statements. For that reason alone, in view of the press coverage of the recent months, it's well worth a read. I've included some of the comments.
The first post here is one I'd never read before, very impressive CV.

sunday, 24 march 2013

McCanns CHAMPION. Will the REAL Jim Gamble Please stand up?

It appears I have offended Jim Gamble, former Northern Ireland Police Chief and former Chief Executive of Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.

For those who may have forgotten, Mr. Gamble formed a close alliance with the McCanns, after their daughter Madeleine went missing, making them ‘Poster People’ for his CEOP Website, as well as involving them in other Campaigns.

I asked Mr. Gamble, via his twitter account, whether it was still his insistence that Madeleine McCann was abducted?

His response, I found to be quite astonishing:
“I am not sure that I gave ever (sic) insisted any particular theory”

Could this really be THE Jim Gamble?

The Jim Gamble who invited Gerry McCann to a CEOP conference entitled 'Taken: Sexually-motivated child abductions' to deliver the final speech??
The Jim Gamble who oversaw the making of the CEOP Viral video ‘A Minute for Madeleine’, a heart-rending appeal to the abductor, or those who know the abductor, to make contact and “Do the right thing”.

The Jim Gamble who said of Madeleine’s ABDUCTOR, in an interview with the Guardian:

"The person who's done it knows they have done it," said Gamble. "They will be paranoid, and it is likely that someone close to them will see that paranoia, or that as the pressure builds someone close to them who knows they have done it, and who is no longer a friend, might come forward. One thing is sure: the person who did this will be watching and listening."


Clearly, this is a DIFFERENT Jim Gamble on Twitter, for THIS Jim Gamble now says:

“Until an investigation comes up with definitive answers I'm not sure we can say exactly what happened”.

Which was rather precisely the POINT of my question, given Mr. Gamble’s very obvious, tangible and unequivocal support of the McCanns and the ABDUCTION theory.

When I point this out to him, he responds:
“She is still missing. I am not going to play word games with you”.

ONE thing which is very apparent and repetitive in Mr. Gamble’s tweets about the case is his assertion that the McCanns have been “victimised”, “bullied” and “harassed”.

"I am sure however that the parents should not be bullied"......."I am if the opinion that the parents are harassed and bullied"....." I take it you don't support abusive & malign attacks on the parents?"

Here is MY response to him, in full:

"Mr. Gamble, I am categorically NOT playing games of any kind, word or otherwise. You have demonstrably been a vociferous supporter of the McCanns over the past few years, clearly propagating the theory that Madeleine McCann was abducted, and I merely wanted to know why it was you were so certain that the little girl WAS abducted.

Your initial response was "I am not sure that I gave ever insisted any particular theory", and I am reiterating that it is patently simple to demonstrate that you HAVE.

That, of course, is your prerogative and I am in no way derogating you for your opinion.

Additionally, you keep responding to my questions that you are witnessing a lot of "bullying" of Madeleines' parents, Kate and Gerry. Are you suggesting that anyone who wishes to dispute or doubt that Madeleine was abducted is, in fact, a BULLY?

I fully agree and accept that there are some sections of the online community who have posted despicable material relating to the case and who have adopted a course of action that could be deemed bullying, but my queries and questions, along with those many OTHERS who wish to voice the same opinions, can not surely be included in that?"

Mr. Gamble hasn’t, as yet, responded, nor do I expect him to.
He DID, however, take issue with other tweeters who made comments, and he also suggested that he would be seeking Legal recourse:-
“I will be in touch” He writes, cryptically, if not a little menacingly, including ME in his message.

A quick perusal through Mr. Gamble’s Twitter timeline will quickly establish his apparent and obvious devotion to stopping Online Bullying and abuse.

Which makes it all the more remarkable when you consider that some of the people he FOLLOWS and supports, on Twitter, are renowned and regular abusers and bullies of those who do NOT bully or harass Madeleine’s parents, but simply elect NOT to believe that Madeleine McCann was abducted!

He converses with, re-tweets and follows those who haunt those forums and web pages, specifically designed, set up and launched to provide an ABUSE platform against anyone who deviates from the Madeleine abduction theory.

Web pages that publish personal and private information, photographs of individuals and in some cases, their families and CHILDREN, ‘outing’ who they refer to as ‘Pitchforkers’ or ‘Haters’ simply because they do not share their opinions.

People who undertake extensive and elaborate CYBERSTALKING in order to vilify and abuse anyone who opines anything differently to what the McCanns and their subservient PRESS adhere to.

So this clearly CAN’T be THE Jim Gamble, but an imposter, or someone who has hacked his twitter account.

As I tweeted:

“PLEASE NOTE: TROLL ALERT @Jgineqe account, purporting to be Jim Gamble, formerly of CEOP, is probably FAKE, unless proven otherwise!”

Quick as a flash, jumping to his defence is none other than the infamous Father Jack!, (@urcrazytoo)  a person who has made 17,500 tweets, EXCLUSIVELY abusing, goading and ridiculing everyone and anyone  who elects not to agree with the seeming CULT to which this individual subscribes!

Even QUICKER was the defence of Father Jack himself, made by........Jim GAMBLE!!

When I referred to the former using a derogative, if not marginally abusive  term, Gamble responded:
“Classic”, why resort to abusive language?”

Because, Mr. Gamble, you can’t argue with a Troll. They’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience every time.

So you’ll have to forgive me if, you are indeed the REAL Jim Gamble and it WAS you who ‘penned’ the conversation we held on twitter .

Alas, my assertion that you are a troll still stands.

Because, by standing against, and encouraging the derogating of anyone who chooses NOT to support the McCanns, along with labeling them as bullies and abusers by virtue of their opinions, is trolling.

In addition to which, ANYONE who cares to FOLLOW and associate with the incorrigible and puerile Father Jack can only be a troll!
Of course, if you still wish to seek “legal recourse”, then let me know. I’ll give you my address to send the subpoena.

Godbless Madeleine McCann, wherever you may be.
posted by spudgun at 12:42  
labels: censorship, ceop, jim gamble, madeleine mccann, mccanns

Anonymous24 March 2013 18:16
I hope Jim Gamble reads this blog.

Considering he must be intelligent to have held such important positions, surely he can see the vast majority of supporters are doing his friends Gerry & Kate no good with their terror campaign towards people who are truly concerned about Madeleine and spend time keeping her in the forefront of people's minds and praying for truth and justice for her? Why would anybody support those who will do anything to ruin the lives of those who seek the truth? Madeleine was three years old, whoever harmed or took her from 5A must pay for what they've done by law. Anything less is wholly disrespectful to the innocent little angel's life.

People who care are vilified and threatened by bullies, thugs, stalkers, terrorists and have to endure massive intimidation. Anyone who supports that behaviour either doesn't give a fig about Madeleine and her family or is willfully (or naturally?) ignorant.

I invite Mr Gamble to hang around on twitter and watch to see just who the decent people really are.

Anonymous24 March 2013 23:47
@DodgyDrPayne stop harassing me. You have no reason to do so. You manipulation. Verbal bullying is offensive in the extreme. Stop.

Anonymous25 March 2013 01:11
Yet another who can't answer a reasonable question and resorts to telling the world what a bully you are for asking for a reply?

su25 March 2013 04:30
I am beginning to think that all people in positions of powers are creations of some mad scientist in a smoke filled laboratory.
Sometimes the scientist forgets which one of his creations is tied in to what.
Please let us never give up finding out the truth of who prevented truth and justice in this case.
The whole rotten barrel of them.

Anonymous25 March 2013 09:38
Way to go Spudgun.
I wonder if Jim Gamble has heard rumours from his police friends and is now hedging his bets re the "abduction".
It seems odd that he was so outspokenly in favour of Madeleine having been taken and now appears to be backtracking?

Anonymous25 March 2013 20:29
I also think there's a degree of back-peddling gone on. From being adamant over the abduction to being on the fence with an inability to answer pertinent questions speaks volumes. We should consider that a minor victory and seeing where it goes, rather than playing into their hands by arguing with or annoying him. The doubters are getting very bad press recently and it doesn't look good, it gives others ammunition and believability into "hate motivation" even if it can't be further from the truth. I think they're revelling in it because that's exactly what they want. Try to keep noses cleaner and let this run it's course. Play nice and let others look like the pieces of work they really are, attacking people is their domain and no moral victory was ever won by letting the opposition look good. Just saying.

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Guest Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:54 pm

I have found it very disturbing on twitter to note that the person calling himself Jim Gamble seems to align himself as has been said with McCann supporters who are onlne for the sole purpose of attacking anyone who disagrees with the Mccanns, anyone who raises any questions regarding the inconsistencies, changes of statements etc. and even anyone who posts facts from the PJ files.

I for one have not been abusive or nasty to people but have been attacked by these people many times. others who have not been rude or abusive have been attacked many times, I have never seen this Jim Gamble ever say anything about the constant bullying, intimidation, threats, harassment meted out to anyone who doubts the Mccanns, all I have ever seen is him making comments about the way people are treating the Mccanns.

This therefore to the observer could lead people to believe that Jim Gamble is more involved with the McCann case than he would have people believe. As someone who has worked for the Police he would know the findings of the PJ against the mccanns and he would know about the findings of the dogs which NO policeman would ignore, therefore his support of the Mccanns and their abusive supporters is extremely disturbing imo.

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Guest Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:35 pm

Allow me to share my thoughts on Gamble.

First of all, my feeling has been that he [Gamble] knows exactly what happened or at least what was wrong with this case.

When he set up the seminar with world renowned criminal behaviour specialists, including some FBI high-shots, and invited Gerry to come and speak, there was one thing that "hit" me. The programme was different from a normal one, in that after every keynote there was NO discussion. This discussion was to be ONLY AFTER Gerry would have delivered his speech at the END of the seminar. This [IMO only, of course] would have allowed ALL of them specialists to observe Mr. GM during the bigger part of the day. ALSO that, once questions were finally allowed, most of them would - quite naturally - be on the LAST speaker = GM.
At the time I thought it was brilliant. Much to my disappointment, however, on that day GM was not available in the afternoon and delivered some "text" early morning before attending his more important duties.

The second time my feelings were confirmed [IMO, of course], was the time that the "viral video" was released. There was GM hyperventilating [I mean HYPERVENTILATING], KM looking at him like an ice-princess and Gamble looking at him & camera making orchestrated close-ups of GM like in cue with keywords in the conversation ...

I do recognise I could be completely wrong. Nothing in this sad saga is written in stone ...

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by PeterMac Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:59 pm

Châtelaine wrote:
The second time my feelings were confirmed [IMO, of course], was the time that the "viral video" was released. There was GM hyperventilating [I mean HYPERVENTILATING], KM looking at him like an ice-princess and Gamble looking at him & camera making orchestrated close-ups of GM like in cue with keywords in the conversation ...

I do recognise I could be completely wrong. Nothing in this sad saga is written in stone ...
Fascinating. Is there a reference to the video ?

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Guest Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:05 pm

PeterMac wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:
The second time my feelings were confirmed [IMO, of course], was the time that the "viral video" was released. There was GM hyperventilating [I mean HYPERVENTILATING], KM looking at him like an ice-princess and Gamble looking at him & camera making orchestrated close-ups of GM like in cue with keywords in the conversation ...

I do recognise I could be completely wrong. Nothing in this sad saga is written in stone ...
Fascinating.  Is there a reference to the video ?
I've seen/watched it many times, Peter.
I'll see if it still exists.


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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by Guest Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:47 pm

Peter, the viral video can be found anywhere & everywhere [November 3, 2009].
However, there's limited access to the flurry of tv interviews on that day.
I thought I hit on gold, when I found Joana's site, but one of the videos is not available as it is "private".

I cannot remember which channel carried the "hyperventilating gerry / ice-princess kate"

It's getting late -  will give it a try again tomorrow.
Bonne nuit.

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Jim Gamble.   The Power Grid Empty Re: Jim Gamble. The Power Grid

Post by aiyoyo Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:11 am

Châtelaine wrote:Peter, the viral video can be found anywhere & everywhere [November 3, 2009].
However, there's limited access to the flurry of tv interviews on that day.
I thought I hit on gold, when I found Joana's site, but one of the videos is not available as it is "private".

I cannot remember which channel carried the "hyperventilating gerry / ice-princess kate"

It's getting late -  will give it a try again tomorrow.
Bonne nuit.

I was able to open the link and yes in the interview  Gerry was hyperventilating gerry (in the second video).
He talks about a child taken at a young age can be easy to mold to living in a community, mentioning no one knows the statistics of that, and mentioning also Elizabeth Smart.

  The interviewer saying what happened to them was unusual (hinting?) and the Mrs confirmed it was unusual and it happened to a young BRITISH child.  Dont know what so special/precious about British child over other races when she mentioned that?

In short, in that video they were implying MM could be taken by a couple to be raised.
The body language is loaded in those videos..incongruence and all, very awful to watch.  
And Jim Gamble sat through most of it like a mannequin.

The Mr & Mrs were glued together hands groping as usual, while Jim Gamble sat a few feet away from them as if they were lepers.

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