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Washing the curtains Mm11

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Washing the curtains Mm11

Washing the curtains Regist10

Washing the curtains

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Washing the curtains Empty Washing the curtains

Post by whmon 25.04.13 22:45

Before I found this site, I read somewhere on the internet that the curtains in 5A had been washed by the Mccanns. I don't recall where I read it but the post or article said that there were small amounts of blood on the wall and the curtains above had been washed. Can anybody shed any light/refute this?

Why on earth would anybody rent a holiday apartment for a few days and spend part of those precious few days washing the curtains? Well they wouldn't.

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by Guest 25.04.13 22:48

whmon wrote:Before I found this site, I read somewhere on the internet that the curtains in 5A had been washed by the Mccanns. I don't recall where I read it but the post or article said that there were small amounts of blood on the wall and the curtains above had been washed. Can anybody shed any light/refute this?

Why on earth would anybody rent a holiday apartment for a few days and spend part of those precious few days washing the curtains? Well they wouldn't.

They don't unless they transport corpses in those self same curtains.

Maybe. Who knows? God?

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by Smokeandmirrors 25.04.13 22:59

I definitely remember this, though goodness knows where it was. It could have been an early myth, there's a few things that were definitely talked about a lot, that vanished off the web. Like Kate "knowing" Madeleine had been abducted because Cuddle Cat was on a shelf, and how she was worried Madeleine would be upset without it. Of course, there was no such shelf in the apartment, and when the files and the photos were released, it went "whoosh" quicker than you could say ludicrous!!

None of us could guess how litigious this whole thing would get, and that the Mirror forum and the 3A's would disappear taking with them a lot of the early info that we now cannot find again. But as so many people remember certain things, it must have been there at some stage.

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by Peneda Geres 26.04.13 2:10

Smokeandmirrors wrote:I definitely remember this, though goodness knows where it was. It could have been an early myth, there's a few things that were definitely talked about a lot, that vanished off the web. Like Kate "knowing" Madeleine had been abducted because Cuddle Cat was on a shelf, and how she was worried Madeleine would be upset without it. Of course, there was no such shelf in the apartment, and when the files and the photos were released, it went "whoosh" quicker than you could say ludicrous!!

None of us could guess how litigious this whole thing would get, and that the Mirror forum and the 3A's would disappear taking with them a lot of the early info that we now cannot find again. But as so many people remember certain things, it must have been there at some stage.
Like cc on a high ledge, I have never read the bewk, was that ever mentioned.
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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by tigger 26.04.13 7:16

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Googling 'curtains washed McCann' will get you a whole lot of hits.

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by PeterMac 26.04.13 8:57

Peneda Geres wrote:Like cc on a high ledge, I have never read the bewk, was that ever mentioned.
No. In the book the animal is allegedly on the bed,
"On Madeleine’s bed, the top right-hand corners of the covers were still turned over, forming a triangle. Cuddle Cat and her pink princess blanket were lying where they’d been when we’d kissed her goodnight."
Very neatly laid out, ready for the photographer.
And of course there were no high ledges in the room.

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by russiandoll 26.04.13 15:50

the top right-hand corners of the covers were still turned over, forming a triangle *

THAT neat hey? Beds like that only seen in hotels in my experience and before climbed in and messed up, especially by a young sleeping child. She must have been very sound asleep.
You could be forgiven, if Kate were not so honest and credible, for thinking the bed had not been slept in at all.

*why does Kate feel the need to state the bleeding obvious?

She does not think her readers are all thick, does she ?


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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by PeterMac 26.04.13 16:20

russiandoll wrote:You could be forgiven, if Kate were not so honest and credible, for thinking the bed had not been slept in at all.
why does Kate feel the need to state the bleeding obvious?
She does not think her readers are all thick, does she ?
Interesting then that Gerry very carefully describes Madeleine NOT being in bed, but on it, with just her feet under the covers.
p. 70 “Gerry left to do the first check just before 9.05 by his watch . . .
Madeleine was lying there, on her left-hand side, her legs under the covers, in exactly the same position as we'd left her."

Which is even more strange since immediately before that Kate describes Madeleine getting INTO bed, and Snuggling down.
p. 68 “I took them all into their bedroom. Madeleine got into her bed and then Amelie, Sean and I settled ourselves on top of it, with our backs against the wall, for our final story.”
p. 69 Then we kissed the twins, and kissed Madeleine, already snuggled down with her ‘princess’ blanket and Cuddle Cat – a soft toy she’d been given soon after she was born and never went to bed without.
From Gerry McCann’s statement to police, on 10th May, 2007:
'Concerning the bed where his daughter was on the night she disappeared, he says that she slept uncovered, as usual when it was hot, with the bedclothes folded down'.
The problem with that is that everyone else in the group, including Kate, says it was freezing cold, and many of the girls were wearing extra clothing, which they also describe.

Kate McCann p. 73 “It was so cold and so windy.”
Tanner: . . . and I just thought that child's not got any shoes on because you could see the feet, and it was quite a cold night in Portugal in May it's not actually that warm, and I'd got a big jumper on, and I can remember thinking oh that parent is not a particularly good parent, they've not wrapped them up.
Russell O’Brien : The nights were quite chilly
Matthew Oldfield: in the evenings it was very cold,
Rachel Oldfield : it was really cold in the evenings
David Payne: it was quite cold some nights and you know perhaps nearly too cold to be sat outside
Fiona Payne : it was still very cold
Diane Webster: when they were brought up to our apartment and they would have to come out into the cold
On this one Gerry is on his own, but he has to explain why the bed is not messed up.

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by aiyoyo 26.04.13 17:19

Just like Kate sudden u-turn regarding the fleck in Maddie's eye.
In retrospect, they've had to reinvent the story to fit the situation.
Initially, Gerry thought releasing photo/poster of the Maddie with fleck in the eye was good was marketing ploy, until the Mccanns realised from retrospect it wasn't such a good strategy after all. In fact the reverse as it would be more difficult if not impossible for them to fabricate sightings.
If people were expected to check for fleck in a child's eye before reporting in sighting, then that would ruin their plan.
It would mean they can't fabricate sightings willy nilly, just like they can't claim DNA matching has been investigated by Police, and that would account for the reason why Kate subsequently played down the fleck saying it was barely noticeable, a 180 degree u-turn.

Remember everything the mccanns say and do is for a reason.


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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by tigger 26.04.13 18:50

aiyoyo wrote:Just like Kate sudden u-turn regarding the fleck in Maddie's eye.
In retrospect, they've had to reinvent the story to fit the situation.
Initially, Gerry thought releasing photo/poster of the Maddie with fleck in the eye was good was marketing ploy, until the Mccanns realised from retrospect it wasn't such a good strategy after all. In fact the reverse as it would be more difficult if not impossible for them to fabricate sightings.
If people were expected to check for fleck in a child's eye before reporting in sighting, then that would ruin their plan.
It would mean they can't fabricate sightings willy nilly, just like they can't claim DNA matching has been investigated by Police, and that would account for the reason why Kate subsequently played down the fleck saying it was barely noticeable, a 180 degree u-turn.

Remember everything the mccanns say and do is for a reason.

That's exactly it, they didn't want to have to go on pointless journeys to identify a child who might be Maddie. So the coloboma was a good ploy, not just for the marketing trademark, but after a few years they wanted sightings very badly, so it became a barely noticeable fleck.

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by Cristobell 27.04.13 0:15

tigger wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:Just like Kate sudden u-turn regarding the fleck in Maddie's eye.
In retrospect, they've had to reinvent the story to fit the situation.
Initially, Gerry thought releasing photo/poster of the Maddie with fleck in the eye was good was marketing ploy, until the Mccanns realised from retrospect it wasn't such a good strategy after all. In fact the reverse as it would be more difficult if not impossible for them to fabricate sightings.
If people were expected to check for fleck in a child's eye before reporting in sighting, then that would ruin their plan.
It would mean they can't fabricate sightings willy nilly, just like they can't claim DNA matching has been investigated by Police, and that would account for the reason why Kate subsequently played down the fleck saying it was barely noticeable, a 180 degree u-turn.

Remember everything the mccanns say and do is for a reason.

Great post! And agree, always a reason.

I have never fully understood the backtracking with the coloboma, but that makes sense. Also, I remember seeing an interview with GA where he mentioned the health implications of a coloboma, I think it included heart problems, but not sure. I don't think Madeleine's health records were ever made available. Anyway, his point was neither Kate nor Gerry made any appeals relating to any health problems Maddy may have had connected with her 'coloboma'. He considered this strange.

However, as the Fund is always the priority, it would make sense to widen the scope for potential sightings. There may be a surge in donations whenever there is a news story. I am never quite sure whether their obsession with media exposure is a symptom of narcissism or the very basic 'show me the money', because they crave front pages both good and bad. And the newspapers love them! There is always an increase in circulation when they carry a McCann story, so its mutually beneficial.

Anyway, back to the point and following on from this, I recently saw a video of Kerry Needham, bless her, on a morning tv show where she said that Ben's DNA from his baby Guthrie heel test, had been made available to hospitals worldwide. I didn't catch the full gist of it, but it sounded like a great idea, but don't ever recall K or G ever doing the same, or telling us about it. Does anyone?

That's exactly it, they didn't want to have to go on pointless journeys to identify a child who might be Maddie. So the coloboma was a good ploy, not just for the marketing trademark, but after a few years they wanted sightings very badly, so it became a barely noticeable fleck.

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Washing the curtains Empty Re: Washing the curtains

Post by Ayniia 28.04.13 22:30

So (and I'm sorry for my ignorance in this matter) but we know the curtains were washed but we dont know by whom (mccans or OC people)?

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