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Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses Mm11

Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses Mm11

Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses Regist10

Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses

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Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses Empty Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses

Post by Guest 18.11.12 17:31

I hope it is ok to have a thread where we can discuss this things, as I believe they both can tell a lot about a story beeing told. And we have some great expert on this forum who I hope can contribute as well, and here we can discuss different interviews and so on.

FIrstly I would like to start with this one. If going by eye direction, this clip can strongly indicate that Gerry has been sexually abused or has abused children himself.

This is the chart explaining the eyedirection and what information we are gathering inside the brain. I have a book at home not related to this ink at all, and it explains excatly the same information as on this link. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

So in this video, we have only the words of Gerry and Kate, no interviewer can be heard, So my hopeis that someone with the expertise can make a SA of the words , as I cant do that.

But look at the eyemovement on Gerry in the last interview in this vid if you look from 2.47, and at 2.56'/57 all the time he look straight ahead or down to the right, wich means : This is the direction of someone eyes as they "talk to themselves" The logical side.

Except in the end when he talkes about child abuse, right there at 2.56/57 as he says it he looks for the first time down to the left, and that is where you look when you remember a feeling . IT says: If you asked someone to "Can you remember the smell of a campfire? ", this would be the direction their eyes moved in while thinking about the question as they used recalled a smell, feeling, or taste.

So that could indicate that he knows how it feels to be abused or to abuse imho


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Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses Empty Re: Eye Direction and lying + Statement Analyses

Post by Guest 18.11.12 18:56

It's very interesting, Moa, and I wondered more than once. It explains many things.

I'm not great at statement analysis but let me know if there's anything else I can do that needs some help.

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