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37k to run a website for a year Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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37k to run a website for a year Mm11

37k to run a website for a year Regist10

37k to run a website for a year

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37k to run a website for a year Empty 37k to run a website for a year

Post by friedtomatoes 26.04.12 19:33

It can only be a lie or joke.

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by jd 27.04.12 1:09

It only costs the web hosting fee which is about £40 a year. After this you only need someone to answer emails and update the site with text & photos which takes all of about 5 mins. if they are offering 37k to do this I might apply for the job myself

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by Liz Eagles 27.04.12 1:13

it costs that much if you have a relative in a small town in Scotland with a nice wee lad one of your family educated who is still a teenager and runs it from his home and his dad is a policeman....just an observation and an opinion here.
Liz Eagles
Liz Eagles

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by jd 27.04.12 1:30

Clearly 'other expenses' have been moved into this category

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by Liz Eagles 27.04.12 2:33

jd wrote:Clearly 'other expenses' have been moved into this category

I seem to recall it was declared that the website cost 37k. I apologise for using 'k' instead of the pound sterling sign but I had my computer stolen (at gunpoint in my house in South Africa) along with that went all the files I'd saved and my new PC is all American.

Other expenses wouldn't be right to declare as the set-up cost for a website. Up until that had happened (bloody quickly after Madeleine's disappearance) there was no stock of high quality wristbands and t shirts etc that could have been conveniently 'merged' into that area of cost (it wouldn't have been correct to do so anyway). Interesting that the last lot of accounts posted by the Mc's showed a pitiful amount on postage. Didn't include a stamp on a letter to the PJ to re-open the case. Obviously the ludicrous amount of money on a website that quite frankly a year 9 student could do a better job on imo is better in terms of marketing.

Just my very, very, very, humble opinion here. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Liz Eagles
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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by friedtomatoes 27.04.12 19:08

Thanks for your replies. Indeed, a website, as plain and simple as this one even factoring in paypal fees for donations recieved, without salarying someone, and we were told it was done for free, would come nowhere close to this amount of money. Where was all the money being siphoned off to. Or were they robbed?

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by tigger 27.04.12 19:36

friedtomatoes wrote:Thanks for your replies. Indeed, a website, as plain and simple as this one even factoring in paypal fees for donations recieved, without salarying someone, and we were told it was done for free, would come nowhere close to this amount of money. Where was all the money being siphoned off to. Or were they robbed?

Have a look at the analyses of the accounts by a Fellow of the society of Chartered Accountants, Enid O'Dowd. It's on the and the ref is also in the first post on the 3 million silver pieces topic.
Really good - it mentions this amount as well.
Why call yourself a pleb? Sounds like your brain is working fine! You're not swallowing all you're told, by anyone. smilie

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by Pershing36 28.04.12 12:24

aquila wrote:it costs that much if you have a relative in a small town in Scotland with a nice wee lad one of your family educated who is still a teenager and runs it from his home and his dad is a policeman....just an observation and an opinion here.

I looked into this little companies portfolio. Most of the websites they 'claim' to have made and run are single page ones that look unfinished. I lost count of how many dead links there were.

They don't host it either yet their home page clear says they had involvement.

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by friedtomatoes 28.04.12 16:45

tigger wrote:
friedtomatoes wrote:Thanks for your replies. Indeed, a website, as plain and simple as this one even factoring in paypal fees for donations recieved, without salarying someone, and we were told it was done for free, would come nowhere close to this amount of money. Where was all the money being siphoned off to. Or were they robbed?

Have a look at the analyses of the accounts by a Fellow of the society of Chartered Accountants, Enid O'Dowd. It's on the and the ref is also in the first post on the 3 million silver pieces topic.
Really good - it mentions this amount as well.
Why call yourself a pleb? Sounds like your brain is working fine! You're not swallowing all you're told, by anyone. smilie

I did read that article. Excellent too it was And thanks!

If SOCA went over that funds accounts I am sure they would find many irregularities. Do statements from their official spokesman as to where money has gone count as evidence? AKA in 2007 they spent 80k for a poster campaign in Portugal Spain and Morocco, only there is no proof and a hournalist from Al Jazeera has stated he saw not a single poster in Morocco when he went there to film the documentary.

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by PeterMac 28.04.12 17:43

Al Capone was sent to prison for tax evasion.
Not for Murder, robbery, extortion...
And the "Fund" is clearly within English legal jurisdiction, legally advised by English lawyers and "audited" by English auditors, with English resident directors.
The events in PdL are within the jurisdiction of the Portuguese.
The "Fund" is not.
The McCanns are both beneficiaries and directors.

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by friedtomatoes 04.05.12 21:44

PeterMac wrote:Al Capone was sent to prison for tax evasion.
Not for Murder, robbery, extortion...
And the "Fund" is clearly within English legal jurisdiction, legally advised by English lawyers and "audited" by English auditors, with English resident directors.
The events in PdL are within the jurisdiction of the Portuguese.
The "Fund" is not.
The McCanns are both beneficiaries and directors.

Follow the money is a phrase I always remember someone on the old 3as saying, I think it was a professor moriarty or buildafiredontgetburnt
big grin

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by sonic72 10.09.12 0:41

Kate Mccann has stated on video, in one of their interviews with Sandra Felgueiras that she dealt with the website herself, claiming she updated it and maintained it, so this cost is not even necessary if Kate is doing the work herself??

This is the video where she makes that statement, from about 30 mins onwards, in the section where they are being interviewed sat by the waterside.

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So what exactly was the money spent on if Kate was editing the website herself?

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by Smokeandmirrors 10.09.12 6:52

The website was / is quite basic, didn't have very much on it and so on. £37k is a stupid amount, either they were robbed or got the decimal point in the wrong place. If it cost that much to set up a basic site in all cases the internet would never have taken off! Small retailers have sites that are so much better, with large array of products pictures, facilities to enlarge images, and all sort and their turnovers are nowhere near £37k never mind just the set up!!

Anyway, this is the sort of assistance to the McCanns that someone in their circle of friends and family was bound to have had the capability of doing for free bar the domain name and £40 quid a year hosting.

£37k ? I'd like to see the invoices and break down of costs for that!!

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37k to run a website for a year Empty Re: 37k to run a website for a year

Post by Guest 10.09.12 8:51

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A report from September 2007 as to who was running the website then.

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