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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Mm11

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Mm11

***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Regist10

***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by tigger 25.04.12 20:10

As we're getting so many hits. Would it be a good idea to run a topic with just a few selected quotes from the book of Amaral?

Might alert people to the fact that it's now available? In English I mean. Or is that not yet the case.

I'm not too disappointed, because re applying the glue to this Pandora's box is clearly a necessary exercise. So what's in the box, Drs. M?
The effort expended to keep a lid on it must be proportional to the disaster if it does come out.
And it isn't anything to do with the McCanns, we already know all about them.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by juliet 25.04.12 20:10

Alan Johnson started off by telling the grinning fool Bilton that the PJ investigation had been "dsigraceful".

So the stage was set for Redwood, Murat, Gomes, Duarte, even the so-called McCann doubter Sandra Fegueleres to make it seem as if the Portuguese police were all useless and/or corrupt and the Portuguese people had been sadly misled into believing in the guilt of the innocent-as-milk McCanns.

The dogs smelling cadaver odour was slimed over by Bilton: "the dogs found DNA in the flat and the thing the parents were suspects."

Redwood was not at all impressive...another grinning fool who added absolutely nothing to the programme.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by david_uk 25.04.12 20:12

juliet wrote:The whole thing was designed to slag off the Portuguese police, and to pretend only the Portuguese believed the parents were respeonsible for Madeleine's disappearance.

I cannot believe that Bilton, the hopeless patsy, said "Dogs found DNA in the apartment...." wilfully refusing to use the words "scent of a dead body."

The whole thing was so incredibly crass and clumsy.

Who is behind it?

Yep! hopefully this will be seen by the PJ and there resolve will be stronger than ever!. They should re-open case and say! ok ! we say you did it! mccanns and issue Euro arrest warrant, that would be justice

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.”
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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty The Facts??????

Post by OpenMind 25.04.12 20:12

Have just calmed myself down having shouted at the TV for last half hour, wasn't expecting it tonight, thought it was next Monday.
The bit that made me really cross was when he said "let's look at the FACTS" and then launched into a list of clearly Mccann approved rubbish....the children were left alone, the shutters were forced, the children were checked on regularly Blah blah blah

Was a little more open than I expected and they even used the word "mystery" on several occasions (quick, someone sue them!!!)

Generally though I felt it was biased, but thought the age advanced photo was at least vaguely believable for a change.

Hope it at least makes a few believers consider the other side of the story......................

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by friedtomatoes 25.04.12 20:14

candyfloss wrote:God, the way Murat talked about the PJ. He was a suspect in the disappearance of a child for god's sake, what did he expect, tea and scones. The British police would be the same, and interogate for hours. Making a fuss of having a mug shot, Doh

I was suprised at that too seeing as it was the British media that dobbed him and his own friends alledgedly and later three of the tapas group. But then again BBC can edit and use as they like, cant they? I have never ever heard him slagging odf the PJ before.



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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by PeterMac 25.04.12 20:15

On the other hand ...
for at least the first half of the programme
Dog video... shown to the world
interim report detailing M. Dead in the apartment, Simulation of abduction, Parents involved ... shown to the world
Portuguese Police opinion that she is dead ... shown to the world
Portuguese Public opinion that she is dead ... shown to the world
Murat set up ... shown to the world
Political interference... shown to the world
Murdoch's interference....shown to the world

And the reporter himself used the M word "MYSTERY" (C-R take note) direct to Redwood, who did not disagree. Also to TB, please note. Mystery is NOT libellous.

So far as I can remember, without replaying it, Redwood did not say he believed she was alive. (subject to correction on that one, obviously )
For me as an ex- .... he really had no choice but to make fairly banal and anodyne statements, and all in all did fairly well in saying nothing much.
Which is not only what I expected, but what I hoped !

Shall re-watch and make more notes. More later.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by espeland 25.04.12 20:15


No 48 questions
No cadaver dogs
No conflicting statements
No dodgy text deletions
No dodgy fund 13% only of which spent on the search
No suing frenzy

What a waste of time then. Pooh.

Also ignoring impossibility of opening front window, doubtful witness of man carrying child, ignoring of Smith sighting and involvement of Tapas women in implicating Murat.

What brilliant detective work, DCI Redwood.



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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by tuom 25.04.12 20:16

What a sham of a programme , just what qualifies a "special case " ? Although my heart does go out to MMC , it also goes out to the parents of other missing children who for some reason are not considered special enough to have time and money spent on them how are they feeling now after watching that ........... I am not really into politics but there is something here stinking to high heaven , makes my blood boil , have indigestion now as I rushed my dinner to watch that drivel [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Guest 25.04.12 20:17

Total, total crap. Bad PJ, good SY. Of course perhaps this is the idea, SY has all the answers, but bad, bad PJ won't re-open the case. Very surprised at Sandra F's comments.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by juliet 25.04.12 20:18

Could not believe Bilton when he accused Amaral of "diverting attention from the search" and said he had made £300,000. What about the parents, who didn't even search that first night! Who deleted endless phone messages! Who lied and lied about jemmied shutters, locked and unlocked doors, drugged or undrugged babies, and who refused to answer vital questions?? And who have collected something like £4 million at least from their "search"....about 10% of which is accounted for.

They must be so so thrilled with tonight's programme. I bet they are laughing their heads off.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by HiDeHo 25.04.12 20:18

I managed to record it but don't know the quality once converted to be able to upload.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Here Here !!!

Post by OpenMind 25.04.12 20:18

PeterMac wrote:On the other hand ...
for at least the first half of the programme
Dog video... shown to the world
interim report detailing M. Dead in the apartment, Simulation of abduction, Parents involved ... shown to the world
Portuguese Police opinion that she is dead ... shown to the world
Portuguese Public opinion that she is dead ... shown to the world
Murat set up ... shown to the world
Political interference... shown to the world
Murdoch's interference....shown to the world

And the reporter himself used the M word "MYSTERY" (C-R take note) direct to Redwood, who did not disagree. Also to TB, please note. Mystery is NOT libellous.

So far as I can remember, without replaying it, Redwood did not say he believed she was alive. (subject to correction on that one, obviously )
For me as an ex- .... he really had no choice but to make fairly banal and anodyne statements, and all in all did fairly well in saying nothing much.
Which is not only what I expected, but what I hoped !

Shall re-watch and make more notes. More later.

Oh I agree completely, it was far more exposing and explicit than I was expecting, hopeful many more sceptics out there now Mr clapping

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Fred Up 25.04.12 20:18

juliet wrote:Alan Johnson started off by telling the grinning fool Bilton that the PJ investigation had been "dsigraceful".

So the stage was set for Redwood, Murat, Gomes, Duarte, even the so-called McCann doubter Sandra Fegueleres to make it seem as if the Portuguese police were all useless and/or corrupt and the Portuguese people had been sadly misled into believing in the guilt of the innocent-as-milk McCanns.

The dogs smelling cadaver odour was slimed over by Bilton: "the dogs found DNA in the flat and the thing the parents were suspects."

Redwood was not at all impressive...another grinning fool who added absolutely nothing to the programme.

goodpost For anyone who has yet to still see this good waste of 30 minutes on a Wednesday evening, this is an articulate synopsis by Juliet. I am too ripping mad to be coherent. The dogs found DNA possibly (but inconclusively) belonging to Madeleine? Well, no sh*t, Sherlock! There would've been DNA of everyone and his uncle who ever stayed or spent time in the apartment if that were the case. Big steaming pile of poo. I'm off to kick the cat. (Not really, so please don't report me to the RSPCA)

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Guest 25.04.12 20:19

And the Home Office wouldn't comment on the pressure put on Cameron by News International. Why were the Sun putting the pressure on?

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Ribisl 25.04.12 20:19

espeland wrote:

No 48 questions
No cadaver dogs
No conflicting statements
No dodgy text deletions
No dodgy fund 13% only of which spent on the search
No suing frenzy

What a waste of time then. Pooh.

Also ignoring impossibility of opening front window, doubtful witness of man carrying child, ignoring of Smith sighting and involvement of Tapas women in implicating Murat.

What brilliant detective work, DCI Redwood.

We mustn't confuse Panorama reporting with what DCI Redwood actually said.
Real Madrid 2 - B Munich 1, by the way.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by justme3 25.04.12 20:20

What a lovely sea, so much so, they showed it at the beginning AND the end...umm!

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by tuom 25.04.12 20:20

juliet wrote:Could not believe Bilton when he accused Amaral of "diverting attention from the search" and said he had made £300,000. What about the parents, who didn't even search that first night! Who deleted endless phone messages! Who lied and lied about jemmied shutters, locked and unlocked doors, drugged or undrugged babies, and who refused to answer vital questions?? And who have collected something like £4 million at least from their "search"....about 10% of which is accounted for.

They must be so so thrilled with tonight's programme. I bet they are laughing their heads off.

Good Post........ of course they are laughing their heads off all the way to the bank AGAIN [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Cristobell 25.04.12 20:21

Apologies, I meant my 'spot the missing words' comment to appear here. Sorry. Please feel free to remove it.

I think missing out the words 'cadavar' and 'blood', merely describing the dogs as 'sniffer' set the tone of the entire programme.

Was also dismayed to hear Bilton say, the English are being open and honest and the Portuguese are keeping their opinions under wraps, he should have just added 'ya sardine muncher'.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Upsy Daisy 25.04.12 20:22

I cannot believe what I have just seen..... I think my blood pressure is through the roof now........ How offensive towards the Portuguese, tis as if this 'bungled cops' image is never going to go away...........let's just hope that the discreet review they are carrying out WILL uncover enough to shut everyone up for good. DNA dogs inconclusive my a%^e...oh hello everyone, what about the cadaver scent...erm exactly whose scent was it then? What a waste of time, this was just a chance to make yet another programme with nothing new...not even one word one way or the other from DCI Redwood who appears to be starstruck getting to work on this case...honoured eh??? Poor Murat, the victim, who got a nice little fat cheque at the end of it if I am not mistaken. As if the police were going to treat him like a hotel guest, what the.... my blood is boiling and I wish I had not watched it. I need chocolate. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Grammatical Error of The Day : It's should 'have', NOT should 'of'...... [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Guest 25.04.12 20:23

Will merge it in a bit Cristobell thumbsup

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by friedtomatoes 25.04.12 20:25

I didnt expect anything much from Panorama anyway, or any of its useless presenters, it did use to be a half decent programme, not any more. I do hope Mr Redwood knows what he is doing. I trust he is and that it has absolutely nothing to do with the perversion of the course of justice. Because that can on,y ever result in coming to bite you in the bum as they say.



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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Guest 25.04.12 20:25

Upsy Daisy wrote:I cannot believe what I have just seen..... I think my blood pressure is through the roof now........ How offensive towards the Portuguese, tis as if this 'bungled cops' image is never going to go away.........

I would think Goncalo Amaral and Sandra Felgueiras feel betrayed the way their comments were edited to fit the agenda.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Zozo 25.04.12 20:27

Have a bad feeling what is going on behind the scene between two police team doesnt look good.

Did really both police teams have good faith and will to resolve the case in the same direction??????

Collaboration and cooperation between two police teams is it really going well as they are trying to show the public?????

Lets wait and see!!!!

Even for the first investigation, it took sometimes for the public to know how frustration has affected the collaboration of two polices the time the Mcanns was made suspects.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by Guest 25.04.12 20:28

admin wrote:
Upsy Daisy wrote:I cannot believe what I have just seen..... I think my blood pressure is through the roof now........ How offensive towards the Portuguese, tis as if this 'bungled cops' image is never going to go away.........

I would think Goncalo Amaral and Sandra Felgueiras feel betrayed the way their comments were edited to fit the agenda.

Someone should send a link to DCI Redwood of this thread, and the numbers viewing it.

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***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm - Page 2 Empty Re: ***LIVE*** Discussion and comments thread BBC Panorama tonight 25th April 7.30pm

Post by littlepixie 25.04.12 20:28

OpenMind wrote:
PeterMac wrote:On the other hand ...
for at least the first half of the programme
Dog video... shown to the world
interim report detailing M. Dead in the apartment, Simulation of abduction, Parents involved ... shown to the world
Portuguese Police opinion that she is dead ... shown to the world
Portuguese Public opinion that she is dead ... shown to the world
Murat set up ... shown to the world
Political interference... shown to the world
Murdoch's interference....shown to the world

And the reporter himself used the M word "MYSTERY" (C-R take note) direct to Redwood, who did not disagree. Also to TB, please note. Mystery is NOT libellous.

So far as I can remember, without replaying it, Redwood did not say he believed she was alive. (subject to correction on that one, obviously )
For me as an ex- .... he really had no choice but to make fairly banal and anodyne statements, and all in all did fairly well in saying nothing much.
Which is not only what I expected, but what I hoped !

Shall re-watch and make more notes. More later.

Oh I agree completely, it was far more exposing and explicit than I was expecting, hopeful many more sceptics out there now [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

I agree with you two. I am optimistic [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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