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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Mm11

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Mm11

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by Guest 01.08.11 12:32

McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Last updated at 14:34 28 October 2007

Kate and Gerry McCann are hiding a "big secret" about the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, according a former police chief claims.

John Stalker, who headed a famous inquiry into whether suspected IRA men were killed by RUC officers, is suspicious of their silence

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Expert analysis: Former police chief John Stalker believes the McCanns are hiding a secret


The former Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police told the Sunday Express: ?My gut instinct is that some big secret is probably being covered up.

?I have watched the investigation into the Madeleine McCann case drag out for six months.

?One thing above all worries me: Why have the McCanns and the seven other members of their group ? the Tapas Nine ? remained so silent?

?Unlike other high-profile cases I have worked on, not one of them has been prepared to break ranks or really come out and support each other.

?After all this time and pressure, I cannot believe that nobody wants to speak.

?I have a real suspicion that we are not being told the whole truth. There is something else there, some issue that members of the party are embarrassed about?

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by Mick McNulty 29.10.12 3:31

With reports of investment bankers and well-connected businessmen in the resort at that time discussing the building of hospitals under PFI, as well as suggestions Gerry McCann may have been there as a NHS spokesman of the group, I wonder if it could be all about defrauding the taxpayer through the Private Finance Initiative? Over thirty years this could have defrauded billions for those few who were in on the scheme and its disclosure would bring down any government and lead to prison sentences.
PFI was introduced under New Labour and they were about as corrupt as they come, and this may explain the involvement of Gordon Brown who, as Chancellor of the Exchequor, would be in overall charge of the funding. Also it is said Gerry had links to New Labour and had spoken of standing for them in an election, which puts him deep inside the government and goes some way to explaining why he had powerful connections.
The reasons for the New Labour government keeping the lid on Maddie's disappearance doesn't have to be the same motive as the McCanns but they are strongly linked somehow, in a way that seems to go deeper than Freemasonry or a small group of paedophiles. If defrauding billions is the case and it doesn't just involve the government but also many in the Lords, industry, finance and so forth, it could have been fatal for the whole establishment.
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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by tigger 29.10.12 5:36

Great post and welcome McNutty!

But there's also the Amber Alert/microchip angle. The PFI's were already known to have been created by backhanders and the terms of the contracts are nothing short of criminal imo. Rather like the wind farms which have proved to be inefficient and costly to install, deals were done and I believe GB or a close friend/relative was involved in one of these energy deals.
My feeling is still that the PFI wasn't the main reason for the informal/preliminary meeting in PdL. The enormous amount of money to be made from the microchip promotion would put a PFI in the shade and getting in on the 'ground floor' of such a project would be worth billions.
There 's no reason why both PFI and microchip could not have been discussed, because the infrastructure needed for the chip project would be closely related to the PFI.

That part of the report below was too much of a blueprint to ignore for me. Criminal minds are rarely original thinkers and imo it fit the events and the psychology.
I.e. The two events, the meeting and the abduction are not directly related. You could almost call it an opportunistic crime. Which backfired spectacularly.
Imo putting the whole project (PFI/microchip) back by as much as a decade.
On the subject of the blueprint below, I read an addendum elsewhere (sorry forgotten where - long time ago) that soon after such a tragic abduction, a child who had been microchipped for medical reasons, would be saved from certain death because she was located in time. As it happens in Canada there was such an event. A diabetic toddler who'd wandered off was found in time because of the chip and given her insulin shot. Not a whisper of such events since.
Note that the date below is 2006...
Recently came across a news item of McCann supporting group of parents who want their children microchipped. Sorry again, I will look for it.

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At this juncture, an unfortunately common tragedy of modern life will occur: A small child, likely a photogenic toddler, will be murdered or horrifically abused. It will happen in one of the media capitals of the Western world, thereby ensuring non-stop breathless coverage. Chip manufactures will recognize this as the opportunity they have been anticipating for years. With their technology now largely bug-free, familiar to most citizens and comparatively inexpensive, manufacturers will partner with the police to launch a high-profile campaign encouraging parents to implant their children "to ensure your own peace of mind."


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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Maddie and the microchip

Post by Tony Bennett 29.10.12 7:42

tigger wrote:Great post and welcome McNutty!

But there's also the Amber Alert/microchip angle. The PFI's were already known to have been created by backhanders and the terms of the contracts are nothing short of criminal imo. Rather like the wind farms which have proved to be inefficient and costly to install, deals were done and I believe GB or a close friend/relative was involved in one of these energy deals.

My feeling is still that the PFI wasn't the main reason for the informal/preliminary meeting in PdL. The enormous amount of money to be made from the microchip promotion would put a PFI in the shade and getting in on the 'ground floor' of such a project would be worth billions.
There 's no reason why both PFI and microchip could not have been discussed, because the infrastructure needed for the chip project would be closely related to the PFI.

That part of the report below was too much of a blueprint to ignore for me. Criminal minds are rarely original thinkers and imo it fit the events and the psychology.
I.e. The two events, the meeting and the abduction are not directly related. You could almost call it an opportunistic crime. Which backfired spectacularly.
Imo putting the whole project (PFI/microchip) back by as much as a decade.
On the subject of the blueprint below, I read an addendum elsewhere (sorry forgotten where - long time ago) that soon after such a tragic abduction, a child who had been microchipped for medical reasons, would be saved from certain death because she was located in time. As it happens in Canada there was such an event. A diabetic toddler who'd wandered off was found in time because of the chip and given her insulin shot. Not a whisper of such events since.
Note that the date below is 2006...
Recently came across a news item of McCann supporting group of parents who want their children microchipped. Sorry again, I will look for it.

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At this juncture, an unfortunately common tragedy of modern life will occur: A small child, likely a photogenic toddler, will be murdered or horrifically abused. It will happen in one of the media capitals of the Western world, thereby ensuring non-stop breathless coverage. Chip manufactures will recognize this as the opportunity they have been anticipating for years. With their technology now largely bug-free, familiar to most citizens and comparatively inexpensive, manufacturers will partner with the police to launch a high-profile campaign encouraging parents to implant their children "to ensure your own peace of mind."

There is a measure of support for your hypothesis, tigger, in an article in a Portuguese magazine with that strange, dodgy lawyer, Marcos Aragao Correia, who played such an important part in the attack on Goncalo Amaral and also was involved in that highly controversial (and planned weeks in advance) search of the Arade Dam for Madeleine's bones. As you know, I've researched Correia in depth, as much as I can from the interrnet, that is.

I reproduce here one of my long articles on Correia. Bear in mind that he spouts a load of utter garbage, and the contents of the first paragraph can safely be ignored.

But what he says in the sixth and seventh paragraphs below (in blue) is of interest:


Extract from article by Tony Bennett on The Madeleine Foundation website


Correia then returns to the dam searches and tells the journalist: “The dam searches found items of relevance, but these were not sufficient as evidence. Maybe I made some mistakes, which might have alerted the possible abductors of the little English girl: On 11th January, before the diving in the dam started, Lux magazine published my suspicions in a front page article.

Yet it was almost two months later that the searches were started at the dam. That was more than enough time for the criminals to hide any incriminating residues.

Nevertheless, we discovered a girl’s sock that was Maddie’s age. I believe the sock might have been used by Maddie, although the lab tests failed to detect any human residues, due to the fact that it stayed underwater for such a long time. We also found several knotted lengths of rope, over five metres [16 feet] long, which would have been ideal to tie up the body at the bottom of the dam. All of this was recovered by the divers in an area where there was no other rubbish. Método 3 were always closely involved in the searches, monitoring them closely, and took all of those objects back to Spain for examination”.

The journalist then asks Correia to comment on the PJ investigation. he answered: “The information that I received as a medium didn’t allow for me to understand what the criminal’s motivation was.

But information that I obtained later on - especially from consulting an excellent book by criminologist Barra da Costa - led me to believe the theory, admitted by the former PJ Chief Inspector, that the police wasn’t interested in finding Maddie nor in catching the real culprits over her disappearance.

Dr Barra da Costa said in his book that there was something like a tacit plan to induce a general sense of insecurity across society, to allow for the micro-chip (a device implanted in human beings that gives out signals to track down where they are) to be produced on a major scale. At the beginning I had some reservations concerning that issue, because I had never heard about it, but I was interested enough to go on the internet and to consult several credible websites, including FBI and CIA sources, where I found some amazing things: the micro-chip was indeed being promoted as the ideal weapon to prevent crime.

These sources added that the population should be induced into accepting this technological revolution, even if at the cost of deliberately promoting mass insecurity policies. Well, the Maddie case fell like ‘manna from heaven’ for the promotion of the microchip, especially as far as children are concerned”.

And on that interesting note, the interview with Correia ends.



Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by AskTheDogsSandra 29.10.12 8:51

Dr Barra da Costa: "Well, the Maddie case fell like ‘manna from heaven’ for the promotion of the microchip, especially as far as children are concerned”. UNQUOTE

I guess we should be pleased then that Maddie's death abduction mysterious disappearance was not in vain then. Maddie herself (rather than just her eye defect), as her own father said, was a good marketing ploy.....for the microchip?

So this is sounding more like a planned "I'm not here to enjoy myself" exercise which begs the question where is Madeleine then because she must be alive?

But then how do you account for the dogs?

If the dogs are to be believed then it is very tragic that Maddie died in the midst of a microchipping plot. Maybe that's why her body had to be concealed and the abduction theory rammed down our throats? Maybe that's why the McCanns had so much help and protection?

The 'wider agenda' show had to go on.


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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by sami 29.10.12 10:01

AskTheDogsSandra wrote: If the dogs are to be believed then it is very tragic that Maddie died in the midst of a microchipping plot. Maybe that's why her body had to be concealed and the abduction theory rammed down our throats? Maybe that's why the McCanns had so much help and protection?

The 'wider agenda' show had to go on.

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I agree.

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by aiyoyo 29.10.12 10:31

sami wrote:
AskTheDogsSandra wrote: If the dogs are to be believed then it is very tragic that Maddie died in the midst of a microchipping plot. Maybe that's why her body had to be concealed and the abduction theory rammed down our throats? Maybe that's why the McCanns had so much help and protection?

The 'wider agenda' show had to go on.

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I agree.

I dont.
If she was guinea pig in an experiment the government could, and would easily help smuggled her body back on the quiet without all this hoo-ha.
More importantly the government wont waste taxpayers' money on a review - just doesn't make sense.

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by tigger 29.10.12 15:14

aiyoyo wrote:
sami wrote:
AskTheDogsSandra wrote: If the dogs are to be believed then it is very tragic that Maddie died in the midst of a microchipping plot. Maybe that's why her body had to be concealed and the abduction theory rammed down our throats? Maybe that's why the McCanns had so much help and protection?

The 'wider agenda' show had to go on.

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I agree.

I dont.
If she was guinea pig in an experiment the government could, and would easily help smuggled her body back on the quiet without all this hoo-ha.
More importantly the government wont waste taxpayers' money on a review - just doesn't make sense.

I agree with you Aiyoyo, the abduction imo was planned independent of the probably informal meeting. This is the way big business is done, A sounds out B, gives him some figures, asks to get back to A and C as well with said figures, etc. Everything is intangible until sufficient data are around to start drawing up contracts and strategies.
Imo this meeting was used as an ideal opportunity to launch the project madeleine. I hate to say it, but that is what I believe. But project M was the brainchild of imo only one person.
I think it isn't a simple story because it's two separate stories. There lies the confusion. Once you separate the meeting and the abduction it's much clearer.
The protection had to come because the deed was already done. The abduction was trumpeted to the world and again imo, that is simple too, the abduction was the mainstay of the plan. Should there have been an accident of a guinea pig child, easy to cover up. Accident by a third party, not even guinea pig child, easily covered up to avoid PMs. No trouble.
Cover up a much publicised abduction with emails going viral within days (such as the one with the tennis photo which was sent on the lines of a chain letter - wish people would do their maths - ) is impossible. So enter Mi5, Ambassador, PR et al.

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by Guest 29.10.12 18:52

aiyoyo wrote:
sami wrote:
AskTheDogsSandra wrote: If the dogs are to be believed then it is very tragic that Maddie died in the midst of a microchipping plot. Maybe that's why her body had to be concealed and the abduction theory rammed down our throats? Maybe that's why the McCanns had so much help and protection?

The 'wider agenda' show had to go on.

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I agree.

I dont.
If she was guinea pig in an experiment the government could, and would easily help smuggled her body back on the quiet without all this hoo-ha.
More importantly the government wont waste taxpayers' money on a review - just doesn't make sense.


Sorry, but are you sure the child wasn't removed quietly after her demise?

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by aiyoyo 30.10.12 5:44

Portia wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
sami wrote:
AskTheDogsSandra wrote: If the dogs are to be believed then it is very tragic that Maddie died in the midst of a microchipping plot. Maybe that's why her body had to be concealed and the abduction theory rammed down our throats? Maybe that's why the McCanns had so much help and protection?

The 'wider agenda' show had to go on.

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I agree.

I dont.
If she was guinea pig in an experiment the government could, and would easily help smuggled her body back on the quiet without all this hoo-ha.
More importantly the government wont waste taxpayers' money on a review - just doesn't make sense.


Sorry, but are you sure the child wasn't removed quietly after her demise?

Ya, but I doubt the undertaker is the UK Government, otherwise how to justify the review.

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by Guest 30.10.12 11:41

aiyoyo wrote:
Portia wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
sami wrote:
AskTheDogsSandra wrote: If the dogs are to be believed then it is very tragic that Maddie died in the midst of a microchipping plot. Maybe that's why her body had to be concealed and the abduction theory rammed down our throats? Maybe that's why the McCanns had so much help and protection?

The 'wider agenda' show had to go on.

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I agree.

I dont.
If she was guinea pig in an experiment the government could, and would easily help smuggled her body back on the quiet without all this hoo-ha.
More importantly the government wont waste taxpayers' money on a review - just doesn't make sense.


Sorry, but are you sure the child wasn't removed quietly after her demise?

Ya, but I doubt the undertaker is the UK Government, otherwise how to justify the review.

Brooks has something on Cameron; twisted his arm and made him do it?
Begs the question who is the handler of Brooks, but that will come to light when they have her in a court of Justice.

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by aiyoyo 31.10.12 4:52

You got it wrong. Brooke is matey with Cameron sending each other warm messages.
It is Theresa May she threatened to put on the front pages to secure the review.

If the Government was involved in the disposal, I believe they would rather let the bus run over Theresa May than waste money and more importantly Police time on reviewing something they were heavily involved in because what about the risk of it backfiring on them.
Personally I dont believe the government was involved in anything as gruesome as disposing of cadaver. TB and GB did intervene inappropriately hence buying the mccanns time and giving them an edge and leeway to spin.

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by tigger 31.10.12 6:24

aiyoyo wrote:You got it wrong. Brooke is matey with Cameron sending each other warm messages.
It is Theresa May she threatened to put on the front pages to secure the review.

If the Government was involved in the disposal, I believe they would rather let the bus run over Theresa May than waste money and more importantly Police time on reviewing something they were heavily involved in because what about the risk of it backfiring on them.
Personally I dont believe the government was involved in anything as gruesome as disposing of cadaver. TB and GB did intervene inappropriately hence buying the mccanns time and giving them an edge and leeway to spin.

Totally agree Aiyoyo. The whole cover up is after the event, they had nothing to do with the disappearance for how could that be of use to them?
Imo the whole circus started up to prevent collateral damage. Or compare it to a nuclear explosion, that being the abduction and the aftermath being the contamination. Cleaning up the aftermath is what we are witnessing.

I must say I no longer believe the fairy story about Brooks and Cameron, I think the SY scheme was ready to run and forcing the issue was engineered.
The excuse of having Teresa May on the front pages every day is rather thin imo. Doesn't sell so many papers. The government was forced to continue what was started in the previous government for reasons of their own. A SY review taking many years with occasional interludes of wisdom such as the declaration that Maddie could be alive but sadly also dead will soothe the majority of the public and hopefully shut up TM.
Since SY took over, TM has been curiously subdued.
Missed the 2000th anniversary, few interviews, Kate ambassador for five minutes and the 'second' book, the paperback a damp squib.
She is allegedly working on a third book, too late to really catch the public's interest which should have reached saturation point by now.

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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty Re: McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims

Post by Mick McNulty 22.11.12 23:27

tigger wrote:Great post and welcome McNutty!

But there's also the Amber Alert/microchip angle. The PFI's were already known to have been created by backhanders and the terms of the contracts are nothing short of criminal imo. Rather like the wind farms which have proved to be inefficient and costly to install, deals were done and I believe GB or a close friend/relative was involved in one of these energy deals.
My feeling is still that the PFI wasn't the main reason for the informal/preliminary meeting in PdL. The enormous amount of money to be made from the microchip promotion would put a PFI in the shade and getting in on the 'ground floor' of such a project would be worth billions.
There 's no reason why both PFI and microchip could not have been discussed, because the infrastructure needed for the chip project would be closely related to the PFI.

That part of the report below was too much of a blueprint to ignore for me. Criminal minds are rarely original thinkers and imo it fit the events and the psychology.
I.e. The two events, the meeting and the abduction are not directly related. You could almost call it an opportunistic crime. Which backfired spectacularly.
Imo putting the whole project (PFI/microchip) back by as much as a decade.
On the subject of the blueprint below, I read an addendum elsewhere (sorry forgotten where - long time ago) that soon after such a tragic abduction, a child who had been microchipped for medical reasons, would be saved from certain death because she was located in time. As it happens in Canada there was such an event. A diabetic toddler who'd wandered off was found in time because of the chip and given her insulin shot. Not a whisper of such events since.
Note that the date below is 2006...
Recently came across a news item of McCann supporting group of parents who want their children microchipped. Sorry again, I will look for it.

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At this juncture, an unfortunately common tragedy of modern life will occur: A small child, likely a photogenic toddler, will be murdered or horrifically abused. It will happen in one of the media capitals of the Western world, thereby ensuring non-stop breathless coverage. Chip manufactures will recognize this as the opportunity they have been anticipating for years. With their technology now largely bug-free, familiar to most citizens and comparatively inexpensive, manufacturers will partner with the police to launch a high-profile campaign encouraging parents to implant their children "to ensure your own peace of mind."

Hello Tigger! I've only just got back to reading this page, three weeks late!
I agree there is certainly the microchip angle to consider because so much of it fits, in which case the death of Madeleine would have followed a botched phony abduction. (In my opinion Madeleine likely choked after being sedated; the abduction was a cover to save two or more medical careers.) If the microchip was the reason influential business people were there it is fortunate for us that while it adds another dimension before the disappearance it doesn't alter things much after it - and I've never been fully convinced of the paedophile angle.
What it would do is make the McCanns complicit before the fact as well as after, making them doubly vulnerable because it could be something from that angle that cracks open the case...And for what it's worth I think the manipulation of the McCanns, particularly Gerry, involved the Tapas 7 more than they wanted. I know they are deeply involved now but a break in the case may come from there, because for some of them such a secret must be a great burden.
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McCanns 'are hiding a big secret', former police chief claims Empty "the truth can find it here, among the lines of this book.."

Post by dotdot 18.10.13 1:39

".......buying a book does not give us the power to "know" the truth, as if it was a chip that is implanted in us,...."

A Estrela de Madeleine
by Paulo Pereira Cristovão,

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