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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Mm11

"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Regist10
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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Mm11

"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Regist10

"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Tony Bennett 19.04.17 11:52

'Can I see my mummy now?'

Woman still haunted by her Maddie sighting 10 years on

A HOLIDAYMAKER who's confident she spotted Madeleine McCann just days after her disappearance says she saw the child ask for her mummy.

by Michael Havis   /   Published 19th April 2017

The witness, who asked not to be named, was confident she saw the child in Morocco on May 9, 2007 – six days after she vanished in Portugal.

Now, with the 10-year anniversary of Maddie’s disappearance looming, the woman says that she feels sick just recalling the sighting.

Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, she said: "I was in Marrakech at a petrol station and I saw this man with a little girl.

"She looked very distressed. She said ‘can we go see mummy now?’ It was English – I can’t speak many other languages."

Her description lends weight to the theory that Maddie was abducted by child traffickers who took her out of Portugal.

The man was described as in his thirties and roughly 5ft 10ins tall, and while he wasn’t Moroccan, he didn’t resemble the child either.

"I think that was what worried me," said the witness. "I was talking to my husband on the way back in the car and saying there was something wrong.

"That’s what worried me a lot. But I didn’t recall any connection with the case until I got home... I phoned the police, the missing number, everybody."

The woman, who lives in Spain, says the police never came to take a statement from her, but that they nonetheless ruled her sighting out.

Regardless, hers was not the only sighting in Marrakech – a witness from Yorkshire claimed to have also seen Maddie that same day.

He gave the location as the the Hotel Ibis, which sits right next to the petrol station the woman described to Daily Star Online.

Further sightings were reported in Zaio, a town in the north of the country, later that month and again on June 15.

GCHQ also intercepted calls from Morocco in June referring to "the little blonde girl" and a ferry from Tarifa.

That's a
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] just a few hours' drive from Praia da Luz in Portugal where Maddie disappeared.

If it wasn't Maddie, the witness from the petrol station said, then police should say who it was.

"The police dismissed it," the woman said. "They said they had checked it out.

"If somebody wants to have a look again, I don’t know, maybe they can do something.

"It can happen that people are found after 20 years and somebody knows something, for sure.”

In her account from the time, the witness described the girl she saw as wearing blue
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] with dark bottoms.

The girl had a patterned top, the description said, and blonde hair, and had a sad expression on her face.

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Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Guest 19.04.17 12:33

Eddie and Keela say this story is nonsense.

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Phoebe 19.04.17 12:35

In her statements to police she says she didn't mention it to her husband but she sure as hell mentioned it to to the papers and sky. she and her English husband used to live a few miles from Rothley I believe. What a surprise! And "Madeleine"was still in pyjamas and being paraded in full view for the public to see. I'm only surprised the man with her was n't  wearing beige trousers (with buttons of course) a dark jacket and formal shoes  big grin

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Cmaryholmes 19.04.17 12:43

Phoebe wrote:In her statements to police she says she didn't mention it to her husband but she sure as hell mentioned it to to the papers and sky. she and her English husband used to live a few miles from Rothley I believe. What a surprise! And "Madeleine"was still in pyjamas and being paraded in full view for the public to see. I'm only surprised the man with her was n't  wearing beige trousers (with buttons of course) a dark jacket and formal shoes  big grin
Presumably he didn't look like a tourist.

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Verdi 19.04.17 13:01

Wasn't this one of Metodo3's fabricated sightings?  You know, when the team of covert agents infiltrated the land - north south east and west - ferreting about the lawless barren shrubbery looking for a hidden lair?

What a waste of search funds.  There was Edgar who knew all along that the missing child was being held in a hidden lair in or around Praia da Luz - he just couldn't quite put his finger on the exact location.


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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Doug D 19.04.17 13:16

If it was TM’s plan to roll out all this old crap up until the big splash on May 3rd, just adding ‘ten years on it still haunts me’ bullshit to all the stories, maybe we are fortunate that Theresa May has called an election.
CM and co. must be devastated.
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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty I Spotted?

Post by willowthewisp 19.04.17 13:23

Doug D wrote:If it was TM’s plan to roll out all this old crap up until the big splash on May 3rd, just adding ‘ten years on it still haunts me’ bullshit to all the stories, maybe we are fortunate that Theresa May has called an election.
CM and co. must be devastated.
The Day that Parliament dissolved 3 May 2017,for the June 8th General Election,Tenth anniversary of a child's disappearance in Portugal 2007,another coincidence?
Or will the MSM be broadcasting another agenda?

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by sar 19.04.17 14:42

Plus, if memory serves, RB/RM's threat to keep May on front page for weeks?

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Irene 2 19.04.17 16:55

Mitchell scraping the barrel? Have they failed to secure a lucrative 10th anniversary deal now it's widely known they are not cleared of involvement?
The first sighting is recorded in the files. 
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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by ChippyM 19.04.17 17:07

Irene 2 wrote:Mitchell scraping the barrel? Have they failed to secure a lucrative 10th anniversary deal now it's widely known they are not cleared of involvement?
The first sighting is recorded in the files. 
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According to Mitchell they are doing a pre-recorded interview.

 I think all these stories are purely to keep the possibility that she is alive in the public mind for when the 10th anniversary interview is broadcast and possibly for Amaral's next book or move. Even if it just indicates a remote possibility, they need to keep repeating stories that reinforce there is a living child somewhere and not a death in 5a.

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Irene 2 19.04.17 17:24

ChippyM wrote:
Irene 2 wrote:Mitchell scraping the barrel? Have they failed to secure a lucrative 10th anniversary deal now it's widely known they are not cleared of involvement?
The first sighting is recorded in the files. 
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

According to Mitchell they are doing a pre-recorded interview.

 I think all these stories are purely to keep the possibility that she is alive in the public mind for when the 10th anniversary interview is broadcast and possibly for Amaral's next book or move. Even if it just indicates a remote possibility, they need to keep repeating stories that reinforce there is a living child somewhere and not a death in 5a.

With every question vetted to within an inch of it's life and if they get their way it will be with their favourite easy Lorraine Kelly. What remains of their coffers is under threat but I don't believe Amaral will sue.
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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Verdi 19.04.17 21:10

Thinking in terms of Raymond Hewlett even now being set-up as the ultimate sacrificial lamb, I have been tracing his alleged adventures in Morocco.

I came across this on one of the old pro-McCann sites - haven't had such a good belly laugh since I don't know when, nearly fell off me perch.  I quote..

"The white van that Hewlett owned should have been traced. Even months, years later, it could be established if it had gone to Morocco. Samples of soil from up inside the wheel cavities, etc, would reveal this"

and then..

"Hewlett has said he had a Blue Dodge Truck, and this doesnt seem to be investigated as to its truth. But hard to know, as his interview is in the paedophile files that have been kept sealed. But I believe the British police are able to access that file. Will they?"  

1.  Visions of topsoil sample being stamped 'made in Morocco'

2.  His interview is kept sealed in the peadophile files?  Or was it the peadofile philes?


This was apparently a 'grand poster' - certainly big on imagination.  Where do they get this information from, talk about clutching at straws!

ETA:  Dave Edgar and Arthur Cowley were 'on the case' when Hewlett was stooge of the day, which makes it even more laughable.

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by sharonl 19.04.17 21:16

I wonder if this woman also spotted Antonio Jiminez Raso, Metodo 3 associate who was caught paying witnesses to say that they had seen Madeleine in Morocco.
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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Silentscope 14.11.23 18:53

The news comes a day after it was revealed a British man believed he had spotted Madeleine near a hotel in Marrakech, Morocco, in the same location and on the same day as Norwegian tourist Marie Pollard reported seeing her.
The couple’s spokesman said they had “known for months” about the second, separate sighting on May 9, which was passed on to the Portuguese and Moroccan authorities but not disclosed to the media.
Ms Pollard claimed she saw Madeleine outside a petrol station, while the British witness, unnamed but said to be from Yorkshire, said he saw a young girl with a close resemblance outside the Ibis Hotel opposite.
Source: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
The Norwegian social worker [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is married to Ray Pollard, born and raised at Leicester, and the couple lived for some time in Groby, a ten minutes ride from Rothley, where the McCann live, and five minutes from the hospital where Gerry MaCann works. Mari Olli and her husband live in Spain, Málaga. Since Madeleine disappeared, Polícia Judiciária had to send teams of investigators to 256 diferent localities, in Portugal, to investigate alleged sightings of the missing child, according to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].
Source: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Source: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
It would appear that the second ‘Independent’ sighting was withheld by the Press by Mitchell, or the name not mentioned in Reports because it was most likely the Norwegian Woman’s Husband?

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"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017 Empty Re: "I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Post by Verdi 15.11.23 11:55

Members are asked not to resurrect old defunct threads without good reason.

Thank you.

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