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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 15.11.18 12:18

Jill Havern wrote:I wonder how much money and police hours the McCanns have cost, not only the UK and Portugal, but other countries around the world on their wild goose chase hoax, whilst fleecing the general public of millions of pounds in donations that they have, according to Kandohla, siphoned off from Maddie's 'search' Fund "which can be used for things like buying a house or building equipment".


I hope, if the McCanns and their kling-ons are ever brought to justice, that all this FRAUD will be taken in to consideration, along with their other crimes of hiding a cadaver and staging an abduction, and they are locked up for a very long time, the smug grins wiped off their faces, and the key thrown away.
Primed Suspects - Page 2 3FBA7A6700000578-4459308-This_is_the_smile_from_Kate_and_Gerry_McCann_as_ten_years_after_-a-1_1493505713658

As smug as a bug in a rug!

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 15.11.18 14:57

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Zzcreepyabductorman

Witness [Gail Cooper] reveals chilling clues about Maddie suspect:  The News of the World

20th January 2008

This is the man suspected of snatching four-year-old Maddie McCann

It would appear someone (could that someone be Kevin Halligan Inc.?) was very busy rounding up potential witnesses in the January 2008.  Oddly enough, between the time of the Rothley Hotel inner conclave of interested parties and the pending rogatory interviews conducted by Leicestershire Constabulary in April 2008. 

This is no coincidence - everything surrounding this case was done for a reason.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by sar 15.11.18 17:05

“He made my blood run cold”
[Philomena Cunk voice]
“His hair seemed weirdly slick, like a bird had poo’ed in his hair and he’d just styled in in!”
“I looked at his face, ce’tait comme Le Visage sans Yeux!”
“He has a suede “Blouson” style jacket, frightening enough but his arm looked like a haunch of venison!
“He seemed to be carrying a “lifeless” “PJ clad child!”
He had a weird “Smooth” bum, one leg looked longer than the other!”
“His trousers had no creases then around his shoes they just went mental for no reason!”
“His upper half seemed very well defined!  A bit like the scribbly cartoon people from the AHA video “Take me on”, when you got to his feet he was more like a moon-walking ghost!”

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 15.11.18 22:39

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Madeleine-McCann-False-sightings

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 0:24

Another two to add to the list of questionable persons and the curious case of witness sightings - Jayne Jensen and Annie Wiltshire, both guests at the Ocean Club Praia da Luz at the time of Madeleine McCann's disappearance.  Not to say I suspect them of having any direct or even indirect involvement, however their story told through the medium of the UK is worthy of inclusion in this saga of 'Primed Suspects'.

There's no evidence to suggest that the two were formally interviewed by the PJ, despite reports to the contrary, it's therefore open to question as to why their story was not told until the end of 2007 and/or beginning of 2008 - again coinciding with the blitz of suspicious sightings being discovered/exposed by the McCann faction, their hired team.

Here goes..

Primed Suspects - Page 2 ThisIsLondon

Fiona Barton, Dan Newling and Vanessa Allen - 31st December 2007

Two British sisters gave a dramatic account of a pair of strangers watching the Ocean Club pool and tapas bar hours before Madeleine McCann vanished.

In an exclusive interview, Jayne Jensen and Annie Wiltshire told how they saw two blond men in their 30s, standing on the balcony of an empty apartment only a couple of doors away from the McCanns' flat in Praia da Luz.

And they provided further evidence that Robert Murat, the first official suspect in the case, lied about his whereabouts on the night Madeleine disappeared.

Primed Suspects - Page 2 T-I-L-31-12-07-ANNIE-WILSHIRE-JAYNE-JENSON

Mrs Jensen, a 54-year-old businesswoman, says she saw Mr Murat outside the McCann apartment half an hour after the alarm was raised.

The expatriate estate agent claims he was at home with his elderly mother all night, but it has emerged that a British barrister on holiday with his wife and children has corroborated Mrs Jensen's account.

Although the two sisters contacted Portuguese police within hours of Madeleine's disappearance, their evidence was ignored for six months.

The women met police three times within 24 hours, tried to find out who the strangers were themselves and made several follow-up phone calls to the authorities.

But it was not until six weeks ago that a formal statement was finally taken.

The two women, both divorcees from Maidstone, Kent, spent 11 hours with British police officers providing details of their evidence and later met private detectives from Metodo 3, the agency employed by the McCanns to find their daughter.
They intended to remain anonymous but when their names were leaked to a Portuguese newspaper and they found themselves wrongly accused of waiting eight months before coming forward, they decided to reveal the truth.

The sisters said they were immediately struck by the behaviour of the two men on the balcony.

The pair, tanned and in Bermuda shorts, were standing outside the patio doors of a groundfloor apartment, which had been unoccupied all week, and were looking out over the resort's family swimming pool and restaurant area.

Mrs Wiltshire, 58, a mother of two, said: "It was odd because I hadn't seen them before. In May the resort wasn't busy.

There were only about 60 of us staying in the apartments and you got to recognise all the other people.

"One of the guys was walking down the steps and as I looked at him, he walked back up and started talking to the other one.

"They had a view of the whole Ocean Club and the McCanns' apartment. It just showed how easy it would be for anyone to use those balconies to watch the area. It has haunted me ever since."

That evening - May 3 - Madeleine disappeared from her bed as her parents, Gerry and Kate ate dinner with seven friends in the tapas bar.

The sisters, who helped search for the child that night, went to police the next day to report the sighting of the strangers and their concerns.

Mrs Wiltshire, who went on holiday with her sister to recover from a cancer operation, said: "The theory is that Madeleine could have been targeted. This story proves how easily it could have been done but the Portuguese police were not interested.

"It makes you wonder if there are more of us out there who have tried and not succeeded in reporting things they saw but have given up.

"They might not have been as persistent and tenacious as us but we were determined to get the information to the police somehow."
The two women had been in Praia da Luz for a week before the McCanns - Gerry, Kate, three-year-old Madeleine and two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie - arrived with a party of doctors for a short break.

Mrs Jensen and her sister were in the same daily tennis coaching group as Mr McCann. It was organised by Mark Warner, the tour operator which manages the Ocean Club complex.
"We never met Kate," Mrs Jensen said. "And we never socialised with Gerry. We just played tennis."

On the evening of May 3, the sisters ate in the same tapas restaurant as the McCann party.

Neither of them remembers the doctors being rowdy or drinking heavily that night, as other witnesses have suggested.

Mrs Jensen, a bar manager, said: "They were not noisy or dominating the restaurant. They were just a party of friends enjoying a meal."

The sisters finished their dinner and left to walk down into the village for a nightcap.

"We were on the way to the bar when we heard the hue and cry about a missing child," added Mrs Jensen.

"The Mark Warner staff were being called on their phones and everyone thought it was a child who had wandered out of her room, looking for her parents.

"Apparently it had happened before and there was a drill they carried out. I left Annie in the bar and came back up to the apartments to see if I could help. It was only then I realised the scale of the search.

"I went straight into the creche area and checked the play area and Wendy House but found nothing."

It was then that Mrs Jensen saw 34-year-old Mr Murat for the first time. She saw a man light a cigarette as he stood on the street corner opposite the McCanns' ground-floor apartment.

She said: "I had semi-given up smoking and was thinking I could do with a cigarette when this bloke just along the pavement from me lit up. I noticed him but didn't think anything more of it."

A middle-aged barrister, a near neighbour of Mrs Jensen in the holiday complex, has told police that he spoke to her at the time and also saw Mr Murat.

The next day, said Mrs Jensen, Mr Murat introduced himself to her and her sister.

"It was hideous when we realised that the little girl had not been found. It really began to hit home that something horrible had happened.

"I thought maybe she had fallen down a manhole, or hit her head. I didn't think she had been taken at that point and we helped search bins and scrubland."

As they and the other holidaymakers combed the area, Mrs Jensen met another member of her tennis coaching group, TV producer Jez Wilkins.

"Jez told me it was Gerry's daughter we were looking for. I hadn't realised before that moment.

"Jez said that he knew Gerry had checked the children because he had met him coming back from the apartment."

As the hours passed without any sighting of Madeleine, Mrs Wiltshire became increasingly concerned about the strangers she had seen the day before.

She said: "I didn't know if it was significant or not but I needed to tell the police in case it helped.

"I got a member of Mark Warner's staff to get a policeman to come and see me and told two officers about the men I had seen.

"I told them they were blond and one had curly hair. One was stockier than the other and they had obviously just opened the gate and walked up to the balcony.

"I showed the policemen the balcony and as I was explaining the circumstances, Robert Murat appeared and started translating for me."

Mr Murat was acting as an unofficial interpreter for the police and Mrs Wiltshire assumed he was part of the police force.

Later that day, she and her sister bumped into him again and he asked them if they needed any more help with the police and whether they had remembered anything else.

Mrs Jensen said: "He said he was helping the police because he lived locally and he was very helpful."

That evening, the two sisters joined the barrister and his wife for a glass of wine on the balcony of their apartment.

They were discussing Madeleine's disappearance and the apparent failure of the police to set up a crime scene when Mr Murat walked past, saw them and joined them uninvited.

Mrs Jensen said: "He was wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans and he said he needed to go home and change because it had been a long day, which was odd, because he had already changed out of the clothes he had been wearing earlier."

After Mr Murat left, the barrister told the sisters he found him "odd".

His wife was distraught about Madeleine's disappearance and the couple were desperate to leave the resort. Their names have not been revealed.

Mrs Jensen insists she is not conducting "a witch hunt" against Mr Murat.

"It was only after he was made an arguido (official suspect) that I realised any of this information could be important."

Other witnesses who have placed Mr Murat near the McCann apartment that night include Mark Warner nanny Charlotte Pennington, two tourists who contacted Metodo 3 independently and three of the McCanns' friends, Fiona Payne, Rachael Oldfield and Russell O'Brien.

But friends and family of Mr Murat insisted he was not there. His mother Jennifer, 71, said: "People who say he was outside Madeleine's apartment that night are telling lies.

"I challenge them to tell Portuguese police what they're telling the McCanns' investigators."

When Mrs Jensen got home, she made a number of calls to police and Crimestoppers. She gave them an outline of the sightings and was told someone would call her back but nobody did.

In September, the two women went back to Praia da Luz to try to make direct contact with the McCanns but as they arrived, Kate and Gerry were made official suspects and left to return to Britain.

The sisters admit they might have let things go at that point but the constant mention of Madeleine in the press kept nagging at them.

In desperation they finally e-mailed the McCanns' spokesman, Clarence Mitchell and told him what they knew.

Within days, they were contacted by Leicestershire police who apologised for the delay and sent an officer round to interview them.

"They were there for 11 hours, finishing at midnight and we finally got to sign a statement," added Mrs Jensen.

"All we wanted was to get the information to the right people. It is just ridiculous that no one would help us."

A spokesman for the McCanns said: "We remain extremely grateful to Annie and Jayne for making the efforts they have to get their information to us.

"They have been trying since day one and have only wanted to help Kate and Gerry find Madeleine.

"They are utterly credible witnesses and we are very grateful to them."

? Kate McCann hopes to return to Portugal once she has been cleared as a suspect in her daughter's disappearance, friends said yesterday.

Mrs McCann and her husband Gerry expect to be re-interviewed by police early in the New Year, and hope it will bring them a step closer to being eliminated as arguidos - official suspects.

The couple, both 39, would then be free to continue their campaign work and believe Portugal could still hold the key to finding Madeleine.

Once the lead story on every Portuguese television bulletin and newspaper, the case is now attracting less attention and an appeal by the McCanns would give the coverage fresh impetus.

But the couple cannot speak freely about the case while they remain arguidos as they are bound by the country's strict secrecy laws, which ban witnesses or suspects from talking about the case.

A friend said: "If they were to go to Portugal now it would seem like they were trying to put pressure on the police, and they don't want that.

"But if they were cleared as arguidos then it would change everything.

"They would be cleared in the eyes of the judicial system and technically in the eyes of the world, although they realise that there will always be some people who view them with suspicion."

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 0:37

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Express

Nick Fagge in Praia da Luz - 11th January 2008

THE investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance has been hijacked by her parents' "gigantic propaganda machine", Portuguese detectives have claimed.

Senior police officers have condemned the recruitment of Metodo 3, the Spanish private detective agency hired by the couple to find their daughter.

And they have claimed that the 39-year-old doctors from Rothley, Leicestershire are using a string of "new witnesses" reported recently as "diversion tactics" aimed at distracting the police away from the couple.

A source close to the official police investigation told the Daily Express: "Who do the McCanns think they are? "The discovery of new witnesses in the last few weeks lead the authorities to believe they are at war with a gigantic propaganda machine.
Gerry and Kate McCann : But have they helped the police investigation'

"The McCanns have some very powerful people on their side - millionaires, celebrities, even politicians."

This week salesman Paul Gordon, 34, from Hampshire told how he confronted an intruder trying to break into the same holiday apartment from where Madeleine disappeared just days before the British youngster vanished.

Last week Irishman Martin Smith, from Drogheda, County Louth, told how he saw a man carrying a child towards the beach shortly before 10pm on the night of May 3, about the time that Madeleine disappeared.

In December sisters Annie Wiltshire, 58, and Jayne Jensen, 54, both from Kent, told police they saw suspect
Robert Murat outside the Ocean Club complex half an hour after Madeleine was reported missing from her family's holiday flat on the night of May 3.
Primed Suspects - Page 2 11-01-08-Express1-Parents-are-distracting-police_smallPrimed Suspects - Page 2 11-01-08-Express2-Parents-are-distracting-police_small
And in November Metodo 3 revealed how a lorry driver told them he saw a woman handing a young child over to a man near the town of Silves, 25 miles from Praia da Luz, two days after Madeleine disappeared.

Criticism of the McCanns has peaked in recent days following revelations that they are in talks with film-makers to make a film about their daughter's disappearance, already dubbed 'Madeleine the Movie'.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 0:57

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Mail

31st December 2007

Six key witnesses have now cast serious doubt on the alibi of Madeleine McCann suspect Robert Murat.

The latest is a British barrister who insists he saw Mr Murat in the hours after the three-year-old vanished from her holiday apartment in Portugal - at a time when the suspect claimed he was with his mother.

Madeleine's mother Kate has now told friends she has her own suspicions over Mr Murat, and has demanded he tells the truth over his whereabouts on the night the girl disappeared.

 The key witnesses are:

' Holidaymaker Jayne Jensen, a 54-year-old businesswoman. In a statement to police she said she saw Mr Murat smoking a cigarette on the street corner opposite the apartment half an hour after Madeleine disappeared.

'The barrister, who has not been named but was on holiday and was pictured in Praia da Luz at the time Madeleine vanished. He has given a witness statement that corroborates what Ms Jensen said.

The next evening he and Ms Jensen were talking about the disappearance on an apartment balcony when Mr Murat joined them for a drink.

The barrister has described Mr Murat's behaviour that evening as "odd", saying Mr Murat insisted on going to change his clothes because it had been a long day - when they were certain he had already changed earlier.

 ' Three friends of the McCanns. It is understood they have given statements to police insisting Mr Murat introduced himself to them on the night Madeleine vanished. It is claimed he said: "I am Robert. Can I help in the search'" Mr Murat subsequently acted as a translator between the police and the McCanns up until he was made a suspect.

' Charlotte Pennington, a nanny working at the Ocean Club resort. She claims to have seen Mr Murat in the hours after Madeleine vanished.

A source close to Mrs McCann told the Standard: "Kate has always felt there are questions concerning Murat that need to be answered.

"Gerry doesn't know whether he is involved but Kate has always been suspicious. There is a body of evidence contrary to what he [Murat] is saying.

"He has said he was not there on the night and now we have a number of people who have come forward quite independently of us and have volunteered information directly in contradiction to what he has said.

"The latest witness is a barrister who has corroborated what others have said."

Mr Murat, 34, strongly denies any involvement in Madeleine's disappearance on 3 May. He has always claimed to have spent the evening at his mother Jenny's villa a hundred yards from where the girl vanished.

 Earlier this month Mrs Murat, 71, said anybody who claimed to have seen her son on the night of 3 May was a liar. But she also appeared to contradict her son's version of how he learned Madeleine was missing.

Mrs Murat claimed she woke him up in the morning to tell him the news of the missing child. But, according to the official version, his lawyer Francisco Pagarete said Mr Murat was in his garden when he found out from a British holidaymaker helping in the search.

Investigators are probing Mrs Murat's claim. A source close to the McCanns said: "Murat was there that night. His mother may be protecting him.

"He is her son and most mothers would protect their children. Either she knows something or she is mistaken."

 Doubts over Mr Murat's alibi do not prove he has any connection with Madeleine's disappearance, and police are understood to have found no forensic links.

But he has been an official suspect for more than seven months despite repeated claims in Portuguese media that he would be cleared at any moment.

It is understood his lawyer could seek to have his suspect status removed on Thursday, but this bid is likely to fail while the investigation continues.

The McCanns, from Rothley in Leicestershire, also remain suspects, although the police investigation appears to be moving away from their involvement.

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 1:04

There would appear to be a very very heavy shadow of doubt over the integrity of the McCanns private investigators - very very well remunerated private investigators.

With nil results I might say - at least as regards finding Madeleine think .  However, no shortage of bogus sightings and bogus witnesses - you pays your money - you takes your choice.

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by sar 16.11.18 8:53

“He made my blood run cold”
[Philomena Cunk voice]
“His hair seemed weirdly slick, like a bird had poo’ed in his hair and he’d just styled in in!”
“I looked at his face, ce’tait comme Le Visage sans Yeux!”
“He has a suede “Blouson” style jacket, frightening enough but his arm looked like a haunch of venison! 
“He seemed to be carrying a “lifeless” “PJ clad child!”
He had a weird “Smooth” bum, one leg looked longer than the other!”
“His trousers had no creases then around his shoes they just went mental for no reason!”
“His upper half seemed very well defined!  A bit like the scribbly cartoon people from the AHA video “Take me on”, when you got to his feet he was more like a moon-walking ghost!”

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 22:51

Reading between the lines..

On we pressed with our campaign to spread the word across Europe. We had decided it would further our cause to visit one or two key countries ourselves and appeal personally to their people for help, seeking assistance and advice from politicians and children’s charities. We wanted to reach some of the hundreds of potential witnesses from elsewhere on the continent who had been on holiday in the Algarve around the time of Madeleine’s disappearance. Perhaps even more importantly, it was quite possible that Madeleine was in another country now. Had anyone noticed a little girl who seemed out of place, or somebody behaving suspiciously?

We chose Spain first, as it is so close to Portugal. After the British and Irish, most other visitors to the Algarve are German or Dutch, so we added Berlin and Amsterdam to the itinerary. Finally, we felt we needed to venture beyond Europe, to north Africa. Morocco was so easily accessible from Praia da Luz – ferries make the thirty-five-minute crossing from Tarifa in Spain to Tangiers several times a day – that there was a distinct possibility Madeleine could have been taken there. The Foreign Office helped us by arranging consular assistance in all these countries.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

(Extract for research only)

So that was the reason for the European/North African tour - to 'reach' some of the hundreds of potential witnesses  think?  Would these potential witnesses be one and the same as those who claimed this that and the other, that never led anywhere but a blind alley?  The same ones responsible for wasting the time and money of the glorious country of Portugal?  At the same time accusing the country of harbouring an extensive very serious pedophile syndicate?

As an aside, when calculating the inordinate sums of money wasted in this masquerade - who paid for the European/North African tour.  Has the Foreign Office, Embassy and Consulate expenditure been included in the global figure - the £11 million +?

The public, who actually pay for all this squandering of funds, have been duped - yes, I say duped !!!  

The investigation into all these fake sightings 'arranged' by bogus private detectives in the employ of Messrs McCann & Co. Ltd.  - where did the money come from to follow the false trail left by these dubious characters?  Why the public purse of course.

The Find Madeleine Campaign owes the public big time - not just in the UK but Portugal and the rest of the world.

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 23:24

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 23:36

Gerry and Kate McCann talk at Sandra Felgueiras about documented witness sightings and their possible significance @ approx. 30:00 minutes..

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Jill Havern 16.11.18 23:41

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Km10

Not the best look, if I may say so.

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 16.11.18 23:47

Oh I think it's just perfect - Wallace and Gromit laughat

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Primed suspects

Post by willowthewisp 17.11.18 18:19

Verdi wrote:
At approx0.41 seconds,that smug smile,"dupers delight",arm reaching around the Back,"Getting ready for Bracelets"!

Seriously,watch any Police Shows,people have been arrested for less evidence,on suspission of a Crime?

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 18.11.18 23:24

Jayne Jensen wrote:As they and the other holidaymakers combed the area, Mrs Jensen met another member of her tennis coaching group, TV producer Jez Wilkins.

"Jez told me it was Gerry's daughter we were looking for. I hadn't realised before that moment.

"Jez said that he knew Gerry had checked the children because he had met him coming back from the apartment."

Jez Wilkins wrote:The doorbell woke us up at about 1 am. It was the resort manager who I learnt to be John and one of Jerry's friends. I think his name was Matt. He is white, slim, and tall with greying hair. From previous conversations I learnt him to be a diabetics specialist. We met him o the way to the destination.

Matt said XXXXX to the effect that Jerry's daughter had been abducted, and that Jerry said that he had met me and wanted to know if I had seen anything. I said 'You're joking'.

I offered help but they said there was nothing that could be done at that stage. We remained at the apartment but could see people around the pool and at the front with torches. I also saw the police arriving. We then went to bed.


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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 18.11.18 23:54

Robert Murat - the stool pigeon or just plain pigeon stool?

How the McCann faction tried to implicate Robert Murat.  They traveled far and wide in quest of pliable witnesses to verify seeing Murat around the crime scene on the night of 3rd/4th May 2007, at least until another witness appeared like a bolt from the blue to exonerate Robert Murat as a potentially suspect abductor .... that person was one Martin Smith from Ireland.


So the Robert Murat focus was slowly but surely mollified until late December 2007 and early January 2008 when the McCann faction again jumped into action to pursue the viable witnesses and urge them to conjure up descriptions of their claimed sightings and hopefully something in the way of an e-fit, or should I say e-fits!

Although there was/is no consistency from one witness sighting to another, Robert Murat makes a guest appearance as the midnight lurker outside the crime scene.  Witness sightings vary but I guess what better way to create total confusion than by placing any number of possible suspects around the crime scene around the alleged time of Madeleine's disappearance.  Folk don't sell their soul to the devil for nothing - I wonder what incentives were offered to make their involvement worthwhile.

With the exception of Martin Smith from Ireland, the key witnesses with information about potential suspects all say the same - they reported their sightings to the police, Portugal and/or the UK, who ignored them until ......  Conversely, Martin Smith did report his sighting three weeks after the event when Robert Murat was made arguido, then only to confirm that it was definitely not Robert Murat he witnessed on the night of 3rd May 2007.  As suggested above, the Robert Murat focus phased out around the same time until the McCann faction re-focused at the beginning of 2008.

This is not intended to be yet another Smithman thread, it is an attempt to understand the correlation between the fabricated witness sightings and the McCanns with the help of their hired accomplices - the private detectives!

As I've said before, contrary to popular belief, the McCanns are not clever but they are downright cunning - a million times worse in my view.

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 19.11.18 1:06

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Anna Stam - Amsterdam

Post by Verdi 19.11.18 14:17

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Mirror

Ryan Parry - 8th August 2008


Primed Suspects - Page 2 Mirror-8-8-08-dutch-couple

This is the mystery couple believed to have been seen with Madeleine McCann three days after she vanished.
The sketches were drawn exclusively for the Mirror by a police artist on the evidence of witness Anna Stam, 41, who saw the trio in Amsterdam.
They show a dark-featured man aged 35-40 with a moustache, who was speaking in Portuguese, and a brown-haired woman in her 40s who was talking French.
Anna, who was flown to London by the Mirror to aid the hunt, said: "They fit the faces I remember. I just hope it's not too late."
The shop assistant claims a girl with the couple told her: "My name is Maddy", adding, "They took me from my holiday".
It emerged yesterday that there were three more sightings of Madeleine, then three, in nearby Belgium in the weeks after she disappeared.
Anna was praying last night she had given new hope to grieving Kate McCann.
Anna was stunned Kate and husband Gerry have still not received her statement about a suspected sighting of missing daughter Madeleine with a mystery couple three days after she vanished.
She said: "I hope something will come of this and Kate and Gerry will find their little girl. I want to help get her back to them.
"I can't believe they didn't know about this. Did these people take Madeleine? We may never know. I only hope it's not too late.
"But now I have a good feeling about this. This is the first time something will be done with the information I gave over a year ago."
Anna, 41, spoke out after arriving in London to meet a police artist and representatives of the McCanns.
Pledging to instruct investigators to make Anna's dramatic sighting a priority, family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "I'm grateful to the Mirror for bringing her to us.
"Her evidence could be very significant. Our investigators will interview her in the next few days."
Anna saw the couple with the Madeleine lookalike in her party shop in Amsterdam on May 6 last year.
The drawings based on her recollection show a dark-featured man of average height, aged 35-40 with small eyes and wearing a moustache. He was speaking Portuguese.
The woman was in her 40s with light brown hair. She was speaking French.
Anna, who claims she has a photographic memory, said the images are far better than a computer e-fit by Dutch police a year ago.
"They're much clearer and more lifelike. They fit the faces I remember.
"I'll never forget the girl. She had her hair in a ponytail, huge green-brown eyes and a pale face which showed no emotion.
"I didn't like the man, he didn't look like a nice person.
"I work in a party shop so most people smile when they come in to buy things.
"But he didn't smile back at me when I smiled at him. He had no sparkle in his eyes.
"He was short with me and seemed angry. I got the feeling he didn't want me to interfere with him and the others."
The woman, she said, seemed "stressed and uncomfortable".
Anna said: "She tried to smile at me but it was out of obligation not from the heart.
"The whole way they reacted made a big impression on me. The man spoke in Portuguese. I know because I have Brazilian friends.
"The woman spoke in French while the little girl spoke English. It didn't seem like a real family."
Anna's sighting emerged in Portuguese police files this week in which she disclosed that the girl told her: "My name is Maddy."
The child said of the woman: "She is not my mummy. They took me from my holiday."
It strengthened fears that Madeleine was snatched to order from her Algarve holiday home in Praia da Luz by a Belgian paedophile gang.
Anna said: "Because this woman spoke French, I immediately thought they would go to Belgium or France.
"The woman told me she was in a station wagon, a larger car. Maybe they were going on a long journey.
"Looking at the artist's drawings make me feel uncomfortable.

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Mirror-8-8-08-Anna-Stam-amsterdam

"Maybe I could have done something more.
"Maybe the police could have taken it more seriously."
Anna told Dutch police a month later when she saw reports of Madeleine's disappearance.
A full report was sent to Portugal on June 18 last year. It is not known what action was taken.
But the sighting was never made public and Kate and Gerry, both 40, of Rothley, Leics, were never told.
Before meeting a McCann representative at a hotel in East London, Anna said: "When I told police about this, I presumed the McCanns would be told.
"I still can't believe they weren't."
Yesterday Mr Mitchell said McCann investigators would quiz Anna in Dutch.
He said: "The principal is always to speak to a witness in their mother tongue so there's absolutely no confusion over what they saw or heard."
Mr Mitchell again blasted the Portuguese police for not passing Anna's statement to the McCanns.
He said: "Anna did the right thing in contacting the Dutch police. But I find it shocking that the Portuguese police weren't even in touch, either with her or with us.
"If they ruled her sighting out then fine, we'll rule it out as well. But we just don't know at this stage."

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Mirror-8-8-08-Anna-Stam-clarence-Michell-amsterdam

DO YOU KNOW SKETCH PAIR? If you recognise the people in Anna's sketches, go to or ring 0845 838 4699.

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Jill Havern 19.11.18 14:48

Pretendy witness Anna Stam
Saw a trio in Amsterdam
She flew to London to aid the hunt
Dave Edgar said: "You silly old cu bint, blushing1
You're having a laff Madam!"

Mr Mitchell again blasted the Portuguese police for not passing Anna's statement to the McCanns.

Since when do the police pass witness statements to prime suspects? huh

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 19.11.18 14:57

^^^ hysterical

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Ref;Primed suspects

Post by willowthewisp 19.11.18 17:12

Jill Havern wrote:Pretendy witness Anna Stam
Saw a trio in Amsterdam
She flew to London to aid the hunt
Dave Edgar said: "You silly old cu bint, blushing1
You're having a laff Madam!"

Mr Mitchell again blasted the Portuguese police for not passing Anna's statement to the McCanns.

Since when do the police pass witness statements to prime suspects? huh
The McCann's did try to obtain from UK Courts the right to see Leicestershire Police files about Madeleine McCann!

With the Eleven years passing of time since Madeleine was last seen alive and well,you don't suppose there has been enough evidence obtained that could suffice to charges of,"Perverting a Course of Justice",of these purported sightings,Obtaining Money by deception from the "Find Madeleine Fund,E-fits,No they were all doing their civil service eh Clarence,Amsterdam Darling,Metodo 3 in close affinity!

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 23.05.19 17:18


UK Cops are probing new persons of interest in the disappearance of toddler Maddie.

The hunt is on for these people seen lurking about the Ocean Club on the night of the toddlers abduction..

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Hqdefault

ooops Sorry - wrong one! .... whisper where did that come from ....

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Dd-composite-maddie-mccann

That's better! .... whisper think that's the latest one ....

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Cmaryholmes 24.05.19 16:57

I hope they don’t forget to investigate the Eggman with side parting.
( I tried to upload his picture but failed confused)

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Primed Suspects - Page 2 Empty Re: Primed Suspects

Post by Verdi 25.05.19 0:54

Cmaryholmes wrote:I hope they don’t forget to investigate the Eggman with side parting.
( I tried to upload his picture but failed confused)

Allow me hat ....

Primed Suspects - Page 2 Zzeggman

Some things are just too good to go unnoticed.

Me? I think he should have been labeled morphman, so many transitions did he go through.

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