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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Mm11

Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Regist10
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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Mm11

Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Regist10

Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by HiDeHo 25.03.18 15:21


There is a possibility that Russell O'Brian may have been complicit in helping to cover up Maddies demise by possibly being aware that Gerry presented himself at the creche with Russell without Maddie.

They both arrived at the creche together, but only Russell picked up or dropped off his child.

There is a likelihood that Gerry may have made a particular effort to speak to the nannies, so they would, maybe, make the presumption that the shy timid girl (Ella) was HIS child that was in the creche.

Remembering that in August 2007 there are MANY news reports (originally from CdM) that claim a 48 hr warrant was in place for (one paper claims a friend)    a person in Exeter, who had been under surveillance for a while.

ALL officers were on alert and it was top secret, which may account for my searching the files for the warrant but nothing that has been released regarding the incident.

Many reports and quotes lead me to believe it WAS credible but with no file link I have hesitated to discuss it until now.

I have posted a few of the MANY reports at that time and leave it to everyone to decide for yourself if there is any truth  in it.

Translation thanks to Joana Morais
RTP News Anchor: Sandra, in the last days there were news in the press that the Judiciary has suspects or eventual suspicions on the friend's couple[referring to the McCanns] Russell O'Brien. How is this friend of the couple reacting to this suspicions?

Sandra Felgueiras: Russell O' Brian, is absolutely indignated, he who is one of the seven friends, the only one who was not present at dinner in the night of Madeleine's disappearance, (...)

2nd Part (...)and who curiously just arrived to the Tapas Bar at the Ocean Club few minutes before Kate entered in the restaurant screaming that Madeleine was gone.This man, had yesterday a mediatic siege at his door home, because he was advanced as a possible suspect, about to be arrested- but only by the media as the Police in Exeter and Judiciary Police stated that he is not a suspect..

3rd part : (...)This man felt the need to say that he already made contact with the police, and that he knows through a secure source that his statute in this process hasn't changed, he keeps being only a witness and not arguido nor, eventually, suspect.
xklamation9 years ago

4th part:(...)The McCanns also came out defending their friend Russell, saying that they have absolute trust in all of their friends; they don't have the least doubt that none of them is implicated in any crime, and anyway they keep supporting that their daughter was kidnapped and that she's probably alive in Spain. - end

Further News Reports

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New suspect in Madeleine McCann case
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Kate McCann on her way to church in Praia da Luz 

By Richard Edwards in Praia da Luz
12:01AM BST 20 Aug 2007

Police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are following a new line of inquiry which could see them carry out a series of searches in the next 48 hours.

The developments mark the first departure from investigations centred on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], who has been ruled out and will be cleared of his "arguido" status within weeks.
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Every detective in the Algarve is on standby today. Search warrants have been signed and police are awaiting final orders to start an operation believed to be linked to a new potential suspect. 

The Policia Judiciaria, the Portuguese equivalent of CID, has been on alert since Friday. The details of the lead are a closely guarded secret and detectives have been warned that they are being monitored for any leaks.

The warrants are only vaild until the end of tomorrow, but could be extended if police believe it is worth pursuing.
The Public Prosecutor's Office, which directs the police inquiry, signed a series of documents on Friday, ordering the PJ in Faro to put detectives on standby and authorising search warrants at locations that may be linked to the disappearance of Madeleine 109 days ago.

Unconfirmed reports in a Portuguese tabloid claimed that British police are also awaiting instructions from the Policia Judiciaria relating to an English resident.

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[ltr]Daily Mirror[/ltr]
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New Maddy evidence leads to raids

Martin Fricker In Praia Da Luz 

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Kate McCann (DM)

Maddy cops' new raids after 'significant' advance All police across region ordered to be at the ready

Detectives in the hunt for Madeleine McCann were last night preparing to launch a series of fresh raids following a "significant" new development.

The dramatic move comes after new evidence was unearthed in the 15-week-long inquiry.

The Public Prosecutor's Office in Portuguese capital Lisbon has signed a clutch of new search warrants and every detective in the Algarve region has been put on standby.

Portuguese investigators were last night remaining resolutely tight-lipped on the nature of the new clues and developments in the case.

However, a source confirmed yesterday: "Everyone has been sworn to secrecy and the full facts are not known, but there has been progress.

"All detectives in the region have been told to be ready to go and there are searches planned. It is a new operation."

The search permits, covering locations in Praia da Luz, were signed on Friday and expire tomorrow night.

But officers can ask magistrates for an extension if they believe their investigation warrants it.


In a separate development, a Portuguese newspaper has claimed detectives have a new British suspect, said to have been under surveillance for weeks.

Correio de Manha reported that police are set to issue an arrest warrant for the man, who lives in the UK. Neither Portuguese nor British forces would comment.

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Daily Express (Deleted)


Monday August 20,2007
Martin Evans and David Pilditch

A BRITISH suspect is to be arrested as early as tomorrow following a breakthrough in the search for Madeleine McCann.

Detectives in the UK are expected to swoop after receiving information from colleagues in Portugal.

The development comes after DNA tests on a number of vehicles in Praia da Luz, including those driven by the McCanns, their group of friends and Robert Murat, who remains the only official suspect.

The results of tests on specks of blood found in the apartment from where Madeleine was snatched are also expected to provide vital evidence.

Detectives are understood to have been monitoring a suspect in the UK for sev-eral weeks. Following any arrest the suspect would be extradited to Portugal for questioning.

The breakthrough came when a team of British detectives working with specialised sniffer dogs conducted rigorous examinations at key sites in the holiday resort.

As detectives prepare to move in and make an arrest, Kate and Gerry McCann are expected to start planning a return home as the pressure continues to take a huge toll on them.

On Friday evening, search warrants were issued, according to the Correio de Manha newspaper.

The move follows a search by British police of the McCanns’ apartment, 10 vehicles and an area of beach which yielded at least eight new pieces of evidence.

A police source on the Algarve said: “English police have requested search and arrest warrants regarding one suspect residing in England who could be involved in or responsible for the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.”


Last week Portugal’s top policeman Alipio Ribeiro admitted that his officers were now working on the theory that Madeleine was killed inside the apartment rather than being abducted.

With this theory in mind, detectives are re-examining witness statements given on the night in question, including those from the McCanns’ group of friends with whom they were dining when Madeleine disappeared.

Members of the party may be re-interviewed by detectives in order to clear up apparent contradictions in their version of events.

The McCanns’ friends, doctors Russell O’Brien and Fiona Payne, and another friend, Rachael Oldfield, flew back to Portugal early last month to be questioned again after their interviews cast doubt on Robert Murat’s alibi. But the expat is now expected to be cleared in the light of the fresh evidence.

The McCanns have not discussed the latest developments with police, but are expected to hold a meeting this week. A family friend said they had not discussed the inquiry but were aware of the speculation over a possible arrest.

London Evening Standard

Madeleine: Parents' friend denies 'hurtful and untrue' slurs

Last updated at 23:07pm on 21.08.07

Dr Russell O'Brien was one of the holiday group in Praia da Luz
A doctor friend of Madeleine McCann's parents has hit out at "hurtful and untrue" suggestions that he was involved in her disappearance.

Russell O'Brien, 36, who was among the McCanns' holiday group, denied reports that claim he is about to be arrested as a suspect.

In recent days, a whispering campaign in Portuguese newspapers has alleged that Dr O'Brien went missing for an hour and a half at the time that four-year-old Madeleine vanished.

Although it did not name the doctor, one paper included enough details to identify him clearly and said police in Britain were poised to take him into custody.

Last night Dr O'Brien and his wife Jane Tanner, who live in Exeter, issued a statement saying: "These reports in the Portuguese press are completely untrue and extremely hurtful.

"We have spoken to the police today, and have been assured that our status as witnesses has not changed.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by sharonl 25.03.18 15:29

I don't know how much truth there was in this report and it was very quickly whooshed from the Sunday express.

Records of Gerry and Russells' mobiles placed them both near an unused barn where there was found, a bloodstained towel, the fibres of which matched those found in the hire car.
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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by HiDeHo 25.03.18 16:01

Some of the reports were very specific about the 48 hr warrant and knowing it was to be kept top secret it would likely not have been released in the files.

It came from CdM and I have a video claim that ALL of their reports are according to their reliable 'sources'.  (can't find it yet)

Yes Sharon, I don't recall whether the barn issue was resolved.

Will add article screenshots when I find them :)

Found one

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Transcription of the articles in the Sunday Express 2 December 2007.
Paper edition. With many thanks to Bouncy for typing this up

Now hunt centres on disused barn

The hunt for Madeleine McCann last night centred on a disused barn near Praia da Luz where police found a towel stained with what may turn out to be the little girl's blood.

Fibres found on the towel allegedly match fibres from the hire car rented by Maddie's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann.

Portuguese detectives discussed the breakthrough when they met British police and a Crown Prosecution Service official last week at a police station in Leicester.

Today for the first time the Sunday Express can shed light on the new avenue plicie are pursuing in the hope of a breakthrough in the baffling case.

Based on fresh information from mobile phone surveillance police began a search of an area in the south east of the resort. They came across a towel, with an Aztec design, near a disused barn in a remote area close to Praia da Luz.

Portuguese sources say forensic scientists used a substance called Luminol to look for blood deposits and found three sites on the edges of the towel. They tested the blood deposits to see if there was a match for Madeleine's DNA.

Although the samples were not good quality the scientists were able to do what is called low copy analysis, which showed there was "moderate" support to suggest the blood deposits matched Madeleine's blood.

The results were not conclusive are not regarded as being strong enough to be presented as evidence in any court case.

They also found a loaf and a carrier bag, which produced no significant information, but close analysis of the towel revealed fibres which were not made of the towel material. The fibre fragments were microscopically examined against fibres found in the boot of the Renault Scenic hired by the McCanns 25 days after Maddie vanished.

Portuguese police said there was "strong support" that the fibres found on the towel matched fibres from the boot of the car.

One possibility being considered by the Portuguese detectives was that the towel had at some point been in the boot of the Renault Scenic, which would explain how fibres had got on it.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Phoebe 25.03.18 16:03

I 'd imagine that if there really was any bruhaha re. Russell being especially under suspicion  then it sprang from the fact that he was allegedly absent from the Tapas table during the crucial "window of opportunity" and that by his own admission, he did a bit of emergency laundry that night. He had no alibi. I don't believe anyone thought that he was substituting his child for an absent Madeleine. I'd caution  against adding 2 +2 and coming up with 5.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Crackfox 25.03.18 16:42

ROB's phone activity was suspicious IMO and the line of questioning during his rogatory highlights that. I liked the casual way they dropped in "So you're a bit of an IT expert then?" during JT's interview (words to that effect). He was also GM's best man wasn't he? He tried to play the relationship down from what I can remember. Both JT and ROB very much involved IMO.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by NickE 25.03.18 20:57

Crackfox wrote:ROB's phone activity was suspicious IMO and the line of questioning during his rogatory highlights that. I liked the casual way they dropped in "So you're a bit of an IT expert then?" during JT's interview (words to that effect). He was also GM's best man wasn't he? He tried to play the relationship down from what I can remember. Both JT and ROB very much involved IMO.
Jez stated that he saw JT in purple outside the apartment when he walked out around 20:30 and in the meantime at 20:30 she was sending an SMS to Gorrod's who just as happens to be in Pdl at the same time and there was another SMS between them at 9:04am on May 4.
Creche with Ella/Madeleine
Sign in/out with Gerry/RoB
RM just happens to stay close to their house in Exeter.
All roads leads towards this couple have the knowledge about what happened.

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 27.03.18 0:20

Pulling in and formally charging Russell O'Brien to any of the other Tapas 7 would have been a good tactic for the PJ. The McCann's had high level backing and have always had a confident air of invincibility about them. This came across in the 48 unanswered questions interview.

But the tapas 7 wouldn't have felt anything like that, they would have been nervous and unsure under formal questioning. Consequently to divide the T9 like that would have yielded results and put spotlight far and square on all the inconsistencies.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Verdi 27.03.18 1:41

Crackfox wrote:ROB's phone activity was suspicious IMO and the line of questioning during his rogatory highlights that. I liked the casual way they dropped in "So you're a bit of an IT expert then?" during JT's interview (words to that effect). He was also GM's best man wasn't he? He tried to play the relationship down from what I can remember. Both JT and ROB very much involved IMO.

Where do you get your information from? ROB GM's best man? Assuming you are referring to Russell O'Brien and Gerry McCann (correct me if I'm wrong)..

Russell O'Brien's rogatory interview -

I’d describe our relationship with the couples as very good, I had met David PAYNE at Medical School in 1989 and we had stayed in Halls and Student Houses together, I met Fiona in 1993/1994 and was best-man at their wedding in 2003, we all went out to Tuscany in Italy for their Wedding. I recall that Matt and Rachael were there as were Gerry and Kate. I met Matt in my first year as a Doctor this was in around 1994, again I was close friends with him we lived in the same house, and I was best-man at their wedding in 1999. I have remained friends with Matt he moves around a lot and has worked in several places and countries.

I would say that our relationship with Kate and Gerry MC CANN is not as close as with the other two couple
s, I first met Gerry when he was speaking at a conference in Atlanta in 1999, and I recall that we both had interest in the same aspects of cardiology. I recall that we exchanged emails with each other to discuss various aspects of our research. Gerry moved to the Glenfield hospital and worked in the same department as I did but I was based at the Leicester Royal Infirmary, at that time Gerry was my equivalent at Glenfield and a voice at the end of the phone- I’d say this was in 2001-2002.

I’d say that we have known Kate and Gerry on a more personal level since 2002-2003 when both Kate and Jane were pregnant with Madeleine/Ella
. At the beginning of their pregnancies they had been given a similar due date, although Madeleine was born about a month before (page 2) Ella. Our friendship increased through Fiona and Dave, we would often see Kate and Gerry at their house on occasions.

It can be so misleading for members and guest readers to make such unsubstantiated comments. From baseless comments do mighty myths grow.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Guest 27.03.18 8:35

I’d say that we have known Kate and Gerry on a more personal level since 2002-2003 when both Kate and Jane were pregnant with Madeleine/Ella
Did ROB live in Exeter at the time and GM live in Leicester?
I'm just wondering how they got to know each other better.
Were they working together somewhere?

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 27.03.18 9:05

BlueBag wrote:
I’d say that we have known Kate and Gerry on a more personal level since 2002-2003 when both Kate and Jane were pregnant with Madeleine/Ella
Did ROB live in Exeter at the time and GM live in Leicester?
I'm just wondering how they got to know each other better.
Were they working together somewhere?
Exeter, seems to link several of the main characters together

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Tony Bennett 27.03.18 9:41

@ Lizzy/HideHo

I think the story below very much links to the media articles you quoted above.

It is from the Daily Mail, Wednesday 26 September 2007. I also saw, at the time, a shorter story about the same subject matter in the Daily Telegraph, same day possibly.

The significance of the Daily Telegraph report (I can't find it, but am looking) was that it specifically mentioned that the house and clothing being searched was in DEVON.


I presume both newspapers had what they considered adequate sources for their story.

There is quite a lot of detail in the story:

1 Same dogs as used in Portugal: Eddie & Keele

2 Obviously the same dog handler, Martin Grime

3 Searches conducted by South Yorkshire Police, who are named in the article, consistent with Martin Grime being employed with them at the time.

I personally think a search was probably conducted of the home of Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien and that the cadaver dog Eddie may have sniffed the smell of death on one of their clothes. I personally think it possible that similar searches were carried out at the homes of the Paynes and the Oldfields.

However, contrary to my view, the following must be admitted:

1 Goncalo Amaral does not mention any such search

2 It is not mentioned in the released PJ files, unless they are part of the withheld files, and

3 There seem to have been no other reports or leaks of what, if true, is a pretty sensational report.


Madeleine: Sniffer dogs 'found scent of death' on one of the McCanns ...

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Sep 26, 2007 - Friends of the McCanns faced fresh allegations after it was claimed that ... The same police dog which reacted to Mrs McCann's clothes - first causing ... Devon and Exeter Hospital, he knew Gerry McCann from Leicester.
Missing: cadaver
Madeleine: Sniffer dogs 'found scent of death' on one of the McCanns ...
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Daily Mail
Sep 26, 2007 - Police dogs from South Yorkshire reacted to some items of clothing, ... Madeleine: Sniffer dogs 'found scent of death' on one of the McCanns' friends ...

Friends of the McCanns faced fresh allegations yesterday after it was claimed that sniffer dogs had found the "scent of death" on one of them.

The same police dog which reacted to Mrs McCann's clothes - first causing suspicion to fall on her - was alleged to have smelled "death" on one of the friends who had dinner with the couple the night Madeleine vanished.

Police sources briefed a Portuguese newspaper that two police dogs from South Yorkshire, trained to detect corpses, human remains and microscopic traces of blood, had reacted to some items of clothing.

Family spokesman Clarence Mitchell denied categorically that any such procedure had happened.

The newspaper did not reveal which of the friends' clothing was meant to have triggered the reaction. Police in South Yorkshire refused to comment.

Detectives are writing to British police asking them to re-interview the seven friends the McCanns dined with on the night Madeleine vanished.

Madeleine's parents were dining in a tapas restaurant just yards from the apartment in the Mark Warner Resort in the Algarve, Portugal, when their daughter disappeared.

She had been sleeping inside the apartment with her brother and sister, twins Sean and Amelie.

According to reports from Portugal, all of those dining with the McCanns that night face further police questioning because their accounts of the night's events allegedly clashed.

Leicestershire police have consistently refused to comment on its role in the investigation and directed all questions to Portugal.

A spokeswoman said: "As the inquiry into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is a Portuguese police investigation it is not appropriate for us to comment on it. Our role is to assist the Portuguese authorities, when and if they request it, with UK based inquiries.

"But because it is a Portuguese investigation, and because of the judicial system there, we are not able to disclose the nature of those inquires."

The seven friends - who, with the McCanns, make up the Tapas Nine - have been steadfast in their loyalty to Madeleine's family.

The group - most of them doctors and professionals - was made up of:

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Dr Russell O'Brien, 36
A consultant in acute medicine at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, he knew Gerry McCann from Leicester. He was on holiday with his partner Jane Tanner and their two young daughters. At 9.25pm he left the restaurant for around 25 minutes to check on one of the girls, who was ill. He has been subject to a vicious Portuguese press campaign alleging he was absent for over an hour when Madeleine went missing. He has threatened to sue, insisting: "These reports are completely untrue and extremely hurtful."

Jane Tanner, 37
Dr O'Brien's partner. She arrived late at the tapas bar after treating their sick daughter.
On the way, she passed the McCanns' apartment and saw a man carrying a child. Crucially, her description of the child's clothes matched Madeleine's pink pyjamas.

Dr Matthew Oldfield, 37
Dr Oldfield, an endocrinologist at Kingston Hospital in South-West London, went to check the McCann children at 9 25pm. But he did not look inside the flat - simply listened from outside to ensure Madeleine and the twins were not crying.

Rachael Oldfield, 36

Dr Oldfield's wife, a former lawyer who is now a recruitment consultant. She is one of four witnesses who claim to have seen the first suspect, British expat Robert Murat, near the McCanns' flat. Last month she angrily dismissed reports that police had intercepted phone calls and emails between the McCanns and their friends which contradicted the group's earlier statements. Mrs Oldfield accused Portuguese police of "throwing mud when we are not able to defend oursleves"

David Payne, 41
Mr Payne is a senior research fellow in cardiovascular sciences at Leicester University
He and his wife and mother-in-law joined the group at 8.55pm. They are believed to have been the only ones using a baby monitor to check on their two children. Mr Payne has said: "All these smears and rumours are overshadowing the important thing, which is to get Madeleine back."

Dr Fiona Payne, 34
Mr Payne's wife, she is understood to have told police she saw Mr Murat shortly after Madeleine vanished. Dr Payne and her husband stayed on in the Algarve to support the McCanns. When the couple were made official suspects, she said: "It's an outrage - a preposterous accusation."

Dianne Webster
Dr Payne's mother. She has given no public interviews.




Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by sallypelt 27.03.18 11:55

With courtesy to Textusa:

NEWS OF THE WORLD ----------------- 
Maddie DNA clue in airport bag Traces found on fleece and stained jeans 
By Dominic Herbert, 03/11/2007 

A BAG of clothes containing DNA linked to Madeleine McCann has been found dumped by a road in Portugal. The white carrier bag was discovered in a layby two weeks ago near Faro airport, the News of the World can reveal. Maddie's parents Kate and Gerry McCann have learned the bag contained a blue fleece jacket and a pair of adult jeans with traces of DNA that contained "moderate" links to the missing four-year-old. There was also a SHOWER CURTAIN inside.

News of the find came as it emerged police hunting for the youngster have asked the Mafia to help. Crime godfathers in Morocco-where there have been several alleged sightings of Maddie-have been told cops will scale back drug busts if they do. 

Meanwhile, the bag, found by a passer-by, was sent to a UK lab in Birmingham for forensic tests. A leaked report showed experts concluded the clothes contained bodily fluid and traces of hair that could have come from Maddie. Skin Other items recovered from the bag included a white flannel, a green elastic band, a light green child's T-shirt with a green flower on the front and a pink and blue pencil case with a pink heart motif.

A source said: "The bag could be crucial. The DNA isn't an exact match to Maddie's, but it does link. "It is the first clue found outside the apartment complex and could provide a trail." The report-which was handed to detectives ten days ago-was obtained by the News of the World from Portuguese police sources. 

The jeans contained more than 60 different stains. The report concluded: "The blue fleece and jeans were found to contain traces of congealed skin and hair. "They were found to contain DNA characteristics that could be attributed to Madeleine McCann." No traces of Maddie's DNA were found on any of the other items. 

The fresh clues will give Kate and Gerry, both 39, renewed hope of finding their daughter alive six months after she disappeared. Last night a friend of the McCanns said: "It potentially suggests that someone has taken her then disposed of the clothing. "They have done it near Faro which could imply they have gone in the direction of the airport. It backs up the idea she was abducted." 

 Last Sunday the News of the World revealed that the crack Spanish detective agency hired by the McCanns, Metodo 3, are convinced the youngster was snatched to order then smuggled from Portugal to Morocco. Last night it looked like Mafia bosses will AGREE to use their underworld connections in the hunt for Maddie. 

 ---------------- The DNA 'EVIDENCE' was reported November 3rd 2007 We then had this report dated November 11th 2007

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Verdi 27.03.18 12:28

What a thoroughly disgusting piece of journalistic crap - excuse my language!

Is that the best Clarence Mitchell could conjure.  Rather than allow people to think that two inconsequential middle-englanders where/are complicit in the disappearance of their own three year old daughter - pin the blame on another domain? 

Sully the reputations of the innocent, jeopardize international relations, create bad feeling between nations - all for the sake of Gerry and Kate McCann?

What an utter disgrace.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by skyrocket 27.03.18 14:45

IIRC, the finding of the jeans with DNA which could link to Madeleine was cited as the reason why JT seemed so sensitive about having a pair of jeans on holiday with her in Luz. Again IIRC, a photo appeared of her in jeans which was stated as to have been taken in Luz which she specifically pointed out couldn't have been taken there as she didn't have any jeans with her on holiday.

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by Crackfox 01.04.18 22:05

I found this link whilst browsing, I think it confirms the surfing link:

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Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT?  Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true? Empty Re: Was Russell O'Brien COMPLICIT? Were reports of a 48hr Warrant for his arrest in Aug. 2007 true?

Post by NickE 01.04.18 23:26

Crackfox wrote:I found this link whilst browsing, I think it confirms the surfing link:

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"Kiko" told me a couple of years ago that there was some information that Russel and R Naylor knew each other before the trip to pdl through the surfing.
It was not confirmed though.

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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