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Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR? Mm11

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Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR? Mm11

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Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR?

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Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR? Empty Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR?

Post by Jill Havern 02.12.17 17:15

Courtesy of winnower on twitter

Was Trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR? (Updated Timeline - Still a work in progress)

01 September 2014 Monday

:: “Sky News Report – Madeleine McCann, the Secret Report”, by Martin Brunt. Anthony Summers, Robbyn Swan and Jim Gamble appeared.

:: Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan : public debut of book “Looking for Madeleine”.

17:56 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 506485781838708736 RT @MattBayleySky: Watch @skynewstonight from 7pm for exclusive from @skymartinbrunt on Madeleine McCann investigation

18:09 PM :: Twitter -- Jim Gamble --"On @adamboultonSKY with @skymartinbrunt talking abt the search for #MadeleineMcCann later tonight"

18:10 PM :: Twitter -- Jim Gamble -- "RT @mimrich: Interesting report from @skymartinbrunt ... ice-report cc @JimGamble_INEQE"

19:01 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 506502195937026048 Extended @skymartinbrunt report at 8:30pm on #SkyNewsTonight RT @SkyNews: Madeleine McCann Secret Home Office Report

19:17 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 506506185001148416 Sky’s Crime Correspondent @skymartinbrunt looks back on his years covering the Madeleine McCann case: #SkyNewsTonight

20:43 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 506527906227826688 RT @howardcj: @SkyNewsTonight exclusive reveals turf war between British police hampered the Madeleine McCann investigation. Your thoughts …

20:48 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 506529112673226752 Watch @skymartinbrunt's report on criticism of British police in the Madeleine McCann investigation: #SkyNewsTonight


09 September 2014 Tuesday


:: Scotland Yard received a letter & the 'troll dossier' . Quote: "A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "We can confirm we received a letter and documentation on September 9 which was passed to officers from Operation Grange. They are assessing its contents and consulting with the CPS and the McCann family."


September 11 2014 Thursday


:: Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan published their book “Looking for Madeleine"

:: BBC’s Crimewatch – Living with Murder. Segment on McCanns included Andy Redwood appearance with Jane Tanner's 'abductor' (eliminated by SY) rather than Oakley abductor (SY's prime suspect).

:: The Press Gazette reported that The Sunday Times was sued by McCanns over the article of 27 Oct 2013


September 13 2014 Saturday


:: Algarve Daily News -- Summers and Swan reply to critics of their Madeleine book (Part I) (By Len Port)

:: Algarve Daily News -- Madeleine: Summers and Swan interview (Part II) (By Len Port) Quote: "How relevant is the Gamble report discussed on Sky TV shortly before publication of the book? The report written by former Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre head Jim Gamble and his team has not been released. In an interview for our book, Gamble discussed it, we believe, more openly and at greater length than ever before, and this was justifiably newsworthy. The inclusion of this self-critique of British law enforcement’s role in the investigation, from a senior source, was welcome and long overdue. The first Portuguese investigation has been widely criticised, often exaggeratedly and in a way that seemed xenophobic. The new openness from the UK’s Gamble may go some way to redressing the balance. Once it becomes ethically possible, Portuguese law enforcement may perhaps offer similar up-to-date background. Should that occur, we would be glad to report it in a new edition of Looking for Madeleine."


September 14 2014 Sunday


:: Christian Post -- Madeleine McCann Search News: New Book Sheds Light to the Mystery (By By Arvin Donguines) Quote: "Summers then revealed in the book that former British consul Bill Henderson was quite aware of the series of "child sex assaults along the Algarve coast" but couldn't have told or warned the parents of the abducted about it."


September 15 2014 Monday


:: Christian Post -- Madeleine McCann Search Latest News: Does New Book Shed Light to Mystery? (By Arvin Donguines) (Re-publication of September 14th article above)

:: Breathecast Radio -- Madeleine McCann Search Latest News: 2nd Victim's Killer Connected to Madeleine? by Shilpa Chakravorty [ Regarding Urs Hans Von Aesch ]

:: Twitter -- @Jayelles1 Tweet ID: 511435167026917376 @JimGamble_INEQE DM Jim - quite urgent.


September 16 2014 Tuesday


Daily Mirror -- BBC's Crimewatch celebrates 30 years helping solve horrific crimes (By Danny Walker)

Radio Times -- 30 years of Crimewatch in numbers

BBC Crimewatch "While Living With Murder" broadcast


September 19 2014 Friday


Press Gazette -- Sunday Times sued by McCanns over story which wrongly claimed evidence was withheld from police

International Business Times -- Kate and Gerry McCann Suing Sunday Times over 'Madeleine Clue' Defamation (By Dominic Gover)


September 20 2014 Monday

Portugal Resident -- Readers’ online commentary targeted in McCann libel suit


September 22 2014 Monday


Irish Examiner -- "‘Torrent of hate’ for new Madeleine book" (By Christy Parker) Quote: [Summers & Swan] claim they have “received confirmation” that “vigilantes” within a Facebook group claiming some 30,000 members are intent on sabotaging the book because it concludes that the family had no role in the disappearance.


September 25 2014 Thursday


:: Sky news tried and failed to doorstep Twitter user. A Sky News reporter then contacted him on twitter, asking for an interview about his McCann opinions.


September 29 2014 Monday


:: Anthony Summers and Robbyn Summers withdrew all references to their latest book “Looking for Madeleine” from their Facebook page.


October 01 2014 Wednesday


17:14 PM :: Olive Press -- EXCLUSIVE: Ex-soldier claims he saw Madeleine McCann by a Nerja swimming pool (Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

***Note: The date and time on the Daily Mail website states the following article was published at 23:06 PM on October 1 2014, however Sky News Special Report – McCann Trolls” by Martin Brunt' was not aired until October 2nd. (IMO this is possibly a typo/error. If not, it indicates that Brenda Leyland was named prior to Martin Brunt's Special Report)

23:06 PM :: Daily Mail -- Well-spoken middle-class woman is unmasked as online troll who now faces arrest after sending hate messages to parents of Madeleine McCann (By Stephen Wright and Harriet Arkell) *Jim Gamble quoted / BRENDA LEYLAND NAMED / BURTON OVERY VILLAGE NAMED [ HTML: published_time="2014-10-01T23:06:20.000Z / modified_time ="2014-10-06T15:43:46.000Z ]


October 02 2014 Thursday


06:02 AM :: Twitter -- @skymartinbrunt 517539982203179008 #madeleine Police are investigating a dossier of online hate targeted at the parents of Madeleine McCann Twitter for iPhone

11:26 AM :: “Sky News Special Report – McCann Trolls” by Martin Brunt . (updated - need to determine time of first broadcast)
Note this report was broadcast by Sky News repetitively throughout the day on October 2 2014. In the video report, a British citizen who used the name 'Sweepyface' on social media was doorstepped by Brunt. Sweepy's lovely home was shown and the village where she lived was named. Sweepyface was jolted when Martin Brunt told her the police were considering charges. She spoke briefly with Brunt then left with a friend. When she returned home, she invited Brunt inside for a chat off camera. The report included comments that were not made by Sweepyface. Anthony Summers, Robbyn Swan and Jim Gamble provided commentary regarding the so-called 'trolls'.

16:51 PM :: Twitter -- @skymartinbrunt 517627892843700224 #Madeleine Special report on campaign of internet abuse targeting parents of Madeleine McCann: Twitter for iPhone

19:24 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 517741888028569602 These are some of the tweets sent to the #McCann family. What do you think? [ link to: Abusive Tweets Sent To Madeleine McCann's Parents ]

19:26 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 517742356326780928 So, why do campaigners want police to intervene over #McCann abuse? @skymartinbrunt explains: [ link to: McCann Twitter Abuse: Why Campaigners Want Police To Act ]

20:28 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 517758038670077953 Coming up on #SkyNewsTonight, @skymartinbrunt's special report on the internet trolls targeting the #McCann family.

20:51 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 517763927741321217 Why do some internet users troll others? Psychotherapist @LucyBeresford gives #SkyNewsTonight her thoughts.

20:56 PM :: Twitter -- @SkyNewsTonight 517765134731988992 Is internet trolling something we've just got to live with? Here's what @JamieJBartlett thinks. #SkyNewsTonight



*Note: In most articles Brenda Leyland is not referred to by name, however photographs of her ARE published.


00:01 AM :: Telegraph -- Investigation into McCann internet trolls launched by police (By Tom Brooks-Pollock) *Jim Gamble quoted

00:01 AM :: The Times -- Madeleine McCann’s parents targeted by internet trolls (By Fiona Hamilton) * Subscription only therefore not known if Brenda Leyland was named.

00:06 AM :: Daily Mail -- Police probe trolls sending hate messages to McCanns: Detectives to investigate after being given dossier that catalogues remarks, including death threats (By Stephen Wright) *Jim Gamble quoted

00:44 AM :: Sky -- 'McCanns Targeted By 'Venomous' Internet Trolls (By Martin Brunt) *Anthony Summers quoted

00:45 AM :: The Sun -- McCann net trolls face quiz on abuse (By Press Assoc. James Mills)

02:36 AM :: NBC -- Missing Madeleine McCann's Parents Receive Online Death Threats (By Alexander Smith)

02:53 AM :: Press Association -- 'McCanns online abuse dossier probed [Published in Sunderland Echo Kingston Guardian / Belfast Telegraph]

04:06 AM :: ITV -- 'Police examining 'dossier' of online death threats and abuse aimed at McCann family

04:55 AM :: Belfast Telegraph -- McCanns online abuse dossier probed. Press Assoc. [ Updated 16:08 ] (Article also appeared in Sunderland Echo / Kingston Guardian)

05:01 AM :: Daily Express -- 'Trolls' sending messages of hate to Kate and Gerry McCann are probed by police (By Rebecca Perring)

06:00 AM :: Parentdish -- 'Madeleine McCann trolls investigated by police (By Keith Kendrick) [ last-modified 06:00:03 ] *Jim Gamble quoted / *Anthony Summers quoted

06:02 AM :: Twitter -- @skymartinbrunt: 517539982203179008 #madeleine Police are investigating a dossier of online hate targeted at the parents of Madeleine McCann

06:19 AM :: Daily Mirror -- Madeleine McCann: Police probe vile Twitter campaign against missing girl's parents (By Sam Adams)

06:27 AM :: Guardian (Press Association) -- Online abuse dossier directed at Kate and Gerry McCann is handed to police

07:05 AM :: UPI -- 'British police investigating death threats against Madeleine McCann's family (By JC Finley)

07:35 AM :: AFP -- Police probe McCann 'trolls' over online abuse

07:55 AM :: Huffington Post -- 'Madeleine McCann Disappearance: Trolls Of Gerry And Kate Face Police Investigation *Anthony Summers quoted

08:15 AM :: Leicester Mercury -- Madeleine McCann: Parents Kate and Gerry abused via Twitter and Facebook (By Yasmin Duffin) [modified 09:15]

08:34 AM :: Liverpool Echo -- 'Madeleine McCann: Police investigating Twitter campaign against missing girl's parents

09:10 AM :: Daily Star -- 'Burn in hell': Parents of Maddie McCann attacked by 'venomous' internet trolls (By Tom Rawle) *Anthony Summers quoted

10:17 AM :: Closer Magazine -- 'Madeleine McCann: Kate and Gerry McCann call police after being attacked by Twitter trolls (By Fiona Day Freelance writer)

10:32 AM :: Metro -- Watch Maddie McCann Twitter troll being confronted over ‘venomous’ abuse (By Oliver Wheaton) *Anthony Summers quoted

11:08 AM :: International Business Times -- 'Madeleine McCann: Kate and Gerry McCann Flooded With Online Abuse as Police Investigate Trolls (By Dominic Gover)

11:22 AM :: The Week -- Madeleine McCann's parents subjected to 'venomous' web abuse -- Article removed - replaced with "McCann family 'troll' found dead after Sky interview" *Brenda Leyland named in modified article [edited: 2014-10-06 09:36]

11:52 AM :: Irish Journal -- Sky News has tracked down one of many ‘Internet trolls’ abusing Maddie McCann’s parents

12:44 PM :: Irish Independent -- McCann family subjected to internet trolling over Madeleine’s disappearance (By Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith)

14.40 PM :: RTÉ -- Online abuse sent to Madeleine McCann's parents

14:00 PM :: Twitter -- #AskBrunt session on Twitter regarding the McCanns : 2 PM. "@skymartinbrunt will be taking your questions on this matter at 2pm today using tag #askbrunt"

14:18 PM :: Visão -- Scotland Yard investigates 80-page dossier containing insults and threats against the McCanns

14:33 PM :: Sky -- McCann Online Abuse: Your Questions Answered, by Martin Brunt

15:02 PM :: CBS -- U.K. cops probe Internet "trolls" attacking McCanns

15:21 PM :: Daily Record -- Police probe vile Twitter campaign against missing girl's parents (By

17:14 PM :: Leicester Mercury -- Hope for Madeleine McCann as missing US girl is found (By Ciaran fagan) [modified 17:21]

17:41 PM :: Leicester Mercury -- Investigation into trolls' abuse of Kate and Gerry McCann (By Ciaran fagan) [modified 18:33]

18:02 PM :: Latin Post -- Madeleine McCann Update 2014: Parents of Missing British Girl Receive Death Threats (By Olivia Demarinis) [14:02 EDT ]

19:00 PM :: 3 News (NZ) -- Madeleine McCann's parents allegedly targeted by internet trolls (Original article removed: Link to original: [ published 08:43 AM Oct 3 NZDT ]

19.14 PM :: Guardian -- Leveson has changed nothing– the media still put ‘stories’ before the truth (By Gerry McCann)

19.22 PM :: Guardian -- Gerry McCann attacks ‘disgraceful’ Sunday Times after £55k libel payout (By Jane Martinson)

19:14 PM :: Colorado Newsday -- Middle class woman from perfect English village is McCann family's troll (By By Staff Writer / By Stephen Wright for the Daily Mail and Harriet Arkell for MailOnline) [ 12:14 MST ] *Jim Gamble quoted / BRENDA LEYLAND NAMED / BURTON OVERY VILLAGE NAMED

19:43 PM :: 3 News (NZ) -- Madeleine McCann's parents allegedly targeted by internet trolls (Orig. article removed: Link to original: [ published 08:43 AM Oct 3 NZDT ]

22:21 PM :: The Examiner -- Madeleine McCann parents death threat: 'They should be tortured and killed' [ 15:21 PM MST ]

Oct 2 :: Inquisitr -- Madeleine McCann Disappearance: Parents Of Missing Girl Receive Death Threats, Told To ‘Rot In Hell’ *Jim Gamble quoted

Oct 2 :: Newsoxy -- Madeleine McCann Parents Death Threat: Missing Case Still Prompts Critics (By Susan Harris)




00:00 AM :: Herald Scotland -- Police inquiry into online abuse of McCanns (By Hayden Smith)

00:05 AM :: Daily Star -- Middle-aged troll wants the McCanns to 'suffer forever' (By Jerry Lawton) * Clarence Mitchell quoted

02:43 AM :: The Times -- Web troll who abused Madeleine McCann’s parents is named [ updated 15:05 PM ] (By Nadia Brooks) * BRENDA LEYLAND NAMED

04:36 AM :: ITV -- Couple face jail for selling bogus bomb detectors which they said could find Madeleine McCann ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

04:57 AM :: BBC -- Kate and Gerry McCann criticise press after libel payout [ Updated 07:19 AM ] ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

08:30 AM :: TVNZ -- Madeleine McCann's parents criticise media after libel payout ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate') [ published 08:30 PM Oct 3 NZDT]

08:43 AM :: Press Gazette -- Gerry McCann condemns Sunday Times and 'sham regulator' IPSO after £55k libel payout (By William Turvill) ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

10.39 AM :: Guardian -- Gerry McCann calls for example to made of ‘vile’ internet trolls ( Press Association) * Gerry McCann quoted

10:15 AM :: Sky -- Gerry McCann Says Make Example Of Web Trolls * Gerry McCann quoted

11:42 AM :: International Business Times -- Madeleine McCann's Father Gerry Slams Press Watchdog IPSO After Sunday Times Libel Win (By Dominic Gover) [11:42 BST]

11:58 AM :: Press Association -- Madeleine father in web trolls plea

11:59 AM :: Christian Today -- Woman who trolled Kate and Gerry McCann on Twitter is a regular churchgoer (By Lucinda Borkett-Jones) * Burton Overy Named / Brenda Leyland NAMED

12.55 PM :: Guardian -- Man jailed for making fake detectors he claimed could find Madeleine McCann

12:01 PM :: Daily Mirror -- Pensioner jailed for selling bogus bomb detectors he claimed could also find missing girl ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

12:31 PM :: BBC -- Gerry McCann on BBC Radio 4 Today - McCanns 'damaged' over libellous press

13:58 PM :: Daily Mail (Press Assc) Madeleine father in web trolls plea [ Updated: 13:58 ] * Gerry McCann quoted
15:02 PM :: Portugal News -- Kate and Gerry McCann receive death threats

15:26 PM :: Leicester Mercury -- 'Twitter troll' Brenda Leyland 'flees Leicestershire home' after being accused of targeting Madeleine McCann's parents, Kate and Gerry [ modified_time = 16:59 ] (By Yasmin Duffin) * BURTON OVERY NAMED / *BRENDA LEYLAND NAMED

16:27 PM :: Telegraph -- Man jailed over fake bomb detectors he said could find Madeleine McCann

17:04 PM :: -- McCanns win Sunday Times damages

17:30 PM :: Daily Express -- Has Madeleine McCann finally been found in Spain? Police investigate new sighting

18:56 PM :: Daily Mail -- Jail for £80 million fake bomb detector fraudsters who claimed they could find Madeleine McCann with their bogus 'scientific' devices - which were actually plastic filled with shredded paper (By Chris Pleasance)[ Updated: 19:39 PM ] ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

19:57 PM :: Telegraph -- Rise and rise of the bonkers brigade (By Michael Deacon)

23:07 PM :: Oye! Times (Toronto Canada) -- McCanns win £55,000 libel pay-out from Sunday Times (By Afsheen Shafiq) [ Toronto : 18:07 ]

Oct 3 :: Independent -- Married couple guilty of making fake bomb detectors in garden shed they claimed 'could find Madeline [sic] McCann' (By Lizzie Dearden) ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')


October 4 2014 Saturday



00:01 AM :: Daily Record -- Elderly couple jailed after selling fake bomb detectors they claimed could help find Madeleine McCann (By ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

00:01 AM :: Daily Express -- Madeleine’s dad calls for action as vile online trolls target his family (By David Pilditch)

00:34 AM :: The Sun -- Trolling of McCann twins is truly toxic (By Lorraine Kelly) [ modified 18:39 ] (Subscription only)

00:05 AM :: Daily Star -- McCanns hit out at trolls: 'It's time cops stopped sick abuse' (By Robin Cottle) [time pubdate datetime="2014-10-04T00:05:00Z] *Gerry McCann quoted / *Jim Gamble quoted / *BRENDA LEYLAND NAMED

10:59 AM :: Metro -- Con artist jailed for creating fake device he claimed could find Madeleine McCann ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')


14:30 PM :: -- McCanns win €70k libel case ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

19:57 PM :: Daily Mirror -- Madeleine McCann internet trolls are devoid of humanity – much like the people who abducted her (By CaroleMalone) *BRENDA LEYLAND NAMED

22:57 PM :: The Examiner -- Evidence definitely exists against Kate and Gerry McCann (By Chelsea Hoffman) [3:57 PM MST] ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')

Oct 4 :: Herald Scotland -- Conman jailed for bogus bomb-detection scam ( Unrelated to 'Trollgate')


October 5 2014 Sunday


00:01 AM :: Times Online -- Internet troll who targeted McCanns found dead (By Gabriella Swerling) [ updated 10:27 UTC+1027 published 00:01 UTC+1201] Last updated 19:52 PM

02:30 AM :: Irish Independent on Sunday -- Authors face web abuse for stance on McCanns (By Ralph Riegel) [2 of 2 versions - no mention of sweepyface] *Summers & Swan

02:30 AM :: Irish Independent on Sunday -- Web trolls unleash vile attacks on Irish-based Maddie authors [1 of 2 versions - this version includes the accusation against sweepyface/Brenda Leyland] *Summers & Swan

10:10 AM :: Daily Star Sunday -- McCann troll found dead: Hotel room ‘suicide' of cruel Sweepyface (By Jimmy McCloskey)

10:29 AM :: Algarve Daily News -- Death reported of suspected McCann troll

17:15 PM :: NY Daily News -- Twitter ‘troll’ accused of targeting Madeleine McCann’s parents found dead (By Victoria Taylor) [Updated: 18:03]

18:16 PM :: Mail Online -- Breaking News: Internet troll who targeted McCanns found dead in hotel room days after fleeing home when she was revealed to be behind online campaign of vitriol (By Stephanie Linning) [Updated: 18:34]

19.31 PM :: Guardian -- Body found in hotel room thought to be of woman accused of McCann trolling (By Kevin Rawlinson )

19:33 PM :: Metro -- McCann internet troll found dead in hotel [modified 21:31]

19:40 PM :: Sunday Mirror -- Madeleine McCann internet troll found dead after being exposed for sending hate messages to parents (By Anthony Bond)

19:42 PM :: Leicester Mercury -- 'Twitter troll' Brenda Leyland found dead in Leicestershire hotel room after being accused of targeting Madeleine McCann's parents, Kate and Gerry [modified 2014-10-06 12:32]

19:50 PM :: The Huffington Post UK -- McCann Internet Troll Brenda Leyland 'Found Dead In Leicestershire Hotel Room' (By Paul Vale)

20:13 PM :: Liverpool Echo -- Madeleine McCann internet troll accused found dead in hotel

20:36 PM :: Daily Record -- Madeleine McCann internet troll: Woman accused of abusing missing girl's parents on net is found dead

20:40 PM :: Sunday Telegraph -- 'Twitter troll' who abused Madeleine McCann's parents found dead (By Emily Gosden) / [Headline changed later the same day to 'I love you': Son's tribute to McCann's 'Twitter troll'

21:03 PM :: Sunday Mirror -- Sky News reporter confronted internet troll days before she was found dead (By Anthony Bond)

21:07 PM :: International Business Times -- McCanns Twitter Troll Found Dead in Hotel Room (By Priya Joshi)

21:50 PM :: The Huffington Post UK -- Sky News Pilloried Following Death Of 'McCann Troll' Brenda Leyland In Leicestershire Hotel (By Paul Vale)

21:56 PM :: Sky -- McCann Abuser Believed To Have Been Found Dead

22:24 PM :: Irish Times -- Woman accused of targeting abuse at McCanns found dead *Gerry McCann quoted

22:51 PM :: BBC -- McCann 'Twitter troll' found dead in hotel *Gerry McCann quoted

Oct 5 :: Independent on Sunday -- Brenda Leyland dead: Woman accused of ‘trolling’ McCann parents found dead (By Katie Grant)

Oct 5 :: Inquisitr -- Madeleine McCann Case: Woman Who Tweeted Abuse Found Dead

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Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR? Empty Re: Winnower: Was trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR?

Post by ROSA 26.12.17 8:31

GM was a troll when he said ,ask the dogs Sandra

For Paulo Sargento, the thesis that Gonçalo Amaral revealed at first hand to "SP" that the blanket could have been used in a funeral ceremony at the Luz chapel "is very interesting".
And he adds: "In reality, when the McCanns went to Oprah's Show, the blanket was mentioned. At a given moment, when Oprah tells Kate that she heard her mention a blanket several times, Kate argued that a mother who misses a child always wants to know if she is comfortable, if she is warm, and added, referring to Maddie, that sometimes she asked herself if the person who had taken her would cover her up with her little blanket (but the blanket was on the bed after Maddie, supposedly, disappeared!!!).

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