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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Mm11

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Mm11

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 15:07

Jon Clarke analyses why her parents were not involved and recalls the shocking way he ended up accused of being involved

By Jon Clarke (Publisher & Editor) - PUBLISHED -
11 May, 2017 @ 15:00
LAST UPDATED: 11 May, 2017 @ 15:22

As the case of missing Madeleine McCann reaches its tenth anniversary, Olive Press editor JON CLARKE – the first journalist on the scene – analyses why her parents were not involved… and recalls the shocking way he ended up accused of being involved.

I RECEIVED the call at 7.15am from the Daily Mail foreign desk. It was a Friday morning as we approached deadline for one of the first editions of the Olive Press, then in its early fledgling stage.
The daughter of a pair of British doctors had gone missing on the Algarve the night before. Could I get over and investigate?
I was on the road half an hour later from Ronda, where we had our office, based out of a cowshed next to my home.
As a stringer for Associated Newspapers in Spain, I was long used to these early morning calls that invariably led to wild goose chases around the Iberian countryside…but this journey would lead to one of the biggest news stories in history.

It was a tale as sad as it was intriguing, and it would keep me in Praia da Luz where four-year-old Maddie went missing for the best part of a month.
It would lead to over a dozen stories in the Olive Press linked to sightings and possible culprits around Spain, with a number making the front pages in the UK.
There were claims that she was put on a ferry in Tarifa, claims she had been sold in Barcelona and even claims that she was living in a small village in Malaga province.
There was even the deluded former deputy chief superintendent, who trolled long and hard from his villa in Andalucia, convinced that the parents were guilty.Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Madeleine-McCann-e1341587444376
Finally, I would even find myself accused, more of which later.
Of course, the best whodunnits are always complex and far-fetched. But for a couple of loving parents to murder their daughter, bury and cover all traces in an hour while on holiday is stretching it just a bit too far.
But this didn’t stop the Portuguese police from charging them… and to this day, one notorious ex-detective continues to publish books claiming they were involved.
No care that Kate and Gerry McCann were educated doctors with not a blemish on their names.
That they were on holiday with two other families.
And that they had invited the world’s press to help in the search.
These are just some of the reasons why I am convinced the McCanns did not kill their daughter.
It is perhaps too obvious to point the finger at the parents.
After all, they say that in cases of child molesting and abducting, more than half the time it is family members to blame.
But accusing them had more to do with the ineptitude of the Portuguese police investigation, which didn’t bring in specialists to pick up vital strands of DNA evidence strewn around the flat, until THREE months later.
Then they seized the hire car of the McCann’s, found so-called ‘key, crucial DNA evidence on the back seat,’ and finally allowed them to have it back to drive around.
And, of course, they allowed dozens of local people, including one of the main suspects, Robert Murat – and even me – to wander around the crime scene.
Nor did they shut the border with Spain until the next day.
From the word go, they did not take this crime seriously.
And, in a way, who can blame them?
Praia da Luz sits in the sleepy south west corner of Europe, just short of Sagres. There had been no kidnappings, murders, or any serious crime reported for three years, as it turned out.
The Mark Warner holiday club that charged thousands to parents like the McCanns, did not even have security cameras, or secure premises.
There was no suggestion of putting families on higher floors and anyone could walk into the complex through a small side gate.
Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Kate-1-225x300Kate McCann
All the more perfect for a predatory paedophile who lived in the area.
I was completely shocked by the laid back manner the local authorities were dealing with the case that Friday morning.
When I arrived at about 11.45am I was firstly able to walk into the apartment, where I introduced myself to the McCanns and told them I would do everything I could to help.
The only reporter on the scene till late that evening – apart from Sky News reporter Kay Burley, who happened to be on holiday there – I spent time grilling neighbours, before noticing that a road crew was still digging up the street to lay sewage pipes literally right outside the apartment. The trench was nearly two metres deep and three men continued to shuffle around inside it.
Nobody had stopped them.
Incredibly, we had to wait till late afternoon before a couple of sniffer dogs had arrived, which was amateur to say the least, given that Maddie had been reported missing a full 18 hours earlier.
I am not going to be able to solve the mystery, but I am convinced she was snatched by a local paedophile, who had been watching the family’s movements.
It was coming to the end of their holiday. The fifth night they had put their children to bed and gone down to have dinner with their friends, all doctors bar one.
The apartment door was shut, but within easy reach and in full view of the road and the small village had apparently very little crime . . . until you scratched the surface.
While there had only been one murder of any substance for nearly three years in the area, there was, it turned out, a seedy underworld inhabited by numerous expatriates.
One woman told me how she had been the victim of an attempted snatch at midnight in nearby Lagos a month earlier. A long term English couple, who lived in a nearby hamlet, told me there were ‘half a dozen’ paedophiles living there alone.Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Mccann2
One of these is still being sought.
It was sketchy and unsubstantiated, but there was no doubt – as in any place where northern European expatriates drift in their hundreds – there were a number of bad eggs among them.
Then, there was the Russian connection. Murat’s friend Sergei, a handsome young man, who masqueraded as an estate agent and had a number of connections to boats.
I discovered he worked out of a small office in Lagos, where the police had been the day before to find he had suspiciously just wiped his computer clean.
He refused to comment, but I discovered that he and Murat, who lived in direct sight of the Maddie apartment, allegedly talked a number of times within half an hour of the girl going missing.
While he was never charged, and Murat was later exonerated, it summed up the sense of paranoia that everyone felt in the resort that month.
Whatever happened I am sure the McCanns could not have done it.
Much has been made of the missing hour-and-a-half window between 7pm and 8.30pm on May 3, between Madeleine being put to bed and the parents coming down to dinner.
While Gerry was seen playing tennis, Kate was apparently in the flat . . . she must be guilty then? Not really. She was probably relaxing, having a bath, putting on her make up for the evening.
One Portuguese tabloid claimed Kate had killed Maddie and then hid the body in the fridge of their apartment before ‘passing it through various locations’ and finally moving it in a hire car, perhaps on a ‘suspicious’ trip to Huelva three weeks later.
But given that the apartment fridges are tiny, they would have had to chop her up first. Would they have then calmly sat at dinner with their friends at 8.30pm, showing no sign of a struggle or the anguish of murdering their daughter to their pals?
If they had killed Madeleine and then somehow driven her body away in the tiny time scale, they would have needed to have gone more than 25 miles – the distance from the resort sniffer dogs and police searched.
That would mean driving for at least half an hour on the windy backroads inland from the Algarve. They did not know the back roads, nor a good spot to hide the body. How would they have hidden the body? Using a shovel? Hold on, would not there then be a shop somewhere that sold them a shovel? Is anyone still missing a shovel? If so, please call the Olive Press newsdesk.
It is all so far fetched it is quite ridiculous. And then I got accused of being involved!!!
It came after I inadvertently found myself interviewing a former nightclub bouncer in Huelva, who claimed he know who snatched Maddie.
A huge Angolan chap, he told me she had been taken on order and was now, most likely, in America.
We double checked his credentials, ran it past Maddie’s family and published a carefully worded and, I believe, sensitive piece, which then of course got picked up by the Sun to be splashed on its front page. Not so sensitively.
And all hell broke loose.
Within a week there was a 5,000-word essay from an anti-McCann ‘troll’ named Tony Bennett, a solicitor, who was later found guilty of contempt of court over his repeated claims that the parents were guilty.
In his article, still online, ‘Jon Clarke’s role in Maddie in US claim’, he made numerous wild accusations about me and my integrity, named my wife and children and even where I lived.
He accused me of lying about the case, and crucially claimed I could not have got to Praia da Luz so quickly on the day after her disappearance.
He suggested I was actually staying there.
More alarmingly, it emerged, he had close connections to the aforementioned former UK police chief, who is still based in Andalucia.
When I went to confront this ex-copper, who I vaguely knew, he refused to back down and thrust me a pamphlet entitled ‘What Really Happened to Madeleine?’, which gave 60 reasons insisting she was not abducted.
It’s fair to say we do not see eye to eye, but he is sadly one of millions of people around the world who still think the McCanns are guilty.
One thing for sure, it made me think long and hard about doing my job and how evil and pernicious the internet and its many trolls can be.
I doubt the case will ever be solved, but I am certain the parents were not involved.
And nor, should I add, was I.
Jill Havern
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by ChippyM 11.05.17 15:25

Same tired old crap.  No-one accused them of murder. Is he really this obtuse or more likely,  decided to do a bit of 'trolling' himself? Grow up and stop using these childish terms.

No-one mentioned shovels or buying shovels, there was the sea and all kinds of places to put a body, 'doctors wouldn't do such a thing' , 'it was a paeodophile'.... even though there's no evidence, Blah Blah Blah......

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 15:26

"I was on the road half an hour later from Ronda, where we had our office, based out of a cowshed next to my home."

And you're still spouting cow dung to this very day Mr Clarke. yes
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by sandancer 11.05.17 15:34

A cowshed ! 

How appropriate , it would be full of b/s wouldn't it !

Tomorrow is the 12th , poor Madeleine would have been 14 are we heading for another outpouring of media drivel .

Kate and Gerry , please remember your daughter with respect and dignity she deserves nothing less .

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 15:38

No wonder PeterMac washed his hands of this man.
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Liz Eagles 11.05.17 15:41

sandancer wrote:A cowshed ! 

How appropriate , it would be full of b/s wouldn't it !

Tomorrow is the 12th , poor Madeleine would have been 14 are we heading for another outpouring of media drivel .

Kate and Gerry , please remember your daughter with respect and dignity she deserves nothing less .
There's something quite biblical about a cowshed. Didn't Alphaig operate from a remote farm property in North Wales?

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Guest 11.05.17 15:43

Goodness gracious me, what an atrocious piece of work - in more ways than one.  It's not even factually accurate!  On holiday with two other families, all doctors except one - shame on you Mr Clarke, have you forgotten that this case revolves around the fate of a three year old child?

I've read some of it before - looks like he's been at the word processor.

I had to laugh at this sentence..

"There was even the deluded former deputy chief superintendent, who trolled long and hard from his villa in Andalucia, convinced that the parents were guilty."

A member over on the Colin Sutton debacle, suggested that a former Metropolitan Police officer couldn't be thought of as a troll - not like wot we are.  Maybe someone should tell Jon Clarke!

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by sallypelt 11.05.17 15:44

Another heap of TOSH. For someone that was there "for the best part of a month", he wasn't very observant, was he. The McCanns were with THREE other families, NOT two; Paynes, Oldfiends and Tanner and O'Brien.

And as someone has already pointed out, Dr Amaral has NEVER accused the McCanns of "murdering" their daughter. He has always stressed that he believes there was an accident, but for whatever reason, the McCanns concealed the body. Also, Dr Amaral has never denied that the McCanns were devastated by the "disappearance" of Madeleine.

These so called journalists get money for nothing, They are absolutely USELESS
No wonder that this world is in such a terrible mess!

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 15:48

At least we've got Natasha Donn.

I've never seen her use derogatory terms like 'troll's when referring to anyone, least of all the McCann supporters.

She just reports the facts.
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by sallypelt 11.05.17 15:48


"but I am convinced she was snatched by a local paedophile, who had been watching the family’s movements".

Yeah! So what were the reasons for the lies? Why would anyone, who had lost their precious child LIE???? It just doesn't make sense

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 15:49

aquila wrote:
sandancer wrote:A cowshed ! 

How appropriate , it would be full of b/s wouldn't it !

Tomorrow is the 12th , poor Madeleine would have been 14 are we heading for another outpouring of media drivel .

Kate and Gerry , please remember your daughter with respect and dignity she deserves nothing less .
There's something quite biblical about a cowshed. Didn't Alphaig operate from a remote farm property in North Wales?
That was a pidgeon loft! rotfl
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 15:51

Verdi wrote:Goodness gracious me, what an atrocious piece of work - in more ways than one.  It's not even factually accurate!  On holiday with two other families, all doctors except one - shame on you Mr Clarke, have you forgotten that this case revolves around the fate of a three year old child?

I've read some of it before - looks like he's been at the word processor.

I had to laugh at this sentence..

"There was even the deluded former deputy chief superintendent, who trolled long and hard from his villa in Andalucia, convinced that the parents were guilty."

A member over on the Colin Sutton debacle, suggested that a former Metropolitan Police officer couldn't be thought of as a troll - not like wot we are.  Maybe someone should tell Jon Clarke!
He's talking about PeterMac bigshock
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 15:55

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Carrry On Doctor 11.05.17 16:14

Kay Burley of Sky News just happened to be holidaying there.
How opportune.
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by nglfi 11.05.17 16:34

Sorry but I laughed out loud at 'trolled long and hard from his villa in Andalucia' what does that even mean? It conjures all sorts of bizarre images in my head. Hopefully this awful trend of using the word 'troll' to define any sort of dissent fades into the background soon.

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Phoebe 11.05.17 16:40

But they were DOCTORS, all but one he erroneously squeals. Someone better break it gently to Mr. Olive Oil that Harold Shipman was also a doctor and that in the last few months the red-tops have had a field day on DOCTORS molesting child patients, viewing kiddie-porn at its most repulsive level, groping and (Irish case) raping a patient during an examination to say nothing of needlessly lopping of women's breasts. "Trust me, I'm a doctor" - not likely mate.

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Jill Havern 11.05.17 16:42

big grin  The vocabulary of Brit journalists is very limited innit? Just chuck in the word 'troll' and a few humdingers and that's about it.

And the Olive Press is the BEST ex pat paper in Spain! What the 'eck are the others like?

Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Olive-press-voted-best-expat-newspaper-spain
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by skyrocket 11.05.17 16:58

'I was completely shocked by the laid back manner the local authorities were dealing with the case that Friday morning. When I arrived at about 11.45am I was firstly able to walk into the apartment, where I introduced myself to the McCanns and told them I would do everything I could to help'.

Do you think someone should tell Jon that both the McCanns were in Portimao with the PJ on Friday the 4th? Gerry's police interview started at 11.15 am.


Kate states in her book that the GNR arrived at about 10am to take them to Portimao, a journey of around 25 minutes. So Spanish time as an excuse, is a non-starter.

Also, which apartment did Jon Clarke 'walk into' - 5A had been closed off by the PJ in the early hours of the 4th, and the Mcs had moved to 5H/4G.

No shame and no ethics. 


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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by mootle 11.05.17 17:09

"No care that Kate and Gerry McCann were educated doctors"

Because doctors could never have committed a crime...

More than 1,000 registered and licensed doctors have criminal convictions... including possession of indecent images of children, sexual assault and threats to kill 

  • Disgraced medics have been allowed to keep their jobs despite criminal offences
  • Figures reveal there are 1,067 registered doctors with criminal convictions
  • This includes Dr Steven Burn, 53, a consultant cardiologist, who was able to keep his job despite being found with 65 child abuse images on his work computer
  • Campaigners reacted furiously and said patients should not be kept in the dark

ex ore parvulorum veritas

vincit omnia veritas

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by plebgate 11.05.17 17:22

skyrocket wrote:'I was completely shocked by the laid back manner the local authorities were dealing with the case that Friday morning. When I arrived at about 11.45am I was firstly able to walk into the apartment, where I introduced myself to the McCanns and told them I would do everything I could to help'.

Do you think someone should tell Jon that both the McCanns were in Portimao with the PJ on Friday the 4th? Gerry's police interview started at 11.10am.
Oh my so glad I stopped reading this after the first three paras.  What a load of rubbish, what a load of rubbish.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Phoebe 11.05.17 18:08

"It came after I inadvertently found myself interviewing a former nightclub bouncer in Huelva, who claimed he knew who snatched Maddie.
A huge Angolan chap, he told me she had been taken on order and was now, most likely, in America.
We double checked his credentials"...

Ah, so the riddle of the mystery trip on a public holiday to Huelva is solved. They didn't go to put up posters or lose some bothersome cargo, they were looking for a huge Angolan ex nightclub bouncer. Who better to ask about a disappearance way over in Portugal? After all ,Jon had bravely asked to see this huge chap's credentials and probably took down his particulars too.   lol4

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by sandancer 11.05.17 18:16

I steeled myself to have another read 

"This didn't stop the Portuguese Police from charging them " NO 

" Crucial DNA on the back seat " NO

Walking into the apartment ( already dealt with ) plus they moved to the Paynes apartment the night before 

"Late afternoon before a couple of sniffer dogs arrived " NO .

Peter Mac and Tony Bennett are "trolls " NO

I gave up after that , I want to eat my tea without throwing up .

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Doug D 11.05.17 18:19

GM interview at 11.15 to be exact, going by the files, but that’s neither here nor there. Kate’s started at 14.20.
I think he could 'gain' an hour from CET to BST to give him more journey time, but they were certainly not in their apartment at 11.45 when Clarke allegedly arrived and says he made himself known to them.
Journey from Ronda takes 4 hours 24 minutes by car according to google maps.
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Nina 11.05.17 18:28

Doug D wrote:GM interview at 11.15 to be exact, going by the files, but that’s neither here nor there. Kate’s started at 14.20.
I think he could 'gain' an hour from CET to BST to give him more journey time, but they were certainly not in their apartment at 11.45 when Clarke allegedly arrived and says he made himself known to them.
Journey from Ronda takes 4 hours 24 minutes by car according to google maps.
Yes there is an hour difference between Spain and Portugal, but not Portugal and the UK.

Not one more cent from me.
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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by wjk 11.05.17 18:51

Carrry On Doctor wrote:Kay Burley of Sky News just happened to be holidaying there.
How opportune.
 No that was Jo Wheeler, who lived there at the time

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Carrry On Doctor 11.05.17 20:39

wjk wrote:
Carrry On Doctor wrote:Kay Burley of Sky News just happened to be holidaying there.
How opportune.
 No that was Jo Wheeler, who lived there at the time
Thank you for the correction @wjk.
I guess no surprise really.
The article is total bollocks from start to end.
Carrry On Doctor
Carrry On Doctor

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Guest 11.05.17 21:04

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
Verdi wrote:Goodness gracious me, what an atrocious piece of work - in more ways than one.  It's not even factually accurate!  On holiday with two other families, all doctors except one - shame on you Mr Clarke, have you forgotten that this case revolves around the fate of a three year old child?

I've read some of it before - looks like he's been at the word processor.

I had to laugh at this sentence..

"There was even the deluded former deputy chief superintendent, who trolled long and hard from his villa in Andalucia, convinced that the parents were guilty."

A member over on the Colin Sutton debacle, suggested that a former Metropolitan Police officer couldn't be thought of as a troll - not like wot we are.  Maybe someone should tell Jon Clarke!
He's talking about PeterMac bigshock
So let me get this right.  If you're an ex-cop questioning anything relating to the McCanns you are trolling long and hard but if you are an Olive Press investigative journalist you are only investigatively journalisting long and hard?  Is there such a thing as a positive troll as opposed to a negative troll - if you get the drift?

Question is who is paying this joker..

"I RECEIVED the call at 7.15am from the Daily Mail foreign desk. It was a Friday morning as we approached deadline for one of the first editions of the Olive Press, then in its early fledgling stage."

It's getting a bit whiffy around here

Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Clarence-mitchell-2_799232f

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by wjk 11.05.17 21:09

Carrry On Doctor wrote:
wjk wrote:
Carrry On Doctor wrote:Kay Burley of Sky News just happened to be holidaying there.
How opportune.
 No that was Jo Wheeler, who lived there at the time
Thank you for the correction @wjk.
I guess no surprise really.
The article is total bollocks from start to end.
No worries...and yes it is! yes

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by Hobs 12.05.17 3:08

But this didn’t stop the Portuguese police from charging them

Except they weren't charged!

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Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents Empty Re: Jon Clarke, disgraced editor of The Olive Press: A paedophile took Madeleine McCann, not her parents

Post by ChippyM 12.05.17 7:23

nglfi wrote:Sorry but I laughed out loud at 'trolled long and hard from his villa in Andalucia' what does that even mean? It conjures all sorts of bizarre images in my head. Hopefully this awful trend of using the word 'troll' to define any sort of dissent fades into the background soon.

Nope, Sorry nglfi it's the new 'anti-semitism'.

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