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 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Mm11

 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Regist10
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 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Mm11

 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Regist10

Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense' March 20, 2017

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 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Empty Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense' March 20, 2017

Post by HiDeHo 20.03.17 4:27

[ltr][ - Fiinally the REAL story![/ltr]

Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'

By Mark Saunokonoko 2:18pm March 20, 2017

The footage of sniffer dogs searching the McCann's holiday apartment and rental car was one of the most jarring moments to emerge from the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine.

Gerry and Kate McCann, who resolutely claim Maddie was abducted, have always questioned the reliability and objectivity of British dogs Eddie and Keela, despite their impressive credentials.

During those searches, Eddie, a cadaver dog trained to detect the odour of a dead body, is seen alerting and barking in Kate and Gerry's bedroom of holiday apartment 5A.

Eddie also "hits" and barks loudly behind a blue couch in the living room of the Praia da Luz apartment where the McCann family stayed in 2007.

A second sniffer dog, Keela, trained only to detect human blood, also alerted behind the couch.

Six days later, on August 6, both dogs alerted on a Renault Scenic rental car the McCann's hired 25 days after Madeleine vanished.

 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Http-210

Gerry and Kate McCann pass a poster displaying their missing daughter Madeleine in the area of the beach resort of Lagos 13 May 2007, in Praia da Luz. Source: AFP

Though the work of cadaver and blood dogs cannot be submitted as evidence, investigators hoped Eddie and Keela would provide crucial clues as to what might have happened to Maddie on May 3.

Just days after the dogs finished searching, the McCanns were sensationally named 'arguidos' by Portugal's Policia Judiciaria. Ten months later, Kate and Gerry were cleared of 'arguido' status.

US criminal profiler Pat Brown, who for almost a decade has studied the case and written extensively on Madeleine's disappearance, described Kate and Gerry's reaction to the sniffer dogs as "just not right".

"What dogs do is either help you find a body or they help you understand what happened to a body or that there has been a body there," Brown told

"[The McCann's] reaction to the dogs hitting on things, their reaction and behaviour was incorrect. It didn't make sense," Brown claimed.

Brown believed it strange that the McCann's did not appear "very concerned" that the work of the dogs indicated a dead body had been in their Algarve holiday apartment.

 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Http-211

Kate McCann, mother of missing Madeleine, stops to talk to the press after attending a church service in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, 06 May 2007. Source: AFP

The crime expert, who analyses human behaviour, added the McCanns could just be "off the charts as an anomaly" when it comes to ways people might typically react to events.

During a 2009 television interview with Portuguese journalist Sandra Felgueira, Gerry McCann was asked about the cadaver dogs alerting to the scent of a dead body in apartment 5A and their rental car.

"I can tell you that we've obviously looked at evidence about cadaver dogs and they're incredibly unreliable," McCann replied.

Kate McCann made similar assertions in the book she wrote about her family's ordeal, titled Madeleine.

Sniffer dogs Eddie and Keela had been brought to Praia da Luz in July 2007 at the request of Mark Harrison, a British investigator and national adviser to UK police who specialises in searching for people missing, abducted or murdered.

Harrison's remit from Portugal's Policia Judiciaria was to solely explore the possibility that Madeleine had been murdered and her body was concealed in surrounding areas, according to police files.

 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Http-212

Portuguese police assisted by dogs search for missing 3-year old British girl Madeleine McCann the day after she vanished. Source: AFP

In one of his preliminary reports, Harrison said any alerts by the dogs may suggest that a body had been in the property and then removed. He added "no inference can be drawn as to whether a human cadaver has previously been in any location without other supporting physical evidence".

As Harrison delivered his report, Policia Judiciaria were submitting and awaiting results on forensic evidence taken from behind the sofa in apartment 5A and the boot of the Renault car.

A British scientist from the now defunct Forensic Science Service, John Lowe, came back to Portugal's detectives with forensic results that appeared inconclusive but open to interpretation.

In a September 3, 2007 email, Lowe stated the swab taken from behind the sofa produced an "incomplete DNA result"

However, Lowe continued: "All of the confirmed DNA components within this result match the corresponding components in the DNA profile of Madeline McCann".

Lowe said his testing of the swab from behind the sofa could not determine what kind of bodily fluid made up the DNA sample.

Madeleine McCann, missing since 3 May 2007. Source: AFP

But, as would be later noted by the handler of sniffer dog Keela, his canine was only trained to alert to human blood, nothing else.

The forensics taken from the boot of the Renault Scenic was judged by Lowe to be "too complex for meaningful inclusion and interpretation".

However, Lowe also concluded that 15 of 19 components present in the sample could be linked to Madeleine.

Though "complex", the forensic results from the rental car mean it was possible that Madeleine may have been present in the Renault Scenic.

In his book, Goncalo Amaral, the Portuguese detective the McCanns tried to silence, said his team confirmed nobody had ever died in apartment 5A, prior to the arrival of Madeleine's family.

Martin Grime, the handler of cadaver dog Eddie, said the dog appeared immediately "very excited" when they arrived at the door of 5A.

"As soon [Eddie] has come into the house he's picked up a scent that he recognises," Grimes said in a police interview in August 2007.

He detailed how the dog barked in two places in the apartment, in the bedroom close to a large wardrobe with shelves, and behind the sofa.

"What we should understand with this dog is that he only barks when he finds something, he won't bark at any other times. He won't bark at other dogs, he won't bark at strangers, he won't bark when somebody knocks on the door or anything like that," Grimes said in the interview.

Grimes also added in the police report that the work of his dogs Eddie and Keela should be backed up and confirmed with corroborating evidence, such as forensics.

Cadaver dogs are used widely by Australian police forces to locate dead and missing bodies, according to NSW Dog Unit Commander, Acting Superintendent Sheridan Waldau.

A/Supt Waldau told he was unsure how cadaver dogs were used in the McCann case, but that his unit can "detect minute amounts of blood or remains across large designated area".

"Cadaver dogs … have proven vital to uncovering evidence in past investigations," he added.

Several studies have tried to pinpoint the minimum length of time it takes for a dead body to emit a cadaver odour.

A 2007 study from the University of Bern in Switzerland recorded highly trained dogs accurately alerting to cadaver scent within three hours of a person dying.

Other studies have shown human corpses with begin to emit cadaver that dogs can detect within 90 minutes of death.

NEXT UP: More explosive insight and analysis from criminal profiler Pat Brown; follow me on Twitter for next instalment

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Post by The Rooster 20.03.17 6:25

I hope the UK press pick up on this. The public should be aware of the dogs findings!

F J Leghorn
"DOO-Dah! DOO-Dah-Day!"
The Rooster
The Rooster

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 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Empty Re: Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense' March 20, 2017

Post by whatsupdoc 20.03.17 6:33

Thanks HiDeHo. 

Another example of police using dogs successfully.

The link had [/url] on the end causing an error.
This works...

[ltr]] [/ltr]

All in my opinion.

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Post by Mirage 20.03.17 9:49

Crufts this year featured an interview with the CEO of Medical Detection Dogs, Claire Guest. We discovered these spaniels have a million times the olfactory capacity of humans. These particular ones are trained to detect disease in humans, but they mentioned the other types of work they engage in such as detecting drugs and cadaver odour.

The particular film shown was of a spaniel who finds lost cats!  The expert commented that these dogs' abilities are being  progressed all the time.

The capability of these specialist dogs was summed up thus: they can detect two teaspoons of sugar in an Olympic-size swimming pool!

Gerry McCann:
"I can tell you that we've obviously looked at evidence about cadaver dogs and they're incredibly unreliable."

Claire Guest:
Claire Guest, co-founder and CEO of Medical Detection Dogs, has won the national First Women award for Science and Technology.

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Post by ChippyM 20.03.17 10:25

I think someone's been reading this forum!

"A British scientist from the now defunct Forensic Science Service, John Lowe, came back to Portugal's detectives with forensic results that appeared inconclusive but open to interpretation."

I'm glad they included this because so many people who try and discredit the dogs say 'no evidence was found', to back them up.
   At last someone has reported that the DNA components were there, the question is what are the chances of that happening where the dogs alerted?

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Post by Constablekid 20.03.17 13:01

Great article. Is it safe to post this link on my Facebook? Or could that get me into trouble? It quotes GA's book. A lot of my friends have questions I think this answers.

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Post by Mirage 20.03.17 13:06

ChippyM wrote:I think someone's been reading this forum!

"A British scientist from the now defunct Forensic Science Service, John Lowe, came back to Portugal's detectives with forensic results that appeared inconclusive but open to interpretation."

I'm glad they included this because so many people who try and discredit the dogs say 'no evidence was found', to back them up.
   At last someone has reported that the DNA components were there, the question is what are the chances of that happening where the dogs alerted?
Imagine Martin Brunt having to reprise his 2007 broadcast on the DNA results in 2017. Is there a lab test for detecting egg on face?

And sandwiched between these two brief broadcasts of huge significance maybe Sky should run the half hour rolling news aka the hounding to death of someone asking all the relevant questions the public are now asking in droves.

Maybe this is the right moment to the ask some hard questions of those who set up this kangaroo court.

Cressida Dick! Your moment has arrived.

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 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Empty Ask the Dogs,Sandra?

Post by willowthewisp 20.03.17 13:33

Mirage wrote:
ChippyM wrote:I think someone's been reading this forum!

"A British scientist from the now defunct Forensic Science Service, John Lowe, came back to Portugal's detectives with forensic results that appeared inconclusive but open to interpretation."

I'm glad they included this because so many people who try and discredit the dogs say 'no evidence was found', to back them up.
   At last someone has reported that the DNA components were there, the question is what are the chances of that happening where the dogs alerted?
Imagine Martin Brunt having to reprise his 2007 broadcast on the DNA results in 2017. Is there a lab test for detecting egg on face?

And sandwiched between these two brief broadcasts of huge significance maybe Sky should run the half hour rolling news aka the hounding to death of someone asking all the relevant questions the public are now asking in droves.

Maybe this is the right moment to the ask some hard questions of those who set up this kangaroo court.

Cressida Dick! Your moment has arrived.

The picture of kate leaving the Church Service,6 May 2007,note the"Colour of trousers"then what the Trained Police dogs,Eddie,Keela alerted to and Scotland Yard never try to answer questions of the Dogs alerting to!?
Ringing any alarm bells Cressida,or are you still stuck in the Foreign Office remit given to you by the Home Office?

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 Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense'  March 20, 2017   Empty Re: Fiinally the REAL story! - Gerry and Kate's reaction to sniffer dogs hitting on McCann holiday apartment and rental car 'didn't make sense' March 20, 2017

Post by Mirage 20.03.17 14:07

willowthewisp wrote:
Mirage wrote:
ChippyM wrote:I think someone's been reading this forum!

"A British scientist from the now defunct Forensic Science Service, John Lowe, came back to Portugal's detectives with forensic results that appeared inconclusive but open to interpretation."

I'm glad they included this because so many people who try and discredit the dogs say 'no evidence was found', to back them up.
   At last someone has reported that the DNA components were there, the question is what are the chances of that happening where the dogs alerted?
Imagine Martin Brunt having to reprise his 2007 broadcast on the DNA results in 2017. Is there a lab test for detecting egg on face?

And sandwiched between these two brief broadcasts of huge significance maybe Sky should run the half hour rolling news aka the hounding to death of someone asking all the relevant questions the public are now asking in droves.

Maybe this is the right moment to the ask some hard questions of those who set up this kangaroo court.

Cressida Dick! Your moment has arrived.

The picture of kate leaving the Church Service,6 May 2007,note the"Colour of trousers"then what the Trained Police dogs,Eddie,Keela alerted to and Scotland Yard never try to answer questions of the Dogs alerting to!?
Ringing any alarm bells Cressida,or are you still stuck in the Foreign Office remit given to you by the Home Office?
Indeed, wtw, Cressida Dick was in the Foreign Office in the role of security-related general director.

If my memory serves me correctly, the Home Office would not release certain information on the basis it would compromise national security. Has anyone the provenance for this, please?

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Post by willowthewisp 20.03.17 14:29

Mirage wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:
Mirage wrote:
ChippyM wrote:I think someone's been reading this forum!

"A British scientist from the now defunct Forensic Science Service, John Lowe, came back to Portugal's detectives with forensic results that appeared inconclusive but open to interpretation."

I'm glad they included this because so many people who try and discredit the dogs say 'no evidence was found', to back them up.
   At last someone has reported that the DNA components were there, the question is what are the chances of that happening where the dogs alerted?
Imagine Martin Brunt having to reprise his 2007 broadcast on the DNA results in 2017. Is there a lab test for detecting egg on face?

And sandwiched between these two brief broadcasts of huge significance maybe Sky should run the half hour rolling news aka the hounding to death of someone asking all the relevant questions the public are now asking in droves.

Maybe this is the right moment to the ask some hard questions of those who set up this kangaroo court.

Cressida Dick! Your moment has arrived.

The picture of kate leaving the Church Service,6 May 2007,note the"Colour of trousers"then what the Trained Police dogs,Eddie,Keela alerted to and Scotland Yard never try to answer questions of the Dogs alerting to!?
Ringing any alarm bells Cressida,or are you still stuck in the Foreign Office remit given to you by the Home Office?
Indeed, wtw, Cressida Dick was in the Foreign Office in the role of security-related general director.

If my memory serves me correctly, the Home Office would not release certain information on the basis it would  compromise national security. Has anyone the provenance for this, please?
Hi Mirage,the"Home Office" have invoked article 23,that concludes any information that Cressida Dick was reviewing,does not have to be released to the Public,FOIR,but article 23 does list National Security,along with another list of exclusions,now is the time to ask?

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Post by suzyjohnson 20.03.17 14:30

willowthewisp wrote:
The picture of kate leaving the Church Service,6 May 2007,note the"Colour of trousers"then what the Trained Police dogs,Eddie,Keela alerted to and Scotland Yard never try to answer questions of the Dogs alerting to!?

I don't think that picture is from the church service on 6/5/07, I think it was taken before then.



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Post by jeanmonroe 20.03.17 14:37

EX Commander (now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police) Cressida Dick, DCI Clive Driscoll, Stephen Lawrence.


I made an appointment to see Commander Cressida Dick, my boss, and told her I wanted to take on Operation Fishpool.
‘Seriously?’ she asked.
‘Yes, ma’am. I’d like to have a crack at solving the Stephen Lawrence murder.’
Commander Dick was delighted, but not everyone shared her view. The murder squad, SCD1, hated the case because it showed them in a bad light, and even my chief superintendent was dead against me taking it on.
My team would need to start again at the beginning, inputting every single scrap in the 540 boxes. It would take at least two years. When I told Cressida Dick, she blew out her cheeks. ‘Whatever it takes, Clive. But do me a favour: don’t let the Met look any worse.’
I decided to hire a fresh pair of eyes — a different firm of forensic experts.
No one at the Met had ever done this before, and I had calls from all sorts of people telling me that I couldn’t do it. There was even a plea (more of an order, really) from the Home Office.
I’d like to say the handover from one forensics outfit to another went smoothly, but human beings don’t like being snubbed. The old outfit, FSS, immediately made it clear that they had all the exhibits, and they weren’t letting them go.
‘If I have to,’ I wrote to them, ‘I’ll take out a warrant to retrieve them.’
Eventually, they relented. But then they refused to send over their findings
. All this to-ing and fro-ing took months, and I just had to wait.
Then I started getting calls from colleagues. I was asked if I knew what I was doing. I was told that I’d fail. That I hadn’t done enough.
Of course, what they really meant was: ‘The Met’s going to be shown up again.’ For certain people at the Met, their most fervent wish was to get through the rest of their lives without being stung by Stephen’s case again. Even if it meant not going for a prosecution.
At the same time, the investigation faced another setback. I was told the office where we were based was being shut down and our thousands of files would need to be moved elsewhere. This was a massive disruption — not least because the loss of just one piece of paper might jeopardise our case.
Surely the Met knew that? Or was that the whole point? During my six-year investigation, I had to move offices five times. It was either the worst form of stupidity, or someone somewhere was trying to cause problems.
The top brass, I couldn’t help but notice, were now plucking people out from my team to work on other jobs.
I even wrote to a superior to say: ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to disrupt this case.’
The 2011 trial of Gary Dobson and David Norris — as the world knows now — ended in both of them being convicted. For me, it was a moment of pure happiness and relief.
Before we left the court, Mrs L called me over. ‘Thank you, Clive,’ she said, ‘for never losing faith …You’re a credit to the police.’
Sentences were due to be handed down the next day. A phalanx from Scotland Yard attended court: the great, the good and the highly decorated, all clamouring to get near the case that most of them had told me I had no chance of winning.
As they’d been juveniles at the time of the murder, Dobson was given 15 years and two months and Norris got 14 years and three months.
To my surprise, Judge Treacy then congratulated my team and me for doing an excellent job, and added: ‘Now, DCI Driscoll, I expect you to bring their associates to justice as well.’
Fine by me. Two days later, I attended a meeting at Scotland Yard, where I thought we were going to discuss how best to pursue the case against the killers’ associates.
I had a rude awakening. For 45 minutes, the talk centred on a report written by the-powers-that-be. Its conclusion? That we’d exhausted every chance of getting further convictions. There were no copies of this report available, but I was left in no doubt that certain people around that table wanted the investigation shut down.
A month later, I had a call from Cressida Dick. ‘What’s this report the murder review group is chasing me for?’ she asked.
‘The report we were told about after the trial, saying we’d exhausted all hopes of other convictions,’ I said.
Clearly, she had no idea what I was talking about.
That’s when the penny dropped: if I hadn’t dug in my heels, the investigation would have been closed — thanks to a report that didn’t exist.
But do you know what’s worse? That the Met tried to cover it up. True, they’d conducted an investigation into corrupt officers, including Davidson, but then they’d decided not to share their findings with Sir William Macpherson’s inquiry.
Mrs L now persuaded the Home Secretary to set up a review, led by Mark Ellison QC, into police corruption involving her son’s case.
Unfortunately, Ellison told me, the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) were struggling to find one or two essential files that he needed. I located them for him within half an hour.
Scotland Yard absolutely came down on me for this. Everything, I was told in no uncertain terms, had to go through the DPS.
Mark Ellison’s report, published in 2014, firmly pointed the finger at the Met for their outrageous treatment of both the murder case and the Lawrences themselves. It also confirmed that there was evidence to suggest there had been corruption.
You would think that the Met would have then redoubled their efforts to nail Stephen’s other killers. But they didn’t. Instead, they got rid of me.
I was 62 but it was entirely in their power to ask me to stay on for a few years. I’d have done so with pleasure.
Another DCI was appointed in my place. I offered to be on permanent standby in case he ever needed help. Seventeen months on, I’m still waiting for the phone to ring.
Extracted from In Pursuit Of The Truth by Clive Driscoll, published by Ebury at £20. © Clive Driscoll 2015. To order a copy for the special price of £16 (valid until August 8 and p&p free), visit or call 0808 272 0808.

"Cressida Dick, your 'moment' has arrived...........AGAIN". (re: OG)

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Post by Mirage 20.03.17 15:35

jeanmonroe wrote:EX Commander (now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police) Cressida Dick, DCI Clive Driscoll, Stephen Lawrence.


I made an appointment to see Commander Cressida Dick, my boss, and told her I wanted to take on Operation Fishpool.
‘Seriously?’ she asked.
‘Yes, ma’am. I’d like to have a crack at solving the Stephen Lawrence murder.’
Commander Dick was delighted, but not everyone shared her view. The murder squad, SCD1, hated the case because it showed them in a bad light, and even my chief superintendent was dead against me taking it on.
My team would need to start again at the beginning, inputting every single scrap in the 540 boxes. It would take at least two years. When I told Cressida Dick, she blew out her cheeks. ‘Whatever it takes, Clive. But do me a favour: don’t let the Met look any worse.’
I decided to hire a fresh pair of eyes — a different firm of forensic experts.
No one at the Met had ever done this before, and I had calls from all sorts of people telling me that I couldn’t do it. There was even a plea (more of an order, really) from the Home Office.
I’d like to say the handover from one forensics outfit to another went smoothly, but human beings don’t like being snubbed. The old outfit, FSS, immediately made it clear that they had all the exhibits, and they weren’t letting them go.
‘If I have to,’ I wrote to them, ‘I’ll take out a warrant to retrieve them.’
Eventually, they relented. But then they refused to send over their findings
. All this to-ing and fro-ing took months, and I just had to wait.
Then I started getting calls from colleagues. I was asked if I knew what I was doing. I was told that I’d fail. That I hadn’t done enough.
Of course, what they really meant was: ‘The Met’s going to be shown up again.’ For certain people at the Met, their most fervent wish was to get through the rest of their lives without being stung by Stephen’s case again. Even if it meant not going for a prosecution.
At the same time, the investigation faced another setback. I was told the office where we were based was being shut down and our thousands of files would need to be moved elsewhere. This was a massive disruption — not least because the loss of just one piece of paper might jeopardise our case.
Surely the Met knew that? Or was that the whole point? During my six-year investigation, I had to move offices five times. It was either the worst form of stupidity, or someone somewhere was trying to cause problems.
The top brass, I couldn’t help but notice, were now plucking people out from my team to work on other jobs.
I even wrote to a superior to say: ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to disrupt this case.’
The 2011 trial of Gary Dobson and David Norris — as the world knows now — ended in both of them being convicted. For me, it was a moment of pure happiness and relief.
Before we left the court, Mrs L called me over. ‘Thank you, Clive,’ she said, ‘for never losing faith …You’re a credit to the police.’
Sentences were due to be handed down the next day. A phalanx from Scotland Yard attended court: the great, the good and the highly decorated, all clamouring to get near the case that most of them had told me I had no chance of winning.
As they’d been juveniles at the time of the murder, Dobson was given 15 years and two months and Norris got 14 years and three months.
To my surprise, Judge Treacy then congratulated my team and me for doing an excellent job, and added: ‘Now, DCI Driscoll, I expect you to bring their associates to justice as well.’
Fine by me. Two days later, I attended a meeting at Scotland Yard, where I thought we were going to discuss how best to pursue the case against the killers’ associates.
I had a rude awakening. For 45 minutes, the talk centred on a report written by the-powers-that-be. Its conclusion? That we’d exhausted every chance of getting further convictions. There were no copies of this report available, but I was left in no doubt that certain people around that table wanted the investigation shut down.
A month later, I had a call from Cressida Dick. ‘What’s this report the murder review group is chasing me for?’ she asked.
‘The report we were told about after the trial, saying we’d exhausted all hopes of other convictions,’ I said.
Clearly, she had no idea what I was talking about.
That’s when the penny dropped: if I hadn’t dug in my heels, the investigation would have been closed — thanks to a report that didn’t exist.
But do you know what’s worse? That the Met tried to cover it up. True, they’d conducted an investigation into corrupt officers, including Davidson, but then they’d decided not to share their findings with Sir William Macpherson’s inquiry.
Mrs L now persuaded the Home Secretary to set up a review, led by Mark Ellison QC, into police corruption involving her son’s case.
Unfortunately, Ellison told me, the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) were struggling to find one or two essential files that he needed. I located them for him within half an hour.
Scotland Yard absolutely came down on me for this. Everything, I was told in no uncertain terms, had to go through the DPS.
Mark Ellison’s report, published in 2014, firmly pointed the finger at the Met for their outrageous treatment of both the murder case and the Lawrences themselves. It also confirmed that there was evidence to suggest there had been corruption.
You would think that the Met would have then redoubled their efforts to nail Stephen’s other killers. But they didn’t. Instead, they got rid of me.
I was 62 but it was entirely in their power to ask me to stay on for a few years. I’d have done so with pleasure.
Another DCI was appointed in my place. I offered to be on permanent standby in case he ever needed help. Seventeen months on, I’m still waiting for the phone to ring.
Extracted from In Pursuit Of The Truth by Clive Driscoll, published by Ebury at £20. © Clive Driscoll 2015. To order a copy for the special price of £16 (valid until August 8 and p&p free), visit or call 0808 272 0808.

"Cressida Dick, your 'moment' has arrived...........AGAIN". (re: OG)
Thanks JeanMonroe for posting this article about a truly decent copper, DCI Clive Driscoll.

My in-laws lived 15 minutes walk from Well Hall where that lad was slain and I lived and worked in that area for many years. What I gleaned during my time there, from many quarters, was that the MET were held in contempt in that part of sarf London. The general remark would be "Criminals in uniform".

Another decent copper, Lenny Harper chucked aside for getting to the truth at Haut de la Garenne.

Where is the decent copper for Madeleine McCann?

Step forward Cressida Dick and dispel all doubt. Your moment has indeed arrived.

Eta Thanks wtw for the info upthread.

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Post by Doug D 20.03.17 16:06

FSS, a law unto themselves?
‘I decided to hire a fresh pair of eyes — a different firm of forensic experts.
No one at the Met had ever done this before, and I had calls from all sorts of people telling me that I couldn’t do it. There was even a plea (more of an order, really) from the Home Office.
I’d like to say the handover from one forensics outfit to another went smoothly, but human beings don’t like being snubbed. The old outfit, FSS, immediately made it clear that they had all the exhibits, and they weren’t letting them go.
‘If I have to,’ I wrote to them, ‘I’ll take out a warrant to retrieve them.’
Eventually, they relented. But then they refused to send over their findings.’
I wonder if we know the name of the FSS forensic scientist that was dealing with the Lawrence case?
Clearly Clive Driscoll wasn't happy with the answers (not?) given if he decided to go elsewhere.
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Post by Doug D 20.03.17 16:17

Mirage @ 2.07:
From the Daily Star, but as it was the Daily Star that was pushing for the information, it's probably as good as it gets from a paper.
Madeleine McCann: Key files into probe kept top secret to avoid Portugal row
CRUCIAL files relating to Madeleine McCann’s disappearance are being kept secret by the Government to avoid a diplomatic war with Portugal.
By Jonathan Corke / Published 1st July 2012
They contain discussions between Home Office ­officials and the Met over ­vital information on the case.
But Home Secretary Theresa May and her staff have spent the past nine months preventing the Daily Star Sunday from obtaining the papers.
They said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if the four files were released.
Ms May also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” ­between ­officials.
But we understand the papers may show a difference of opinion between the Home Office and Met officers, who are reviewing the files on Madeleine’s 2007 disappearance in Praia da Luz.
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Post by Mirage 20.03.17 17:31

Doug D wrote:Mirage @ 2.07:
From the Daily Star, but as it was the Daily Star that was pushing for the information, it's probably as good as it gets from a paper.
Madeleine McCann: Key files into probe kept top secret to avoid Portugal row
CRUCIAL files relating to Madeleine McCann’s disappearance are being kept secret by the Government to avoid a diplomatic war with Portugal.
By Jonathan Corke / Published 1st July 2012
They contain discussions between Home Office ­officials and the Met over ­vital information on the case.
But Home Secretary Theresa May and her staff have spent the past nine months preventing the Daily Star Sunday from obtaining the papers.
They said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if the four files were released.
Ms May also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” ­between ­officials.
But we understand the papers may show a difference of opinion between the Home Office and Met officers, who are reviewing the files on Madeleine’s 2007 disappearance in Praia da Luz.
Thank you for this Doug.

Reading this is just confirmation of how deep this case goes.

I would say relations between Portugal and the UK have been affected detrimentally anyway ... by gross interference in a foreign police investigation by Britain.

So Mrs May had under her supervision at the HO four files , three of which would "stifle discussion" between officials if released. What were "officials" doing discussing a criminal investigation into a missing child of "negligent" holidaymakers in the first place? The only stifling that went on was that of Goncalo Amaral's investigation.

Revisiting The Truth of the Lie and seeing what went on from the English police and government is still utterly shocking today.

The only thing left is public pressure now to shift anything forward. And it's coming. The British don't like injustice.

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Post by Doug D 20.03.17 17:58

So FSS ‘failed’ with both Damiola Taylor and Stephen Lawrence, whereas private forensic scientists managed to come up with the goods.
‘It was only after a decision was made in 2006 to submit all the forensic items in the case to a full review by the private firm LGC Forensics – who decided to start the inquiry from scratch and pushed the boundaries of what was possible – that the new evidence emerged.’
‘The Forensic Science Service (FSS) initially failed to identify blood spots on trainers and jumpers belonging to the Preddie brothers, who were convicted at a third trial into Damilola's killing.’
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Post by Mirage 20.03.17 19:17

@willowthewisp wrote:

"Hi Mirage,the"Home Office" have invoked article 23,that concludes any information that Cressida Dick was reviewing,does not have to be released to the Public,FOIR,but article 23 does list National Security,along with another list of exclusions,now is the time to ask"
Thanks wtw. I doubt anyone is going to discover much.

Interesting career path there with Cressida Dick. Blue stocking and establishment through and through.

I keep coming back to the HO. Theresa May puzzles me. She upset the McCanns early on as she gave them short shrift at a HO meeting and didn't kow tow to them.

Thereafter, we had the Brooks' threat to have May on the  front page of the Sun for a week and things changed. What on earth sort of threat is that?

The open letter to Cameron in the Sun followed and Cameron  jumped. The rest is history with the setting up the review and the remit limited to abduction.

Since then, May has appeared alongside Kate McCann for the camera without apparent qualms. Very strange.

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Post by jeanmonroe 21.03.17 0:39

Madeleine McCann: Key files into probe kept top secret to avoid Portugal row

CRUCIAL files relating to Madeleine McCann’s disappearance are being kept secret by the Government to avoid a diplomatic war with Portugal.

They contain discussions between Home Office ­officials and the Met over ­vital information on the case.
But Home Secretary Theresa May and her staff have spent the past nine months preventing the Daily Star Sunday from obtaining the papers.
They said there would be “specific detriment to the UK’s relationship with Portugal” if the four files were released.
Ms May also claimed disclosure of three of the documents would “stifle discussion” ­between ­officials.

Well, i'll ask the 'questions',

Are T May, and others, deliberately, knowingly and consciously, 'covering up' the 'death' of a three years old child, and have been, for almost 10 years?

I say 'death' because the father of the 'missing' child, is on record, publicly, as saying, "........ there's no evidence to implicate US in her (Madeleine's) death"

IF T May and others 'know' Madeleine is 'dead' WHEN did they 'know' and why are they continuing to 'fund', with UK taxpayers money, a 'charade' of a full time, UK police 'investigation' and to continue to, possibly, 'cover up' the 'death' of a three years old child?

WHY would May, and others, do 'that'?

All 'just' to 'AVOID a ROW' with Portugal?

I don't think so!

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Post by Irene 2 23.03.17 13:16

I don't think so either. Add to the above, why would they allow the McCanns a fraudulent Company?
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