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Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Mm11

Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Regist10
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Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Mm11

Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Regist10

Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund

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Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Empty Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund

Post by Jill Havern 11.12.16 12:46

Spanish parents arrested and charged with exploiting charity set up for their sick daughter

A SPANISH couple allegedly exploited their daughter’s medical condition for their own benefit, a court in Catalonia has heard, amassing €918,000 in donations of which the majority was used for their “personal enjoyment.”

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I wonder what the punishment would be for exploiting a dead daughter and amassing millions of pounds and perverting the course of justice?

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(Thanks to PeterMac for the link)

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Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Empty Re: Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund

Post by Cmaryholmes 11.12.16 15:07

I wonder how the Mccanns cope from day to day. Are they so sure of their continued protection from the Powers That Be , that they can live contentedly, or do they dread every new day, every new revelation? They must surely know that it would only take one person coming clean to bring down the whole house of cards. If they had been truthful from the start, they might even have been out of prison by now , whatever it is they did! IMHO.

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Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Empty Re: Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund

Post by Guest 11.12.16 20:10

Cmaryholmes wrote:I wonder how the Mccanns cope from day to day. Are they so sure of their continued protection from the Powers That Be , that they can live contentedly, or do they dread every new day, every new revelation? They must surely know that it would only take one person coming clean to bring down the whole house of cards. If they had been truthful from the start, they might even have been out of prison by now , whatever it is they did! IMHO.
I don't believe they are capable of demonstrating even an ounce of remorse for the situation they find themselves in - sociopathic monsters totally lacking in anything that resembles common decency. 

If you can look like this on your precious little lost daughters birthday, only days after her disappearance..

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.. what hope is there for remorse?

I've no idea how Kate McCann fills her days, apart from searching and ambassador'ing - but the old man's out there doing what he did (only with greater eclat) before that fateful trip to Portugal in 2007.  Clearly his life has not been destroyed - even though he and his misses have managed to destroy the life of, not only their precious daughter but that of Goncalo Amaral who was just doing his job - without any co-operation from them I might add!

They even had the bare-faced audacity to use their two remaining children, the twins, to front their campaign.  Dispicable conduct in my opinion.

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Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Empty Re: Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund

Post by Richard IV 11.12.16 22:23

Well they called for their catholic priest urgently (and he obeyed) then they flew off to see the Pope, so whatever they did (or allowed to be done) will have been forgiven.
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Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund Empty Re: Food for thought for the McCanns and their fraudulent fund

Post by Guest 11.12.16 23:26

Richard IV wrote:Well they called for their catholic priest urgently (and he obeyed) then they flew off to see the Pope, so whatever they did (or allowed to be done) will have been forgiven.
What - three Hail Mary's in the confessional and guaranteed absolution?  Bah! 

What if the victim is concealed on hallowed ground - does that equate to double absolution with a kiss of the fisherman's ring?  Double bah!

Stuff and nonsense.

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