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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Mm11

podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Mm11

podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Regist10

A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Mermer 06.03.17 17:20

I'm not saying the Podesta were the hands taking Madeleine from her bed....but they are connected, in all probability, to a global pedo ring which is indirectly attached this case. Too many Pedos, like Branson and Freud who are connected to the Podestas, insinuated themselves into this case to not look at how they are all connected is your prerogative but, you are looking down a narrow pipe and you are not seeing the connected pipes past the elbow...if this was not connected to a bigger story, then all the wealthy, elite, govt, would not have controlled the case, the media, the police etc. Like they did. Something else is going on here that is bigger than one Madeleine...there are 100,000's of Madeleine's all over the world getting disappeared. So I agree Bluebag that in all probability the parents are guilty....but so are the elite that participate in sexual perversion against children and women and that's how these freaks are complicity - they are part of a larger cover-up of global proportions. And they don't want anyone connecting those dots, that why they swoop in and take "control" of these cases - too many higher ups complicit. Or else they would not give two hoots about just another missing child.  What is so special about this Madeleine? Her disappearance made some VIPs very nervous. And that warrants looking at anywhere and everyone this tangled web of deceit leads to. Especially anyone who insinuated themselves into the case, like Freud and friends - like tony and John Podesta. Madeleine McCann is important, as are each and every child murdered, abducted, abused...we owe it to all these children to leave no stone unturned.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 06.03.17 19:13

Mermer wrote:I'm not saying the Podesta were the hands taking Madeleine from her bed....but they are connected, in all probability, to a global pedo ring which is indirectly attached this case
Can you prove Madeleine was taken from her bed?

I absolutely 100% disagree with all that you are saying because there is absolutely no evidence for it.

You seem to be pushing an abduction scenario.

The dogs... the dogs.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 06.03.17 19:17

Mermer wrote:So I agree Bluebag that in all probability the parents are guilty....
Oh and by the way.. I have never said the McCanns are guilty (of what?).

I have lots of questions I would like answered.

I think the dogs are evidence that Madeleine died in the apartment... but I don't have a clue what caused it and who was responsible.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tony Bennett 06.03.17 19:25

Mermer wrote:I'm not saying the Podesta were the hands taking Madeleine...
Mermer, please look as soon as you can at the private message I sent you about a week ago.



Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Mermer 06.03.17 21:01

Perhaps Madeleine died in that apartment, looks like it is a possibility, what I'm saying is that regardless of this others got involved. Really connected peeps. Why did these shady characters get involved? This is not the norm. Why did this story in particular become a global sensation? This is not the norm. I'm really not intending any disrespect, but many things about this particular case are not the norm. It does scream coverup though. Are those shady characters suddenly offering help to those disgusting parents, Gerry and Kate, really trying to help or something else? I believe it's something else. And that something else has very far reaching tentacles. That's all I'm saying...and if that's the way it is then they ALL complicit. Yeah they're probably watching oh well. At least I'm still allowed to voice my opinion somewhere, let's hope that continues. ...

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by petunia 06.03.17 21:40

Mermer I believe the "something else" will have no problem throwing the couple under the bus.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Annie'sGranny 06.03.17 23:27

I am sure the Professor and his Missus are lapping up the ridiculous distraction of "the PizzaGate Connection" which is fueling the "abduction by paedophiles" notion which they have been pushing for years. They are probably over the moon as well with Katie, Jodie and some other Zeeleb today distracting the masses with discussions about "neglect" and away from the Supreme Court decision, the PJ files etc etc. Anyone who seriously thinks that the Podestas had anything to do with Madeleine need to calm down a bit. Are we supposed to believe half the Smith family saw John and the other half saw Tony but both were carrying a little blonde girl???? There is no sense to it whatsoever.  Richard Branson ??? seriously??  I am not fond of this guy who rips me off once a month for his substandard media services but to suggest he is involved in an international child abuse ring is absolutely beyond the pale and totally inappropriate to any right-thinking person. I despair!

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Roxyroo 06.03.17 23:31

Branson has something to do with the "Lolita Express" though doesn't he? So I.m pretty sure he has quite a lot of dirt on a lot of famous faces.
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Annie'sGranny 06.03.17 23:42

Does he own it I thought that was the child abuser Epstein.  There is no one in our society who does NOT know a child abuser or who has not worked with or had business or social interactions with one whether they are rich or poor,   the vast majority will never know who is or who isn't. I have never seen a pic of Sir Richard with his arm round a teenager on Epstein's island that was HRH the Prince Andrew if my memory serves me correctly.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Verdi 07.03.17 0:42

There is absolutely no evidence to suggest a connection between the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and the Podesta brothers.  The very notion is preposterous in the extreme.

Why people persist with this crazy theory is totally beyond me.  If it's conspiracy theory no holes barred your looking for, there are plenty of websites out there to cater for your every whim and fancy.

Time to put this nonsense to rest - at least until something turns up to give it a glimmer of credibility.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Hobs 07.03.17 1:50

It is tiresome that the podesta brothers keep being brought up in relation to Maddie and the non existent abduction.

The podesta brothers made an appearance after certain people deliberately or otherwise decided the 2 crimewatch e-fits looked like the two brothers, conveniently omitting the fact that the e-fits were 2 versions of ONE MAN.

They are not images of two men as it seems to be implied by supporters it is one man as described by the Smith family.

I could almost imagine that there is deliberate muddying of the waters to divert attention that at least one of the e=fits bears a STRIKING RESEMBLANCE TO GERRY, which would also explain why it was sat on for so long.

The podesta brothers are not involved in Maddie's death.
Kate and gerry and at least one of the tapas 7 are involved in Maddie's death, disposal and subsequent cover up.

No abductor would kidnap a dead child, one who has been dead for at least 90 mins for that is how long it takes for cadaverine to be able to be detected by a cadaver dog.

Why would they do so?
It would raise the risk of being caught considerably.
They would have the problem of moving said dead body, dead bodies are really heavy, literally a dead weight and, because there is now no muscle tension, very floppy and hard to move around since limbs will flop and generally get in the way.

They would then have to dispose of said body.

There is the risk of leaving incriminating evidence on the body such as hair, fibres, skin cells, sweat etc.
There is the risk of leaving evidence from the body such as hair, skin cells, body fluids, fibres from clothing if applicable not only on the abductor but also anywhere the abductor moves carrying said body, in their vehicle, any thing used to wrap the body and so on.

Why make the job harder for yourself when you can leave the body in situ and scarper, putting as much distance and time between you and the victim.

If the 'abductor' had attacked Maddie in the house, as would need to be the case since cadaverine was found in the apartment then his only choice, between 'checks' would have been either leave her in bed and hope the mccanns either didn't check before they went to bed or would only see 3 children in the apartment all apparently asleep and only learning Maddie was dead the next day when she didn't wake up.


Leave her behind the sofa and hope the mccanns were too drunk to check on the children and only finding Maddie the next day and hoping first thoughts would be she accidentally fell and died.

This however does not explain the cadaverine and body fluids found in the hire car.
How likely would it be the alleged abductor killed Maddie and put her body in the hire car to dispose of her, only to have her parents hire it weeks later?

No is the answer.

Everything points right back to the mccanns and chums.

No podesta brothers.
No to any of the other multiple alleged suspects.
No to some as yet unidentified mystery man or woman.

The mccanns and one or more of the tapas 7 only.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Basil with a brush 07.03.17 3:40

Can't argue with too much you've pointed out there 'Hobs'.

I am strongly of the opinion that a certain member in particular of the said 'Tapas 7' is the real key in unlocking all of this.

The lying didn't end it. The insult to my intelligence did.
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 07.03.17 7:37

Verdi wrote:Why people persist with this crazy theory is totally beyond me. 
It's not beyond me.

It's standard fare on any internet forum where people ask the "wrong" questions.

You just have to keep challenging them.

It's tiresome though because most times they are not there for debate.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by MayMuse 07.03.17 8:03

BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:Why people persist with this crazy theory is totally beyond me. 
It's not beyond me.

It's standard fare on any internet forum where people ask the "wrong" questions.

You just have to keep challenging them.

It's tiresome though because most times they are not there for debate.
Same is with the "neglect" theory, fits the agenda. 

Always wondered why two efits were produced and put out in the media, why not the one? They were apparently done by different members of the Smith family so why not collate them together. 

Two efits of the same man, suppressed for 5 years, why?

Another agenda?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Verdi 07.03.17 11:52

Hobs wrote:
The podesta brothers made an appearance after certain people deliberately or otherwise decided the 2 crimewatch e-fits looked like the two brothers, conveniently omitting the fact that the e-fits were 2 versions of ONE MAN.

They are not images of two men as it seems to be implied by supporters it is one man as described by the Smith family.
You beat me to it, I've just logged in to comment on the origin of this farcical myth borne out of ex-DCI Andy Redwood's legendary e-fit.

It's laughable when you think beyond the first glance - two brothers deeply embroiled in business of a Presidential Whitehouse nature, tramping the streets of down-town Praia da Luz carrying the body of an abducted child from who knows where to who know where.  I was going to say you couldn't make it up but that's precisely what some joker has done

Well done - I'm delighted to see at least you have a listening audience thumbsup .  Will you be my Clarence?  I can't guarantee 70,000k+ per annum but I'm now having a coffee if you'd care to join me..


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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Verdi 07.03.17 11:57

BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:Why people persist with this crazy theory is totally beyond me. 
It's not beyond me.

It's standard fare on any internet forum where people ask the "wrong" questions.

You just have to keep challenging them.

It's tiresome though because most times they are not there for debate.
You can challenge them until the cows come home but expecting them to listen is another matter.


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 07.03.17 12:31

Verdi wrote:
BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:Why people persist with this crazy theory is totally beyond me. 
It's not beyond me.

It's standard fare on any internet forum where people ask the "wrong" questions.

You just have to keep challenging them.

It's tiresome though because most times they are not there for debate.
You can challenge them until the cows come home but expecting them to listen is another matter.

I know - most of them are not there for debate.

But others may read it and draw sensible conclusions.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by hawkmoth 09.03.17 11:04

The e-fits are of the Podesta brothers.  It's psyop to perpetuate the abduction theory.


Admin Team and Mods write:

We will allow your post to stand, but only so that the entire Admin Team can state, on the record, that none of us believe that Henri Exton, in the spring of 2008, based his two e-fit images on the Podesta brothers. And neither, we believe, do the overwhelming majority of members and guests here share such a view. 

The OP drew attention to Gerry McCann's long visit to Washington D.C. in July 2007, just weeks after Madeleine has been reported missing, where he spent the best part of four days being personally shown around Washington and the NCMEC Missing Children headquarters by the boss of NCMEC and ICMEC -Ernie Allen

The OP showed clear connections between Ernie Allen, Jim Gamble, Richard Branson, Brian Epstein and, yes, the Podesta brothers and 'Pizzagate'. 

It is these links and connections that are the subject of this thread, NOT the e-fits - Mod        

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by sallypelt 24.07.20 10:56

Maybe it's the right time to bring this thread back into play. The last time that someone posted on this thread, was back in 2017. Jeffrey Epstein was still in the land of the living in 2017. It's always good to go over "old ground" to see what, if anything, has been missed.

I'll leave this here:

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 3 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by sallypelt 24.07.20 11:06

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