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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Mm11

podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Regist10
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Mm11

podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Regist10

A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tucky Buzzard 24.11.16 21:36

I've only found out about so called [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] this evening but I've already seen some research linking an alleged participant in the scandal with ownership of holiday properties in Portugal. I apologise for not being able to provide a link but I've been all over the internet for the last few hours (discovering fascinating information sources I didn't know existed along the way) and I don't have it to hand at the moment.
Tucky Buzzard
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Nina 24.11.16 22:33

Wasn't the purchase of pizzas mentioned in the very early days?Struck me as non news.

Not one more cent from me.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tucky Buzzard 24.11.16 22:41

This scandal is massive right now on twitter and alternative news sites. I'd just like to add - I considered myself a man of the world but just a cursory investigation into this story has exposed me to some utterly sickening stories and I'd advise members here to bear that in mind if they are thinking of looking into it for themselves.
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tony Bennett 24.11.16 22:52

Tucky Buzzard wrote:I've only found out about so called [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] this evening but I've already seen some research linking an alleged participant in the scandal with ownership of holiday properties in Portugal. I  apologise for not being able to provide a link but I've been all over the internet for the last few hours (discovering fascinating information sources I didn't know existed along the way) and I don't have it to hand at the moment.
Try to locate the ultimate source for each story you find about Pizzagate.

Many false ones are circulating.

It has definitely been established that in some child sexual abuse circles, 'pizza' means a young girl.

One person at the centre of the Washington Pizzagate scandal is a man called James Elefantis.

On one photo he is seen wearing a T-shirt bearing the message:

'J'aime les enfants'...

...which is French for 'I love children'.

I do not know yet if James Elefantis is his real (birth) name.

But this sure looks like a mighty co-incidence:

 J'aime les enfants     

 James Elefantis


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Verdi 24.11.16 22:56

Nina wrote:Wasn't the purchase of pizzas mentioned in the very early days?  Struck me as non news.
That's just what I thought..

Michael Wright [or wrong as the case may be] witness statement of 16th April 2008 - named by the McCanns for rogatory interview..

'Michael further stated that on the 6th May he purchased a large quantity of Pizza's from the Pizza Shack on the beach at Praia da Luz. The girl serving him was from Liverpool and after introductions she said her father "George" had seen a man carrying a child in the early hours of the 4th May in the resort. He is unaware if "George" has ever spoken to the Authorities'.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Verdi 24.11.16 22:57

Does anyone have any interesting information about River Media Limited - or any other media outlet connected to Jon Corner?

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tony Bennett 24.11.16 23:22

Verdi wrote:Does anyone have any interesting information about River Media Limited - or any other media outlet connected to Jon Corner?
Er [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - this appears on the face of it to be rather straying off topic. Consider yourself fortunate that @Ladyinred is no longer here to issue her 'Stay on Topic' warnings.

But, for the record, and because I think Jon Corner is a very big player in all of this, you will find quite a lot more about him, and his multi-business interests here on this CMOMM hread:

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There's a pic on that thread of him walking alongside former Business Secretay of State, Liberal Deomcrat MP Vince Cable at some function or other in Liverpoool.

The thread gives references to at least three of Jon Corner's major business interests on Merseyside:

1) 75% stake in MediaStill Ltd
2) Chief Executive Office of The Landing MediaCity Ltd, anad
3) RiverMotion Group.


PS  Jon Corner Factfile:

* Filmmaker
* Godfather of Madeleine
* Once described Madeleine as having 'That Special Quality'
* Regular visitor to Praia da Luz before 2007
* His daughter Chloe Corner was Facebook Friends in 2006, maybe before as well, with Catriona Baker, the crèche nanny who looked after Madeleine and six other infants at the Ocean Club Lobsters Club, w/c Saturday 28 April 2007

PPS   There is a reference to Jon Corner and Peel Holdings on that thread. There is a big connection between Peel Holdings and the McCanns' Co-ordinating Solicitor Edward Smethurst. But that will be for another day


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Verdi 25.11.16 0:44

Tony Bennett wrote:Er [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - this appears on the face of it to be rather straying off topic. Consider yourself fortunate that @Ladyinred is no longer here to issue her 'Stay on Topic' warnings.

But, for the record, and because I think Jon Corner is a very big player in all of this, you will find quite a lot more about him, and his multi-business interests here on this CMOMM thread:
Thank you, I will look at my leisure but believe me I'm not meaning to stray off topic.

Bearing in mind Jon Corner's questionable hands-on video collection featuring Madeleine McCann images and seemingly irrelevant interviews with the McCanns, I'm interested to understand where he fits in with the world of media and what his particular specialty is.

I have a hunch (at the moment that's all it is) that he was/is connected in some way with Jim Gamble which leads me to think of a further connection with Ernie Allen - not directly but by association.  Having said that, I'm quite willing to take a back seat and amuse myself on the subject until such times as I may (or may not) uncover something significant.

Excuse the intrusion - back on topic howdy .

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Roxyroo 25.11.16 1:53

I have to correct a mistake in the interest of truth.
The man seen in James Alefantis's Instagram feed is not him, it is another patron of said pizza place. The fact he is wearing the t shirt is odd in itself. But he is NOT James Alefantis. There are pictures on web of "jimmycomet" himself, he was named I think 56 most influential man in DC.
Another Instagram poster that was exposed connected to this showed a book about how to change your identity/go dark so its odd that this James Alefantis' name sounds like this.
A good video to watch with in depth coverage of it all on YouTube is by TitusFrost
(As a fluent French speaker the name doesn't ring true to me, but hey it might to Jimmy Commet if he was named something else before)
I do believe this is a huge scandal, and more will be revealed. On there own these clues are circumstantial, but when all put together it looks very sinister.
(I obviously mean disgusting when I say what the tee shirt says is "Odd")

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Cady 03.12.16 21:22

Hi all, recent lurker who found this place indirectly via a pizzagate or podesta email thread in an anon space some time ago. I signed up today to ask in the Smithman 3 thread whether you all had heard about the Podesta link and whether you folks thought there was anything in it, but it being an old thread I checked the latest and found this one :) I figured who better to ask than people who know the MM case inside-out by now!

[I've been getting quite frustrated trying to explain to anons and others that the efits don't mean the Podesta brothers abducted Maddie (I currently don't believe she was abducted so that probably biases my perception), but it's hard to distill all the information there is about the case online and in the videos etc. into a single post. Still, the likeness they bear is uncanny]

Eta. Used an emoji and it ate the rest of my post.
L'Enfant is the café that photo was taken in. It is named after an architect for the area.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tornado 04.12.16 0:12

Hello everyone,

I have basically the same story and the same questions as Cady.
The Pizzagate is going to blow up in the face of the mainstream media soon, there is a lot of good infos regarding international child trafficking rings. A lot provable (Epstein, Silsby,...).

But I'm not here for that, so to the point:
- What is your take on the efit? The ressemblance with the Podesta brothers is uncanny no?
- Do you think Clement Freud (posthume pedo) has some kind of involvment?

PS : FYI the guy with the J'aime l'enfant's shirt is the co owner of l'enfant Café, which is a few blocks away from the infamous Comet Ping Pong. The person on his left might very well be Micheal John Quinn, a convicted pedo (I cant post a link as I'm a new member but if you type his name in google you'll see articles in the dailymail about him being arrested)

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Searcher 06.12.16 19:01

There is far more about Pizzagate on US [so-called] alternative media, particularly Alex Jones/InfoWars. The US election coverage has been a real eye-opener to me as to what is left out of msm here and in the States.  As one example - cameras did not show the tens of thousands at the Trump rallies; they simply would not turn their cameras round.  Alternative media certainly did and it was phenomenal; equivalent of Shea Stadium and the early Beatles, over and over again.  Why did msm not show that?  What else do they not show?

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by gronz23 21.12.16 15:43

My first post :)
Tony, I agree that 'anon fbi confirmation' of the Podesta brothers confirmed to be in Praia on 3rd of May, is a crappy. 

But as you dive so much into that Ernie Allen(I can't find something really bad about him, but he can be very smart of course) in relationship to Gerry while being in Washingtong, it is just as important to understand what proven (from the wikileaks) bad guys John and Tony have been doing those months. 

I could only find 1 picture proving Tony was in Granada/Cordoba in October 2007... 

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(You see Mark Bittman having diner with Maddy Beckwith and Tony Podesta)

John's chief of staff Sara Latham was public affairs director 2003-2005 for Freud Communications, owned by Clement's son Matthew Freud.  

So there are pretty strong links to assume at least a connection between Clement's house and the Podestas... that in combination with those strange resembling pictures make them for me highly suspect.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by gronz23 21.12.16 16:10

PS Forgot to say I do believe in the sniffer dogs, Richard D Hall and the Statement Analyssi the parents (or maybe only Gerry) did have dead Maddie in their apartment so only trying/helping to figure out who else was there and helped removing the body ...

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by skyrocket 21.12.16 16:47

A lot of 'interesting' links on here, relating to Comet Pizza (Ping Pong). Been trawling through it and following links - gets more disturbing as you go. The artwork is an eye opener - what parent would ever sit down with their children in a place like this? 

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I'm a firm believer in gut instinct - and I know what my guts are saying about this place and anyone linked to it.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tony Bennett 21.12.16 18:13

gronz23 wrote:My first post :)
Tony, I agree that 'anon fbi confirmation' of the Podesta brothers confirmed to be in Praia on 3rd of May, is a crappy. 

But as you dive so much into that Ernie Allen (I can't find something really bad about him, but he can be very smart of course) in relationship to Gerry while being in Washington, it is just as important to understand what proven (from the Wikileaks) bad guys John and Tony have been doing those months. 

REPLY: Thank you for your enquiry.

First of all in relation to Ernest (Ernie) Allen of NCMEC and ICMEC, we do have a thread on him here, and that might be a very good starting-point for you - here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Our concerns about Ernie Allen are about his character and about his world-wide power and influence on the issue of missing children. We are also concerned about his links with the British oganisations 'Missing People' and 'PACT'. Both of these sem to have significant support and funding and both seem to favour celebrity endorsements, some of them controversial, to say the least, e.g. Stephen Fry. 

Incidentally, if you look at the last two posts on the thread I've linked to, I have posted up a striking similarity between ONE of the two 'Smithman' e-fits and Adrian Oldfield, a PACT Trustee. I think actually it's a better 'fit' than for Tony Podesta.         

I could only find 1 picture proving Tony was in Granada/Cordoba in October 2007... 

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(You see Mark Bittman having dinner with Maddy Beckwith and Tony Podesta)

REPLY:  I think a search for either of the Podestas being anywhere near Praia da Luz in May 2007 is likely to be unfruitful and not worth the effort. We know was in Portugal some other time. I can't see this as being likely to be relevant to the Madeleine McCann case.  

John's chief of staff Sara Latham was Public Affairs Director 2003-2005 for Freud Communications, owned by Clement's son Matthew Freud.

REPLY: That DOES look relevant. I usually refer to Matthew Freud as Rupert Murdoch's son-in-law, which he was until a year or two back, when he and Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth divorced. Of equal interest in this case is the fact that in September 2008, when Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns' chief PR adviser, ceased to work for the McCanns full-time, Matthew Freud immediately offered him a job as a PR adviser. What you have done is show a British connection to the Podestas via Matthew Freud, which may well be relevant.

So there are pretty strong links to assume at least a connection between Clement's house and the Podestas...that in combination with those strange resembling pictures make them for me highly suspect.

REPLY: Let me sum up my view so far on Pizzagate. I believe that what has been revealed so far is convincing circumstantial evidence that the Podestas were near the heart of an extensive, high-level 'ring' using child traffickers to provide girls and boys  for sexual absue. Following Pizzagate, I accept that pizza HAS been used for many years by child abusers as a euphemism for girls, or young girls. I deny the claims of e.g. the BBC, Wikipedia, the New York Times and 'Snopes' that this is nothing except deliberate 'fake news'.

Going back to the Operation Grange 'Smithman' efits, these were drawn up by Henri Exton, who we know to be the former Head of Covert Intelligence for MI5. That doesn't inspire trust in them. Moreover, it appears that Exton was working for the crook and fraudster, Kevin Halligen, which gives me even less confidence that the efits are what they purport to be.  I do not for one moment believe what the Met's DCI Redwood said about these efits on Crimewatch three years ago.

I have always maintained on this forum that the two efits were actual photographs of two very different-looking people.  The question is: whose photographs? I tend to think that they are of two British people, though I recognise that there is a close resemblance to the two Podesta brothers.    


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by icanseeyou 21.12.16 20:40

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Mermer 03.03.17 19:55

Hello to All readers,

I have avidly watched all much videos and transcripts that I could get my hands on and have been following this case as closely as one can across the pond in Canada. I am also following a newer scandal - looking into the pizza and pedo gate vids and documents. I came across a connection... The Honeybee has a web series, investigating this scandal, and through her digging she discovered there was a Podesta working at  NCMEC. Intrigued now, she Asking the question... is this Brian was related to John? Her account was suspended. And the strangest part of all, anyone who tweets this, asking if there is a familial connection is quickly Suspended and tweet deleted. 
i came across this site because of a search on NCMEC and the Podesta and Ernie Allen and now this connection? What are they so afraid of, with thus story, that Twitter is deleting tweets, YT's deleting videos, Reddit has banned forums. We are supposed to be democratic countries!
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I would recommend starting at the beginning of her investigation, this vid is connecting some of the dots.
Highly curious. Also there is a recent interview with pedosta talking about pizza gate. One nervous man. Worth sending to Peter Hyatt. This is a snippet of that interview and another investigators opinion of it.
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Tony Bennett 03.03.17 20:44

QUOTE:  "i came across this site because of a search on NCMEC and the Podesta and Ernie Allen and now this connection?"

REPLY: A great example of the increasingly powerful 'reach' of CMOMM - we are right at the top of internet searches on so many names and topics


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Mermer 03.03.17 22:39

Please look at the connection... This girl knows her stuff (The Honeybee) and, in my opinion, it's worth at least a look. I am glad you reached me... I think it means the public is sick of b.s. and vigilant in seeking truth and not more mainstream media manipulation. Notice how these Pedos are outed only after they're dead. How convenient for them. Like I said....there is probably something about this that has mainstream media upset they are censoring Google, YouTube and Twitter. If it is so insignificant why all the trouble? Try tweeting it and see what happens. This hasn't just happened to one's happening to everyone. Brian works at NCMEC, a civilian with govt clearance, who's last name happens to be Podesta, a systematic censoring by mainstream media/social platforms/internet, etc. I get it, this is a Madeleine McCann forum - but this could be all connected...directly or indirectly, to a larger elite global network. Look at how many elites swooped down from their lofty perches to help theses child abusers (the McCanns) at the very least and child killers at the worst. Making their instant verdicts of innocence. These elitists are all in it together, and I believe, and are part of a bigger global web that work together to coverup, corrupt, and misdirect anything that might lead to "them".  Has anyone of these elite, with all their connections and wealth, positively contributed to the Madeleine McCann investigation? Rhetorical question but correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think so. This is a symptom of a very corrupt system, a Global system. Every lead should be is all connected but you sometimes have to follow the dots that lead way across the page, still part of the whole picture..

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by MayMuse 06.03.17 15:28

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Andrew Breitbart, the inspiration for the British conservative news outlet Breitbart, died shortly after tweeting that John Podesta is a notorious pedophile. Today, Podesta goes on attack against “fake Pizzagate news,” even as more chilling evidence concerning the ritual child abuse scandal known as Pizzagate continues floating around the internet.
Five years after his death, Andrew Breitbart is adding fuel to the ongoing controversy surrounding PizzaGate. A pioneer of conservative media and defender of free speech, Breitbart died suddenly in March of 2012 at age 43- leaving behind a legacy of out-arguing liberal pundits and a fierce disdain for leading Democrat smoky-backroom-inhabitant, John Podesta.
In the final days of his tumultuous life, Breitbart made scrutinizing John Podesta his full-time occupation. Podesta, who was the leading force behind the failed bid for the White House by Hillary Clinton- is vociferously accused by Breitbart of also running and concealing a child sex trafficking ring.
These accusations became all the more meaningful and stunning with the WikiLeaks revelations last year which suggest that far beyond child sex trafficking- much worse things may be going on under Podesta’s supervision.
These revelations include language used in Podesta emails that are identical to code messaging used in child sex trafficking. This has been confirmed by the FBI and law enforcement- that phrases like “pizza,” “dominoes,” “cheese,” “walnuts,” are all code for child sex trafficking- and all of these are found within strange contexts in the Podests emails- phrases like;
“I would love to do pizza for an hour…”
“Do you think I would have better luck playing dominoes on cheese, or pasta?”
“Obama is flying $30,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs in from Chicago.”
What’s more, Podesta has been connected to Marina Abramović, a “performance artist” who uses animal blood and body parts to create displays including effigies of children and ritual Satanic symbolism.
Breitbart seemed to know something about all of this back in 2011 when he tweeted this:
“How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me,” Breitbart wrote on February 4, 2011.
For those who follow the PizzaGate global online citizen investigation, Breitbart’s tweet shines out as a major nail in the coffin of a powerful participant in child sex trafficking, and ritual abuse.
Critics of the claims made by PizzaGate researchers say that the crimes that Breitbart was referring to had nothing to do with the suspicious revelations which only became public during the final days of the 2016 presidential election. But this criticism is unfair, because if Podesta was covering up child sex crimes and human trafficking rings in 2011, then the appearance of his involvement in the evidence supporting PizzaGate today is all the more relevant.
In 2011, nothing near the amount of evidence we have today was publicly available. There is only the assertion made by Andrew Breitbart in his tweet. Nevertheless, the huge amount of evidence surrounding the controversy demands an official investigation. And this is all that the most reasonable commentators on Pizzagate are asking for- an investigation.
The evidence to date:
-Code language in Podesta and White House emails that matched known child trafficking and child porn code language
-Involvement with Marina Abramović, an artist who creates scenes of blood and sacrifice involving images of dead and dying children.
-Artwork in both John and Tony Podesta’s homes depicting child abuse, cannibalism, and torture.
-Thousands of hours of victim and whistle-blower testimony which match the theories behind the scandal
-Images and audio taken at a related pizzeria, depicting lewd sex acts involving items of food, children with their hands taped to tables, disturbing “comedy” acts by sexually charged rock bands suggesting sex with children is a legitimate “sexual preference.”
-And most recently, audio tapes of a man who sounds exactly like John Podesta screaming abuse at one or more children who are expressing extreme distress- and a chat feed involving someone named “Skippy,” a known Podesta code name, explicitly discussing sex, fear, and even the presence of demons.
These points of evidence are so strange, so disturbing, and so far-reaching in their implications that many people struggle to believe it. But these points of evidence are also so voluminous, so disturbing, and so consistent that the greatest scandal is the lack of an official investigation.
As far as Andrew Breitbart goes, there is reason to believe an investigation into his untimely death would reveal clues. The mere fact that he was buried without an autopsy, and summarily declared to have died of natural causes at the age of 43, is very suspicious indeed.
~ American Liberty Report

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Mermer 06.03.17 16:05

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"Let us summarize the data.
All conspiracy theories aside, we are now in a position to state the following as factually true:
John and Tony Podesta very much match the police descriptions of child abduction suspects.
T. Podesta collects imagery representing child abduction and abuse.
T. Podesta associates with a convicted child molester.
T. Podesta has stuffed animals near his bed despite not having children of his own.
J. Podesta’s emails are missing during the time of the child abduction.
J. Podesta’s assistant was covering his emails on May 4, 2007, the day after the child abduction.
J. and T. Podesta have been unresponsive to widespread allegations that they are involved in child abduction.
Each fact, taken in isolation, is insignificant. Many people delete their emails, for instance, and it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re guilty of anything.
But when these facts are taken cumulatively in context, they do cry out for an explanation.
It is also worth noting that according the latest news about McCann’s abductors, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] according to which they now “know who took McCann” but they have been blocked from making an arrest due to international laws."
Take a look at the whole article and see how parallel construction is used as an investigative tool when circumstantial evidence is bountiful like Madeleine McCann's case. 

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Mermer 06.03.17 16:18

The fact people like Andrew Breitbart lost their lives making a connection to pedosta is very suspect. The Kilary Clinton list is very long too, Monica Peterson was in their trail figuring out what was going on in Haiti regarding child trafficking...she was murdered. Now anyone making certain connection to people getting banned from Twitter for asking if Brian working for ncmec is a relative of johns? Especially because this Brian has top security clearance...about 30k a year for a civilian to get this and they have to be sponsored..who sponsored Brian? J. Or t. Pedosta? For more on this connection check out The Honeybee series on YouTube. She has connected some interesting dots.

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podesta - A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: A connection between the Podesta emails and the McCanns? Well, actually, just maybe, there is: Podesta>>Richard Branson>>Jeffrey Epstein>>Ernie Allen>>Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 06.03.17 16:32

The dogs... the dogs...

Sorry I'm not buying a Podesta and Madeleine connection.

It just doesn't fit.

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