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CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent? Mm11

CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent? Regist10
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CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent? Mm11

CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent? Regist10

CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent?

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CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent? Empty CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent?

Post by Doug D 04.09.15 7:33

No doubt Jimbo would put it down to lack of adequate resources, but if that were the case, it would surely not be ‘gross misconduct’.

When cases like this come to light, it must surely worry the 31 'elite  officers' of OG as to how they will be held accountable for the time and millions spent on an apparently nonsense investigation, when their day of reckoning finally comes.

Myles Bradbury: Misconduct notices served on four police officers
By Sally Chidzoy
BBC News
                        7 hours ago
From the section 
Gross misconduct notices have been served on four police officers in an inquiry into failings to alert local forces to paedophiles such as jailed Cambridge doctor Myles Bradbury.
Bradbury was jailed for 22 years for sexual assaults on child patients.
The four officers worked for the police's national Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP).
The notices were served as part of an Independent Police Complaints Commission investigation.
CEOP was criticised because it had been given information about Bradbury by Canadian police in Toronto in July 2012, but the information was not passed on for 16 months.
The information was disseminated when the National Crime Agency took over CEOP in November 2013 and Bradbury was arrested a month later.

Deputy head Bradbury, 41, of Herringswell in Suffolk, carried out his offences while working at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge between 2009 and 2013.
There were 18 victims of sexual abuse and he was also found with 16,000 indecent images of children.
The IPCC said the four officers who had had notices served on them had held management roles in CEOP.
An IPCC spokesman said: "Two of the officers have retired since the incident, one officer remains at the NCA and one officer who was on secondment from Lincolnshire Police has since returned there.
"All four notices are for failing to adequately progress and manage the referral by Toronto Police from Project Spade.
"The investigation remains ongoing."
The Canadian police passed on information about 2,345 British suspects in 2012.
The list also included Martin Goldberg, the deputy head of Thorpe Hall School in Southend, who had images of children undressing in changing rooms in his possession.
He was found dead the day after being interviewed by police.
Doug D

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CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent? Empty Re: CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent?

Post by skyrocket 04.09.15 9:39

What is it with CEOP and doctors?

What was CEOP's role?; what did their site (& Jim Gamble, although he wasn't at the helm in 2012) proclaim to the world?. That they were forerunners in protecting our children from abuse. That they had international links all around the world to facilitate this.

Receiving; processing; sharing; acting on information; protecting children; WAS THEIR ONE AND ONLY JOB.

So a great wad of names comes in from an official sister organisation in Canada (the Toronto Police) and somehow they fail to act on it. According to the article, 'The information was disseminated when the National Crime Agency took over CEOP in November 2013 and Bradbury was arrested a month later,' (and the NCA had had to sift through ALL CEOP's records, not just the files received from Toronto).

Bradbury's trial judge said in his summing up that he was 'one of the worst paedophiles he had ever seen...', so we are not talking a couple of downloaded photos here. The information sent from Toronto should/would have stuck out like a saw thumb, and his profession should have made the urgency even greater. Bradbury was a prominent doctor with full access to children, and he continued to abuse AFTER CEOP had received the warning from Canada - makes my skin crawl and my blood boil in equal measures.

NO EXCUSE; NO GENUINE REASON; NO INCOMPETENCE (although it could be classed as that as well).

These managers were more than likely in place below Jim when he was big boss. Hmmmmm!

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CEOP - Corrupt or merely incompetent? Empty Re;CEOP corrupt or incompetent

Post by willowthewisp 04.09.15 17:27

HI Doug D,
Looks as though big Jim managed to slip the investigation, as fortunately for Jim, Theresa did not want him as part of the new set up to protect children in Society, wonder why?
Alan Johnston, when Home Secretary gave big Jim a special remit involving the Madeleine McCann case, but it never materialized as Labour lost power in 2010.

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