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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Mm11

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Mm11

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Guest 10.06.15 20:14

jeanmonroe wrote:
Nicky Cambell first comment.. "The Portuguese Police really messed up..."

He's a disgrace just like Eammon Holmes.

You can tell they've been briefed.

How do they sleep?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by worriedmum 10.06.15 20:37

I'm not sure they've 'been briefed'- I tend to think it's a combination of laziness and er, ......laziness

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 12.06.15 15:04

I have just been reading regarding an assessment on DCI Wall's visit to Portugal earlier this year. I tend to agree with this assessment or at least it sounds reasonable and logical.  It also does not sound to fit in with any whitewash theory IMO- if the UK public perception needed to be shaped towards a whitewash solution then I think we would still be experiencing leaks from OG into MSM.  Instead we have silence - which for me is more indicative of action behind scenes. Leaks from OG e.g. charade of last year with photos of digging etc tends to signify 'all for show'    

Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Xx
Re: MSM have been almighty quiet recently, is the investigation dead?
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2015, 03:01:15 PM »
I discussed the new info with another person.  We have both taken over major projects, so it was a case of what would we do in this situation and does it fit.

1.  Nicola Wall took over on late Dec 2014, and travelled to Faro, possibly for introductions to a number of key Portuguese officials located in the Algarve.

2.  A review of the project so far would have occurred.  Andy Redwood had his lines of enquiries, his priorities and his team organisation.  Nicola Wall should have her lines of enquiries, her priorities and her organisation.  That assessment and change would take time.  Whether it took 3 months is unlikely.  Get the changes bedded in, then tackle the next stage.

3.  It is now time to get the 'outsiders' on board, and the list in the original Portuguese article is exactly who I would be informing.  These are the people at the top and the key players.

4.  I would definitely make it face-to-face.  It is a 'hearts and minds' pitch.  Why has the British investigation altered course?  This requires that some of the evidence for such a change is available to hand.  Here's why the team will be acting on these priorities.  There is also a need to evaluate feedback, on how well the pitch is going.

5.  There may be a further practical reason for face-to-face.  If I wanted to go in a different direction on this, I would value input from the Portuguese legal side as to the best way to do so i.e. what is necessary within their system.

6.  The British media report comes later than the Portuguese ones, and it seems to be no more than a regurgitation of the Portuguese reports.  It 'adds' that the meeting was in Lisbon.  Since the Portuguese source said it happened in the Attorney General's office, and the Attorney General's office is in Lisbon, it adds nothing.  That means any leaks were on the Portuguese side, while the Brit side simply monitored the Portuguese media.  Assuming this is correct,  Nicola Wall has scored an early victory.  Nothing leaking from London, but something leaking from Lisbon.

If this line of thought is correct, I would not expect to see a flurry of requests over the next 2-3 months, as SY chomps through the new priorities, develops the evidence, then decides how to act on it.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Liz Eagles 12.06.15 15:21

HelenMeg wrote:I have just been reading regarding an assessment on DCI Wall's visit to Portugal earlier this year. I tend to agree with this assessment or at least it sounds reasonable and logical.  It also does not sound to fit in with any whitewash theory IMO- if the UK public perception needed to be shaped towards a whitewash solution then I think we would still be experiencing leaks from OG into MSM.  Instead we have silence - which for me is more indicative of action behind scenes. Leaks from OG e.g. charade of last year with photos of digging etc tends to signify 'all for show'    

Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Xx
Re: MSM have been almighty quiet recently, is the investigation dead?
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2015, 03:01:15 PM »
I discussed the new info with another person.  We have both taken over major projects, so it was a case of what would we do in this situation and does it fit.

1.  Nicola Wall took over on late Dec 2014, and travelled to Faro, possibly for introductions to a number of key Portuguese officials located in the Algarve.

2.  A review of the project so far would have occurred.  Andy Redwood had his lines of enquiries, his priorities and his team organisation.  Nicola Wall should have her lines of enquiries, her priorities and her organisation.  That assessment and change would take time.  Whether it took 3 months is unlikely.  Get the changes bedded in, then tackle the next stage.

3.  It is now time to get the 'outsiders' on board, and the list in the original Portuguese article is exactly who I would be informing.  These are the people at the top and the key players.

4.  I would definitely make it face-to-face.  It is a 'hearts and minds' pitch.  Why has the British investigation altered course?  This requires that some of the evidence for such a change is available to hand.  Here's why the team will be acting on these priorities.  There is also a need to evaluate feedback, on how well the pitch is going.

5.  There may be a further practical reason for face-to-face.  If I wanted to go in a different direction on this, I would value input from the Portuguese legal side as to the best way to do so i.e. what is necessary within their system.

6.  The British media report comes later than the Portuguese ones, and it seems to be no more than a regurgitation of the Portuguese reports.  It 'adds' that the meeting was in Lisbon.  Since the Portuguese source said it happened in the Attorney General's office, and the Attorney General's office is in Lisbon, it adds nothing.  That means any leaks were on the Portuguese side, while the Brit side simply monitored the Portuguese media.  Assuming this is correct,  Nicola Wall has scored an early victory.  Nothing leaking from London, but something leaking from Lisbon.

If this line of thought is correct, I would not expect to see a flurry of requests over the next 2-3 months, as SY chomps through the new priorities, develops the evidence, then decides how to act on it.
You'd be better orf lighting a candle on the optimistic altar, complete with balloons and banners to the Poulton Poodle than think OG is going to produce anything to find out what happened to Madeleine McCann.
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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 12.06.15 21:26

Disagree - dont believe this woman would head a whitewash  -

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by deafoldbat 13.06.15 23:05

Quote HelenMeg

Disagree - dont believe this woman would head a whitewash  -

She would if instructed to investigate an abduction only and to maintain the 'parents not suspects' line.
Other criminals caught by her were not being protected from culpability. IMHO

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Guest 14.06.15 8:01

HelenMeg wrote:Disagree - dont believe this woman would head a whitewash  -
She will do exactly what she's told.

Just like Redwood.

These people are not like Morse, Lewis or Jack Frost  - that's fantasy land.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by pennylane 14.06.15 9:22

DCI Wall was brought 'up-to-speed' after Redwood (the stooge) pointed the investigation firmly away from the McCanns, and promptly retired.  Not a chance she will go back to the drawing board.  Mission accomplished!


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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Liz Eagles 14.06.15 9:36

pennylane wrote:DCI Wall was brought 'up-to-speed' after Redwood (the stooge) pointed the investigation firmly away from the McCanns, and promptly retired.  Not a chance she will go back to the drawing board.  Mission accomplished!

I remember being very vociferous a few years ago when it was suggested OG was headed by those about to retire. I remember spouting off all sorts about senior officers with a wealth of experience and many years' service and a good track record should be welcomed not criticised. I even went on about giving the job to a female officer.

I take it all back. I was wrong.
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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by pennylane 14.06.15 10:08

aquila wrote:
pennylane wrote:DCI Wall was brought 'up-to-speed' after Redwood (the stooge) pointed the investigation firmly away from the McCanns, and promptly retired.  Not a chance she will go back to the drawing board.  Mission accomplished!

I remember being very vociferous a few years ago when it was suggested OG was headed by those about to retire. I remember spouting off all sorts about senior officers with a wealth of experience and many years' service and a good track record should be welcomed not criticised. I even went on about giving the job to a female officer.

I take it all back. I was wrong.

I'm sorry, aquila  roses 

I'm afraid this case has flagged up a depressing insight into the corrupt British Establishment.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 14.06.15 11:11

The Home office authorised and requested this operation (Grange). The Home Office funds this operation. Currently T May.

The establishment will protect its own - always has and always will.  The establishment will thwart this operation as best it can in order to protect those who
were there that week (not the Mc Canns). How can the establishment prevent OG from getting to the truth?  By diversionary tactics, planting numerous red herrings, controlling Gerry and Kate and their friends.
Loads of ways they can try and stall Operation Grange and try and prevent the truth from emerging.

So do you believe OG is acting on behalf of the establishment circle that is hellbent on covering this up?  I dont. I believe T May wants the truth to emerge - but I believe she hasnt a clue that the truth involves
key VIPs who can pull strings of establishment.  I do not believe Op Grange is working to finding a whitewash. I do not believe DCI Wall would have accepted the mission on that basis. However, I believe there is a massive battle going on to prevent OP Grange from doing its job to provide the truth.

If you think that Op Grange is acting on behalf of establishment figures who wish to prevent truth from emerging  then I do not agree.  I find that ludicrous. But I do believe that certain establishment figures will do what they can to ensure that Op Grange is not permitted, one way or another, to get to the truth. There is a difference. I wonder - do you think Theresa May is part of those in Establishment who wish to prevent truth from emerging? After all She authorised / requested the Operation. I dont, not for one minute.
Establishment protection revolves very much around old schoolboy networks - they love each other and protect each other -= they all have secrets on each other.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by pennylane 14.06.15 12:20

The Home Office has bullied and cajoled all and sundry in an attempt to thwart this case from the get go (imo). Operation Grange is an arm of that agenda. That doesn't mean Teresa May and all else are in on it. Coverups wouldn't work if that were the case.  Often its a spook, and/or a few strategically placed individuals that steer a corrupt agenda.  Favors for past favors can be a powerful motivator.

It feels to me as if Mitchell, Gamble, and Redwood have worked in tandem.


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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 14.06.15 14:16

I know you think that Theresa May wants to have a proper investigation now after certain ex-SIO, DCI murky fingerprints allowed for a debacle on Crime Watch, Tannerman/creche Dad Abductor found!?
It was Rebecca Brooks, meeting Gerry and Kate,Black Mailing Threat/Persuasion(Leveson) and close contact with Prime Minister Dodgy Dave Cameron, Chippen Norton friends that sought a Remit to "Review the Madeleine McCann" disappearance as though it was an Abduction!?

Any one thinking there is no connection between the Police Force and Rebecca Brooks, some kind Police Officer lent one of their best horse's to Charlie Brooks for a duration and when the said horse was finally returned to the Police, the horse had deteriorated  in condition they had to have the animal destroyed, such a caring group the Chippen Norton set you know,bit of Fox Hunting,Tally Ho?
Car park footage of dear Charlie whisking away a laptop so as to avoid the Metropolitan Police look at it's contents,Phone Hacking Trail, Where the fragrant Rebecca was found not Guilty, but Andrew Coulson was found Guilty, dodgy Daves Right hand man!
Lord Burns, just recently dismissed a Jury and the case of "Perverting the Course of Justice" in Favour of dear Andrew, who had close connections who found evidence against Thomas Sheriden, convicted for false evidence?
Be very aware of the Establishment and the cover ups, David Kelly, Daniel Morgan Killing(payments to Police Officers) SIO Hamish Campbell whose understudy was one DCI Andy Redwood, Operation Grange, Abduction!?
Sir Bernard Hogan Howe the Murdered Err missing girl Madeleine McCann, some one "Stealing a child/Abduction"!? nah

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Guest 14.06.15 21:00

If you think Theresa May has any real power.. think again.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by pennylane 14.06.15 21:15

BlueBag wrote:If you think Theresa May has any real power.. think again.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 14.06.15 22:29

pennylane wrote:
BlueBag wrote:If you think Theresa May has any real power.. think again.
Who rules her agenda then?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 15.06.15 9:53

Her Boss DC and his boss,Her Majesty!?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 15.06.15 10:59

willowthewisp wrote:Helenmeg,
Her Boss DC and his boss,Her Majesty!?
OK then - so that implies then, following on from others' posts above - that David Cameron holds the key to whether the truth is allowed to emerge or not.
Back in 2007 the Blair / Brown governments politically interfered with the investigations. DC's government was 'persuaded / cajoled / bullied' into reviewing the case.
DC suddenly found out it was a can of worms. What does he do now?

My belief is that he will allow some of the truth to emerge but be will be too cowardly or 'influenced' to allow the whole truth... that is my view.

Some, it seems, think he will or has ordered a whitewash - which implies he is in full agreement with the Labour government of 2007  that the truth must not emerge. I dont think that is feasible although it
is true that certain establishment figures cross above the political agendas.   DC also knows that the eyes of the world are watching carefully what happens in this case. He knows that a vast amount continues to be spent on this case. He knows the reputation of SY is at stake and that he himself will be exposed when the truth finally emerges, which it will, in years to come.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by pennylane 15.06.15 11:06

willowthewisp wrote:Helenmeg,
Her Boss DC and his boss,Her Majesty!?

...... and as HM ominously warned Paul Burrell before pulling the plug on his court case.... There are powers at work in this country of which we have no knowledge!

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Guest 15.06.15 11:12

HelenMeg wrote:
pennylane wrote:
BlueBag wrote:If you think Theresa May has any real power.. think again.
Who rules her agenda then?
Not her.

MPs and Ministers are window dressing for us.

The real strings of power are with the uber-wealthy who have bought and paid for the current system.

How many people who work for Whitehall, The Bank of England,  The Stock Exchange, The Military,  The Royal Family,  The Media are accountable to the people?  


But that's where the real power is.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 15.06.15 11:31

We may possibly find out one day what the protectionist establishment has covered up be it in 100 yrs, but who will be bothered about it then, that is the point.Justice delayed is Justice Denied?
Just look at how the Establishment tried to cover up the "Hillsborough Deaths"S**m newspaper and the Government?
Who or what is being protected is what matters,Madeleine McCann may have suffered as the result of an Accident and the actions taken by the participants since what they chose to do will be with them for a long time!
I suggest you look at the killing of Daniel Morgan 10 March 1987 and the Can of Worms that has been wriggling since then to cover his Death!?
Let there be no doubt about it that the MSM and the chicanery and shenanigans of persons involved in the building of that empire has had a close interest in obtaining evidence to be used to "persuade" there decisions in their favour, ask Vince Cable over a certain TV deal eh Mr Cameron, Rebecca Brooks!?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Tony Bennett 15.06.15 12:20

HelenMeg wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:HelenMeg,

Her Boss DC and his boss, Her Majesty!?
We have another difference of opinion here @ HelenMeg...

OK then - so that implies then, following on from others' posts above - that David Cameron holds the key to whether the truth is allowed to emerge or not.

And those above him and those who are colluding with him

Back in 2007 the Blair/Brown governments politically interfered with the investigations.

Yes - and why?

DC's government was 'persuaded / cajoled / bullied' into reviewing the case.

By Rupert Murdoch and his CEO Rebekah Brooks - and against the wishes of Theresa May who was overruled

DC suddenly found out it was a can of worms.

No way, sorry. He appointed former Murdoch man Andy Coulson as his Director of Communications in 2009. The two of them appointed Clarence Mitchell in 2010 as their Deputy Director of Communications, and Cameron sanctioned him being admitted as a Conservative Party candidate at the recent General Election. Remember Rebekah Brooks' text? - "We are all in this together"? There is a cabal at the top keeping the lid on what really happemd to Madeleine McCann. We don't yet know why

What does he do now?

Hope against hope that CMOMM doesn't uncover the real truth 

My belief is that he will allow some of the truth to emerge but be will be too cowardly or 'influenced' to allow the whole truth... that is my view.

No way - see above 

Some, it seems, think he will or has ordered a whitewash - which implies he is in full agreement with the Labour government of 2007 that the truth must not emerge. I dont think that is feasible although it is true that certain establishment figures cross above the political agendas.  

@ HelenMeg - the cover-up/deception/whitewash etc. was IMO in place on Day One. Cameron doesn't have the power to change this, even if he wanted to, the powers-that-be have agreed it

DC also knows that the eyes of the world are watching carefully what happens in this case. He knows that a vast amount continues to be spent on this case. He knows the reputation of SY is at stake and that he himself will be exposed when the truth finally emerges, which it will, in years to come.

I suggest we are near to Operation Grange supplying the final answer - 'an abductor did it but we can't be sure who' - and then everybody apart from us poor dissidents here and elsewhere will forget about the case


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 15.06.15 12:47

Tony Bennett wrote:@ HelenMeg - the cover-up/deception/whitewash etc. was IMO in place on Day One. Cameron doesn't have the power to change this, even if he wanted to, the powers-that-be have agreed it

Who are the powers-that-be Tony? Do you mean The Queen?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Tony Bennett 15.06.15 13:57

Google.Gaspar.Statements wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:@ HelenMeg - the cover-up/deception/whitewash etc. was IMO in place on Day One. Cameron doesn't have the power to change this, even if he wanted to, the powers-that-be have agreed it

Who are the powers-that-be Tony? Do you mean The Queen?
Let me just put it this way @ GGS

Groups of high-level political and celebrity paedophiles (yes including some Royals) have been able to cruelly abuse children, mostly already vulnerable, for decades - and successive British Prime Ministers and Home Secretaries, Conservative and Labour, have not only done sod-all about it, but have actually covered this up and actively protected them from investigation and prosecution.

Jimmy Savile...
The Geoffrey Dickens dossier...
Leon Brittan losing files...

I would further suggest that organisations like MI5, MI6, Special Branch and other arms of the security services are more powerful than the Prime Minister as they hold the 'dirt' on everyone.

These scum are prepared to go as low as secretly filming young boys being sadistically abused by VIPs at Kincora Boys Home - so that these VIPs could later be controlled - FACT.

Look at the quote from Ken Livingstone at the very end of the last of Richard D. Hall's four films of 'The True Story of Madeleine McCann'.     

These same security services have been all over the Madeleine McCann case like a nasty rash since Day One


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 2 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Gaggzy 15.06.15 14:02

Tony Bennett wrote:
Google.Gaspar.Statements wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:@ HelenMeg - the cover-up/deception/whitewash etc. was IMO in place on Day One. Cameron doesn't have the power to change this, even if he wanted to, the powers-that-be have agreed it

Who are the powers-that-be Tony? Do you mean The Queen?
Let me just put it this way @ GGS

Groups of high-level political and celebrity paedophiles (yes including some Royals) have been able to cruelly abuse children, mostly already vulnerable, for decades - and successive British Prime Ministers and Home Secretaries, Conservative and Labour, have not only done sod-all about it, but have actually covered this up and actively protected them from investigation and prosecution.

Jimmy Savile...
The Geoffrey Dickens dossier...
Leon Brittan losing files...

I would further suggest that organisations like MI5, MI6, Special Branch and other arms of the security services are more powerful than the Prime Minister as they hold the 'dirt' on everyone.

These scum are prepared to go as low as secretly filming young boys being sadistically abused by VIPs at Kincora Boys Home - so that these VIPs could later be controlled - FACT.

Look at the quote from Ken Livingstone at the very end of the last of Richard D. Hall's four films of 'The True Story of Madeleine McCann'.     

These same security services have been all over the Madeleine McCann case like a nasty rash since Day One

I believe this, 100%.

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