Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
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Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
On browsing through Brenda Leyland's tweets for 2014, I came across this remarkable series of tweets on 9th & 10th August last year - less than two months before her life was tragically cut short as a direct result, it would seem, of sustained public exposure of her in the first week of October last year.
The sequence of events is very interesting.
On 1st August, Richard D Hall announced that he had made a 4.3-hour long documentary about the Madeleine McCann case.
On 8th August, the first of 26 video uploads of part or all of his documentary, by 9 different people, was uploaded to YouTube.
It looks from the tweets below as though Brenda Leyland saw most of this documentary on 8th August or the following day, Saturday 9th August.
Her first tweet about Hall's documentary was posted at 7.48pm on 9th August. She described the documentary as 'brilliant' and 'persuasive' and said she'd spent 'most of the morning' sending a link to his film to 'everyone that I know'.
That is a hallmark of a committed campaigner, no matter what is said about some of her very unpleasant tweets.
On Sunday 10th August she is up and about early (7.33am) tweeting about how McCann-sceptics should make this 'the most viewed on the internet'.
But by Sunday lunch-time, discordant voices were heard about Hall's film, none more shrill and aggressive than those from one Rosalinda Hutton (Cristobell).
How Brenda Leyland dealt with her and other critics is set out in a series of tweets below - from 1.59pm to 7.13pm that day.
Hutton's objections seemed to stem from two mild remarks made by Hall, one of them suggesting that there were queries about the 'Smithman' sighting, the other saying he might be making a further film about the role of Robert Murat in the Madeleine McCann case.
For members here, it's interesting to note that the very week in which Hutton began attacking Hall's video was the same one in which she deliberately provoked her suspension here, by attacking other members, and very soon afterwards launched into a bitter attack on CMOMM on her blog. At the same time per personal campaign against me moved up from fourth gear to 'overdrive' (and now seems to be in overdrive-plus).
As for Hutton's self-promotion in attending the anarchy march im London in November, sporting a slogan saying: 'I am Brenda Leyland', I wonder if Brenda herself would have approved, now that we know how she (quite rightly) attacked Hutton for nit-picking criticisms of Hall's film?
So what has happened since Brenda Leyland enthused about Hall's video?
It has been seen by 300,000 on YouTube and by hundreds of thousands more on his website and on his DVDs.
Whereas Hutton has been campaigning relentlessly for 6 months against CMOMM, against myself, and has produced only one action of note, namely dragging all McCann-sceptics into the mud by admitting she was a 'self-obsessed bitch' who enjoyed the 'buzz' of her 'anti-McCann' tweets - giving Rupert Murdoch's Sun and his SKYNews the perfect opportunity to campaign against 'internet trolls' and single out 'anti-McCann' tweeters as the worst offenders.
Hutton fails to promote Hall's video but instead promotes the film-making efforts of Sonia Poulton, with her dubious track record, her promotion of and active involvement in the disastrous Sun spread on 31 January, her point-blank refusal to say who is commissioning her, and her recent appearances on SKYNews.
Hutton and her acolytes have repeatedly claimed that I am working directly for the McCann Team.
I think it's now time for me to ask this question: whose side is Hutton actually on?
CMOMM has a scrolling banner promoting Hall's documentary and is so far as I know the only Madeleine McCann forum to do so. Yet in other places, CMOMM is abused and criticised. Now why is that?
Finally, Brenda Leyland has left us all a legacy with these tweets on 10th August last year.
She had both Richard Hall and Rosalinda Hutton well and truly sussed.
She pointed us towards the 'brilliant', 'humble' Richard Hall.
But away from Hutton
498194039964172288|Sat Aug 09
19:48:09 +0000 2014|
Brilliant Richard, have spent most of the morning sending this link to every one that I know, really persuasive
Sun Aug 10
07:33:52 +0000 2014|
" Buried by MSM" is going, in K s eyes to make GA s book seem like a bed time story, have sent link 200 times so far
Sun Aug 10
07:36:21 +0000 2014|
#mccann very important now that we all make this the most viewed on the internet ,make waves and capitalise as much as we can
Sun Aug 10
13:59:40 +0000 2014|
Missing point Dave #mccann what videos show is tons of anomalies and lies that need investigating
Sun Aug 10
15:22:21 +0000 2014|
#mccann Richard has " put his head over the parapet " very brave man, financed this himself, amazingly well done
Sun Aug 10
15:23:28 +0000 2014|
he did, some what cross at nit picking, this is a complex case, impossible to cover all in one swoop
Sun Aug 10
15:34:04 +0000 2014|
Could you even look at a Barristers brief of a complex case and not find 1 item, under-exposed ? disingenuous to criticise.
Sun Aug 10
15:40:51 +0000 2014|
I agree, Richard made it clear that he welcomed input, think he would react very well to any suggestions
Sun Aug 10
15:45:58 +0000 2014|
Richard has in fact put K & G in an invidious situation, haha, ignore & be hypocrite, advertise R Hall and UK will want to see it
Sun Aug 10
16:01:46 +0000 2014|
In same boat, unsure what he has said, just want to support 100% a brave guy, seen 3 parts so far
Sun Aug 10
16:46:38 +0000 2014|
Richard Halls mandate, is to bring awareness of the case and the injustice, standing the " test of time " is not the point,
Sun Aug 10
17:20:37 +0000 2014|
#mccann I have always been a staunch ally Ros, I don't agree with you now, seems like inter author rivalry , shame if it is
Sun Aug 10
17:23:06 +0000 2014|
#mccann In a case with a thousand facts, don't damn with faint praise just because of a couple of issues, point them out to him if you want
Sun Aug 10
17:25:31 +0000 2014|
Richard has highlighted SO MANY signs of mccann guilt that we owe him out thanks
Sun Aug 10
17:33:47 +0000 2014|
Richard is aware of Carter Ruck, he is not rich, he has invested a lot to make this facts available, he needs our support
Sun Aug 10
17:37:48 +0000 2014|
Each author Christobel, be it you, Pat Brown or Richard has their own " slant, priorities " may not b yours but R valid & personal
Sun Aug 10
17:43:03 +0000 2014|
yes, but this is very good indeed.
Sun Aug 10
18:00:20 +0000 2014|
You said it, " In your opinion " not in his, he has more to share, early days.
Sun Aug 10
18:02:49 +0000 2014|
Your pedantry does you no credit, it makes you appear smug , this video will do great good
Sun Aug 10
18:11:02 +0000 2014|
Richard Hall could hardly have been more humble and open, when he invites all new facts, what more does one want
Sun Aug 10
18:18:19 +0000 2014|
I am very disappointed, expected better, poor taste for one " author" to claim superiority. leaves bad taste
Sun Aug 10
18:20:45 +0000 2014|
This should not be about egos, people claiming how much better they cd do it, any video like this is to be welcomed
Sun Aug 10
18:27:41 +0000 2014|
#mccann sorry to say this Ros, but am cross, if you could do so much better why haven't you ? easy to be arm chair expert
Sun Aug 10
18:56:47 +0000 2014|
This is not about you Ros, or your dealings with Bennet, or your theories, its Richards work fgs
Sun Aug 10
19:06:36 +0000 2014|
Perhaps poor Richard should have given editorial remit to Ros never mind authors integrity
Sun Aug 10
19:13:55 +0000 2014|
When you produce the block busting definitive video with ALL the answers, I will bow to your insight, less grandstanding 4 now
The sequence of events is very interesting.
On 1st August, Richard D Hall announced that he had made a 4.3-hour long documentary about the Madeleine McCann case.
On 8th August, the first of 26 video uploads of part or all of his documentary, by 9 different people, was uploaded to YouTube.
It looks from the tweets below as though Brenda Leyland saw most of this documentary on 8th August or the following day, Saturday 9th August.
Her first tweet about Hall's documentary was posted at 7.48pm on 9th August. She described the documentary as 'brilliant' and 'persuasive' and said she'd spent 'most of the morning' sending a link to his film to 'everyone that I know'.
That is a hallmark of a committed campaigner, no matter what is said about some of her very unpleasant tweets.
On Sunday 10th August she is up and about early (7.33am) tweeting about how McCann-sceptics should make this 'the most viewed on the internet'.
But by Sunday lunch-time, discordant voices were heard about Hall's film, none more shrill and aggressive than those from one Rosalinda Hutton (Cristobell).
How Brenda Leyland dealt with her and other critics is set out in a series of tweets below - from 1.59pm to 7.13pm that day.
Hutton's objections seemed to stem from two mild remarks made by Hall, one of them suggesting that there were queries about the 'Smithman' sighting, the other saying he might be making a further film about the role of Robert Murat in the Madeleine McCann case.
For members here, it's interesting to note that the very week in which Hutton began attacking Hall's video was the same one in which she deliberately provoked her suspension here, by attacking other members, and very soon afterwards launched into a bitter attack on CMOMM on her blog. At the same time per personal campaign against me moved up from fourth gear to 'overdrive' (and now seems to be in overdrive-plus).
As for Hutton's self-promotion in attending the anarchy march im London in November, sporting a slogan saying: 'I am Brenda Leyland', I wonder if Brenda herself would have approved, now that we know how she (quite rightly) attacked Hutton for nit-picking criticisms of Hall's film?
So what has happened since Brenda Leyland enthused about Hall's video?
It has been seen by 300,000 on YouTube and by hundreds of thousands more on his website and on his DVDs.
Whereas Hutton has been campaigning relentlessly for 6 months against CMOMM, against myself, and has produced only one action of note, namely dragging all McCann-sceptics into the mud by admitting she was a 'self-obsessed bitch' who enjoyed the 'buzz' of her 'anti-McCann' tweets - giving Rupert Murdoch's Sun and his SKYNews the perfect opportunity to campaign against 'internet trolls' and single out 'anti-McCann' tweeters as the worst offenders.
Hutton fails to promote Hall's video but instead promotes the film-making efforts of Sonia Poulton, with her dubious track record, her promotion of and active involvement in the disastrous Sun spread on 31 January, her point-blank refusal to say who is commissioning her, and her recent appearances on SKYNews.
Hutton and her acolytes have repeatedly claimed that I am working directly for the McCann Team.
I think it's now time for me to ask this question: whose side is Hutton actually on?
CMOMM has a scrolling banner promoting Hall's documentary and is so far as I know the only Madeleine McCann forum to do so. Yet in other places, CMOMM is abused and criticised. Now why is that?
Finally, Brenda Leyland has left us all a legacy with these tweets on 10th August last year.
She had both Richard Hall and Rosalinda Hutton well and truly sussed.
She pointed us towards the 'brilliant', 'humble' Richard Hall.
But away from Hutton
498194039964172288|Sat Aug 09
19:48:09 +0000 2014|
Brilliant Richard, have spent most of the morning sending this link to every one that I know, really persuasive
Sun Aug 10
07:33:52 +0000 2014|
" Buried by MSM" is going, in K s eyes to make GA s book seem like a bed time story, have sent link 200 times so far
Sun Aug 10
07:36:21 +0000 2014|
#mccann very important now that we all make this the most viewed on the internet ,make waves and capitalise as much as we can
Sun Aug 10
13:59:40 +0000 2014|
Missing point Dave #mccann what videos show is tons of anomalies and lies that need investigating
Sun Aug 10
15:22:21 +0000 2014|
#mccann Richard has " put his head over the parapet " very brave man, financed this himself, amazingly well done
Sun Aug 10
15:23:28 +0000 2014|
he did, some what cross at nit picking, this is a complex case, impossible to cover all in one swoop
Sun Aug 10
15:34:04 +0000 2014|
Could you even look at a Barristers brief of a complex case and not find 1 item, under-exposed ? disingenuous to criticise.
Sun Aug 10
15:40:51 +0000 2014|
I agree, Richard made it clear that he welcomed input, think he would react very well to any suggestions
Sun Aug 10
15:45:58 +0000 2014|
Richard has in fact put K & G in an invidious situation, haha, ignore & be hypocrite, advertise R Hall and UK will want to see it
Sun Aug 10
16:01:46 +0000 2014|
In same boat, unsure what he has said, just want to support 100% a brave guy, seen 3 parts so far
Sun Aug 10
16:46:38 +0000 2014|
Richard Halls mandate, is to bring awareness of the case and the injustice, standing the " test of time " is not the point,
Sun Aug 10
17:20:37 +0000 2014|
#mccann I have always been a staunch ally Ros, I don't agree with you now, seems like inter author rivalry , shame if it is
Sun Aug 10
17:23:06 +0000 2014|
#mccann In a case with a thousand facts, don't damn with faint praise just because of a couple of issues, point them out to him if you want
Sun Aug 10
17:25:31 +0000 2014|
Richard has highlighted SO MANY signs of mccann guilt that we owe him out thanks
Sun Aug 10
17:33:47 +0000 2014|
Richard is aware of Carter Ruck, he is not rich, he has invested a lot to make this facts available, he needs our support
Sun Aug 10
17:37:48 +0000 2014|
Each author Christobel, be it you, Pat Brown or Richard has their own " slant, priorities " may not b yours but R valid & personal
Sun Aug 10
17:43:03 +0000 2014|
yes, but this is very good indeed.
Sun Aug 10
18:00:20 +0000 2014|
You said it, " In your opinion " not in his, he has more to share, early days.
Sun Aug 10
18:02:49 +0000 2014|
Your pedantry does you no credit, it makes you appear smug , this video will do great good
Sun Aug 10
18:11:02 +0000 2014|
Richard Hall could hardly have been more humble and open, when he invites all new facts, what more does one want
Sun Aug 10
18:18:19 +0000 2014|
I am very disappointed, expected better, poor taste for one " author" to claim superiority. leaves bad taste
Sun Aug 10
18:20:45 +0000 2014|
This should not be about egos, people claiming how much better they cd do it, any video like this is to be welcomed
Sun Aug 10
18:27:41 +0000 2014|
#mccann sorry to say this Ros, but am cross, if you could do so much better why haven't you ? easy to be arm chair expert
Sun Aug 10
18:56:47 +0000 2014|
This is not about you Ros, or your dealings with Bennet, or your theories, its Richards work fgs
Sun Aug 10
19:06:36 +0000 2014|
Perhaps poor Richard should have given editorial remit to Ros never mind authors integrity
Sun Aug 10
19:13:55 +0000 2014|
When you produce the block busting definitive video with ALL the answers, I will bow to your insight, less grandstanding 4 now
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Investigator
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
IMO, Ms Hutton has something to prove - to herself. Her quest for recognition (as an author or personality) and views on the Mc Cann case became too intertwined. I steer clear for that reason.
I dont think that she is on the 'side' of the Mc Canns though. Brenda, however, was clearly an intelligent lady and voiced her views with clarity and determination to find justice.
I dont think that she is on the 'side' of the Mc Canns though. Brenda, however, was clearly an intelligent lady and voiced her views with clarity and determination to find justice.
HelenMeg- Posts : 1782
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
RH and her fans will be kept busy for the next few days! Without TB she'd have nothing to write about.
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
But one must always look at the effects of a person's actions.HelenMeg wrote:I don't think that [Ms Hutton] is on the 'side' of the McCanns though...
Has she for six months run a relentless campaign against by far the most successful McCann forum on the net?
Is that in the interests of McCann-sceptics, or the McCanns?
Has she portrayed herself on a 2-page spread in the Sun as a 'self-obsessed', 'anti-MCcann bitch' who gets a 'buzz' out of attacking her opponents?
Is that in the interests of McCann-sceptics, or the McCanns?
Has she repeatedly attacked Richard Hall's film - the most popular and most comprehnsive documentary on the McCann case to date?
Is that in the interests of McCann-sceptics, or the McCanns?
And as you know, @ HelenMeg, there are McCann discussion forums on the internet, purportedly McCann-sceptic, which for months have been actively promoting all that she says and does
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Investigator
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
I agree that her actions appear to act in favour of the Mc Canns sometimes - I dont think this is deliberate but arises out of her - how to say this nicely ? - stupidity / ignorance ?
HelenMeg- Posts : 1782
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
I have said before on this forum that Hutton was a McCann supporter on the AOL messageboards from Day One. She and the other McCann supporters were known as 'attack dogs' because they would attack anyone who didn't believe the McCanns. She was pally with a particularly vicious person called Bev 'Henrydog' - a vile woman - and if you read the comments on Cristobell's blogs you will see they are still very friendly with each other and say they even enjoyed those days.HelenMeg wrote:IMO, Ms Hutton has something to prove - to herself. Her quest for recognition (as an author or personality) and views on the Mc Cann case became too intertwined. I steer clear for that reason.
I dont think that she is on the 'side' of the Mc Canns though. Brenda, however, was clearly an intelligent lady and voiced her views with clarity and determination to find justice.
Hutton is still an 'attack dog'. She and her cronies would attack other posters until they left the AOL messageboards.
Hutton still attacks (some) McCann sceptics to this day.
As TB says: Is that in the interests of McCann-sceptics, or the McCanns?
IAmNotMerylStreep- Posts : 196
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
I dont know her history - I only know her from the last 12 months or so. I dont think what she says or how she acts furthers the cause of those of us who seek justice for Madeleine.... she used to post long posts on here and almost promote the 'negligence' myth which used to annoy me greatly.
HelenMeg- Posts : 1782
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
HelenMeg wrote:I dont know her history - I only know her from the last 12 months or so. I dont think what she says or how she acts furthers the cause of those of us who seek justice for Madeleine.... she used to post long posts on here and almost promote the 'negligence' myth which used to annoy me greatly.
The negligence myth is promoted by TM and acolytes because what actually happened, imo, is much, much worse. And, of course, to allow a window of opportunity for the 'abductor' to climb in through the window of course.
j.rob- Posts : 2243
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
From her blog it seems Ms Hutton regards twitter and, presumably, other social media sites as "a great way to show off our sparkling wit and Truman Capote style put downs".
I suspect that, should he have been called on to review her inane utterings, it's probable Mr Persons would merely repeat 'That isn't writing at all, it's typing' and I venture to suggest he may have had added a few words along the lines of this being no more than could be expected from woman who has enjoyed a 'long career' being fired from various typing pools.
The self-styled 'campaigner' then goes on to say "I do not understand the need to say we are there for moral, upstanding reasons, and if we weren't on twitter we would be working towards world peace. The truth is, for many of us, its that or Eastenders".
I don't doubt Ms Hutton's knowledge of soap operas exceeds that of any other subject but, given her insatiable need for attention, it's unlikely she'll cease pontificating about matters which are beyond her comprehension.
I suspect that, should he have been called on to review her inane utterings, it's probable Mr Persons would merely repeat 'That isn't writing at all, it's typing' and I venture to suggest he may have had added a few words along the lines of this being no more than could be expected from woman who has enjoyed a 'long career' being fired from various typing pools.
The self-styled 'campaigner' then goes on to say "I do not understand the need to say we are there for moral, upstanding reasons, and if we weren't on twitter we would be working towards world peace. The truth is, for many of us, its that or Eastenders".
I don't doubt Ms Hutton's knowledge of soap operas exceeds that of any other subject but, given her insatiable need for attention, it's unlikely she'll cease pontificating about matters which are beyond her comprehension.
ultimaThule- Posts : 3355
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
On twitter she's accusing TB of tweeting and dedicating a thread calling her a c***.
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
Well all I wish to say about ms Hutton ' ceaseless obsession about Tony is that she is becoming a crashing bore who's pointless waffling could bore a glass eye to sleep.
The truth will out.
Smokeandmirrors- Posts : 2458
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
I don't see her posting on the other forum, these days. And those on Twitter.......both "anti" and "pro" are fed up to the back teeth with her.Smokeandmirrors wrote:Well all I wish to say about ms Hutton ' ceaseless obsession about Tony is that she is becoming a crashing bore who's pointless waffling could bore a glass eye to sleep.
sallypelt- Posts : 4004
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
Ladyinred wrote:On twitter she's accusing TB of tweeting and dedicating a thread calling her a c***.
I can't see that, Lir - is it because I don't have a twitter account and am not a 'follower'?
ultimaThule- Posts : 3355
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
Ulti, if you read the Twitter feed on this forum, you would have seen it.ultimaThule wrote:Ladyinred wrote:On twitter she's accusing TB of tweeting and dedicating a thread calling her a c***.
I can't see that, Lir - is it because I don't have a twitter account and am not a 'follower'?
On Twitter at this moment, some are saying that the McCann's will be called in Brenda Leyland's inquest. I don't know how true this is, but it will all unfold eventually.
sallypelt- Posts : 4004
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
I read it on the twitter feed here.
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
This has been tweeted a few times on Twitter:
Louise @siamesey
@tonybooth20 @OlwynMassey the #McCann family HAVE BEEN NAMED PUBLICLY in #BrendaLeyland. They will be called!!!! #OWNGOAL #BACKFIRE
Louise @siamesey
@tonybooth20 @OlwynMassey the #McCann family HAVE BEEN NAMED PUBLICLY in #BrendaLeyland. They will be called!!!! #OWNGOAL #BACKFIRE
sallypelt- Posts : 4004
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
sallypelt wrote:This has been tweeted a few times on Twitter:
Louise @siamesey
@tonybooth20 @OlwynMassey the #McCann family HAVE BEEN NAMED PUBLICLY in #BrendaLeyland. They will be called!!!! #OWNGOAL #BACKFIRE
Wouldn't that be great! Team McCann were always the trolls, imo. They always accuse their critics of doing the very thing that they themselves are doing. Always. You can guarantee that when an accusation comes from TM, it is because they themselves are doing what they accuse others of doing to them.
That is their modus operandi and has been from the very start.
j.rob- Posts : 2243
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Re: Brenda Leyland, how she backed Richard Hall's documentary, how she clashed with 'nit-picker Rosalinda Hutton - 26 tweets on 9th & 10trh August 2014
Bog-standard tactics used by scoundrels through the ages, j.rob, but, as has been apparent from the off, the McCanns are not original thinkers and in that particular respect they have a lot in common with one who claims to be an 'academic' despite having produced no scholarly work whatsoever.
ultimaThule- Posts : 3355
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