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Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt  - Page 3 Mm11

Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt  - Page 3 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt  - Page 3 Mm11

Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt  - Page 3 Regist10

Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt

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Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt  - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt

Post by frankd 29.10.14 18:03

c.2011/12 Alan Johnston  told Andrew Neil on the Politics Show that the McCanns were innocent.
Strange given what we now know and he had been Home Secretary  until May 2010.
He may have been kept out of the loop He was certainly out of his depth as shadow chancellor.
I have been looking for clip on you tube but to no avail.

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Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt  - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt

Post by comperedna 29.10.14 18:25

I'd bet on 'being kept out of the loop' if I had to choose between that and Alan Johnson's being involved in any kind of corruption. I've read both volumes of his autobiography and he comes over as a deeply honest man... Out of his depth? Well, that's another matter.

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Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt  - Page 3 Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt

Post by statsman 30.10.14 4:44

jeanmonroe said
Good for Sonia Poulton.

For daring to challenge the McCann’s abduction story in no uncertain terms, she was named as a Troll on the dossier handed to the Met Police by the McCann’s.

Far from being cowed, and given that the Met was acting on this information, Ms Poulton (cleverly, imo) decided to contact the Met Police to ask them what they were going to do about the Trolls who have been attacking her.

Answer? Absolutely nothing… No 'resources' you see

Now, if that's the reply Sonia got, wouldn't that be the same reply given to the senders of the dossier?

If it was, my question would be "When? Before or after Brunt door stopped Brenda?"

Could this come out in the inquest?

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