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An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier, - Page 2 Mm11

An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier, - Page 2 Regist10
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An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier, - Page 2 Mm11

An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier, - Page 2 Regist10

An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,

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An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier, - Page 2 Empty Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,

Post by jeanmonroe 13.10.14 0:48

@Pool55SW19 = AMY T.

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An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier, - Page 2 Empty Just found this

Post by PeterMac 29.10.14 8:20

Sorry if this has been posted before.
Edited to include only the footnote and one of the comments. Very interesting analysis.
While I was writing the above Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe spoke in an interview and said that the  the dossier was handed to the police by the McCanns. He may have made a mistake about this, but if he is correct it supports the suggestion that the McCanns might have coordinated these events.
SS***  R*** October 12, 2014 at 8:00 AM
Your footnote..
Yes, Bernard Hogan-Howe side stepped any responsibility whatsoever in Sky/Martin Brunt's doorstepping of Brenda Leyland and her death.
He then went on to point the finger directly at those responsible for handing in the dossier, "the family".
BHH had no intention of covering up how that dossier came to his attention or who the appropriate police force were to deal with it.
And it clearly wasn't his force.
Any thoughts of him saying, Im not at liberty to discuss who handed in the dossier, which is normal police speak, went right out the window when having to respond to questions on why a woman was found dead who was connected to that dossier.
We could say he opted to tell the truth and be damned.
Self protection in play there.
A concerned group of anonymous people would never have managed to get that dossier right to the top without a big helping hand from those who could, "the family".
A concerned group of anonymous dossier compilers, on their own, would never have got past handing it in any further than the reception desk at Sky.
If Sky thought because the dossier was in the hands of the Police it would cover their backs, how wrong they were.
IF the appropriate police force do decide there is just cause to act on names in this dossier we all know they won't be publicly door stepping anyone exposing them in front of TV cameras!
If BHH had said nothing at all, it's not hard to work out in whose interests, this dossier, prior to any decision by the Police getting FULL TV/ MEDIA exposure benefitted the most.
Hello Anne Guedes, I'm pleased to say I am not afraid to speak, and my name is not anonymous, getting my opinion down in black and white is very important to me and no one will ever discourage me otherwise.

S**** R****.

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