An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™ :: Social Media :: Brenda Leyland: Gerry McCann called for example to be made of 'trolls'
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An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
Admin feel free to whoosh this if you think it inappropriate but I just had to vent my feelings.
Dear madam,
Much has been written lately about the vile practice of hounding people via social media and, quite rightly, this practice is treated with horror by all who live decent lives.
You appear, on the surface, to be one of those law-abiding citizens who abhor injustice. You speak up on behalf of soldiers and animals. You hate Tony Blair with a vengeance for his "warmongering". You have eschewed the established Church but believe in God, although for propriety`s sake you attend your local church. It is therefore important to you that a semblance of being an upstanding member of your community is maintained. You felt moved to write to your local paper about the Christmas lights in your town square so you care about where you live.
You campaign against animal cruelty but no pets are mentioned in your household. You like geckos and insect gardens.
Your father, formerly in the RAF, is still very special to you as is your husband, daughter and grandchild. You are educated and intelligent with a good grasp of the English language. You are in your late fifties and may still be working.
You visited Bamburgh Castle and Warwick Castle. You spent your teenage years going to Barry Island. You are Welsh born from Anglesey.
You believe that the parents of Madeleine McCann are innocent of any duplicity in their daughter`s disappearance and you occasionally allude to that belief but not to any great extent on your very ordinary Facebook page.
This is where it all changes. The above I know for a fact from ten minutes looking at that normal, slightly opinionated woman. It is all a front for who you have become. You have sold your soul to the devil for what? A few pounds a week to spend on your Christmas decorations, or day trips out with your husband?
You are the lynchpin of an evil, insidious coven of shills who you incite to hatred against anyone who dares to voice their belief that Madeleine died in apartment 5A in May 2007.
I do not think you even believe your own lies anymore but you have supped with the Devil now. There is no going back for you is there?
You have created multiple personae on Twitter and FB to goad those doubters and to stir up your invective laden minions to assist with your practices.
You use vile language in an attempt to pretend you are "down with the kids". You have been active on several forums, admitting to a friend in another country that it was more or less left to you to run the thing, stating that when you tried to change its status to open, someone closed it. You suggested it was BR but she corrected you by saying she was no longer admin. Am I mistaken? Thought not.
In one or more of your guises you were responsible for obfuscating on the S&S page. Those comments have all mysteriously whooshed into the ether. Or have they?
You snoop and lurk on other forums and happily screenshot anything you think might come in useful. Oh that sounds like me.
Except I have not used the knowledge I have gained to compile a dossier of hate which I handed to the police or the media. A dossier ( doesn`t that word make you feel very important?) which has led directly to the DEATH-not abduction- of another human being.
I wonder what your husband, children and grandchildren would think of you if they knew. Would your colleagues feel comfortable working alongside such an evil spirited person? Would your community shun you and would the media hound you to your death? I sincerely hope not because you deserve your day in court where you can defend the indefensible till you are blue in the face. No one will believe you and the rats will leave the sinking ship faster than the McCanns phoned the media on May 3 2007.
Reflect well on your choices. You have the luxury of being able to do that. Poor Brenda Leyland can do that no longer. I hope you still have a shred of decency left in you to feel remorse.
Yours in memory of Madeleine Beth McCann.
All of the above is my humble opinion of course.
Dear madam,
Much has been written lately about the vile practice of hounding people via social media and, quite rightly, this practice is treated with horror by all who live decent lives.
You appear, on the surface, to be one of those law-abiding citizens who abhor injustice. You speak up on behalf of soldiers and animals. You hate Tony Blair with a vengeance for his "warmongering". You have eschewed the established Church but believe in God, although for propriety`s sake you attend your local church. It is therefore important to you that a semblance of being an upstanding member of your community is maintained. You felt moved to write to your local paper about the Christmas lights in your town square so you care about where you live.
You campaign against animal cruelty but no pets are mentioned in your household. You like geckos and insect gardens.
Your father, formerly in the RAF, is still very special to you as is your husband, daughter and grandchild. You are educated and intelligent with a good grasp of the English language. You are in your late fifties and may still be working.
You visited Bamburgh Castle and Warwick Castle. You spent your teenage years going to Barry Island. You are Welsh born from Anglesey.
You believe that the parents of Madeleine McCann are innocent of any duplicity in their daughter`s disappearance and you occasionally allude to that belief but not to any great extent on your very ordinary Facebook page.
This is where it all changes. The above I know for a fact from ten minutes looking at that normal, slightly opinionated woman. It is all a front for who you have become. You have sold your soul to the devil for what? A few pounds a week to spend on your Christmas decorations, or day trips out with your husband?
You are the lynchpin of an evil, insidious coven of shills who you incite to hatred against anyone who dares to voice their belief that Madeleine died in apartment 5A in May 2007.
I do not think you even believe your own lies anymore but you have supped with the Devil now. There is no going back for you is there?
You have created multiple personae on Twitter and FB to goad those doubters and to stir up your invective laden minions to assist with your practices.
You use vile language in an attempt to pretend you are "down with the kids". You have been active on several forums, admitting to a friend in another country that it was more or less left to you to run the thing, stating that when you tried to change its status to open, someone closed it. You suggested it was BR but she corrected you by saying she was no longer admin. Am I mistaken? Thought not.
In one or more of your guises you were responsible for obfuscating on the S&S page. Those comments have all mysteriously whooshed into the ether. Or have they?
You snoop and lurk on other forums and happily screenshot anything you think might come in useful. Oh that sounds like me.
Except I have not used the knowledge I have gained to compile a dossier of hate which I handed to the police or the media. A dossier ( doesn`t that word make you feel very important?) which has led directly to the DEATH-not abduction- of another human being.
I wonder what your husband, children and grandchildren would think of you if they knew. Would your colleagues feel comfortable working alongside such an evil spirited person? Would your community shun you and would the media hound you to your death? I sincerely hope not because you deserve your day in court where you can defend the indefensible till you are blue in the face. No one will believe you and the rats will leave the sinking ship faster than the McCanns phoned the media on May 3 2007.
Reflect well on your choices. You have the luxury of being able to do that. Poor Brenda Leyland can do that no longer. I hope you still have a shred of decency left in you to feel remorse.
Yours in memory of Madeleine Beth McCann.
All of the above is my humble opinion of course.
.Guest..- Posts : 132
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
And that is a very good post,thank you anon 357
tiny- Posts : 2274
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
anon357 wrote:Admin feel free to whoosh this if you think it inappropriate but I just had to vent my feelings.
Dear madam,
Much has been written lately about the vile practice of hounding people via social media and, quite rightly, this practice is treated with horror by all who live decent lives.
You appear, on the surface, to be one of those law-abiding citizens who abhor injustice. You speak up on behalf of soldiers and animals. You hate Tony Blair with a vengeance for his "warmongering". You have eschewed the established Church but believe in God, although for propriety`s sake you attend your local church. It is therefore important to you that a semblance of being an upstanding member of your community is maintained. You felt moved to write to your local paper about the Christmas lights in your town square so you care about where you live.
You campaign against animal cruelty but no pets are mentioned in your household. You like geckos and insect gardens.
Your father, formerly in the RAF, is still very special to you as is your husband, daughter and grandchild. You are educated and intelligent with a good grasp of the English language. You are in your late fifties and may still be working.
You visited Bamburgh Castle and Warwick Castle. You spent your teenage years going to Barry Island. You are Welsh born from Anglesey.
You believe that the parents of Madeleine McCann are innocent of any duplicity in their daughter`s disappearance and you occasionally allude to that belief but not to any great extent on your very ordinary Facebook page.
This is where it all changes. The above I know for a fact from ten minutes looking at that normal, slightly opinionated woman. It is all a front for who you have become. You have sold your soul to the devil for what? A few pounds a week to spend on your Christmas decorations, or day trips out with your husband?
You are the lynchpin of an evil, insidious coven of shills who you incite to hatred against anyone who dares to voice their belief that Madeleine died in apartment 5A in May 2007.
I do not think you even believe your own lies anymore but you have supped with the Devil now. There is no going back for you is there?
You have created multiple personae on Twitter and FB to goad those doubters and to stir up your invective laden minions to assist with your practices.
You use vile language in an attempt to pretend you are "down with the kids". You have been active on several forums, admitting to a friend in another country that it was more or less left to you to run the thing, stating that when you tried to change its status to open, someone closed it. You suggested it was BR but she corrected you by saying she was no longer admin. Am I mistaken? Thought not.
In one or more of your guises you were responsible for obfuscating on the S&S page. Those comments have all mysteriously whooshed into the ether. Or have they?
You snoop and lurk on other forums and happily screenshot anything you think might come in useful. Oh that sounds like me.
Except I have not used the knowledge I have gained to compile a dossier of hate which I handed to the police or the media. A dossier ( doesn`t that word make you feel very important?) which has led directly to the DEATH-not abduction- of another human being.
I wonder what your husband, children and grandchildren would think of you if they knew. Would your colleagues feel comfortable working alongside such an evil spirited person? Would your community shun you and would the media hound you to your death? I sincerely hope not because you deserve your day in court where you can defend the indefensible till you are blue in the face. No one will believe you and the rats will leave the sinking ship faster than the McCanns phoned the media on May 3 2007.
Reflect well on your choices. You have the luxury of being able to do that. Poor Brenda Leyland can do that no longer. I hope you still have a shred of decency left in you to feel remorse.
Yours in memory of Madeleine Beth McCann.
All of the above is my humble opinion of course.
Correction, Tiny. She's 72 years of age. She's less than 6 months from her 73rd birthday.
sallypelt- Posts : 4004
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
It was anon,op not mine
tiny- Posts : 2274
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
sallypelt wrote:anon357 wrote:Admin feel free to whoosh this if you think it inappropriate but I just had to vent my feelings.
Dear madam,
Much has been written lately about the vile practice of hounding people via social media and, quite rightly, this practice is treated with horror by all who live decent lives.
You appear, on the surface, to be one of those law-abiding citizens who abhor injustice. You speak up on behalf of soldiers and animals. You hate Tony Blair with a vengeance for his "warmongering". You have eschewed the established Church but believe in God, although for propriety`s sake you attend your local church. It is therefore important to you that a semblance of being an upstanding member of your community is maintained. You felt moved to write to your local paper about the Christmas lights in your town square so you care about where you live.
You campaign against animal cruelty but no pets are mentioned in your household. You like geckos and insect gardens.
Your father, formerly in the RAF, is still very special to you as is your husband, daughter and grandchild. You are educated and intelligent with a good grasp of the English language. You are in your late fifties and may still be working.
You visited Bamburgh Castle and Warwick Castle. You spent your teenage years going to Barry Island. You are Welsh born from Anglesey.
You believe that the parents of Madeleine McCann are innocent of any duplicity in their daughter`s disappearance and you occasionally allude to that belief but not to any great extent on your very ordinary Facebook page.
This is where it all changes. The above I know for a fact from ten minutes looking at that normal, slightly opinionated woman. It is all a front for who you have become. You have sold your soul to the devil for what? A few pounds a week to spend on your Christmas decorations, or day trips out with your husband?
You are the lynchpin of an evil, insidious coven of shills who you incite to hatred against anyone who dares to voice their belief that Madeleine died in apartment 5A in May 2007.
I do not think you even believe your own lies anymore but you have supped with the Devil now. There is no going back for you is there?
You have created multiple personae on Twitter and FB to goad those doubters and to stir up your invective laden minions to assist with your practices.
You use vile language in an attempt to pretend you are "down with the kids". You have been active on several forums, admitting to a friend in another country that it was more or less left to you to run the thing, stating that when you tried to change its status to open, someone closed it. You suggested it was BR but she corrected you by saying she was no longer admin. Am I mistaken? Thought not.
In one or more of your guises you were responsible for obfuscating on the S&S page. Those comments have all mysteriously whooshed into the ether. Or have they?
You snoop and lurk on other forums and happily screenshot anything you think might come in useful. Oh that sounds like me.
Except I have not used the knowledge I have gained to compile a dossier of hate which I handed to the police or the media. A dossier ( doesn`t that word make you feel very important?) which has led directly to the DEATH-not abduction- of another human being.
I wonder what your husband, children and grandchildren would think of you if they knew. Would your colleagues feel comfortable working alongside such an evil spirited person? Would your community shun you and would the media hound you to your death? I sincerely hope not because you deserve your day in court where you can defend the indefensible till you are blue in the face. No one will believe you and the rats will leave the sinking ship faster than the McCanns phoned the media on May 3 2007.
Reflect well on your choices. You have the luxury of being able to do that. Poor Brenda Leyland can do that no longer. I hope you still have a shred of decency left in you to feel remorse.
Yours in memory of Madeleine Beth McCann.
All of the above is my humble opinion of course.
Correction, Tiny. She's 72 years of age. She's less than 6 months from her 73rd birthday.
Reference please to where we get her age from. Happy to stand corrected but if it is the same person we are talking about she was 9 or 10 in 1968.
.Guest..- Posts : 132
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
My apologies, tiny.tiny wrote:It was anon,op not mine
sallypelt- Posts : 4004
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
no apology needed,only wish I had wrote itsallypelt wrote:My apologies, tiny.tiny wrote:It was anon,op not mine
tiny- Posts : 2274
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
I have received some further information so would like to correct a couple of things hereanon357 wrote:Admin feel free to whoosh this if you think it inappropriate but I just had to vent my feelings.
Dear madam,
Much has been written lately about the vile practice of hounding people via social media and, quite rightly, this practice is treated with horror by all who live decent lives.
You appear, on the surface, to be one of those law-abiding citizens who abhor injustice. You speak up on behalf of soldiers and animals. You hate Tony Blair with a vengeance for his "warmongering". You have eschewed the established Church but believe in God, although for propriety`s sake you attend your local church. It is therefore important to you that a semblance of being an upstanding member of your community is maintained. You felt moved to write to your local paper about the Christmas lights in your town square so you care about where you live.
You campaign against animal cruelty but no pets are mentioned in your household. You like geckos and insect gardens.
Your father, formerly in the RAF, is still very special to you as is your husband, daughter and grandchild. You are educated and intelligent with a good grasp of the English language. You are in your late fifties and may still be working.
You visited Bamburgh Castle and Warwick Castle. You spent your teenage years going to Barry Island. You are Welsh born from Anglesey.
You believe that the parents of Madeleine McCann are innocent of any duplicity in their daughter`s disappearance and you occasionally allude to that belief but not to any great extent on your very ordinary Facebook page.
This is where it all changes. The above I know for a fact from ten minutes looking at that normal, slightly opinionated woman. It is all a front for who you have become. You have sold your soul to the devil for what? A few pounds a week to spend on your Christmas decorations, or day trips out with your husband?
You are the lynchpin of an evil, insidious coven of shills who you incite to hatred against anyone who dares to voice their belief that Madeleine died in apartment 5A in May 2007.
I do not think you even believe your own lies anymore but you have supped with the Devil now. There is no going back for you is there?
You have created multiple personae on Twitter and FB to goad those doubters and to stir up your invective laden minions to assist with your practices.
You use vile language in an attempt to pretend you are "down with the kids". You have been active on several forums, admitting to a friend in another country that it was more or less left to you to run the thing, stating that when you tried to change its status to open, someone closed it. You suggested it was BR but she corrected you by saying she was no longer admin. Am I mistaken? Thought not.
In one or more of your guises you were responsible for obfuscating on the S&S page. Those comments have all mysteriously whooshed into the ether. Or have they?
You snoop and lurk on other forums and happily screenshot anything you think might come in useful. Oh that sounds like me.
Except I have not used the knowledge I have gained to compile a dossier of hate which I handed to the police or the media. A dossier ( doesn`t that word make you feel very important?) which has led directly to the DEATH-not abduction- of another human being.
I wonder what your husband, children and grandchildren would think of you if they knew. Would your colleagues feel comfortable working alongside such an evil spirited person? Would your community shun you and would the media hound you to your death? I sincerely hope not because you deserve your day in court where you can defend the indefensible till you are blue in the face. No one will believe you and the rats will leave the sinking ship faster than the McCanns phoned the media on May 3 2007.
Reflect well on your choices. You have the luxury of being able to do that. Poor Brenda Leyland can do that no longer. I hope you still have a shred of decency left in you to feel remorse.
Yours in memory of Madeleine Beth McCann.
All of the above is my humble opinion of course.
You are Welsh born from
.Guest..- Posts : 132
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
Blinking heck, that's a lot of information about this person. Is it 100 percent certain this person is the one who compiled the dossier and do we know yet who handed it in?
plebgate- Posts : 6729
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
im more suprised at -church-
this person go to church,blimey
this person go to church,blimey
tiny- Posts : 2274
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
So this person was getting paid to send such vile messages? Who was paying? Why don't they start a dossier on that and send it to the cops?
plebgate- Posts : 6729
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
plebgate wrote:Blinking heck, that's a lot of information about this person. Is it 100 percent certain this person is the one who compiled the dossier and do we know yet who handed it in?
No not 100% certain so that is why it is only in my opinion but I am attacking this vigorously as I believe it could be the case. For obvious reasons I can`t/won`t name names so nothing is libellous. There is a lot of corroborating evidence IF it is the dossier compiler but even if she didn`t hand it over I am almost certain she contributed greatly to it. I struggle to come to terms with a religious person who states that she believes in God though the churchgoing I feel is merely to give the lie to her "nice old stick" image. She talks about her hatred of the established church on a couple of occasions, but mentions going to church in her town.
My open letter to her will do no good whatsoever as even if she sees/ hears of it it will not prick her conscience. She has no conscience.
It sickens me to think there are people out there, maybe next door to any of us, who have this stone where a heart should be yet play happy families for the public.
I always thought growing up that evil people had it written on their faces but sadly, in this world of web-based deceit, anyone is capable of perpetrating hate.
I am completely sound of mind and not without insight that my own delvings could be construed as vigilante tactics but I have purely altruistic reasons behind my quest.
People like this woman hve a whole different agenda and it scares me for the future of this world.
.Guest..- Posts : 132
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
So she's not related to the Mcs, but possibly on their payroll (via the Fund or a benefactor). Or are men in suits behind it all. What's motivating this person to compile a "dossier" of tweets that are none of her business, apart from conflicting with her own views? IMO the police won't take any action because no crime has been committed, Gerry McCann has admitted he doesn't do twitter and hasn't read the tweets. Sky has behaved irresponsibly and should be investigated, and this woman shoud be charged with wasting police time.
Guest- Guest
Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
Having read the link provided on Spivey's thread, it does seem that no crimes have been commited by anybody in that dossier (but that is only my opinion from the info. Spivey has given) and of course Spivey was blogging about his own recent arrests.Ladyinred wrote:So she's not related to the Mcs, but possibly on their payroll (via the Fund or a benefactor). Or are men in suits behind it all. What's motivating this person to compile a "dossier" of tweets that are none of her business, apart from conflicting with her own views? IMO the police won't take any action because no crime has been committed, Gerry McCann has admitted he doesn't do twitter and hasn't read the tweets. Sky has behaved irresponsibly and should be investigated, and this woman shoud be charged with wasting police time.
Ref. red highlights. I agree.
plebgate- Posts : 6729
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
Wow, amazing post there. I dont mind being sued for libel and I have just posted on my thread who I think this person is. Is it ok for me to re post here?
Also add this to the list. Someone by the name of Tony Booth has posted this list on Twitter, and so has Joanna:
Tony Booth says that only 4 people run these accounts:
@phoebus1 @safarisara @jonoriver51, @josephodriscoll @wahootie @19barbara57 @mobyra @ zante03 @zannalise @truthizsexy @tigertiger439 @thewhitewizard @nicwits @thejenreturns @thescarreturns @alfibab3 @justclairee @ mrbuskom @c_buskom @randomleigh1 @smashytrashy @judemckew @woollyback11 @janoschGonzalez @rebeccacasher1 @muratfan @Pool55SW19 @portiatolkien @Verity-2012 @CrazyHorser @Tiger_Loaf @greenink211 @greenink211 @OlwynMassey @TaraL_Tolkien @RobinLovejoy @superdupedoodle @News_Meister @kellycozens1 @Cop_G_Amaral @BobsStillhere @PUP_Official @sitheran @PippaBrownp29 @mrsmlouis @DAFFODIL53 @AmaralFiction @PJ_Blunders @nowayjomo @nowaymojo @urcrazytoo @jillslaw @kiki_barnes @xmaseveevil1 @turningstones4 @woolyback12 @Cerb32 @noelogara @irish_Gaels @xxxxxFernxxxxx @JohnnyWatergate @cafemccann @juestrenger
I know many of those ids belong to Pamela Gurney
WeAreOne wrote:After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney. A familiar name to a lot of you I know. She is a very busy women that Pamela, a firm supporter of the Mccans since day one, posting under a number of different pseudoynms and importantly she is the person that outed Brenda.
For those of you who dont know what I am talking about. A quick google of "Pamela Gurney" will result in a number of different results. This women seems to be borderline infatuated with the Mccans and fights for them at every chance, on every web page, twitter and facebook page that dare question the official story. She has no evidence to back up her idea that the Maccans are telling the truth. She just 'knows'. Despite having no evidence or apparently not even knowing the Mccans personally she seems to have made it her lifes work to protect the mccans, whenever and wherever she can, on the internet. She also likes to abuse people who have a different opinion.
It is now my belief, unless any other proof comes forward, that BasilandManuel twitterer is Pamela Gurney. I don't think Amy Tierney has anything to do with this. Pamela Gurney 'outed' Brenda and posted her photo and address online. I believe Pamela, herself, is the person the police should be questionning over her 7 year obsession with the Mccans and her harrassment and threats to Brenda and others.
Now as to why she is doing this. As I am new to this and still researching I have yet to make up my mind. She is either someone who has nothing better to do with her time. Or a paid troll. However, maybe the Mccans dont really need to pay people, there might just be people out there who, like i said, have nothing better to do, believe they are doing the right thing, become obsessed and it takes over their life.
As for Brendas tragic death. Theres are a few possibilities. Maybe instead of helping, Pamela was hindering the mccans plans and Brenda was silenced to bring some control to the situation. Or maybe Brendas death was the plan all along, to scare off other investigators and to 'make an example' of, as Gerry Mccan said, thus giving the go ahead for more internet control. Maybe Pamela is a real fruit cake who, along with other fruit cakes, went all vigilante and finished Brenda off themselves. Or maybe Brenda had found something out, maybe about paid trolls on the Mccans payroll, as she was hinting at on her twitter feed and that is why she had to be kept quiet.
I will be investigating further.
It is possible to trace IP addresses and peoples home addresses, especially when they are not careful. So verifing how many twitter, facebook and different psuedonyms Pamela Gurney has is possible and shouldnt be that difficult.
An interesting thing I found was this, maybe some of you might know more about it -
A frustrating conversation where Pam refused to answer any questions and cried 'bully' and any chance-
Alot of people complaining about Pamela here-
And here outing Pamela as posting as someone named judy -
Also add this to the list. Someone by the name of Tony Booth has posted this list on Twitter, and so has Joanna:
Tony Booth says that only 4 people run these accounts:
@phoebus1 @safarisara @jonoriver51, @josephodriscoll @wahootie @19barbara57 @mobyra @ zante03 @zannalise @truthizsexy @tigertiger439 @thewhitewizard @nicwits @thejenreturns @thescarreturns @alfibab3 @justclairee @ mrbuskom @c_buskom @randomleigh1 @smashytrashy @judemckew @woollyback11 @janoschGonzalez @rebeccacasher1 @muratfan @Pool55SW19 @portiatolkien @Verity-2012 @CrazyHorser @Tiger_Loaf @greenink211 @greenink211 @OlwynMassey @TaraL_Tolkien @RobinLovejoy @superdupedoodle @News_Meister @kellycozens1 @Cop_G_Amaral @BobsStillhere @PUP_Official @sitheran @PippaBrownp29 @mrsmlouis @DAFFODIL53 @AmaralFiction @PJ_Blunders @nowayjomo @nowaymojo @urcrazytoo @jillslaw @kiki_barnes @xmaseveevil1 @turningstones4 @woolyback12 @Cerb32 @noelogara @irish_Gaels @xxxxxFernxxxxx @JohnnyWatergate @cafemccann @juestrenger
I know many of those ids belong to Pamela Gurney
WeAreOne- Posts : 9
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
I know they read the forum, but do they post here?
Guest- Guest
Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
Ladyinred wrote:I know they read the forum, but do they post here?
The ones that say things like "It was most certainly suicide because of all that guilt and shame". The ones that back up the Mccans without providing any evidence. Probably lead back to Pamela...............
WeAreOne- Posts : 9
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
WeAreOne wrote:Wow, amazing post there. I dont mind being sued for libel and I have just posted on my thread who I think this person is. Is it ok for me to re post here?WeAreOne wrote:After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney. A familiar name to a lot of you I know. She is a very busy women that Pamela, a firm supporter of the Mccans since day one, posting under a number of different pseudoynms and importantly she is the person that outed Brenda.
For those of you who dont know what I am talking about. A quick google of "Pamela Gurney" will result in a number of different results. This women seems to be borderline infatuated with the Mccans and fights for them at every chance, on every web page, twitter and facebook page that dare question the official story. She has no evidence to back up her idea that the Maccans are telling the truth. She just 'knows'. Despite having no evidence or apparently not even knowing the Mccans personally she seems to have made it her lifes work to protect the mccans, whenever and wherever she can, on the internet. She also likes to abuse people who have a different opinion.
It is now my belief, unless any other proof comes forward, that BasilandManuel twitterer is Pamela Gurney. I don't think Amy Tierney has anything to do with this. Pamela Gurney 'outed' Brenda and posted her photo and address online. I believe Pamela, herself, is the person the police should be questionning over her 7 year obsession with the Mccans and her harrassment and threats to Brenda and others.
Now as to why she is doing this. As I am new to this and still researching I have yet to make up my mind. She is either someone who has nothing better to do with her time. Or a paid troll. However, maybe the Mccans dont really need to pay people, there might just be people out there who, like i said, have nothing better to do, believe they are doing the right thing, become obsessed and it takes over their life.
As for Brendas tragic death. Theres are a few possibilities. Maybe instead of helping, Pamela was hindering the mccans plans and Brenda was silenced to bring some control to the situation. Or maybe Brendas death was the plan all along, to scare off other investigators and to 'make an example' of, as Gerry Mccan said, thus giving the go ahead for more internet control. Maybe Pamela is a real fruit cake who, along with other fruit cakes, went all vigilante and finished Brenda off themselves. Or maybe Brenda had found something out, maybe about paid trolls on the Mccans payroll, as she was hinting at on her twitter feed and that is why she had to be kept quiet.
I will be investigating further.
It is possible to trace IP addresses and peoples home addresses, especially when they are not careful. So verifing how many twitter, facebook and different psuedonyms Pamela Gurney has is possible and shouldnt be that difficult.
An interesting thing I found was this, maybe some of you might know more about it -
A frustrating conversation where Pam refused to answer any questions and cried 'bully' and any chance-
Alot of people complaining about Pamela here-
And here outing Pamela as posting as someone named judy -
Also add this to the list. Someone by the name of Tony Booth has posted this list on Twitter, and so has Joanna:
Tony Booth says that only 4 people run these accounts:
@phoebus1 @safarisara @jonoriver51, @josephodriscoll @wahootie @19barbara57 @mobyra @ zante03 @zannalise @truthizsexy @tigertiger439 @thewhitewizard @nicwits @thejenreturns @thescarreturns @alfibab3 @justclairee @ mrbuskom @c_buskom @randomleigh1 @smashytrashy @judemckew @woollyback11 @janoschGonzalez @rebeccacasher1 @muratfan @Pool55SW19 @portiatolkien @Verity-2012 @CrazyHorser @Tiger_Loaf @greenink211 @greenink211 @OlwynMassey @TaraL_Tolkien @RobinLovejoy @superdupedoodle @News_Meister @kellycozens1 @Cop_G_Amaral @BobsStillhere @PUP_Official @sitheran @PippaBrownp29 @mrsmlouis @DAFFODIL53 @AmaralFiction @PJ_Blunders @nowayjomo @nowaymojo @urcrazytoo @jillslaw @kiki_barnes @xmaseveevil1 @turningstones4 @woolyback12 @Cerb32 @noelogara @irish_Gaels @xxxxxFernxxxxx @JohnnyWatergate @cafemccann @juestrenger
I know many of those ids belong to Pamela Gurney
There's a few of Liverpool connections in that list.
jack dexter- Posts : 48
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
The woman who organised the dossier is shown in the SkyNews video - she`s disguised, but IMO looks in her 20s or 30s. She wears black tights, black high heels and a turquoise cardigan.
The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear - Jiddu Krishnamurti
Woofer- Posts : 3390
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
jack dexter wrote:WeAreOne wrote:Wow, amazing post there. I dont mind being sued for libel and I have just posted on my thread who I think this person is. Is it ok for me to re post here?WeAreOne wrote:After a lot more researching I am now up to date with the infamous Pamela Gurney. A familiar name to a lot of you I know. She is a very busy women that Pamela, a firm supporter of the Mccans since day one, posting under a number of different pseudoynms and importantly she is the person that outed Brenda.
For those of you who dont know what I am talking about. A quick google of "Pamela Gurney" will result in a number of different results. This women seems to be borderline infatuated with the Mccans and fights for them at every chance, on every web page, twitter and facebook page that dare question the official story. She has no evidence to back up her idea that the Maccans are telling the truth. She just 'knows'. Despite having no evidence or apparently not even knowing the Mccans personally she seems to have made it her lifes work to protect the mccans, whenever and wherever she can, on the internet. She also likes to abuse people who have a different opinion.
It is now my belief, unless any other proof comes forward, that BasilandManuel twitterer is Pamela Gurney. I don't think Amy Tierney has anything to do with this. Pamela Gurney 'outed' Brenda and posted her photo and address online. I believe Pamela, herself, is the person the police should be questionning over her 7 year obsession with the Mccans and her harrassment and threats to Brenda and others.
Now as to why she is doing this. As I am new to this and still researching I have yet to make up my mind. She is either someone who has nothing better to do with her time. Or a paid troll. However, maybe the Mccans dont really need to pay people, there might just be people out there who, like i said, have nothing better to do, believe they are doing the right thing, become obsessed and it takes over their life.
As for Brendas tragic death. Theres are a few possibilities. Maybe instead of helping, Pamela was hindering the mccans plans and Brenda was silenced to bring some control to the situation. Or maybe Brendas death was the plan all along, to scare off other investigators and to 'make an example' of, as Gerry Mccan said, thus giving the go ahead for more internet control. Maybe Pamela is a real fruit cake who, along with other fruit cakes, went all vigilante and finished Brenda off themselves. Or maybe Brenda had found something out, maybe about paid trolls on the Mccans payroll, as she was hinting at on her twitter feed and that is why she had to be kept quiet.
I will be investigating further.
It is possible to trace IP addresses and peoples home addresses, especially when they are not careful. So verifing how many twitter, facebook and different psuedonyms Pamela Gurney has is possible and shouldnt be that difficult.
An interesting thing I found was this, maybe some of you might know more about it -
A frustrating conversation where Pam refused to answer any questions and cried 'bully' and any chance-
Alot of people complaining about Pamela here-
And here outing Pamela as posting as someone named judy -
Also add this to the list. Someone by the name of Tony Booth has posted this list on Twitter, and so has Joanna:
Tony Booth says that only 4 people run these accounts:
@phoebus1 @safarisara @jonoriver51, @josephodriscoll @wahootie @19barbara57 @mobyra @ zante03 @zannalise @truthizsexy @tigertiger439 @thewhitewizard @nicwits @thejenreturns @thescarreturns @alfibab3 @justclairee @ mrbuskom @c_buskom @randomleigh1 @smashytrashy @judemckew @woollyback11 @janoschGonzalez @rebeccacasher1 @muratfan @Pool55SW19 @portiatolkien @Verity-2012 @CrazyHorser @Tiger_Loaf @greenink211 @greenink211 @OlwynMassey @TaraL_Tolkien @RobinLovejoy @superdupedoodle @News_Meister @kellycozens1 @Cop_G_Amaral @BobsStillhere @PUP_Official @sitheran @PippaBrownp29 @mrsmlouis @DAFFODIL53 @AmaralFiction @PJ_Blunders @nowayjomo @nowaymojo @urcrazytoo @jillslaw @kiki_barnes @xmaseveevil1 @turningstones4 @woolyback12 @Cerb32 @noelogara @irish_Gaels @xxxxxFernxxxxx @JohnnyWatergate @cafemccann @juestrenger
I know many of those ids belong to Pamela Gurney
There's a few Liverpool connections in that list.
jack dexter- Posts : 48
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You couldn't make it up .....
Message in my "others" FB account....
"Pamela Gurney
Because I am not on the public domain.
I dpoubt any of you will be for very much llonger."
7th August 2014
pmsl xx
"Pamela Gurney
Because I am not on the public domain.
I dpoubt any of you will be for very much llonger."
7th August 2014
pmsl xx
LG- Posts : 56
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
LG wrote:Message in my "others" FB account....
"Pamela Gurney
Because I am not on the public domain.
I dpoubt any of you will be for very much llonger."
7th August 2014
pmsl xx
That needs screensaving and sending to Scotland Yard LG.
I don't find it funny in light of Brenda's death.
ETA: not getting at you, just saying.
margaret- Posts : 585
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
anon357 wrote:Admin feel free to whoosh this if you think it inappropriate but I just had to vent my feelings.
Dear madam,
Much has been written lately about the vile practice of hounding people via social media and, quite rightly, this practice is treated with horror by all who live decent lives.
You appear, on the surface, to be one of those law-abiding citizens who abhor injustice. You speak up on behalf of soldiers and animals. You hate Tony Blair with a vengeance for his "warmongering". You have eschewed the established Church but believe in God, although for propriety`s sake you attend your local church. It is therefore important to you that a semblance of being an upstanding member of your community is maintained. You felt moved to write to your local paper about the Christmas lights in your town square so you care about where you live.
You campaign against animal cruelty but no pets are mentioned in your household. You like geckos and insect gardens.
Your father, formerly in the RAF, is still very special to you as is your husband, daughter and grandchild. You are educated and intelligent with a good grasp of the English language. You are in your late fifties and may still be working.
You visited Bamburgh Castle and Warwick Castle. You spent your teenage years going to Barry Island. You are Welsh born from Anglesey.
You believe that the parents of Madeleine McCann are innocent of any duplicity in their daughter`s disappearance and you occasionally allude to that belief but not to any great extent on your very ordinary Facebook page.
This is where it all changes. The above I know for a fact from ten minutes looking at that normal, slightly opinionated woman. It is all a front for who you have become. You have sold your soul to the devil for what? A few pounds a week to spend on your Christmas decorations, or day trips out with your husband?
You are the lynchpin of an evil, insidious coven of shills who you incite to hatred against anyone who dares to voice their belief that Madeleine died in apartment 5A in May 2007.
I do not think you even believe your own lies anymore but you have supped with the Devil now. There is no going back for you is there?
You have created multiple personae on Twitter and FB to goad those doubters and to stir up your invective laden minions to assist with your practices.
You use vile language in an attempt to pretend you are "down with the kids". You have been active on several forums, admitting to a friend in another country that it was more or less left to you to run the thing, stating that when you tried to change its status to open, someone closed it. You suggested it was BR but she corrected you by saying she was no longer admin. Am I mistaken? Thought not.
In one or more of your guises you were responsible for obfuscating on the S&S page. Those comments have all mysteriously whooshed into the ether. Or have they?
You snoop and lurk on other forums and happily screenshot anything you think might come in useful. Oh that sounds like me.
Except I have not used the knowledge I have gained to compile a dossier of hate which I handed to the police or the media. A dossier ( doesn`t that word make you feel very important?) which has led directly to the DEATH-not abduction- of another human being.
I wonder what your husband, children and grandchildren would think of you if they knew. Would your colleagues feel comfortable working alongside such an evil spirited person? Would your community shun you and would the media hound you to your death? I sincerely hope not because you deserve your day in court where you can defend the indefensible till you are blue in the face. No one will believe you and the rats will leave the sinking ship faster than the McCanns phoned the media on May 3 2007.
Reflect well on your choices. You have the luxury of being able to do that. Poor Brenda Leyland can do that no longer. I hope you still have a shred of decency left in you to feel remorse.
Yours in memory of Madeleine Beth McCann.
All of the above is my humble opinion of course.
I would like to apologise to Anon357.
Your PM to me, about an everday occurance for me didn't smell right... I was wrong.. mea maxima culpa (not mad this time).
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Reply with quote Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
It appears the MSM and many others know more than the Coroner .WeAreOne wrote:Ladyinred wrote:I know they read the forum, but do they post here?
The ones that say things like "It was most certainly suicide because of all that guilt and shame". The ones that back up the Mccans without providing any evidence. Probably lead back to Pamela...............
Apparently a suicide has to be proven beyond all reasonable doubt.
The Inquest has been moved to December 2014.
XTC- Posts : 210
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
I know that when I attended the inquest for a family member who was found dead in dense undergrowth, the Coroner decided on an open verdict as there was no note left and no clear indication of his intentions.
The mass media is jumping to conclusions that Brenda's death will be classed as a suicide.
The mass media is jumping to conclusions that Brenda's death will be classed as a suicide.
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Re: An open letter to the compiler of the infamous dossier,
@Pool55SW19 = AMY T.
jeanmonroe- Posts : 5818
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Just found this
Sorry if this has been posted before.
Edited to include only the footnote and one of the comments. Very interesting analysis.
Edited to include only the footnote and one of the comments. Very interesting analysis.
While I was writing the above Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe spoke in an interview and said that the the dossier was handed to the police by the McCanns. He may have made a mistake about this, but if he is correct it supports the suggestion that the McCanns might have coordinated these events.
SS*** R*** October 12, 2014 at 8:00 AM
Your footnote..
Yes, Bernard Hogan-Howe side stepped any responsibility whatsoever in Sky/Martin Brunt's doorstepping of Brenda Leyland and her death.
He then went on to point the finger directly at those responsible for handing in the dossier, "the family".
BHH had no intention of covering up how that dossier came to his attention or who the appropriate police force were to deal with it.
And it clearly wasn't his force.
Any thoughts of him saying, Im not at liberty to discuss who handed in the dossier, which is normal police speak, went right out the window when having to respond to questions on why a woman was found dead who was connected to that dossier.
We could say he opted to tell the truth and be damned.
Self protection in play there.
A concerned group of anonymous people would never have managed to get that dossier right to the top without a big helping hand from those who could, "the family".
A concerned group of anonymous dossier compilers, on their own, would never have got past handing it in any further than the reception desk at Sky.
If Sky thought because the dossier was in the hands of the Police it would cover their backs, how wrong they were.
IF the appropriate police force do decide there is just cause to act on names in this dossier we all know they won't be publicly door stepping anyone exposing them in front of TV cameras!
If BHH had said nothing at all, it's not hard to work out in whose interests, this dossier, prior to any decision by the Police getting FULL TV/ MEDIA exposure benefitted the most.
Hello Anne Guedes, I'm pleased to say I am not afraid to speak, and my name is not anonymous, getting my opinion down in black and white is very important to me and no one will ever discourage me otherwise.
S**** R****.
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