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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Mm11

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Mm11

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by Nereid 26.04.14 16:37


By Dr Martin Roberts

25 April 2014

[size=13]MENTAL FATIGUE[/size]

Staff at Rupert Murdoch's 'Sun' and others are suffering. They are experiencing 'Maddie Failure', like 'metal fatigue', the weakness that shows up as the cause of so many calamities, from Titanic to the BOAC Comet:

Maddie failure

"MADELEINE McCann vanished seven years ago, and every day since her parents have been through hell. (sometimes even the turnstiles at Goodison Park)

"They must have mixed feelings about the latest development. (I bet)

"It's clearly helpful that Scotland Yard now has 18 potentially linked incidents to look into. (helpful to whom exactly?)

"But if such promising leads can be found so many years later, the McCanns must wonder how different things might have been if the Portuguese police had done their job properly at the time. (or if the Portuguese had been allowed to do their job properly).

"We are all wondering the same" (original thinking clearly not a feature of their job description).

I do not recollect there being any mention within the remit for Scotland Yard's review of/investigation into the case of Madeleine McCann, of the Met.'s being expected to pursue various members of the Portuguese Algarve's own 'Hole-in-the-wall' gang, for crimes other than abduction (while 'Butch' and 'Sun cream' slip quietly off to Bolivia, Canada or wherever).

I am neither a police inspector nor an astronaut with a unicorn for a pet, but there is one thing of which I am quietly convinced: If promising leads can be found many years later, it is because they were laid, dormant and unconcealable, at the point of commission, when most criminal mistakes are made. That obviously does not apply to 'foul body odours' (so that's why Madeleine McCann's abductor opened the window...) but is very much the case as regards actions taken – actions with tangible consequences which cannot be eradicated, however many years may elapse.

Rock on! (Andy, Sir Bernard, Kate, Gerry et al). Pray to God for answers by all means. I'll side with Gödel!


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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Re: Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by tigger 26.04.14 18:37

jH does a lot for my general knowledge.

I expect it's this Godel:ödel -
Kurt Friedrich Gödel was an Austrian, and later American, logician, mathematician, and philosopher. Considered with Aristotle and Gottlob Frege to be one of the ...
‎Gödel's incompleteness theorem - ‎Gödel's ontological proof - ‎

Very interested in the incompleteness theorem.  winkwink

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Re: Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 26.04.14 19:03

tigger wrote:jH does a lot for my general knowledge.

I expect it's this Godel:ödel -
Kurt Friedrich Gödel was an Austrian, and later American, logician, mathematician, and philosopher. Considered with Aristotle and Gottlob Frege to be one of the ...
‎Gödel's incompleteness theorem - ‎Gödel's ontological proof - ‎

Very interested in the incompleteness theorem.  winkwink

See book: Goedel, Escher and Bach

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Re: Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 26.04.14 19:53

Portia wrote: [...]
See book: Goedel, Escher and Bach
Don't tell me you've read that? I have the book and I know of one single person, who read AND understood it. And then went on to make a film about it ...

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Re: Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 26.04.14 20:08

Châtelaine wrote:
Portia wrote: [...]
See book: Goedel, Escher and Bach
Don't tell me you've read that? I have the book and I know of one single person, who read AND understood it. And then went on to make a film about it ...

Someone who I was secretly in love with recommended it to me; but I bowed out after page 1 (first paragraph)

I seem to remember something about Dave Brubeck playing a perfect fugue just like Bach's, or something, but I was too dumb & illiterate and reading for all the wrong reasons

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Re: Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by lj 27.04.14 14:46

Portia wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:
Portia wrote: [...]
See book: Goedel, Escher and Bach
Don't tell me you've read that? I have the book and I know of one single person, who read AND understood it. And then went on to make a film about it ...

Someone who I was secretly in love with recommended it to me; but I bowed out after page 1 (first paragraph)

I seem to remember something about Dave Brubeck playing a perfect fugue just like Bach's, or something, but I was too dumb & illiterate and reading for all the wrong reasons

Without being in love I did not come much further than you, Portia, before deciding it was a waste of my time.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Re: Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 27.04.14 14:48

Me too, page 1 ...  [was it P.H. maybe, Portia?]
I can recommend "The Mind's I", though, by Daniel Dennett [Love the guy. He's brilliant AND has good sense of humour] and Hofstadter.

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty New one from Dr Roberts

Post by PeterMac 30.04.14 8:26

New one on the mccannfils site from Dr roberts,
which concludes with this neat syllogism

If Madeleine McCann was not abducted then she is dead.
She was not abducted.
She is therefore dead,

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Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts Empty Re: Mental Fatigue - Dr Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 30.04.14 17:31


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