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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Mm11

Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Regist10
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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Mm11

Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Regist10

Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by worriedmum 13.12.13 0:58

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by jeanmonroe 13.12.13 2:38

Bit from BS.

"Here,though, we are moving away from the law into deeper realms of psychological interdependence: as the court gradually exposed the witnesses' dependence on the McCanns for information about the case I found myself thinking why are they so resolute in their refusal to look at the case evidence? Can it be that they're deep-down scared that reading it will somehow be a betrayal of the parents?  Or all parents? But enough Watson: that way madness lies."

But even the judge appeared to be taken aback as, one after another, they revealed their ignorance of the investigation coupled with those dread words "Gerry and Kate told me".  

Bit from me. (and Mark Twain)

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by whatliesbehindthesofa 13.12.13 2:51

Nice quote jean, I'll remember that one :)

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by ultimaThule 13.12.13 3:57

spit coffee  Blacksmith nails it every time  laugh   

It's good to see flesh being put on the bones of the trial transcipts while the bare bones of the testimonies given by witnesses for the McCanns are exposed for all to see.

Do I need glasses or does Emma Loach only need a high quality wristband and a cuddlecat peeping out of her bag to double for KM?

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by tigger 13.12.13 7:00

Pikopathology!  spit coffee

Pike was the one who told them they seemed like model parents to him. Within minutes of meeting them.

That NVQ in psychology is fantastic! How did you know Pike?

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by watendlath 13.12.13 8:05


Can it be that they're deep-down scared that reading it will somehow be a betrayal of the parents?  

If these people genuinely cared about the McCanns they would have taken them aside long before Amaral's book came out and explained to them that Madeleine is almost certainly dead.

It doesn't matter whether or not the McCanns had knowledge of how she died; either way, making them face up to reality would undoubtedly have been hard, but I think that is what their friends/relatives should have made them do.

Doing 'the right thing' is not a betrayal and it is not being disloyal.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by jozi 13.12.13 10:54

worriedmum wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Spot on once again Blacksmith !!!

We all have noticed from early on that everyone who speaks on behalf of the Mcs, seem to be recalling a script as if all of this is rehearsed and that none of this is real.......they are not good actors either ?

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by PeterMac 13.12.13 11:00

Very clever piece.
It adds some more to the long list of people who apparently wish to involve themselves in a conspiracy.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 11:10

Or are easily duped

But why the wish, the need, to dupe them?

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Mirage 13.12.13 11:37

tigger wrote:Pikopathology!  spit coffee

Pike was the one who told them they seemed like model parents to him.  Within minutes of meeting them.

That NVQ in psychology is fantastic!  How did you know Pike?  

I can never think about this Pike fella without Captain Mainwaring's " You stupid boy."

His testimony was embarrassingly bad.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Humanist 13.12.13 13:55

It is hard to fathom how they could have relied so intensely on the McCann utterings when at a time even the msm was printing unfathomable questions and suppositions and probably even facts.

I think these people are like I was at about 10.  Childhood was slipping away and I still wanted to believe in magic and so I would deliberately look where the magic was sprouted and not look where it could be flattened -  of course one cannot do this forever.

Poor poor people.
They originally had only the purest sympathy and good intentions and they wanted to hold onto them.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 14:41

Come to think of it: the whole McC crowd begins to look embarrassingly like a religious sect

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 14:58

Portia wrote:Come to think of it: the whole McC crowd begins to look embarrassingly like a religious sect

I suggested on another thread that the Mcs might be versed in NLP techniques, without even realising it. They seem to be able to mesmerise people (in the very literal sense of the word), even via the media. I've read that they've even manage to get their critics onside once they meet them in person.


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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Mirage 13.12.13 15:30

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Portia wrote:Come to think of it: the whole McC crowd begins to look embarrassingly like a religious sect

I suggested on another thread that the Mcs might be versed in NLP techniques, without even realising it. They seem to be able to mesmerise people (in the very literal sense of the word), even via the media. I've read that they've even manage to get their critics onside once they meet them in person.

One thing that struck me ages ago was the weirdly slow response by KM to BBC's Jane Hill when she was asked why she hadn't joined the search for MM. The question takes moments to sink in, during which KM tuts and stalls as if she's lost her script. Then she answers with a non sequitur about being really busy. As usual, the journalist doesn't ask the blindingly obvious question - busy doing what, Kate?

But I've always thought KM looks like someone who is under some sort of mind control herself at that particular point.

I agree that there is something suggestive of a cult going on in this case. People who come into their orbit seem to take leave of their senses. Even Paxman had only had one pop at GM and after GM came on with that weird smile he went uncharacteristically coy.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by chillyheat 13.12.13 15:49

Mirage wrote:
Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Portia wrote:Come to think of it: the whole McC crowd begins to look embarrassingly like a religious sect

I suggested on another thread that the Mcs might be versed in NLP techniques, without even realising it. They seem to be able to mesmerise people (in the very literal sense of the word), even via the media. I've read that they've even manage to get their critics onside once they meet them in person.

One thing that struck me ages ago was the weirdly slow response by KM  to BBC's Jane Hill when she was asked why she hadn't  joined the search for MM. The question takes moments to sink in, during which KM tuts and stalls as if she's lost her script. Then she answers with a non sequitur about being really busy. As usual, the journalist doesn't ask the blindingly obvious question - busy doing what, Kate?

But  I've always thought KM looks like someone who is under some sort of mind control herself at that particular point.

I agree that there is something suggestive of a cult going on in this case. People who come into their orbit seem to take leave of their senses. Even Paxman had only had one pop at GM and after GM came on with that weird smile he went uncharacteristically coy.

Deleted....Overactive Mind today  big grin 

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 15:50

Mirage wrote:
Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Portia wrote:Come to think of it: the whole McC crowd begins to look embarrassingly like a religious sect

I suggested on another thread that the Mcs might be versed in NLP techniques, without even realising it. They seem to be able to mesmerise people (in the very literal sense of the word), even via the media. I've read that they've even manage to get their critics onside once they meet them in person.

One thing that struck me ages ago was the weirdly slow response by KM  to BBC's Jane Hill when she was asked why she hadn't  joined the search for MM. The question takes moments to sink in, during which KM tuts and stalls as if she's lost her script. Then she answers with a non sequitur about being really busy. As usual, the journalist doesn't ask the blindingly obvious question - busy doing what, Kate?

But  I've always thought KM looks like someone who is under some sort of mind control herself at that particular point.

I agree that there is something suggestive of a cult going on in this case. People who come into their orbit seem to take leave of their senses. Even Paxman had only had one pop at GM and after GM came on with that weird smile he went uncharacteristically coy.

That wasn't a smile that was a sociopath showing his teeth.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 16:06

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Portia wrote:Come to think of it: the whole McC crowd begins to look embarrassingly like a religious sect

I suggested on another thread that the Mcs might be versed in NLP techniques, without even realising it. They seem to be able to mesmerise people (in the very literal sense of the word), even via the media. I've read that they've even manage to get their critics onside once they meet them in person.

And/or threatened a/o bought them off?

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 16:15

There is a God: the Pope himself

Then you have a Missing Person, disappeared without a trace, so perfect in retrospect as to be beyond adulation;

Then you have a Mary & Joseph

Then you have a bunch of hangers-on, apostles if you like, the Pink One, the family, the Media

Then you have a the doubters and deniers (us, e.g.)

Then you have people donating and collecting money;

Then you have belief persisting beyond and in spite of all reason and evidence -circumstantial or otherwise

Then you have prosecution of the original in crowd in or out of court

Then you have The Gospel about the Missing

Then, you have the pensive pictures in a Virgin Mary like stance

Ye gods up in the sky: did someone out there think they could copy Christendom?

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by chillyheat 13.12.13 16:44

Kate would be a possible candidate for MK Ultra mind control programming as she possibly could be a crypto-Jew. She says her Father's line are a mix of Ashkenazim and Sephardim Jews...... thinking 

 nah  Maybe too far out....And anyway, I dont think there were any helpful people of the Jewish faith that helped them in the aftermath  big grin 


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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 17:05

Portia wrote:
Ye gods up in the sky: did someone out there think they could copy Christendom?

Maybe they did get inspiration from somewhere else. I bumped into this the other day -

2m20s to about 3m00s. You've got Tannerman, Smithman, even CuddleCat (sort of). Agatha Christie would either be proud, or horrified!

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 17:52

Oh, thanks! This is a version of the Orient Express I haven't seen yet. Saving it for after dinner watching  smilie 

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by sallypelt 13.12.13 21:14

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Friday, 13 December 2013

Xmas Appeal

Oh dear – that pesky donate button on the Find Madeleine site still isn't working. Strange, isn't it? Especially just before Xmas, when as our social affairs editor Antonia so memorably said anyone can get rich, even bloody  pit-bull charities. She suggests overcoming the frozen bank account problem by packing the High Streets with Polish chuggers in Father Xmas beards (to disguise their native melancholy, she says)  rattling plastic buckets from Poundland.

Lady Antonia

Family motto: do you take cash?

Has anyone asked Kate via Facebook if she knows exactly what's happened?  Back in the spring when there were some unhelpful rumours going round, Kate told us everything we needed to know via that site. People were suggesting then that it was too dangerous for her to answer the question about the rumours, though we never understood why.  But that couldn't be the case now, surely?

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 23:09

Forget it. The moment you would consider an entrance fee the Mecs would be down on you like a ton of bricks

Which reminds me: why have they left mrs O' Dowd alone so far? She 's also making money from the memory of little Maddie McCann (?) and that was the single reason they supplied for killing off TB and GA

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by margaret 13.12.13 23:49

Woburn_exile, l am loathe to quote your post but l don't think it's wise to joke about things like that when we have troublemakers watching this forum.

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Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013 Empty Re: Blacksmith latest-Thursday 12th December 2013

Post by Guest 13.12.13 23:54

We are (a) searching for what happened to little Maddie Mc Cann, and (b) hoping to find out what really happened, bases on the information out in the public domain.

No more, no less.

That's it

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