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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Mm11

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Mm11

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SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

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Why are there 17 similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by sallypelt 20.08.14 11:00

Tony Bennett wrote:Back from holiday, and on checking back on the forum (I don't do the internet at all whilst on holiday), I became aware of what I might term the 'Cristobell Suspension Incident'.

Among the charges levelled against me by Cristobell was that my absence last week was 'very convenient'.

A tad harsh, I thought.

I have since seen her blog article titled 'Buried by the Anti's', which is a sweeping attack on this forum, and when I checked last night there were 162 comments on her blog, mostly once again attacking this forum and me personally. Most of them I think from disruptors here who have previously been banned. One of those 162 comments, by Cristobell herself, does call for a brief response, as it focuses, once again, on 'Smithman', the central figure now in Operation Grange's investigation.

The allegation is that my posts re Smithman could 'jeopardise a trial' and are 'attacking the best witness in the case'. Here is Cristobell's argument in full:


[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]_ Comment 162

I am now under fire from pros and a number of antis on twitter = funny old world. They have all merged into one, like the final scene in Animal Farm where you can't tell the pigs from the men.

The response to this post has been amazing and indeed enlightening. So many voices stifled and censored and so many interesting theories. No wonder the discussion on JH has become like a stuck record! I am certainly now starting to wonder if the JH forum has been used as a tool to misdirect the investigation and the trial.

Why are they so determined to dismiss the Smiths' sighting and implicate Robert Murat? It goes against everything we set out to do - get justice for Madeleine Beth McCann.

Tony either:

Truly believes there is a vast network of paedophiles operating from a golf course in PDL and leading directly to the heart of the British Government, or

He is laying the groundwork for discrediting the key witnesses in the event of a trial. What he is doing is very useful to the parents as it diverts attention from them and supplies all the preparing work for their lawyers. Tony has helpfully given hundreds of reasons (in blue) why the Smiths couldn't possibly have identified he man they saw that night, and done his best to smear Henri Exton, who seems to have been the only investigator to have prepared a credible report.

Should Martin Smith be asked about being 60-80% certain it was Gerry he saw, the McCanns' barrister can wave a TB leaflet giving 50 reasons why it couldn't have been!

I have no idea why it is essential for Tony to convince people the Smith sighting doesn't count and why he and others are going to such extreme lengths to shut up and discredit anyone who opposes them on this point. Much food for thought.


On a preliminary point, one tactic Cristobell frequently uses is to accuse people of something they have not done and are not doing.

One such false claim is that "he and others are going to such extreme lengths to shut up and discredit anyone who opposes them on this point".

NO. No 'extreme lengths'. No trying to 'shut people up'. No 'trying to discredit' anyone.

But back to Cristobell's central charge in her comment No. 162. She writes:  "Should Martin Smith be asked about being 60-80% certain it was Gerry he saw, the McCanns' barrister can wave a TB leaflet giving 50 reasons why it couldn't have been!".

To be honest, when I first saw the apparently serious suggestion that Martin Smith could be called by the prosecution in any trial, I laughed out loud. It is stunningly obvious, surely, that his testimony would be utterly worthless.

But just to drive the point home, here is how a cross-examination of Martin Smith might go. Let's assume he has told the trial that he was 60% to 80% sure, from the way Gerry McCann was carrying his child on 9th September when descending the steps of an aeroplane at East Midlands Airport, that he had seen Gerry McCann on 3rd May - over 4 months earlier.

Here's how the cross-examination might go:

McCanns' defence barrister: What were the lighting conditions when you say you saw this man?

Smith: It was dark and the street lighting was weak.  

McCanns' defence barrister: How long did you see him for?

Smith: No more than a few seconds.

McCanns' defence barrister: Did you see his face clearly?

Smith: No. He had his head down and the child was hiding his face.

McCanns' defence barrister: When interviewed by the PJ, did you tell them that if you saw this man again, you wouldn't be able to recognise him?

Smith: That's true. And Peter and Aoife said exactly the same.

McCanns' defence barrister: Did this man on his own carrying a child in pyjamas as 10.00pm at night make an impression on you?

Smith: Well, er, yes, sort of.  

McCanns' defence barrister:  Were you still in Praia da Luz on 4 May?

Smith: Yes.

McCanns' defence barrister: Did you report your sighting?

Smith: No.

McCanns' defence barrister: Why not?

Smith: Er, um, ?????

McCanns' defence barrister: Did you report your sighting when you got back to Ireland on 9th May?

Smith: No.

McCanns' defence barrister: Why not?

Smith: ER, um, ?????

McCanns' defence barrister: You reported your sighting on 16 May, 13 days after Madeleine was reported missing. How come?

Smith: My son Pester 'phoned me up, and said: 'Dad, am I dreaming or something, or did we see a man carrying a child on 3rd May?'

McCanns' defence barrister: I see. So in September, you saw Gerry McCann coming off a plane and you were 60% to 80% sure it was Gerry McCann you'd seen 'because of the way he was carrying his child'?

Smith: Yes.

McCanns' defence barrister: How was he carrying his child?

Smith: On his left shoulder.

McCanns' defence barrister: But isn't that the way most parents carry sleeping or tired young children?

Smith:  I admit that's very true.

McCanns' defence barrister: Final question: Did you or any member of your family draw up either of those 2 e-fits shown by DCI Andy Redwood on the BBC CrimeWatch McCann Special on 13 October last year?

Smith: No.

McCanns' defence barrister: Thank you very much Mr Smith, no further questions.

I am interested in knowing, if anyone can enlighten me, what ORIGINAL research Christobell has done. herself? I am not talking about the PJ files, as we all have access to these. Has she trawled through primary sources and joined up the dots? I am not interested what the newspapers say. I have been in the thick of news media and I could write a book about it. Christobell was quick to jump on anyone who has a different opinion to hers. However, from what I saw from Christobell was nothing more than opinion. Unlike some of those she has attacked, including me, others backed up what they said with FACTS. But when I asked her to clarify HER statements, she told me  "as I tell there pros, I am not here to do your reseach"  I nearly spit my tea all over my computer screen lol!

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Woofer 20.08.14 11:34

Apparently Mr. Smith did report the sighting 2 days afterwards to the local police (whether it was the GNR or the PJ don`t know) but Mr. Smith said they did not take it seriously.  This info comes from two newspaper articles, one from the Mirror on 16th October 2013 and the other is an Irish Newspaper (can`t remember which one but I think it was on a Pat Brown thread). 
This information really needs to be checked out before making claims that Mr. Smith did not report the original sighting.
It`s true he didn`t report the `GM carrying Sean off the plane` realisation until about 11/12 days later. Apparently because of what this might mean to a bereaved family.
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P.S. It was the Irish Central News on the 14th October :-
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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 11:34

sallypelt wrote:
I am interested in knowing, if anyone can enlighten me, what ORIGINAL research Christobell has done. herself? I am not talking about the PJ files, as we all have access to these. Has she trawled through primary sources and joined up the dots? I am not interested what the newspapers say. I have been in the thick of news media and I could write a book about it. Christobell was quick to jump on anyone who has a different opinion to hers. However, from what I saw from Christobell was nothing more than opinion. Unlike some of those she has attacked, including me, others backed up what they said with FACTS. But when I asked her to clarify HER statements, she told me  "as I tell there pros, I am not here to do your research".
I nearly spit my tea all over my computer screen lol!
I cannot enlighten you except to say that I am not personally aware of any research that Cristobell has done or even contributed to on this forum.

I would just like to add one other observation.

One of Cristobell's many lines of attack against me runs like this: "Tony's problem is that he has already made up his mind before he looks at the evidence".

On the contrary. I had not done exhaustive research on Smithman until the CrimeWatch McCann Show in October when DCI Redwood promoted 'Smithman' - and in doing so showed us two e-fits, clearly of two different people, which simply [IMO] could not have been drawn up by the Smiths, as claimed. Then I became really interested and researched all I could about the Smith 'sightings'.

Cristobell also wrote:

"The chances of Goncalo Amaral being wrong, SY and the PJ, all being wrong and Tony Bennett being right, are about as remote as being struck by lightening [sic]. Especially given, he has the least facts available to him. His refusal to adapt to the new evidence as it emerges..."

Taking (1) Goncalo Amaral, (2) SY and (3) the PJ one by one:

1. True, I most respectfully part company with Dr. Goncalo Amaral on two matters: (a) his acceptance of the evidence of the nanny who gives evidence that Madeleine was at a 'high tea' at the Ocean Club around 5.30pm on 3 May and (b) as to his assessment of the significance and evidential value of the Smiths' evidence

2. As for SY, I repeat, in total opposition to Cristobell's view, that the evidence I see suggests IMO that Grange was never a genuine investigation from the start, and

3. I do not think that, if the PJ were asked today, that they would give any importance whatsoever to the Smiths' claims.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by sallypelt 20.08.14 11:39

Tony Bennett wrote:
sallypelt wrote:
I am interested in knowing, if anyone can enlighten me, what ORIGINAL research Christobell has done. herself? I am not talking about the PJ files, as we all have access to these. Has she trawled through primary sources and joined up the dots? I am not interested what the newspapers say. I have been in the thick of news media and I could write a book about it. Christobell was quick to jump on anyone who has a different opinion to hers. However, from what I saw from Christobell was nothing more than opinion. Unlike some of those she has attacked, including me, others backed up what they said with FACTS. But when I asked her to clarify HER statements, she told me  "as I tell there pros, I am not here to do your research".
I nearly spit my tea all over my computer screen lol!
I cannot enlighten you except to say that I am not personally aware of any research that Cristobell has done or even contributed to on this forum.

I would just like to add one other observation.

One of Cristobell's many lines of attack against me runs like this: "Tony's problem is that he has already made up his mind before he looks at the evidence".

On the contrary. I had not done exhaustive research on Smithman until the CrimeWatch McCann Show in October when DCI Redwood promoted 'Smithman' - and in doing so showed us two e-fits, clearly of two different people, which simply [IMO] could not have been drawn up by the Smiths, as claimed. Then I became really interested and researched all I could about the Smith 'sightings'.

Cristobell also wrote:

"The chances of Goncalo Amaral being wrong, SY and the PJ, all being wrong and Tony Bennett being right, are about as remote as being struck by lightening [sic]. Especially given, he has the least facts available to him. His refusal to adapt to the new evidence as it emerges..."

Taking (1) Goncalo Amaral, (2) SY and (3) the PJ one by one:

1. True, I most respectfully part company with Dr. Goncalo Amaral on two matters: (a) his acceptance of the evidence of the nanny who gives evidence that Madeleine was at a 'high tea' at the Ocean Club around 5.30pm on 3 May and (b) as to his assessment of the significance and evidential value of the Smiths' evidence

2. As for SY, I repeat, in total opposition to Cristobell's view, that the evidence I see suggests IMO that Grange was never a genuine investigation from the start, and

3. I do not think that, if the PJ were asked today, that they would give any importance whatsoever to the Smiths' claims.

Tony, I don't think any intelligent person can deny that you've done extensive research on this case, and you back up all your claims with facts. I have no time for opinions without facts, and that is why I rarely get involved in many of the threads on here. That's not to criticise those who do. All I am saying is it's not for me.

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Guest 20.08.14 12:10

Tony Bennett wrote:On the contrary. I had not done exhaustive research on Smithman until the CrimeWatch McCann Show in October when DCI Redwood promoted 'Smithman' - and in doing so showed us two e-fits, clearly of two different people, which simply [IMO] could not have been drawn up by the Smiths, as claimed.

Hello Tony, Where do you think the e-fits came from?

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 12:12

Woofer wrote:Apparently Mr. Smith did report the sighting 2 days afterwards to the local police (whether it was the GNR or the PJ don`t know) but Mr. Smith said they did not take it seriously.  This info comes from two newspaper articles, one from the Mirror on 16th October 2013 and the other is an Irish Newspaper (can`t remember which one but I think it was on a Pat Brown thread). 
This information really needs to be checked out before making claims that Mr. Smith did not report the original sighting.
It`s true he didn`t report the `GM carrying Sean off the plane` realisation until about 11/12 days later. Apparently because of what this might mean to a bereaved family.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

P.S. It was the Irish Central News on the 14th October :-
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
OK, Woofer, let's take a very close look at that Daily Mirror story, published on 16 October 2013, two days after the BBC CrimeWatch McCann Special and over 6 years and 5 months after the Smiths claimed to have seen a lone man carrying a child clad only in pyjamas wandering around Praia da Luz at 10.00pm in the dark:


Retired businessman Martin Smith provided details for an e-fit of the prime suspect after spotting the mystery man close to where Maddie vanished

A key witness in the Madeleine McCann case claimed yesterday that Portuguese police failed to take his evidence seriously.

REPLY: 'Yesterday'. That's Tuesday 15 October 2013. So did a Mirror journalist actually speak to Martin Smith that day? Or did Clarence Mitchell merely supply this made-up quote to the Mirror editor? I only ask the question. I cannot provide the answer.

Retired businessman Martin Smith, 64, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] after spotting the mystery man carrying a child at 10pm close to where the three-year-old vanished more than six years ago.

REPLY: It was not 'an e-fit', as the Mirror incorrectly reports. It was TWO e-fits, and two e-fits moreover which the vast majority of observers sat are of two different people. Moreover, for all the reasons previously given (saw him only for a few seconds, didn't see his face, in the dark etc. etc.), I suggest he could not have drawn up any e-fits a year or more later. I had omitted one further reason why he couldn't have drawn up the e-fits. I have previously failed to mention that Martin Smith told the police that he (Smith) normally wore glasses but on that particular evening was NOT wearing glasses. Why not, Mr Smith?

But he said his information was virtually ignored by local officers because they were too busy chasing up another sighting of a man near Kate and Gerry McCann’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz 45 minutes earlier.

REPLY: This is the first time in over 6 years and 5 months that he has made this claim. Moreover, neither he nor any other members of his family had made this claim in ANY previous statements of theirs to the police or to newspapers in the previous 6 years and 5 months. It must therefore be viewed with extreme scepticism.

Scotland Yard detectives reinvestigating the case after six years have now established that the suspect Portuguese police were so keen to trace – spotted by holidaymaker Jane Tanner at 9.20pm – was just an innocent British tourist returning his own child from a crèche.

REPLY: IMO Redwood's claim to have 'discovered' 'Crecheman' all of a sudden after 6 years is highly suspect.

Mr Smith, a former Unilever executive,

REPLY: Is he? Maybe so. But we don't have any evidence for this. Moreover, if you look at the promotional material put out by Martin Smith in support of his company Golf Net Ltd, he describes himself there as 'a retired army officer'. Again, we have nothing whatsoever to substantiate this. So was he both? Both a Unilever executive AND a retired army officer. To coin a phrase: 'I'm not buying it'.  

made a statement along with his wife Mary, daughter Aoife and son Peter soon after Madeleine vanished on May 3, 2007.

He helped compile e-fits a year later – but the images were not released at the time and were only made public for the first time earlier this week.

REPLY: Did he compile e-fits? There is substantial evicdence that he did not and could not have done so.

Speaking from his home in Drogheda, Co Louth, Mr Smith said that the Portuguese police did not seem to think his sighting was significant.

He added: “It looked as if they put 90% credence on the Jane Tanner sighting, maybe that wrong-footed them and they didn’t take our sighting as seriously. I was surprised it took six years to rule out the other sighting.”

He said he has met with Scotland Yard detectives twice over the past 18 months to help them with the new probe. He added: “We‘d all love to see the police get to the bottom of what happened.”

REPLY: 'Over the past 18 months'. So he had apparently first had contact with DCI Andy Redwood 18 months previously, i.e. April 2012. If that is right, DCI Redwood is guilty of suppressing those e-fits for 18 months.

“We think about Madeleine a lot and we would love to see a conclusion to this case".

Mr Smith was with his wife, daughter, son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren on the night that the three year old vanished.

The family described the man they saw as white, with short brown hair and of average build and height, aged between 20 and 40.

Commenting on the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] which was broadcast on Monday night he added: “The only new thing in the investigation is the elimination of Jane Tanner’s sighting.

“Apart from that from our point of view everything else remains the same in relation to what we said to the police and the media at the time. We have nothing more to add.”

At least two callers who responded to the TV appeal gave the same name for the two e-fits provided by the Smiths.

REPLY: Yet nearly a year after Crimwatch, no arrests. No word from Grange as to whether we should still be looking for 'Smithman' and the man/men that match those 2 e-fits. I assume then, especially as the two-fits are plastered all over the 'splash' page of the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website, that we all ARE supposed to still be looking for him. Grange has not said otherwise. 

Finding the man and determining whether he was in Praia da Luz on the night the three-year-old vanished is a top priority of Scotland Yard detectives.

REPLY: They've not found him yet despite it being a 'top priority'?

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] as a result of the appeal.

They include a number of British people who were in the Algarve resort at the time. At least one ex-pat called from the town on Monday night.
Senior investigating officer Det Chief Inspector Andy Redwood said his team are [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] generated by the appeal.

A total of 330 calls were made to the Operation Grange incident room and 400 to BBC1 Crimewatch as well as 220 emails.

REPLY: Adding to an already-enormous pile of Redwood statistics which IMO are no more than a desperate attempt to 'prove' to the nation that Grange is genuine.

In a statement issued through their spokesman, Kate and Gerry McCann said: “We are absolutely delighted with the overwhelming public response to Crimewatch, which was broadcast last night.

“We know that the public desperately want to help the search for Madeleine.

“We are genuinely hopeful that one of more of these responses will lead to a major breakthrough in the investigation.”

REPLY: Not yet, it hasn't.

They added: “If anyone was in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s abduction and has not spoken to the Metropolitan Police, or if they know who any of the e-fits might be, please have the courage to come forward and speak to the police in confidence.”

DCI Redwood added: “Detectives are now trawling through and prioritising that material. This will take time.”

Mr Redwood, who travelled to Holland yesterday to continue the appeal, said: “I will be repeating similar appeals in Holland this evening and in Germany tomorrow night.”

A reward of up to £20,000 is being offered for information leading to the identification, arrest and prosecution of those responsible for Madeleine’s abduction, he said.

There are 40 people answering calls at any time, and officers waiting to “action the information”.

Crimewatch editor Joe Mather said the response to the programme was “truly unprecedented”.

He said: “They received several names for the key 10pm sighting, the sighting of a man carrying a child towards the beach.

“Several different names but also several callers mentioned the same name for that man.”

Mr Mather said there were “inevitably a fair few calls” which were not helpful but there were “genuinely calls that were helpful” after last night’s broadcast.

During last night’s programme, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and come forward with information.

Kate said: “Please, please have the courage and confidence to come forward now, and share that information with us, and you could unlock this whole case, so please.”

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 12:20

BlueBag wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:On the contrary. I had not done exhaustive research on Smithman until the CrimeWatch McCann Show in October when DCI Redwood promoted 'Smithman' - and in doing so showed us two e-fits, clearly of two different people, which simply [IMO] could not have been drawn up by the Smiths, as claimed.
Hello Tony, Where do you think the e-fits came from?
I think the team of Kevin Halligen, Henri Exton and Tim Craig-Harvey, all ex- or current MI5 personnel, simply used and adapted existing photographs of two entirely different people who had nothing to do with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

In other words, I think they are bogus, and were not originated in any way shape or form by the Smiths.

That is why IMO the carefully-scripted and rehearsed commentary of Matthew Amroliwala on BBC CrimeWatch did not refer to the e-fits as being from the Irish family but chose the [IMO deliberately] misleading phrase: "Two of the witnesses". This programme cost the BBC over £1 million and the Met probably about the same, and it took over 6 months to compile. I have absolutely no doubt that every single word of that broadcast was approved not only by DCI Andy Redwood but also by those to whom he is answerable.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Woofer 20.08.14 13:01

Tony Bennett wrote:
Woofer wrote:Apparently Mr. Smith did report the sighting 2 days afterwards to the local police (whether it was the GNR or the PJ don`t know) but Mr. Smith said they did not take it seriously.  This info comes from two newspaper articles, one from the Mirror on 16th October 2013 and the other is an Irish Newspaper (can`t remember which one but I think it was on a Pat Brown thread). 
This information really needs to be checked out before making claims that Mr. Smith did not report the original sighting.
It`s true he didn`t report the `GM carrying Sean off the plane` realisation until about 11/12 days later. Apparently because of what this might mean to a bereaved family.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

P.S. It was the Irish Central News on the 14th October :-
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
OK, Woofer, let's take a very close look at that Daily Mirror story, published on 16 October 2013, two days after the BBC CrimeWatch McCann Special and over 6 years and 5 months after the Smiths claimed to have seen a lone man carrying a child clad only in pyjamas wandering around Praia da Luz at 10.00pm in the dark:


Retired businessman Martin Smith provided details for an e-fit of the prime suspect after spotting the mystery man close to where Maddie vanished

A key witness in the Madeleine McCann case claimed yesterday that Portuguese police failed to take his evidence seriously.

REPLY: 'Yesterday'. That's Tuesday 15 October 2013. So did a Mirror journalist actually speak to Martin Smith that day? Or did Clarence Mitchell merely supply this made-up quote to the Mirror editor? I only ask the question. I cannot provide the answer.

No I cannot provide an answer either, but I would like to assume the journalist spoke directly to Martin Smith that day after the Crimewatch programme - that is what is implied.

Retired businessman Martin Smith, 64, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] after spotting the mystery man carrying a child at 10pm close to where the three-year-old vanished more than six years ago.

REPLY: It was not 'an e-fit', as the Mirror incorrectly reports.

The Mirror says `details for an e-fit`. That makes it ambiguous.  It doesn`t suggest that Martin Smith actually created the e-ft.

It was TWO e-fits, and two e-fits moreover which the vast majority of observers sat are of two different people.

2 e-fits yes, but I have to disagree about them being 2 different people. I believe they could be 2 witnesses perspectives of the same person.

Moreover, for all the reasons previously given (saw him only for a few seconds, didn't see his face, in the dark etc. etc.), I suggest he could not have drawn up any e-fits a year or more later. I had omitted one further reason why he couldn't have drawn up the e-fits.

I have previously failed to mention that Martin Smith told the police that he (Smith) normally wore glasses but on that particular evening was NOT wearing glasses. Why not, Mr Smith?

I believe he was referring to Robert Murat not wearing glasses on the second occasion he saw him in a pub some years previously.

But he said his information was virtually ignored by local officers because they were too busy chasing up another sighting of a man near Kate and Gerry McCann’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz 45 minutes earlier.

REPLY: This is the first time in over 6 years and 5 months that he has made this claim. Moreover, neither he nor any other members of his family had made this claim in ANY previous statements of theirs to the police or to newspapers in the previous 6 years and 5 months. It must therefore be viewed with extreme scepticism.

I agree with you here - this is why it MUST be clarified.  Because it throws a whole new light on the Smiths if they did in fact report it to the local police 2 days later (Irish Central paper).

Scotland Yard detectives reinvestigating the case after six years have now established that the suspect Portuguese police were so keen to trace – spotted by holidaymaker Jane Tanner at 9.20pm – was just an innocent British tourist returning his own child from a crèche.

REPLY: IMO Redwood's claim to have 'discovered' 'Crecheman' all of a sudden after 6 years is highly suspect.

Mr Smith, a former Unilever executive,

REPLY: Is he? Maybe so. But we don't have any evidence for this. Moreover, if you look at the promotional material put out by Martin Smith in support of his company Golf Net Ltd, he describes himself there as 'a retired army officer'. Again, we have nothing whatsoever to substantiate this. So was he both? Both a Unilever executive AND a retired army officer. To coin a phrase: 'I'm not buying it'.  

made a statement along with his wife Mary, daughter Aoife and son Peter soon after Madeleine vanished on May 3, 2007.

He helped compile e-fits a year later – but the images were not released at the time and were only made public for the first time earlier this week.

REPLY: Did he compile e-fits? There is substantial evicdence that he did not and could not have done so.

Again, notice it says `he helped compile e-fits`

Speaking from his home in Drogheda, Co Louth, Mr Smith said that the Portuguese police did not seem to think his sighting was significant.

He added: “It looked as if they put 90% credence on the Jane Tanner sighting, maybe that wrong-footed them and they didn’t take our sighting as seriously. I was surprised it took six years to rule out the other sighting.”

He said he has met with Scotland Yard detectives twice over the past 18 months to help them with the new probe. He added: “We‘d all love to see the police get to the bottom of what happened.”

REPLY: 'Over the past 18 months'. So he had apparently first had contact with DCI Andy Redwood 18 months previously, i.e. April 2012. If that is right, DCI Redwood is guilty of suppressing those e-fits for 18 months.

“We think about Madeleine a lot and we would love to see a conclusion to this case".

Mr Smith was with his wife, daughter, son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren on the night that the three year old vanished.

The family described the man they saw as white, with short brown hair and of average build and height, aged between 20 and 40.

Commenting on the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] which was broadcast on Monday night he added: “The only new thing in the investigation is the elimination of Jane Tanner’s sighting.

“Apart from that from our point of view everything else remains the same in relation to what we said to the police and the media at the time. We have nothing more to add.”

At least two callers who responded to the TV appeal gave the same name for the two e-fits provided by the Smiths.

REPLY: Yet nearly a year after Crimwatch, no arrests. No word from Grange as to whether we should still be looking for 'Smithman' and the man/men that match those 2 e-fits. I assume then, especially as the two-fits are plastered all over the 'splash' page of the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website, that we all ARE supposed to still be looking for him. Grange has not said otherwise. 

Finding the man and determining whether he was in Praia da Luz on the night the three-year-old vanished is a top priority of Scotland Yard detectives.

REPLY: They've not found him yet despite it being a 'top priority'?

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] as a result of the appeal.

They include a number of British people who were in the Algarve resort at the time. At least one ex-pat called from the town on Monday night.
Senior investigating officer Det Chief Inspector Andy Redwood said his team are [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] generated by the appeal.

A total of 330 calls were made to the Operation Grange incident room and 400 to BBC1 Crimewatch as well as 220 emails.

REPLY: Adding to an already-enormous pile of Redwood statistics which IMO are no more than a desperate attempt to 'prove' to the nation that Grange is genuine.

In a statement issued through their spokesman, Kate and Gerry McCann said: “We are absolutely delighted with the overwhelming public response to Crimewatch, which was broadcast last night.

“We know that the public desperately want to help the search for Madeleine.

“We are genuinely hopeful that one of more of these responses will lead to a major breakthrough in the investigation.”

REPLY: Not yet, it hasn't.

They added: “If anyone was in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s abduction and has not spoken to the Metropolitan Police, or if they know who any of the e-fits might be, please have the courage to come forward and speak to the police in confidence.”

DCI Redwood added: “Detectives are now trawling through and prioritising that material. This will take time.”

Mr Redwood, who travelled to Holland yesterday to continue the appeal, said: “I will be repeating similar appeals in Holland this evening and in Germany tomorrow night.”

A reward of up to £20,000 is being offered for information leading to the identification, arrest and prosecution of those responsible for Madeleine’s abduction, he said.

There are 40 people answering calls at any time, and officers waiting to “action the information”.

Crimewatch editor Joe Mather said the response to the programme was “truly unprecedented”.

He said: “They received several names for the key 10pm sighting, the sighting of a man carrying a child towards the beach.

“Several different names but also several callers mentioned the same name for that man.”

Mr Mather said there were “inevitably a fair few calls” which were not helpful but there were “genuinely calls that were helpful” after last night’s broadcast.

During last night’s programme, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and come forward with information.

Kate said: “Please, please have the courage and confidence to come forward now, and share that information with us, and you could unlock this whole case, so please.”

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I agree with your other points.  But my main concern is we need to know for sure if Martin Smith did report the sighting 2 days after the disappearance. It is not recorded on the PJ files, but would every reporting be on the files anyway? They must have had hundreds of calls around that time.

I cannot really come to any conclusion about the Smiths until I know this.

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Guest 20.08.14 13:03

TB: "I think the team of Kevin Halligen, Henri Exton and Tim Craig-Harvey, all ex- or current MI5 personnel, simply used and adapted existing photographs of two entirely different people who had nothing to do with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann."

That's very interesting.
Why would they adapt photographs of real random people for the efits and not just make them up from scratch? 

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Guest 20.08.14 13:10

"I have previously failed to mention that Martin Smith told the police that he (Smith) normally wore glasses but on that particular evening was NOT wearing glasses. Why not, Mr Smith?"

I thought it was Mr Smith saying that Murat was not wearing glasses when he saw him in a bar once, not that he himself was not wearing glasses:
"Adds that in May and August of 2006, he saw ROBERT MURAT in Praia da Luz bars. On one of these occasions, the first, he was inebriated and spoke to everyone. He did not wear glasses at that time. He also states that the individual who carried the child was not ROBERT. He would have recognised him immediately."

Is there another statement I have missed where Mr Smith says he usually wears glasses?

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 13:14

Woofer wrote:
I agree with your other points.  But my main concern is we need to know for sure if Martin Smith did report the sighting 2 days after the disappearance. It is not recorded on the PJ files, but would every reporting be on the files anyway? They must have had hundreds of calls around that time.

I cannot really come to any conclusion about the Smiths until I know this.
Woofer, I cannot imagine that we will ever know 'for sure'.

In the absence of that confirmation, or otherwise, we have to do the best we can with the evidence that we have available.

Both Martin Smith and his eldest son Peter claim in their statements that Smith only contacted the police after Peter 'phoned up his Dad on 16 May and said: "Dad, am I dreaming or something, but did we see a man carrying a child on 3 May in Praia da Luz?". Or words very much to that effect. That IMO is not in any way compatible with a claim, made 6 years and 5 months later, that he reported his sighting 'after 2 days'.

He doesn't say anything either about how he is supposed to have reported this. Did he 'phone Portimao Police Station? Did he go there? Did he mention it to one of the police searchers? What happened. He tells us nothing.

When we know now that (a) he admitted to knowing Murat for at least 2 years before 2007 (b) admitted to having met him 'several times' over that period (c) first reported his sighting the day after Murat was made a suspect and (d) was absolutely insistent that the man he saw fleetingly in the dark (and without his glasses on) could not possibly have been Robert Murat, we are entitled, don't you think, to examine everything that he has said and done, or not said and not done as the case may be, with great thoroughness?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Post by pennylane 20.08.14 13:24

dantezebu wrote:TB
"I have previously failed to mention that Martin Smith told the police that he (Smith) normally wore glasses but on that particular evening was NOT wearing glasses. Why not, Mr Smith?"

I thought it was Mr Smith saying that Murat was not wearing glasses when he saw him in a bar once, not that he himself was not wearing glasses:
"Adds that in May and August of 2006, he saw ROBERT MURAT in Praia da Luz bars. On one of these occasions, the first, he was inebriated and spoke to everyone. He did not wear glasses at that time. He also states that the individual who carried the child was not ROBERT. He would have recognised him immediately."

Is there another statement I have missed where Mr Smith says he usually wears glasses?

I also believe Mr Smith was referring to Robert Murat as not wearing his glasses on that occasion.

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Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 13:37

TB wrote:

"I have previously failed to mention that Martin Smith told the police that he (Smith) normally wore glasses but on that particular evening was NOT wearing glasses. Why not, Mr Smith?"

dantezebu wrote:

I thought it was Mr Smith saying that Murat was not wearing glasses when he saw him in a bar once, not that he himself was not wearing glasses:

"Adds that in May and August of 2006, he saw ROBERT MURAT in Praia da Luz bars. On one of these occasions, the first, he was inebriated and spoke to everyone. He did not wear glasses at that time. He also states that the individual who carried the child was not ROBERT. He would have recognised him immediately."

Is there another statement I have missed where Mr Smith says he usually wears glasses?


REPLY: @ Dantezebu   -  Yes there is indeed another statement which clarifies this. The police witness statement which you quoted says: "He did not wear glasses at the time", making it ambiguous as to whether the 'He' referred to him (Smith) or to Murat.

This was made clear in a very long article about the case in the Irish Mail on Sunday, 10 August 2008 [15 months after Madeleine's reported disappearance]. Here is the relevant extract:


“Friends of the McCann family said last night that the decision of the Portuguese police to pursue Mr Smith's claims prove that they were determined to pin the blame on Maddie's parents come what may. One said: ‘'Look at the facts. This man sees an individual carrying a child on the night Madeleine vanished. He waits 13 days to report this to the police, going back to Ireland. The McCanns return to England…it was this image that alerted Mr Smith in the meantime. At this stage he admits he has no idea who the man is, other than a basic description. A further three, almost four months go by before, after seeing him on television, he feels it could be Gerry. By now the police have dozens of statements putting Gerry back at the apartment complex at that time. Yet the Portuguese ask a combination of the Leicestershire police and the Garda to re-interview this witness. About what?’

''And why? The truth is that this is part of the victimisation of Gerry and Kate which has gone on from the very beginning by the Portuguese, who were clearly desperate to get something against them."

“As they made their way back, the [Smiths] crossed paths with a slim man with a full head of chestnut coloured hair and dressed in beige trousers coming in the opposite direction.

“In the statement to Portuguese police on May 26th, the grandfather - who wears glasses but was not wearing them at the night in question - said he would not be able to identify the man he saw. Significantly though he was able to tell Police that the man was not Robert Murat, as he had met him on a number of previous occasions.



There is another observation I would like to make about this article.

The first paragraph contains a quote from 'Friends of the McCanns'. I believe this to have been Clarence Mitchell.

What is fascinating to see is how the McCanns gradually shifted their attitude to the Smith sighting.

In August 2008 (see above) they rejected it.

Just 9 months later, however, the Channel 4/Mentorn Media documentaty, which was based entirely on the McCanns' account of events, clearly floated the possibility that the Tannerman and Smithman sightings might be the same man. This in my view laid a very careful foundation stone for all that was to follow. 

Shortly thereafter, the McCanns included the Smithman sighting, in full, as one of their five 'suspects' or 'persons of interest' on their 'Find Madeleine' website, where it remained ever since. They even had an Irish voiceover audiotape on their website which summarised the Smiths' witness statements

Then they upped their interest in Smithman still further when Dr Kate McCann in her book 'madeleine' mentioned the 'Smithman' sighting on SIX pages of her book including a THREE-PAGE list of the 'striking similarities' between Smithman and Tannerman.

Then of course, DCI Redwood caught up with this, eliminated Tannerman, and produced two e-fits allegedly of Smithman as his 'prime suspect'.

A much better understanding of this whole case can IMO be achieved by exhaustively researching all references to Smithman.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 13:45

pennylane wrote:
I also believe Mr Smith was referring to Robert Murat as not wearing his glasses on that occasion.

Hi pennylane, not often I disagree with you, very much the reverse usually.

However on this occasion Martin Smith did later clarify (see my post above) that he was admitting that he was not wearing his glasses on the evening of 3rd May, as he usually did.

Why not, he has not explained.

It does create yet another hurdle of difficulty for him about his claim to be 60% to 80% sure he saw Gerry McCann on 3 May, and as for the claim that he produced either of those two the dark, not seeing the man's face AND not wearing his usual glasses??!!

I hope you are keeping well


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 13:48

dantezebu wrote:TB: "I think the team of Kevin Halligen, Henri Exton and Tim Craig-Harvey, all ex- or current MI5 personnel, simply used and adapted existing photographs of two entirely different people who had nothing to do with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann."

That's very interesting.

Why would they adapt photographs of real random people for the efits and not just make them up from scratch? 
A. Easier and

B. Looks at first sight more credible.

Where DCI Redwood has fallen down, or I should say ONE of the places where DCI Redwood has fallen down, is trying to hoodwink the 6.7 million viewers of CrimeWatch into thinking that these two images, clearly IMO of two very different men, are one and the same man!


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Guest 20.08.14 13:57

Tony Bennett wrote:TB wrote:

"I have previously failed to mention that Martin Smith told the police that he (Smith) normally wore glasses but on that particular evening was NOT wearing glasses. Why not, Mr Smith?"

dantezebu wrote:

I thought it was Mr Smith saying that Murat was not wearing glasses when he saw him in a bar once, not that he himself was not wearing glasses:

"Adds that in May and August of 2006, he saw ROBERT MURAT in Praia da Luz bars. On one of these occasions, the first, he was inebriated and spoke to everyone. He did not wear glasses at that time. He also states that the individual who carried the child was not ROBERT. He would have recognised him immediately."

Is there another statement I have missed where Mr Smith says he usually wears glasses?


REPLY: @ Dantezebu   -  Yes there is indeed another statement which clarifies this. The police witness statement which you quoted says: "He did not wear glasses at the time", making it ambiguous as to whether the 'He' referred to him (Smith) or to Murat.

This was made clear in a very long article about the case in the Irish Mail on Sunday, 10 August 2008 [15 months after Madeleine's reported disappearance]. Here is the relevant extract:


Friends of the McCann family said last night that the decision of the Portuguese police to pursue Mr Smith's claims prove that they were determined to pin the blame on Maddie's parents come what may. One said: ‘'Look at the facts. This man sees an individual carrying a child on the night Madeleine vanished. He waits 13 days to report this to the police, going back to Ireland. The McCanns return to England…it was this image that alerted Mr Smith in the meantime. At this stage he admits he has no idea who the man is, other than a basic description. A further three, almost four months go by before, after seeing him on television, he feels it could be Gerry. By now the police have dozens of statements putting Gerry back at the apartment complex at that time. Yet the Portuguese ask a combination of the Leicestershire police and the Garda to re-interview this witness. About what?’

''And why? The truth is that this is part of the victimisation of Gerry and Kate which has gone on from the very beginning by the Portuguese, who were clearly desperate to get something against them."

“As they made their way back, the [Smiths] crossed paths with a slim man with a full head of chestnut coloured hair and dressed in beige trousers coming in the opposite direction.

“In the statement to Portuguese police on May 26th, the grandfather - who wears glasses but was not wearing them at the night in question - said he would not be able to identify the man he saw. Significantly though he was able to tell Police that the man was not Robert Murat, as he had met him on a number of previous occasions.



There is another observation I would like to make about this article.

The first paragraph contains a quote from 'Friends of the McCanns'. I believe this to have been Clarence Mitchell.

What is fascinating to see is how the McCanns gradually shifted their attitude to the Smith sighting.

In August 2008 (see above) they rejected it.

Just 9 months later, however, the Channel 4/Mentorn Media documentaty, which was based entirely on the McCanns' account of events, clearly floated the possibility that the Tannerman and Smithman sightings might be the same man. This in my view laid a very careful foundation stone for all that was to follow. 

Shortly thereafter, the McCanns included the Smithman sighting, in full, as one of their five 'suspects' or 'persons of interest' on their 'Find Madeleine' website, where it remained ever since. They even had an Irish voiceover audiotape on their website which summarised the Smiths' witness statements

Then they upped their interest in Smithman still further when Dr Kate McCann in her book 'madeleine' mentioned the 'Smithman' sighting on SIX pages of her book including a THREE-PAGE list of the 'striking similarities' between Smithman and Tannerman.

Then of course, DCI Redwood caught up with this, eliminated Tannerman, and produced two e-fits allegedly of Smithman as his 'prime suspect'.

A much better understanding of this whole case can IMO be achieved by exhaustively researching all references to Smithman.
Thank you for that. 

Re in green:
So it was not in any statement to the police, but appeared in the Irish Mail.
My belief is that this is either a misinterpretation by the Irish Mail journalist of the part of Mr Smith's statement as follows:

 "His hair was short, in a normal male cut, brown in colour. He cannot state if it was dark brown or lighter in tone. He did not use glasses nor did he have a beard or moustache." 

Or it was a deliberate attempt by the "friends of the McCanns" (blue above), to plant this false information into public consciousness in order to discredit the Smith sighting. 

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by pennylane 20.08.14 14:23

Tony Bennett wrote:
pennylane wrote:
I also believe Mr Smith was referring to Robert Murat as not wearing his glasses on that occasion.

Hi pennylane, not often I disagree with you, very much the reverse usually.

However on this occasion Martin Smith did later clarify (see my post above) that he was admitting that he was not wearing his glasses on the evening of 3rd May, as he usually did.

Why not, he has not explained.

It does create yet another hurdle of difficulty for him about his claim to be 60% to 80% sure he saw Gerry McCann on 3 May, and as for the claim that he produced either of those two the dark, not seeing the man's face AND not wearing his usual glasses??!!

I hope you are keeping well
Hi Tony, I'm well thank you.  I hope you are well tool  roses

I see the quotes in The Irish Mail, 10th August 2008, but I cannot tell whose actually speaking, hence I don't find it very compelling as proof of what Mr Smith meant.  Unless I'm missing something?

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 14:34

dantezebu wrote:
So it was not in any statement to the police, but appeared in the Irish Mail. My belief is that this is either a misinterpretation by the Irish Mail journalist of the part of Mr Smith's statement as follows:

"His hair was short, in a normal male cut, brown in colour. He cannot state if it was dark brown or lighter in tone. He did not use glasses nor did he have a beard or moustache." 
The statement: "He did not wear glasses at that time" is exactly how it appears in the official translation reelased in the PJ files.

The Irish Mail on Sunday article provides IMO a simple clarification of that short statement.

It is IMO probbaly a translation of: "He [Martin Smith] was not wearing glasses on that occasion".

I suggest that during his interview Martin Smith said TWO things:

(1) I was not weasing glasses that evening


(2) Robert Murat was not wearing glasses (did not have a beard or moustache etc...] 

But I am not going to fall out with anyone over which it was


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by sallypelt 20.08.14 14:34

And another inconsistency, and I have pointed this out on this forum on a few occasions. This is regarding Martin Smith's PJ statement, and that is, in his first he said that he couldn't say what Smithman was wearing "on his body" as it was covered by the child he was carrying. This was also said by another one of the Smith's witnesses. However, later that year, Martin Smith now claims that Smithman was wearing "a dark top or a blazer" or words to that effect. Why such a dramatic change? Was this said to fit in with what Tannerman was wearing?

It's anyone's guess.

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 14:38

pennylane wrote:
Hi Tony, I'm well thank you.  I hope you are well tool  roses

The holiday was good thank you, but I'm only just now recovering from Cristobell's onslaught

I see the quotes in The Irish Mail, 10th August 2008, but I cannot tell whose actually speaking, hence I don't find it very compelling as proof of what Mr Smith meant.  Unless I'm missing something?

I think there may be issues with the translations which are making it difficult to establish whether Martin Smith was

a) saying he himself was not wearing glasses


b) Murat was not wearing glasses


c) Both of them were not wearing glasses (which I think may be the case).

Please see my post above


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by Guest 20.08.14 14:42

Tony Bennett wrote:
dantezebu wrote:
So it was not in any statement to the police, but appeared in the Irish Mail. My belief is that this is either a misinterpretation by the Irish Mail journalist of the part of Mr Smith's statement as follows:

"His hair was short, in a normal male cut, brown in colour. He cannot state if it was dark brown or lighter in tone. He did not use glasses nor did he have a beard or moustache." 
The statement: "He did not wear glasses at that time" is exactly how it appears in the official translation reelased in the PJ files.

The Irish Mail on Sunday article provides IMO a simple clarification of that short statement.

It is IMO probbaly a translation of: "He [Martin Smith] was not wearing glasses on that occasion".

I suggest that during his interview Martin Smith said TWO things:

(1) I was not weasing glasses that evening


(2) Robert Murat was not wearing glasses (did not have a beard or moustache etc...] 

But I am not going to fall out with anyone over which it was
I am going to have to disagree with you here.
"Adds that in May and August of 2006, he saw ROBERT MURAT in Praia da Luz bars. On one of these occasions, the first, he was inebriated and spoke to everyone. He did not wear glasses at that time. He also states that the individual who carried the child was not ROBERT. He would have recognised him immediately."

The part of Mr Smiths statement relating to the wearing of glasses when taken in context of the whole paragraph, quite clearly relates to him (Mr Smith) seeing Robert Murat in 2006, and that it was Murat not wearing the glasses on one of those occasions when he was drunk.

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Why did Martin Smith wait 13 days before reporting his sighting?

Post by Tony Bennett 20.08.14 14:54

The inconsistent explanations about why exactly Martin Smith and his family did not report their 'sighting' for thirteen whole days would require a whole long article, but in the meantime, here are two newspaper articles that throw further light on the subject. My comments in blue:


8 August 2007  The Drogheda Independent runs a story headed: ‘Drogheda family hit out over Madeleine case clue coverage’.

“They returned to Ireland the next day,

Some of them left on 4 May, the others on 9 May

and because the reported abduction times didn't originally match, they never had cause to examine their journey that night.

“As it emerged that Madeleine was abducted around the same time, one of the family members [Peter Smith ] had a flashback of the moment some time later and encouraged the others to jog their memory.

The Smiths' claim is that they only acted because the exact time of the supposed abduction wasm't clear. I don't buy that for one moment 

"They remembered passing a man walking towards the beach with a child in his arms.

Only now 'remembered'?

Other than his approximate height and the fact that he was wearing beige clothes they cannot be more specific than that. 'We are annoyed at how vague our description is’, said the family member.

“The family contacted the Portuguese police…”


Daily Mail 3 January 2008 : 3 January 2008 in the Daily Mail   Maddie: Irishman provides dramatic new clues Daily Mail (appeared in paper edition only)

EXCLUSIVE: Tourist met rude man carrying child in blanket on night Madeleine vanished - by Sandra Murphy, Vanessa Allen - January 3, 2008

"AN IRISH holidaymaker has spoken publicly for the first time of his disturbing encounter with a man carrying a child wrapped in a blanket

Or not wrapped in a blanket if you read the Smiths' statements

on the night Madeleine McCann disappeared.

“Now investigators hired by Madeleine's parents hope Martin Smith and his family can provide a crucial breakthrough.

“…the sighting…is strikingly similar to one by a friend of the McCanns, Jane Tanner. In hindsight, the retired Mr Smith said, the man’s rude behaviour should have aroused his suspicions.

But didn't?

“Martin Smith said: ‘The one thing we noted afterwards was that he gave us no greeting. My wife Mary remembered afterwards

When 'afterwards' was that?

that she asked him: 'Oh, is she asleep?' But he never acknowledged her one way or another. He just put his head down and averted his eyes. This is very unusual in a tourist town at such a quiet time of the year".

So unusual in fact - together with the fact that Madeleine's disappearance was an interantional media frenzy for the next month - that there is no accounting for why they did NOTHING about this 'very unusual' sighting for a full 13 days

“Their description of the barefoot child and the man, who wore beige trousers, echoes that of Miss Tanner…Though the Smith family believe they met an almost identical man closer to 10pm, the coincidence prompted them to contact police after they returned to Ireland. Mr Smith said: ‘Luz is such a small place and so quiet, we felt a duty to tell police and let them decide if it was important’."

But only 13 days later!

“Last night, McCann family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said detectives from the Spanish agency Metodo 3 now hoped to speak to the family…”

“On the night of the disappearance, Mr Smith was dining with his wife in the Dolphin restaurant in Praia Da Luz, where they are frequent visitors. The couple were with [the Mail names all members of the party]…All nine met the man holding a child but their recollection differs slightly from Miss Tanner's.

"The family added: “…Luz was very, very quiet at that time of the year and the likelihood of two young children being carried around like this is very small. Our timings are a bit different. She saw the man at 9.15pm. We say 9.45 or 9.50pm…I don’t know if this information will help the McCanns. We kept interested in what’s going on but we tried to avoid the limelight”.

“Martin Smith added: ‘We have not been contacted by the private detectives hired by the McCanns, and have had no contact with the investigating police since May 26 last year’.

"Mr Smith said it was some time before the family realised they could be star witnesses: ‘We were out the night it happened…We went home about 9.50pm and we heard nothing at all about Madeleine McCann until the next day. I was taking my son Peter to the airport and on my way back, I heard that a kidnapping had happened in the village of Luz”. [NOTE: Peter Smith says he found out about Madeleine’s disappearance at the airport: QUOTE: “He didn’t find out about Madeleine’s disappearance until the morning of 4 May through someone he knew, the son of the builder of Estrela da Luz, who was also at the airport, as he (Peter Smith) was waiting for his return flight to Ireland”].

And yet on 4 May 2007 Praia da Luz was crawling with police, search teams, villagers, journalists and camera crews

"We were looking at all the commotion on Sky News and we really felt quite helpless. We had two grandchildren with us at the time, aged four and five, and it had a terrible effect on them. They all wanted to sleep in the same room as us until we went home on the Wednesday [9 May].

A  terrible effect on them'? But still no attempt to report their 'sighting'? 

"We were home two weeks when my son rang up and asked was he dreaming or did we meet a man carrying a child the night Madeleine was taken. We all remembered that we had the same recollection. I felt we should report it to the police…

Does anyone on this forum seriously 'buy' that 'was-I-dreaming?' account of events? 


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by jeanmonroe 20.08.14 14:58

Does anyone know which TWO of the Smith family, they were EIGHT, actually 'collaborated' with PI's in the drawing up of the two 'e-fits' in 2008?

One Smith family member helped with one of the e-fits and ANOTHER Smith family member helped with the 'second' e-fit, so we are now told.

Hence the 'different' e-fit FULL FRONTAL FACIAL 'recollections', of the SAME man, of the two Smith family members, who helped the PI's draw up the e-fits.

My one 'problem' with the Smith's e-fits is, that NONE of the Smith family, so they say, SAW the man's FACE, which was obscured and hidden by child he was carrying, let alone FULL FACE, FRONTALLY.

So IF the two Smith family members , who helped the PI's draw up the Smithman e-fits, did NOT see the mans face, HOW were they able to 'produce' these rather distinctive, although different recollective FULL FRONTAL 'FACES' for the e-fits?


ISTBC, of course.

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by PeterMac 20.08.14 15:02

jeanmonroe wrote:Does anyone know which TWO of the Smith family, they were EIGHT, actually 'collaborated' with PI's in the drawing up of the two 'e-fits' in 2008?

Or to put in another way
"Does anyone know IF ANY of the Smith family actually 'collaborated' with PI's in the drawing up of the two 'e-fits' in 2008 ?"

It seems highly likely that the answer may be NO

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smithman - SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?  - Page 14 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 2 - What can account for the 17 remarkable similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

Post by jeanmonroe 20.08.14 15:12

PeterMac wrote:
jeanmonroe wrote:Does anyone know which TWO of the Smith family, they were EIGHT, actually 'collaborated' with PI's in the drawing up of the two 'e-fits' in 2008?

Or to put in another way
"Does anyone know IF ANY of the Smith family actually 'collaborated' with PI's in the drawing up of the two 'e-fits' in 2008 ?"

It seems highly likely that the answer may be NO

I suppose there's one good thing, if that's possible, in this case, is that IF the Smith 'two' did NOT help 'produce' the full frontal face e-fits, and how could they possibly have, not having SEEN his FACE, at least we all know NOW what a GENERIC 'burglator' possibly looks like, according to PI's and law enforcement officers!

"Keep 'em peeled"!  beware 

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