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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Mm11

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Cristobell 29.09.13 11:22

I can't see that this has been posted, but well worth a read.  Note you have to scroll down the page to find it.

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An English translation of Goncalo's book wasn't available online in August 2008!

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by PeterMac 29.09.13 12:24

I make no apology for making this available to a wider audience, including Kevin !
By Dr Martin Roberts
27 September 2013


That the McCanns are perfectly happy to let others do their lying for them has been evident ever since they separately and severally fed their kith and kin the line about their holiday apartment having been broken into. They did their own line in perjury though. Kate McCann herself proclaimed before Lord Justice Leveson: 'There were no body fluids' (found in their hire car), despite having long ago attempted to explain away that very discovery as possibly arising from the transportation of soiled nappies, previously worn by bodies no doubt.

That was until quite recently. Michael Wright's testimony in Lisbon on their behalf has since 'pushed the envelope' significantly.

Maybe Wright forgot where he was. Maybe he did not properly understand what he was being called upon to do. The script was so new to him after all, that he had to jot it down on a hotel napkin. Whatever the reason, he is now in the very precarious position of possibly becoming a defendant himself, should Goncalo Amaral, win lose or draw, exercise his right to sue Mr Michael Wright for giving false testimony against him (we shall come to the specifics in due course).

First a word or two about correlations; those slippery statistical things that, even when significant, prove nothing (see: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] They are often appealed to as indices though, just like the behaviour of sniffer dogs in fact. And what might the principle of correlation have to do with the McCanns vs. Amaral? Gerry McCann, newly arrived on the scene, gives us a clue:

GM - "The law has changed, and I think that Kate and I know better than anyone else what we have experienced, and what we have gone through, the facts of the file and the damage that has been caused to the search for Madeleine."

Notice that his conclusion is not 'the damage that has been caused to the search for Madeleine by Goncalo Amaral’s book'. That might just have been untrue, the more especially if the court should eventually find otherwise. Furthermore, 'damage' is left clinging to the lifeboat of 'the facts of the files', which Kate and Gerry 'know better than anyone else' just as they do 'what they have experienced'. Which raises the obvious question as to why those with such superior knowledge did not elect to speak for themselves in the first place? (Could it have had something to do with point one above, perhaps?).

It rather appears that Gerry McCann, having watched proceedings from a safe distance, has been parachuted in to provide additional data; data that will strengthen the correlation earlier witnesses, including Michael Wright, have laboured in vain to establish - the three-way correlation (as yet unspoken by Gerry McCann, who is obviously saving himself for the witness stand) between Goncalo Amaral's book 'The Truth of the Lie', the McCanns' interminable suffering, and the damage done to the 'search' for Madeleine (whether defined as a brand or an activity is unclear).

The story so far is that, according to the McCanns' writ, an unquantifiable degree of damage and suffering (unquantifiable except in terms of financial compensation demanded) can be attributed, directly or indirectly, to the publication of the Amaral book. Several witnesses for the McCanns having now been heard, this putatively indisputable association appears somewhat less convincing, especially given the earlier, widespread announcement of the McCanns' arguido status and immediate release to the public of the process files upon relaxation of this status in 2008, the year in which A Verdade Da Mentira, to give it its Portuguese title, was published.

A major difficulty for the McCann case therefore is the impossibility of disentangling these, shall we say, causal elements, in order to apportion 'effect' with any degree of accuracy. And that's just as regards Portugal, both productions being in Portuguese in the first instance. Hence we have heard attempts to convince the court that the Goncalo's book is the more credible/influential on account of its being easier to read and digest, say, in a day. The significance of the all-important correlation is therefore weakened. From being 'entirely responsible' the book is inevitably down-graded to 'largely responsible' - at worst, if at all, given that quantitative attestation has so far been conspicuously absent from any witness testimony to date (no doubt that is what Gerry McCann intends to bring to the table). The issue does not rest there however.

The 'search' for Madeleine McCann has been considered a worldwide activity since her parents first stepped aboard that hired Learjet on their tour of Europe, and then 'did America'. If that nasty paperback edition of the Algarve Police Gazette (or the film of the book) had any meaningful effect upon its readers' searching intentions, that effect would have been restricted to Portugal, Brazil and one or two African communities. To maximize the return on their investment in proceedings, the McCanns need to be rewarded (compensated seems altogether inappropriate a term) for damage to their search elsewhere on planet earth. All English speaking zones should cover it, i.e., virtually everywhere else. Except everywhere else doesn't speak or read Portuguese necessarily.

And so we begin to close in on Michael Wright's folly.

It is difficult to apportion individual effectiveness, should two or more publications on a single subject emerge at around the same time (e.g., Newton - Leibniz, Darwin - Wallace). Better, in principle, if there is a lapse of time in-between, following which one can assess any influential change(s) occasioned by subsequent accounts. The histrionic Ms Stilwell, who might care to reflect upon what happened to her namesake Frank after he shot Morgan Earp in the back (they almost lost count of the bullet holes Morgan's brother Wyatt put in his body), would have it that there was a rebellious upsurge of anti-McCann feeling following introduction of Amaral's material to the world. She is, however, wholly unable to offer evidence in support of such a claim. Just like those witnesses who have preceded her.

One of those witnesses was Michael Wright, whom we know, thanks to the astuteness of the lady judge, was 'coached' before giving evidence. His approach to the complete absence of reliable data on search and suffering effects (those phenomena obviously more familiar to the McCanns) was to broaden the contiguous alignment of 'The Truth of the Lie' and the official files (the Portuguese scenario), so as to embrace translations available via the internet, English in particular, and endeavour to push home the claim that the book took precedence in the public mind. Of course for that situation to pertain, the relevant materials had to be publicly available at the same time.

As we have seen, Michael Wright, clearly influenced as much by his understanding as his knowledge, has made two very specific claims on the McCanns' behalf, viz:

'They knew before the shelving of the case, that a book would be published.'

'They read the book when I sent them the translation that was on the internet in August 2008.'

Whereas attention was previously drawn to the possible unreliability of this 'evidence' in the light of the McCanns' own admissions, come September 2008, that neither of them had bothered to read the book in question, one may now be altogether more specific. It wasn't the McCanns who lied on this occasion, but Wright, who lied to the court.

The English translation that appears on the Internet is taken from the French version of Goncalo Amaral's book, L'Enquête Interdite - 'The Forbidden Investigation'. The French edition of the book was not published until 03 May 2009. There has never been an English translation made of the Portuguese. And in case anyone should protest that Wright had the English narration of the broadcast documentary in mind, that programme did not materialise until April 2009 either.

Exactly what translation of A Verdade Da Mentira does Michael Wright believe he discovered on the Internet in August 2008 therefore; a translation communicated to the McCanns that very month and which, for their part, they did not read?

Not only should Wright's testimony be stricken from the record, but it should be regarded as prejudicial to that of any other of the McCanns' witnesses who appeal to the same 'translated' source in support of whatever claim they might make (or have made) regarding supposed adverse effects upon the plaintiffs.

As for Michael Wright, the best advice one might offer is 'Lawyer-up mate!' That's what funds (sorry, friends) are for, is it not?

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Monty Heck 29.09.13 12:28

Cristobell wrote:I can't see that this has been posted, but well worth a read.  Note you have to scroll down the page to find it.

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An English translation of Goncalo's book wasn't available online in August 2008!
Interesting - thank you.  Given the enormous cost of bringing this and subsequent actions before the Portuguese courts, it would be expected that someone, anyone would have done their homework before taking these allegations to ID, and she on her part to ensure that the case brought to her was based on truthful, proveable evidence.  Now that the issue of when the McCs were devasted by the release online of an English version of GA's book has been helpfully raised on the internet, will GMcC give a different timescale to that stated by MW?  If his claims are similar to MW's they can easily be demolished by the other side and they would both be exposed as failing to tell the truth under oath.  On the other hand, GMcC could disagree regarding the timescale, calling into question MW's sworn testimony.  Seems a lose lose situation, which could have been avoided had someone taken the trouble to establish the correct chronology of events.
Monty Heck

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 29.09.13 12:35

Monty Heck wrote: Given the enormous cost of bringing this and subsequent actions before the Portuguese courts, it would be expected that someone, anyone would have done their homework before taking these allegations to ID, and she on her part to ensure that the case brought to her was based on truthful, proveable evidence.  Now that the issue of when the McCs were devasted by the release online of an English version of GA's book has been helpfully raised on the internet, will GMcC give a different timescale to that stated by MW?  If his claims are similar to MW's they can easily be demolished by the other side and they would both be exposed as failing to tell the truth under oath.  On the other hand, GMcC could disagree regarding the timescale, calling into question MW's sworn testimony.  Seems a lose lose situation, which could have been avoided had someone taken the trouble to establish the correct chronology of events.
They took poor MW's memory notes away ...

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by PeterMac 29.09.13 12:39

Sadly, and I do mean that, I am beginning to enjoy this !
GM is now trapped.
I would guess that he will not be available to give evidence next week.
Purely a guess, but given what we have seen so far, no sensible lawyer would let him anywhere near.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Cristobell 29.09.13 12:45

It seems the McCanns were being truthful in the Expresso interview in September 2008, when they said they hadn't read Goncalo's book, and Michael Wright was telling porkies in the witness box.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by susible 29.09.13 12:51

He may well have to appear if he did indeed lodge a request to be heard, look what happened to Pinto, when he tried to change his mind!

I'll bet Goncalo is feeling the waves of karma flowing around him...all those years of abuse from the McCanns, who it seemed could just go around claiming anything they wanted about him and the UK media would gladly print it...disgraced, shamed, shambolic etc Did they really think that they could sashay into a court and do the same thing and that the judge would just agree and say "oh you poor things, what terrible treatment from that man"  LOL

Yes, I think the McCann bubble has burst and I don't think it's going to get any better for them

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Monty Heck 29.09.13 12:55

PeterMac wrote:Sadly, and I do mean that, I am beginning to enjoy this !
GM is now trapped.
I would guess that he will not be available to give evidence next week.
Purely a guess, but given what we have seen so far, no sensible lawyer would let him anywhere near.
It would be madness to allow that - no wonder ID snapped "nothing!" when GMcC was asked about what he intends to say.  It would be suicide for him now to say, on xxx date we heard that GA's book was available in English, therefore we were devasted as claimed in our writ from xxx date onwards.  Indeed the fact that the specific date on which this suffering commenced was omitted in the writ speaks volumes in itself.  Schoolboy error which ID as a legal professional should have weeded out before taking this action before any court.  If she did not ask her clients to provide material evidence in support of their claims, i.e. proof of the date when the suffering caused by GA began then she appears negligent since she is responsible for advising potential clients whether they have a reasonable prospect of success.
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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by The Slave 29.09.13 13:03

Maybe they'll sue Isobel later. It wouldn't surprise me.
The Slave
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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Monty Heck 29.09.13 13:08

Châtelaine wrote:
They took poor MW's memory notes away ...
Quite!  Surely he would not have needed notes to at least state correctly which month and year this book became the cause of the deep suffering and despair of his close relatives whom he is anxious to support in every possible way.  Susan Hubbard also called into question when the suffering of the couple began when she claimed that all their energy was taken up in fighting these claims, when in fact their fight against claims of involvement in M's disappearance can be proven as beginning in early September 2007, immediately arguido status was imposed.  It does seem this case is falling apart and that abandonment is the only hope of preventing further damaging revelations.
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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Monty Heck 29.09.13 13:12

The Slave wrote:Maybe they'll sue Isobel later. It wouldn't surprise me.
They might but in doing so would have to admit they did not provide the correct date/s.  An admission possibly more damaging to their image/reputation than anything they might get from suing ID so on the whole, probably not worth it.
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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Cristobell 29.09.13 13:14

In September 2008, Kate was devastated by the publication of her diaries in the News of the World - for which she was amply compensated incidentally.

August/September 2008 was a pretty traumatic time all round.  Was the publication of her diaries secondary, third or perhaps even 4th trauma after the initial event?  And did the £125k she received from NOTW cure it to the extent, that thereafter she was only suffering from the secondary trauma, the publication of Goncalo Amaral's book?

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by susible 29.09.13 13:20

Cristobell wrote:In September 2008, Kate was devastated by the publication of her diaries in the News of the World - for which she was amply compensated incidentally.

August/September 2008 was a pretty traumatic time all round.  Was the publication of her diaries secondary, third or perhaps even 4th trauma after the initial event?  And did the £125k she received from NOTW cure it to the extent, that she was thereafter only suffering from the secondary trauma, the publication of Goncalo Amaral's book?
I think that's the crux of it Cristobell, the McCanns have been so used to bleating to the media and getting their way in the form of compensation for the "fund" that I really believe they thought that Snr Amaral would just cave in to their demands and that the case would get nowhere near a court...

Big mistake from the McCanns, they pushed and pushed on these claims of libel, obviously hoping that as before their claims would be accepted, without question...Wrong and now they could be paying for it in more ways than one, not only losing their case, but potentially facing action themselves.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by PeterMac 29.09.13 13:27

There is an earlier piece, also by Dr Roberts about Wright, and his re-wrting of history. (Or lying under oath, as normal people call it )
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] about half way down
Mr Helpful
A First for Mr Wright
The Internet monitor Mr Wright is, of course, the same Michael Wright who has featured so helpfully before in the Madeleine McCann affair – helpful, that is, and I regret having to say it, to the parents, rather than the child.

Mr Wright has the doubtful honour of being the very first person to start putting in place alibis for the parents' behaviour – on May 4.

It was he who, after conferring with Gerry McCann, contacted the Evening Standard to get the clan's version of events out having been persuaded to say that he was defending them against unfair criticism.

He did this early in the day so that it would make the London Evening Standard before the evening of May 4. Alert readers will note that this is well ahead of the "surprise" that Gerry McCann told parliament and Leveson he got when he returned from Portimao police headquarters to find a media mob waiting for them.
Some surprise! As I wrote in the Cracked Mirror in 2009 Gerry McCann had been on his mobile all morning providing feeds for that media – from within the very police headquarters where he was supposedly present to help the police search for the child. You'd think he'd have been so busy racking his brains for any detail that he could pass on to the police to assist the search or help his child that he'd have no interest in what the media thought.

Mr Wright told the Standard that there had been "spin" against the McCanns that had given a misleading impression of what had happened the previous evening. If I may be permitted to quote the whole relevant passage from the Cracked Mirror regarding Gerry McCann's organization of friends and family to brief the media from Portimao police HQ:
"Perhaps M/S Renwick's next comment was her own - or perhaps not. "She said," The Standard continues, "the McCanns had chosen the resort because it was family friendly. [Untrue; the resort was not, as we have seen, chosen by the McCanns but by David Payne] This is the first time they have done this,” she added [untrue; it was not the first time they had done this] They are very, very anxious parents and very careful," she said. [As we have seen earlier, in Praia de Luz the parents had in practice been neither very anxious nor very careful].

And then The Standard had this: "Michael Healy[this was Michael Wright], the missing girl's uncle, added: "There has been some negative spin put on this, with people criticising them for leaving the kids and going on the tear.” Mr Healy added, "But it's nonsense, they were close by and were eating within sight of where the children were and checking on them. Other members of the group were checking on her as well. No one was rip-roaring drunk."

How have news reports about a disappearance, or "desperate efforts to get publicity for Madeleine" led to this? How have Kate's dying-fall mutterings to Oprah Winfrey about involving the media because of "...absolute helplessness, absolutely desperate. I mean, this is our daughter who we love beyond words, and every second is like hours..." led to this mutation to a pre-emptive defence of themselves? How has "the natural appeal for information" that Gerry McCann described to members of Parliament morphed into denying that they were drunk?

"Negative spin" and "criticism." How could there be any spin or criticism of the parents by Friday afternoon when these were the very people telling the world what had happened the previous night for the first time and when the pair hadn't even given their statements to the police?"
The usual prizes are offered for anyone who can provide a link, or any evidence at all of this "negative spin and criticism" that helpful Mr Wright referred to. Where had he seen it? What had he been told by Gerry McCann?

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by PeterMac 29.09.13 13:30

And this

ID - When did they read the book and watch the documentary?
MW - They read the book when I sent them the translation that was on the internet in August 2008.

(Later) MW objects that the book was published immediately after the release of the files and was written by a PJ Inspector. Moreover he says GA's book can be read in a day.
Oh dear, Michael. What it is to be easily led.

On 6 September 2008, Expresso published an interview with the McCanns, both of them. Whilst more than one exchange therein is of relevance to the current proceedings, the following single example is oh so pertinent:

Q – Former inspector Gonçalo Amaral remains convinced of your involvement in Madeleine's disappearance. Did you read 'The Truth of the Lie', the book that he wrote?

Kate and Gerry – No.
Kate – Why would I?
Gerry – I won't learn anything from reading it.

We have a couple with anticipatory knowledge of a potentially 'harmful' book, albeit written in Portuguese, who, in August 2008, receive a translation via the internet that can be read in a day, and who, according to court witness Michael Wright (who is under oath to tell the truth don't forget), read it at that time, presumably in the one day required to do so. And yet, when asked about it publicly in September, both denied having read the book at all.


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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by aiyoyo 29.09.13 13:50

Cristobell wrote:I can't see that this has been posted, but well worth a read.  Note you have to scroll down the page to find it.

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An English translation of Goncalo's book wasn't available online in August 2008!
That's exactly as I thought.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by bobbin 29.09.13 13:53

PeterMac wrote:And this

ID - When did they read the book and watch the documentary?
MW - They read the book when I sent them the translation that was on the internet in August 2008.

(Later) MW objects that the book was published immediately after the release of the files and was written by a PJ Inspector. Moreover he says GA's book can be read in a day.
Oh dear, Michael. What it is to be easily led.

On 6 September 2008, Expresso published an interview with the McCanns, both of them. Whilst more than one exchange therein is of relevance to the current proceedings, the following single example is oh so pertinent:

Q – Former inspector Gonçalo Amaral remains convinced of your involvement in Madeleine's disappearance. Did you read 'The Truth of the Lie', the book that he wrote?

Kate and Gerry – No.
Kate – Why would I?
Gerry – I won't learn anything from reading it.

We have a couple with anticipatory knowledge of a potentially 'harmful' book, albeit written in Portuguese, who, in August 2008, receive a translation via the internet that can be read in a day, and who, according to court witness Michael Wright (who is under oath to tell the truth don't forget), read it at that time, presumably in the one day required to do so. And yet, when asked about it publicly in September, both denied having read the book at all.

This is all fabulous stuff, the McCanns claiming NOT to have read it, Wrong's declaration that he sent the translation when it had not yet even been done....lying under oath....oh dear, that is so dangerous.
The point is, DOES Goncalo have this information to hand.
Does anyone know if anyone is in direct contact with Goncalo to ensure that he is receiving the poignant points of the UK media and the correlations that perceptive posters are putting together.
Who is able to say if and how Goncalo is getting this essential feedback from the UK side.
If not, perhaps a system needs to be set up A.S.A.P.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by jeanmonroe 29.09.13 14:04

GA knows that the McCanns know that he knows what he knows!

He was a PROPER, PROFESSIONAL DETECTIVE for many, many years.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Cristobell 29.09.13 14:09

Hi Bobbin, Goncalo is now accepting friends on his Facebook page.  I have put a link to Dr. Robert's page on the timeline, but unfortunately in English.  If someone would be kind enough to translate it into Portuguese, it would be read by more people.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Cristobell 29.09.13 14:17

jeanmonroe wrote:GA knows that the McCanns know that he knows what he knows!

He was a PROPER, PROFESSIONAL DETECTIVE for many, many years.
I am now wondering if that little gem may have been the reason Goncalo and his lawyer were smiling as they left Court>

AnnaEsse confirms on twitter than her translation was from the French publication in May 2009.  It is probably worth contacting Joana Morais, Pamalam and Astro - but I am sure Dr. Roberts would have done his research, and we know the McCanns are too cheap to have paid for their own translation, besides which MW has said on oath that he sent them an online copy. 

It is also worth noting that they did not begin proceedings until after the English translation became available.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 29.09.13 15:38

PeterMac wrote:Sadly, and I do mean that, I am beginning to enjoy this !
GM is now trapped.
I would guess that he will not be available to give evidence next week.
Purely a guess, but given what we have seen so far, no sensible lawyer would let him anywhere near.
Second that emotion!


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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Cristobell 29.09.13 15:49

Lets hope the Defence lawyers ask Gerry when he first read A Verdade Da Mentira.  The claimants have set a specific timescale for their secondary trauma. It kicked in when Goncalo's book was released - July 2008 - yet they could not have read the book until May, more likely June, 2009. And as Dr. Roberts pointed out, nor could their English speaking witnesses.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Rufus T 29.09.13 16:06

Portia wrote:
PeterMac wrote:Sadly, and I do mean that, I am beginning to enjoy this !
GM is now trapped.
I would guess that he will not be available to give evidence next week.
Purely a guess, but given what we have seen so far, no sensible lawyer would let him anywhere near.
Second that emotion!

Me too, schadenfreude is not a nice thing, but I really am rather enjoying watching it all fall apart.
Rufus T
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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Casey5 29.09.13 16:14

Didn't Clarence Mitchell say the McCanns had the book translated for their lawyers to scrutinise? So much for them denying reading it.
25th July 2008 mccann files:-

[color:aa27=000000]"The McCanns, both 40, from Rothley, Leicestershire, were formally cleared of involvement in Madeleine's disappearance on Monday, when prosecutors lifted their status as "arguidos", or formal suspects.

They say they will continue to believe their daughter is alive until given firm evidence to the contrary, and their lawyers are now scrutinising Mr Amaral's book.

Mr Mitchell said the McCanns' legal team would "take their time" to go through the text.

He refused to comment on Portuguese newspaper reports that the book is to be published in English and that its film rights have already been sold.

"We are not talking about Mr Amaral and his book. We are not giving him any oxygen of publicity," he said.

"All I will say is I hope he and his publishers, and the newspapers reporting his libellous allegations, are very brave because action will be taken if required at a time of our choosing."

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by PeterMac 29.09.13 16:56

[quote="Casey5"]Didn't Clarence Mitchell say the McCanns had the book translated for their lawyers to scrutinise? So much for them denying reading it.
25th July 2008 mccann files:-[quote]

OH JOY. Clarence Mitchell has done for them.
Well done, thou good and trusty servant.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 29.09.13 16:57

Anyone of you, who has been doing some knitting, will understand what I mean when I say:  it only takes one stitch to drop and the whole work will start unraveling ...

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by Guest 29.09.13 17:12

For want of a better place to put this: there's something strange about their purchase of the Rothley house. Since everything, IMO, seems to be circling around reputation and money, I think it might worthwhile to mention it here.
************ (deleted), Rothley did GBP 60,000 in March 2002 and was bought by the McCanns in January 2006 at GBP 459.950 ... [?]. Apparently with no other owners in between I've checked with other comparable properties in the same region, the prices some went nicely up in those years too, but none at the rate of GBP 100,000 per year ...
Lest we forget, GM's sister said they were "skint" and in 2007 they paid some mortgages from the "Fund", something which rightly arose criticism, also from the Fund's BoD.

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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by plebgate 29.09.13 17:19

Portia wrote:
PeterMac wrote:Sadly, and I do mean that, I am beginning to enjoy this !
GM is now trapped.
I would guess that he will not be available to give evidence next week.

Purely a guess, but given what we have seen so far, no sensible lawyer would let him anywhere near.
Second that emotion!


Didn't Mr. say last week on camera that if he is allowed then he will return to give evidence?

Barring accident/illness what reason can he now give if he doesn't show and I believe the judge would take a very dim view of a no show in view of the amount of publicity surrounding the request.

Truth and justice is what this is all about for Maddie, that's what Mr. & Mrs. said both of them on camera.

Rock and a hard place. You bet, that is of course if Mr. A. agrees.

IMO Mrs. should also be granted her request to attend and give evidence.


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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by plebgate 29.09.13 17:28

Casey5 wrote:Didn't Clarence Mitchell say the McCanns had the book translated for their lawyers to scrutinise? So much for them denying reading it.
25th July 2008 mccann files:-

[color:0746=000000]"The McCanns, both 40, from Rothley, Leicestershire, were formally cleared of involvement in Madeleine's disappearance on Monday, when prosecutors lifted their status as "arguidos", or formal suspects.

They say they will continue to believe their daughter is alive until given firm evidence to the contrary, and their lawyers are now scrutinising Mr Amaral's book.

Mr Mitchell said the McCanns' legal team would "take their time" to go through the text.

He refused to comment on Portuguese newspaper reports that the book is to be published in English and that its film rights have already been sold.

"We are not talking about Mr Amaral and his book. We are not giving him any oxygen of publicity," he said.

"All I will say is I hope he and his publishers, and the newspapers reporting his libellous allegations, are very brave because action will be taken if required at a time of our choosing."

It appears that he and his publishers were very brave.

This is what people dislike - "because action will be taken if required at a time of our choosing".

They had a bit of power for a while but they have been reduced to laughing stock imo. Nobody cares about them and the "times of their choosing". Let's see what he has to say at the end of this hearing. IF he says anything, he might decide to hop on a plane and start helping the stray dog movement in person if he finds he cannot spin anything. Pinky Mitchell - unable to spin. LUDICROUS. Mr Mrs 


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WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts Empty Re: WRIGHT'S FOLLY - Dr. Martin Roberts

Post by PeterMac 29.09.13 17:30

There is a suggestion that some of the GA book was translated and put on line earlier than this, by Joana M.
Can anyone confirm that ?

That would then make their denial of reading it even more strange, and paying from the Fund to have it translated simply reckless.

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