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Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Mm11

Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Mm11

Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Regist10

Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up

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Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Empty Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up

Post by whmon 13.08.13 13:30

Brian Kennedy explaining that the fund was set up mainly for legal expenses

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Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Empty Re: Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up

Post by Guest 13.08.13 14:15

This one's worth a look not only for Brian Kennedy's foresight in knowing so early that there would be legal fees but also for learning from Eileen McCann that the launch of the fund (and that money was rolling in) had raised Gerry's spirits.

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Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Empty Re: Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up

Post by PeterMac 13.08.13 14:31

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:This one's worth a look not only for Brian Kennedy's foresight in knowing so early that there would be legal fees but also for learning from Eileen McCann that the launch of the fund (and that money was rolling in) had raised Gerry's spirits.
Raised Gerry's spirits ?
As Private Eye would say "Doubles all round"

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Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Empty Re: Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up

Post by nomendelta 13.08.13 14:55

Again these people seem remarkably prescient. Not only did they know they'd need legal fees but it also suggests they knew that Maddie wasn't going to found any time soon.

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Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up Empty Re: Brian Kennedy explaining why the fund was set up

Post by aiyoyo 13.08.13 15:49

Which begs the question why they thought it a good idea to start the Fund; even when we're led to believe in Kate's bewk that the idea was mooted by IFLG.

If Madeleine died in an accident and they knew, then the Fund is not an accident It is a deliberate attempt to fleece the Public.
A deliberate act of crime carries heavier punishment. How they can be so confident they can get away with it is an enigma ?

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