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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by margaret 18.02.13 21:28

Newintown wrote:

Could you repeat that in English please?

Glad it wasn't just me who didn't get it huh

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Guest 18.02.13 21:39

Woofer wrote:
jowie wrote:
Woofer wrote:Glad to hear this. Just hoping it wasn`t a ploy to play for time - goodness knows when the trial will be re-scheduled - could it be another 6 months - a year? By which time SY review will be finished and statutory legislation in place gagging the press?

I may be wrong but I can't help feeling that it was a ploy for time. If the hearing had taken place at the end of January and Goncalo had won then it would have helped Tony's case immensely, even though it is purely a contempt of court issue. If it was postponed for 6 months to try and reach settlement why is the negotiating concluded now, in less than 4 weeks? I would have thought it would have taken longer to get to the point of no agreement to settle. In any case I am still really pleased that Goncalo has made his stand but worry for Tony in the meantime. Good Luck for Thursday, Tony, just sorry I cannot be there for you this time.

IIRC there were 20 days allocated for GA to consider whether he wanted to negotiate and if he did then the case would be adjourned for 6 months in order to seek an agreement. It sounds to me as if GA has replied `no negotiations thanks, end of`.

Yes I tend to think they were playing for time. Ah well - better get yer jack boots on Gerry and what with those negburns you might just get those nasty press people gagged.

Judge Deed (T)

Are you listening?

It is no simpeler than this: Who killed Maddie Mc Cann?

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Guest 18.02.13 21:42

Newintown wrote:
Portia wrote:
Newintown wrote:
Dr What wrote:It really would not surprise me if GA were to receive discreet financial assistance towards his case from certain media sources.
I do hope so.

I've had that feeling for a while now that behind the scenes someone has been helping GA, both financially and with legal matters. It could be even a UK newspaper, it wouldn't surprise me.

Both the Portugese Police, Portugese media and the British press must be sick to their back teeth of having to kowtow to the McCanns for the past 5+ years.

ETA: Sorry, I've just reread your thread again, I seem to have repeated what you said.

Desmonds here, Desmonds there, Desmonds arounds us everywhere

No, I do not think so

Desmond just does not have what it takes.

Bye bye 550.000,00.

Who gives a shit?!

Desmond? No. course not.

That's what his drudges ay at his feet per diem.

OK Des, if not, then not, but say so?!

Could you repeat that in English please?


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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by ShuBob 18.02.13 21:50

candyfloss wrote:What an awful picture they have of Kate McCann with that story,

Had it been a UK newspaper, the couple probably would have asked them to remove the picture like they allegedly did when the Express published that smiling photo of them in Amsterdam during their European book tour.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Newintown 18.02.13 21:55

Portia wrote:
Newintown wrote:
Portia wrote:
Newintown wrote:
Dr What wrote:It really would not surprise me if GA were to receive discreet financial assistance towards his case from certain media sources.
I do hope so.

I've had that feeling for a while now that behind the scenes someone has been helping GA, both financially and with legal matters. It could be even a UK newspaper, it wouldn't surprise me.

Both the Portugese Police, Portugese media and the British press must be sick to their back teeth of having to kowtow to the McCanns for the past 5+ years.

ETA: Sorry, I've just reread your thread again, I seem to have repeated what you said.

Desmonds here, Desmonds there, Desmonds arounds us everywhere

No, I do not think so

Desmond just does not have what it takes.

Bye bye 550.000,00.

Who gives a shit?!

Desmond? No. course not.

That's what his drudges ay at his feet per diem.

OK Des, if not, then not, but say so?!

Could you repeat that in English please?


Do you always talk in riddles? Why? If margaret and I can't understand what the Hell you're talking about there must be others who can't but are too embarrassed to admit it.

Why not just say what you mean without all the riddles?

Laurie Levenson, Quoted in the Guardian ........

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Inspectorfrost 18.02.13 22:05

I think Portia is saying the Express which is owned by Desmond wont be supportive? Not sure.Let's not forget the Star which is part of the Express was the only paper to report on Tony's court hearing.

Also alot of people are getting hacked off, excuse the pun, with GM making demands, pronouncements, complaints and pontificating to and about the press. he's had his million pound plus and apologies.

The best of luck to Mr Amaral, though as with Tony I don't think he will be needing it.

Bet KM is fuuurious with that photo!

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Smokeandmirrors 18.02.13 22:11

It reminds me of the McCanns ordering the press not to print pictures looking happy as apparently it was not representative of how they feel. I believe it was on a promotional tour in Holland to promote her novel.

EDITED TO SAY - hadn't seen Shubobs post when I wrote this - laughat

But still goes to show that they have left a lasting impression on us for all their peculiar ways!

The truth will out.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Newintown 18.02.13 22:13

Inspectorfrost wrote:I think Portia is saying the Express which is owned by Desmond wont be supportive? Not sure.Let's not forget the Star which is part of the Express was the only paper to report on Tony's court hearing.

Also alot of people are getting hacked off, excuse the pun, with GM making demands, pronouncements, complaints and pontificating to and about the press. he's had his million pound plus and apologies.

The best of luck to Mr Amaral, though as with Tony I don't think he will be needing it.
Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 725573

Bet KM is fuuurious with that photo!

Why all the rubbish wording then, why not say it outright. I haven't got time for deciphering riddles. I vaguely knew the name Desmond to be associated with a newspaper but couldn't remember which one, but seeing that the Express have let through some very negative comments over the weekend they don't seem to be very supportive of the McCanns at the moment.

Laurie Levenson, Quoted in the Guardian ........

"Never trust an eyewitness whose memory gets better over time"


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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Inspectorfrost 18.02.13 22:32

No they don't Newintown and that is a good sign. Neither are the Guardian as they let alot of critical posts remain although they removed a whole chunk too. I think the Mccanns will be scrubbed off a few Xmas card lists after their latest antics. Mr and Mrs Mccann let's face it, want to gag the press, Leveson was very generous to the press they say, didn't go nearly far enough in his recommendations, the former Sunday Times editor saying on that Marr show that the new charter has JAWS, is still not good enough for the Mccanns who say there is no redress still. Gagging the press is stuff of totalitarian regimes and an anathema to this country. I think Mr G has bitten off more than he can chew and does not give a damn how many people he alienates.

PS Can't answer for Portia.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by PeterMac 18.02.13 22:40

Chances of a full libel trial ?
Very approximately ZERO.

Rothely telephone wil be permanently engaged.
Mitchell will be in his pink pyjamas scribbling as fast as he can tonight.
Carter-Ruck will be having late night meetings (with biscuits. Very important, and chargeable to the client ! )
None of them trying to find Madeleine Beth McCann. No one is doing that.

But all trying to work our a way of presenting this "inconvenient truth".

By the way, Private Eye are aware.
As are Grange

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Inspectorfrost 18.02.13 22:52

What does that mean Peter? It will be stopped again for some reason? Ooh I like the sound of Private Eye and Grange being in the know.

OK, i didn't know where to post this, so as good a place as any, a freelance journalists tweet

Sonia Poulton @SoniaPoulton 8h
@MrsMLouis @Mobyra Have you ever tried to pitch a McCann story to a news editor? Good luck with it. Easier to nail jelly to a wall.
View conversation ·


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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Bob Southgate 18.02.13 22:55

Who or what is Grange?


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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by maebee 18.02.13 22:58

PeterMac wrote:Chances of a full libel trial ?
Very approximately ZERO.

I agree. Most definitely ZERO. No way will the Mcs want GA on the stand. They will drop the charges at the 11th hour in the sure knowledge that he will not settle. Take note TM, neither will Tony Bennett

Rothely telephone wil be permanently engaged.
Mitchell will be in his pink pyjamas scribbling as fast as he can tonight.
Carter-Ruck will be having late night meetings (with biscuits. Very important, and chargeable to the client ! )
None of them trying to find Madeleine Beth McCann. No one is doing that.

But all trying to work our a way of presenting this "inconvenient truth".

By the way, Private Eye are aware.

Good to know. Has Hislop ever made any comment on the case? This should be right up his alley.
As are Grange
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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Jill Havern 18.02.13 23:03

Bob Southgate wrote:Who or what is Grange?

Operation Grange - Maddie case review

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Inspectorfrost 18.02.13 23:05

Bob Southgate wrote:Who or what is Grange?

Bob, for an ex copper, you ask what is Grange? Its Operation Grange, the current Met Review on the case!
big grin

Keep up darling.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by bobbin 18.02.13 23:06

Bob Southgate wrote:Who or what is Grange?

operation grange is the investigation into Madeleine McCann. Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 3139096799

ETA, just seen the other 17 thousand posts saying the same thing Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 110921

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Woofer 18.02.13 23:15

Don`t worry Bob, I didn`t know what NSU was ! I thought it was either a UTI or a moped !

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by plebgate 18.02.13 23:17

I hope it does go to court but we shall see.
I do believe Mr. A. will call the shots from now on.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by bobbin 18.02.13 23:23

Woofer wrote:Don`t worry Bob, I didn`t know what NSU was ! I thought it was either a UTI or a moped !

mmm... so what's a UTI Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 110921

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by PeterMac 18.02.13 23:24


They acknowledge everything by automatic response.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Newintown 18.02.13 23:25

Woofer wrote:Don`t worry Bob, I didn`t know what NSU was ! I thought it was either a UTI or a moped !

I get lost with all these short forms as well, some of them go over my head, I don't bother to ask most of the time, I just try to fill in the ones I don't understand as best I can!

P.S. I did know what Grange was, but some of the others have me fluxommed.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by Woofer 18.02.13 23:28

bobbin wrote:
Woofer wrote:Don`t worry Bob, I didn`t know what NSU was ! I thought it was either a UTI or a moped !

mmm... so what's a UTI Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 110921

Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 110921 Urinary Tract Infection

NSU is Non-Specific Urethritis !

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by PeterMac 18.02.13 23:29

In my old force there was an entire department set up to think of stupid names for Operations.
They have to be totally p.c., totally cleansed of any meaning, in any language on this planet or indeed on any neighbouring ones,
A bit like the department which trawls through Car Registration plates to ensure that nothing "naughty' gets through.

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Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns - Page 2 Empty Re: Case goes to trial - Amaral v McCanns

Post by PeterMac 18.02.13 23:30

And we used to hate TLA s !
Tried to ban them

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