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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Mm11

Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Mm11

Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Regist10

Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by tigger 11.09.11 13:21

Sorry if this is a bit of a 'portmanteau' topic.

I would have expected:
1) photographs of the McCs with Gordon Brown, if there was one, certainly in the book. . Certainly around election time.  A vote winner, I would have thought.

2) artwork made by Maddie in PdL, to be used as a backdrop in interviews, photo opportunities with Kate holding her 'last drawing'. Surely Kate wouldn't have passed up such an opportunity. We do have two  of M's (rather large) hand prints on a card for her gran, not long before. In any case, a bereaved parent would treasure the last artwork. If she was in the creche every day, there should have been lots.

3) mention of  the cute trainers with lights along the side which the cleaner saw on the Sunday. Kate mentioned pretty well everything else she wore.
Perhaps it wasn't M but E?

Just wonder if other posters can add something to this. There were so many things missing one would find on a normal holiday. I find GB's reticence interesting.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Missing?

Post by juliet 11.09.11 13:43

Does KM mention the hair bead that was so "carefully" removed from Madeleine's hair that evening? Such a fuss made of it at the time, it seemed significant.

Does she go into why they didn't have buggies for the Millenium restaurant but they magically appeared for beach trips later on?

Or why David Payne got new phones for every one of them from "someone he knew" in Portugal a day or so after the disappearance?

I suppose I should read the book to find out.....

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty the hair bead didn't figure until the 'last photograph'

Post by tigger 11.09.11 13:53

juliet wrote:Does KM mention the hair bead that was so "carefully" removed from Madeleine's hair that evening? Such a fuss made of it at the time, it seemed significant.

Does she go into why they didn't have buggies for the Millenium restaurant but they magically appeared for beach trips later on?

Or why David Payne got new phones for every one of them from "someone he knew" in Portugal a day or so after the disappearance?

The hair bead didn't figure until the photograph appeared after Gerry's return from the UK. IMO it is of a far younger Maddie, about 3 I think.
Didn't know about the new phones, I though Clarrie brought them all new phones when he arrived?

4) no laptops, but USB keys (with out of date photographs) were there! That is weird.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Payne and the mobiles

Post by juliet 11.09.11 14:41

I always understood that Payne got them all new mobile phones the day after Madeleine disappeared, supposedly because their batteries were running out.

Payne is asked about this in his statement. It isn't clear how many phones were supplied in his statement, but he says they were got through his brother in law, Simon Aldridge, through a Portugal pal, and brought to Portimao police station.

It always struck me as very convenient to get hold of new phones, especially as their phone trafiic up to then was so suspicious. (Payne full of errs and umms when quizzed about his strange calls).

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by Guest 11.09.11 18:16

juliet wrote:Does KM mention the hair bead that was so "carefully" removed from Madeleine's hair that evening?

I couldn't see any reference to the hair bead in her book and I searched a few times for it. But I have wondered is this the hair bead?

Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Bruse10

I think she might regret not being able to mention having a cup of tea with the Queen in her book, it would be the next logical step in sequence after Cherie Blair & Gordon Brown and the Pope who recognized her instantly.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Never found I think

Post by tigger 11.09.11 19:59

Molly wrote:
juliet wrote:Does KM mention the hair bead that was so "carefully" removed from Madeleine's hair that evening?

I couldn't see any reference to the hair bead in her book and I searched a few times for it. But I have wondered is this the hair bead?

Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Bruse10

I think she might regret not being able to mention having a cup of tea with the Queen in her book, it would be the next logical step in sequence after Cherie Blair & Gordon Brown and the Pope who recognized her instantly.

No, I think it was never found. Unless whatever she's got on her wrist is one she got later for effect.
The hair bead story came after the 'last photograph' - always adapting the myth. Maddie is at most 3 yrs old in the last photo IMO. Taken long before PdL.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by Guest 12.09.11 8:42

juliet wrote:It always struck me as very convenient to get hold of new phones, especially as their phone trafiic up to then was so suspicious.

By having new phones, they instantly stopped all previous callers from contacting them again and could only let certain people have the new number. Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). 302873

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by Tinkerbell81 12.09.11 17:24

tigger wrote:Sorry if this is a bit of a 'portmanteau' topic.

I would have expected:
1) photographs of the McCs with Gordon Brown, if there was one, certainly in the book. . Certainly around election time. A vote winner, I would have thought.

2) artwork made by Maddie in PdL, to be used as a backdrop in interviews, photo opportunities with Kate holding her 'last drawing'. Surely Kate wouldn't have passed up such an opportunity. We do have two of M's (rather large) hand prints on a card for her gran, not long before. In any case, a bereaved parent would treasure the last artwork. If she was in the creche every day, there should have been lots.

3) mention of the cute trainers with lights along the side which the cleaner saw on the Sunday. Kate mentioned pretty well everything else she wore.
Perhaps it wasn't M but E?

Just wonder if other posters can add something to this. There were so many things missing one would find on a normal holiday. I find GB's reticence interesting.

juliet wrote:Does KM mention the hair bead that was so "carefully" removed from Madeleine's hair that evening? Such a fuss made of it at the time, it seemed significant.

Does she go into why they didn't have buggies for the Millenium restaurant but they magically appeared for beach trips later on?

Or why David Payne got new phones for every one of them from "someone he knew" in Portugal a day or so after the disappearance?

I suppose I should read the book to find out.....

Only one of these things is mentioned briefly: "we hired a buggy for Amelie and Sean". thats it. She later mentions transporting the twins in their buggy but no mentions of where they got it. A LOT is "glossed over" as if it was never there. The most we learn from the book is Kate is a grieving, praying Catholic mother... but sometimes she drops the ball and reality can be seen through the sugar coating, foggy and slightly blurry but apparent.

For example:

".... is this what my life would be from now on? I could never be joyful again in public without guilt overwhelming me" I find the in public part strange, what does where you are change about your feelings towards your missing daughter?

Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized.
In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by IAmNotMerylStreep 12.09.11 17:30

Tinkerbell81 wrote:".... is this what my life would be from now on? I could never be joyful again in public without guilt overwhelming me"

Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Katege10

If this is her not being joyful in public then I wonder what she's like in private.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by PeterMac 12.09.11 17:39

juliet wrote:
I suppose I should read the book to find out.....
You still can. It is on Amazon, in hard format and on Kindle, and on-line if you look for it. You have to go about 15 pages in on google, but it is there in many formats.
Not that I suggest that you do of course !
This is just a factual statement made in line with the policy of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. (a rare policy in our times, sadly)
You can download the book for nothing, if you choose to. It would be a breach of copyright to do so.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by IAmNotMerylStreep 12.09.11 17:43

PeterMac wrote:You can download the book for nothing, if you choose to. It would be a breach of copyright to do so.

I've got a breach of copyright downloadable book but still can't bring myself to read it.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by dragonfly 12.09.11 18:20

PeterMac wrote:
juliet wrote:
I suppose I should read the book to find out.....
You still can. It is on Amazon, in hard format and on Kindle, and on-line if you look for it. You have to go about 15 pages in on google, but it is there in many formats.
Not that I suggest that you do of course !
This is just a factual statement made in line with the policy of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. (a rare policy in our times, sadly)
You can download the book for nothing, if you choose to. It would be a breach of copyright to do so.

I have not read the book, and have just read the important information that was put on here, I was watching a Ted Gunderson video on you tube, and he was talking about his books, he was saying , I want you all to copy the information and pass on the info make copies give to your friends ! I dont care about copyright!, I just want you to copy and pass the info, make sure the info gets out!, Now considering Kate said she hoped the information in there could lead to someone coming forward ? am I correct about that?, you would do the same make it available to all, If you believed that info in that book could make someone afford it, you are limiting the information only to those willing to pay for it



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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by dragonfly 12.09.11 18:20

PeterMac wrote:
juliet wrote:
I suppose I should read the book to find out.....
You still can. It is on Amazon, in hard format and on Kindle, and on-line if you look for it. You have to go about 15 pages in on google, but it is there in many formats.
Not that I suggest that you do of course !
This is just a factual statement made in line with the policy of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. (a rare policy in our times, sadly)
You can download the book for nothing, if you choose to. It would be a breach of copyright to do so.

I have not read the book, and have just read the important information that was put on here, I was watching a Ted Gunderson video on you tube, and he was talking about his books, he was saying , I want you all to copy the information and pass on the info make copies give to your friends ! I dont care about copyright!, I just want you to copy and pass the info, make sure the info gets out!, Now considering Kate said she hoped the information in there could lead to someone coming forward ? am I correct about that?, you would do the same make it available to all, If you believed that info in that book could make someone afford it, you are limiting the information only to those willing to pay for it



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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by PeterMac 12.09.11 21:20

dragonfly wrote: EDIT ...Now considering Kate said she hoped the information in there could lead to someone coming forward ? am I correct about that?, you would do the same make it available to all, If you believed that info in that book could make someone afford it, you are limiting the information only to those willing to pay for it
It sounds something like that, doesn't it.
Let us try to reduce it to it simplest form ...
They want people to pay lots of money for the book, and then to give them information, so that they can then pay people lots of money - to do nothing with the information.
Have I got that right ?

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Woolfall

Post by juliet 12.09.11 21:32

Did KM say anything in the book about that session with Alex Woolfall, the PR man from PR firm Bell Pottinger, who flew to PdL soon after the little girl's disappearance?

He had some involved story about looking through KM's digital camera pics, painful though that was, and releasing pictures to the press.

It has never been clear what pictures he was on about...

Strangely, the top firm of Bell Pottinger had a team already in PdL when Maddeleine disappeared, as some sort of "holding exercise". That has never been explained...the tiny unfashionable resort, off season, such a focus for Sir Tim Bell's fancy firm.

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Post by russiandoll 14.09.11 10:04

The reverse here.......I will post with the page reference and text later.....there is a clear implication that the childreen were left insupervised at bath time, unless I am misreading and I am certain you will point this out!
It comes in a reference to the notorious question from Madeleine about why her parents did not respond to the cries of her brother and herself, something Kate and Gerry McCann have discussed on a number of occasions, but I have never heard or read what she mentions in her book, again please let me know if you have done so, as it really struck me when I came across it. If I am correct, it gives yet more insight into their parenting skills and carelessness, and adds to the the conclusion of G. Amaral, who seems for what I have read in the translation of his book, to have applied a cold detective's eye over all the evidence and been completely logical un his assessment.
BTW when and where the heck can we get his book and what about Pat Brown's, I am incensed by the silencing of anyone who dares to put forward anything other than the abduction scenario. Even Mrs McCann did not subtitle her book was "disappearance".

Interesting also...........I found not one reference, not even a brief line in the section about Madeleine's birth and childhood such as
" and this was when we noticed the fleck in her eye that would feature so sadly later in our media campaign to find her"
to her very remarkable eye feature.... nowhere is it mentioned even though the book cover highlights it.

Again, please lets know if I have indeed missed it, and I welcome your thoughts.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by tigger 02.01.12 15:19

I like to use old topics if I can and this just occurred to me:

Sometime - may even have been long before 2007 - Gerry had his golf clubs stolen from his car.

We are told that Gerry had wanted to be a footballer, that he liked running. It's only in the book that golf is mentioned once ' Gerry had been to Portugal on golfing weekends ' (not litt. quote).

Isn't it somewhat surprising we never read anything about golf, or how Gerry had been in Portugal before - playing golf. How Gerry's sportiness is given as running and tennis. Never golf, although there are four or five courses around the area of PdL.

I would expect Gerry :
to be a member of a local club
to have mentioned at least once that say 'when he was in Portugal playing golf he liked the place so much, the people etc. or something to emphasize the sense of security he had then as well...
his golfing prowess (his running and football were in the press) to be mentioned in the press at least a few times.

One poster thinks the runs they took in the morning (although many were photo opportunities planned for the media) were going up to the nearest golf course.
Let's think, is there anyone else who could have golfing connections in PdL?

Not only is golf never mentioned, neither are his previous visits to Portugal.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by kimHager 25.02.14 13:06

Yes you would think a book called Madeleine would be a book about her.. How she was, her favorite things etc. So the twins would have a better understanding of their sister.... We really don't hear much about the little girl.... So so sad really I'd think if my child would have been abducted I'd want to write down every single thing I could remember about her. Not just what happened afterwards but to remember her....


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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by Guest 25.02.14 13:24

kimHager wrote:Yes you would think a book called Madeleine would be a book about her.. How she was, her favorite things etc.  So the twins would have a better understanding of their sister.... We really don't hear much about the little girl.... So so sad really I'd think if my child would have been abducted I'd want to write down every single thing I could remember about her. Not just what happened afterwards but to remember her....
Yes kim I agree, and I would keep it private for me and her siblings. And not publish it to make more money out of her name, and to try and justify my outrageous behaviour before and after she "disappeared".

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Post by lj 25.02.14 14:06

tigger wrote:I like to use old topics if I can  and this just occurred to me:

Sometime - may even have been long before 2007 - Gerry had his golf clubs stolen from his car.

We are told that Gerry had wanted to be a footballer, that he liked running. It's only in the book that golf is mentioned once  ' Gerry had been to Portugal on golfing weekends ' (not litt. quote).

Isn't it somewhat surprising we never read anything about golf, or how Gerry had been in Portugal before - playing golf. How Gerry's sportiness is given as running and tennis. Never golf, although there are four or five courses around the area of PdL.

I would expect Gerry :
to be a member of a local club
to have mentioned at least once that  say 'when he was in Portugal playing golf  he liked the place so much, the people etc. or something to emphasize the sense of security he had then as well...
his golfing prowess (his running and football were in the press) to be mentioned in the press at least a few times.

One poster thinks the runs they took in the morning (although many were photo opportunities planned for the media) were going up to the nearest golf course.
Let's think, is there anyone else who could have golfing connections in PdL?

Not only is golf never mentioned, neither are his previous visits to Portugal.

It's just like the New Zealand wine: they are trying to look sophisticated, something that falls flat the moment they open their mouths.

BTW I love to get to the old files. Everytime there is more "Oh I had forgotten about that". It really makes the inconsistencies clear again.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by Guest 25.02.14 14:50

tigger wrote:I like to use old topics if I can  and this just occurred to me:

Sometime - may even have been long before 2007 - Gerry had his golf clubs stolen from his car.

We are told that Gerry had wanted to be a footballer, that he liked running. It's only in the book that golf is mentioned once  ' Gerry had been to Portugal on golfing weekends ' (not litt. quote).

Isn't it somewhat surprising we never read anything about golf, or how Gerry had been in Portugal before - playing golf. How Gerry's sportiness is given as running and tennis. Never golf, although there are four or five courses around the area of PdL.

I would expect Gerry :
to be a member of a local club
to have mentioned at least once that  say 'when he was in Portugal playing golf  he liked the place so much, the people etc. or something to emphasize the sense of security he had then as well...
his golfing prowess (his running and football were in the press) to be mentioned in the press at least a few times.

One poster thinks the runs they took in the morning (although many were photo opportunities planned for the media) were going up to the nearest golf course.
Let's think, is there anyone else who could have golfing connections in PdL?

Not only is golf never mentioned, neither are his previous visits to Portugal.

Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Mail-30-10-7-gm_small

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Post by travis macbickle 25.02.14 17:26

deafening silence about the golf !
travis macbickle

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Post by Cristobell 25.02.14 17:36

travis macbickle wrote:deafening silence about the golf !

No wonder Kate wasn't looking foward to the holiday, looks like Gerry had his days planned.

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Kate's Book

Post by G-Unit 18.01.15 17:11

It makes me so sad that nothing much is disclosed about this little girl. We have seen a photo of her in football strip. Did she like it? Did she watch on TV with her Daddy? There is a photo of her on a horse, I think at Hatton Country World near Warwick. Did she like horses? Did she like riding? One of my fondest memories is of my small grandaughter bottle feeding a lamb at HCW. The lamb was stronger than her and sucked so violently her feet left the ground, but she held on! I loved taking my children and grandchildren to new places and got enormous pleasure from watching them enjoy new experiences. 

We could never afford to take them to Portugal, but we took them to the British seaside and built sandcastles, played rounders on the beach, went to the fairground and went swimming. In the evenings we took them to child-friendly places where they played with other children, watched concerts and so on. We were always with them. It would never have occured to me to put them in childcare. My kids. my job, my pleasure!

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Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***). Empty Re: Missing from the book and other tales (***PLUS important 'Hobs' article, TURNING BACK THE CLOCK', analysing one paragraph from Kate's book, added 29 Nov 2015***).

Post by comperedna 18.01.15 19:07

G-Unit... Exactly the same with me and my children and grandchildren. That's what seems so odd about this holiday... no pics of those activities or Mum Dad and the children paddling in the sea and jumping over wavelets. I know it takes all sorts, and they were into OTT fitness activity, probably due to GM's job, but I find the emphasis on the jogging, sports, and 'tennis coaching' etc aspect of the holiday for the ADULTS adolescent in the extreme.

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