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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 05.08.11 1:43

Is Michael Linnett still the director of the fund? The more I research the people involved in this case the deeper and more bizzare it gets. I'm sure some of you have come across this info before, but I hadn't, I'd never even heard of this organisation.

So, Michael Linnett is married to Irish born Freddie Linnett (nee Winifred Murphy), an extremely wealthy woman. It's reported (source bottom of post) that at the time of her inheritance she was the richest woman in the country behind the Queen. She's apparently now worth £450m

Mr Linnett is a member of a group of Catholic "Freemasons" known as the Catenians "which is thought to include top-ranking police officers and judges, using their influence to pervert the course of justice." Who else is a member of this secret society?

Alarm over secret Catholic 'mason' group

HOME OFFICE ministers are becoming increasingly concerned about the secretive activities of a group of Catholic "Freemasons", the Catenians.

A special report by the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee has highlighted fears that members of the Catenian Association, which is thought to include top-ranking police officers and judges, are using their influence to pervert the course of justice.

The role of the Association came to light during a two-year investigation into Freemasonry conducted by the Committee. Acting on the advice of the Committee, the Government has ordered the police and judiciary to set up their own databases listing membership of masonic lodges. But individuals are under no legal obligation to reveal their masonic links; and the database will not cover Catenians.

The report, Freemasonry in the Police and the Judiciary, states: "It is estimated that they [the Catenians] number around 11,500. Although this figure shows that the Catenians are far fewer in number than the
Freemasons, this does not mean that similar concerns are not raised relating to their influence on the criminal justice system. Where points of principle relating to secretive societies are made in this report, they apply equally to other organisations of the same nature."

The Freemasons have attacked the Government for scrutinising their activities while not also focusing on groups like the Catenians who, like the Freemasons, are exclusively male. Catenians are hand-picked from the Catholic community and, to gain entry, applicants must be sponsored by a member.

The membership list is a closely guarded secret and new recruits are required to take an oath of allegiance to their "brothers". These oaths are made at secret ceremonies, held in hotels or golf clubs, where members wear special insignia including a Maltese cross and ceremonial collar denoting the "circle" to which they belong, as well as pendants and sashes.

The organisation, which was founded in 1908 in Manchester as the Chums Benevolent Association, has its own website. This describes the organisation, which operates worldwide, as a brotherhood that meets to "foster and develop social bonds among members and their families".

The Catenian Association is quick to quash any parallels between the activities of its members and those of Freemasons. "Like most organisations we regard information such as our list of members as privileged," added a spokesman.

"I don't like to use the word 'secretive' but many people would not answer if you asked them if they were a member. It's not like being a member of a tennis club."

Freddie Linnett:

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Well connected

Post by Tony Bennett 05.08.11 4:14

Fascinating. I had no idea.

Michael Linnett gives his occupation as 'retired accountant'.

The auditors for the 'Find Madeleine Fund' are of course Haysmcintyre, and the lawyers for the Fund are Bates Wells & Braithwaite, both of whom do much work for Freemasonic institutions and individuals.

Haysmcintrye are also the auditors for the powerful, influential and some would say rather sinister 'Common Purpose' group.

Common Purpose are based at Discovery House, 28-42 Berner Street, LONDON EC1Y 8QE, home of two more very powerful organisations in our society, the Media Standards Trust, and media monitoring and PR firm Durrants Lud, who act for Astra Zeneca, a firm that's been discussed a few times in relation to the McCanns and their connections.

Quite possibly, then, Dr Gerald McCann may be a member of Michael Linnett's 'Leicester Catenian Circle'.
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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Gillyspot 05.08.11 7:42

Here is information that Michael Linnett is clearly a member of the Leicester Circle

"John Byrne of Beckenham Circle celebrated his 90th birthday in April. His godson of many years standing, Michael Linnett of Leicester Circle, had the opportunity of toasting the health of John who is his second cousin. The family celebrations continued into August where there was a party for Michael's parents John and Eileen Linnett who had achieved 65 years of marriage. John Byrne was the best man at the wedding. Michael Linnett was formerly a member of City of London Circle!

I am assuming when they say Michael Linnett is a "godson of many years standing" that must be the term used when initiated into the Catenians.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by pauline 05.08.11 7:50

Michael Linnett was appointed a director on 15.8.2007 and is still a director.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 05.08.11 11:53

Tony Bennett wrote:

Quite possibly, then, Dr Gerald McCann may be a member of Michael Linnett's 'Leicester Catenian Circle'.

It would make sense.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, who facilitated the McCanns meeting with the Pope is certainly involved and endorses the Catenia Society. The Priest from Kate's parents parish church in Liverpool, Father Desmond Keegan is also involved. I'll keep digging.

His Eminence Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor addresses the Catenia Society:

Curiouser & curiouser

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 05.08.11 12:37

Father John Seddon - the priest that married the McCanns, christened Madeleine, and flew out to Praia Da Luz to support them, also has connections.

The Catenian Association Liverpool 4 Circle, calendar of events (Fri 1st - Mon 4th Oct 2004) "Lourdes visit led by Fr John Seddon and Fr Jack Mcardle. Cost £365 for return air fare from Liverpool and full board at a first class hotel"


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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by pauline 05.08.11 12:47

Kate writes in the book about having independent board members and how important that turned out to be when the Fund came under scrutiny.

Looking at the current board (6 directors):

3 family members - Kate and Gerry and Uncle Brian Kennedy

I understand Uncle Brian is Chair which means a casting vote so even if the other three vote against something Uncle Brian uses the casting vote. So the McCanns have control.

Now the other three directors -

Jon Corner, close friend, and partner to a close friend of Kate's. Kate phoned them in the early hours of May 4th to tell them Madeleine was gone. How independent is he, given the very close friendship?

Michael Linnett. Given his background revealed in earlier posts how close is he to the McCanns?

Edward Smethurst. Lawyer to Brian Kennedy (millionaire backer)

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Guest 05.08.11 12:59

Isn't Jon Corner a godfather to one of the McCann's children too.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by pauline 05.08.11 13:04

candyfloss wrote:Isn't Jon Corner a godfather to one of the McCann's children too.

yes, I believe so.

he has been a director since January 2008.

Would be interesting to know if he was paid by the Fund for the video(s) he has made re Madeleine.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty P J Tomlinson ormer director of the Fund

Post by pauline 05.08.11 13:32

Does anyone know anything about P J Tomlinson retired solicitor who was a director of the Fund from 20.6.2007 - 28.12.2007.

Was he a close friend of the McCanns?

Why did he stay only 6 months?

As he was retired, it can't have been pressure of work commitments that caused him to resign?

Esther McVey,friend of Kate's, was also only a director for the same period in 2007 but she may well have had career and work reasons necessitating her resignation.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 05.08.11 16:11

pauline wrote:Does anyone know anything about P J Tomlinson retired solicitor who was a director of the Fund from 20.6.2007 - 28.12.2007.

Was he a close friend of the McCanns?

Why did he stay only 6 months?

As he was retired, it can't have been pressure of work commitments that caused him to resign?

Hi Pauline,

Perhaps they feared his close connections with senior Police Officers would have been exposed? Don't forget he was County Coroner for the Rutland and Leicestershire area before becoming a Solicitor.

Quoted to explain the role of Coroner for those outside the UK:

"In Britain a coroner is someone who is responsible for investigating
deaths, particularly those that happen under 'unusual circumstances'.
The Coroner works with the Police to determine the cause of death. In this respect they have a judicial function.

The coroner can grant autopsies, deny autopsies, grant exhumation
orders, order Police investigations of deaths, order inquests to be held

For this reason, Tomlinson is likely to be very close friends with many of the senior officers in Leicester.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by ROSA 07.08.11 3:51

Philip Tomlinson, a retired solicitor and former coroner in Leicestershire

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by aiyoyo 07.08.11 5:09

Daisy wrote:
pauline wrote:Does anyone know anything about P J Tomlinson retired solicitor who was a director of the Fund from 20.6.2007 - 28.12.2007.

Was he a close friend of the McCanns?

Why did he stay only 6 months?

As he was retired, it can't have been pressure of work commitments that caused him to resign?

Hi Pauline,

Perhaps they feared his close connections with senior Police Officers would have been exposed? Don't forget he was County Coroner for the Rutland and Leicestershire area before becoming a Solicitor.

Quoted to explain the role of Coroner for those outside the UK:

"In Britain a coroner is someone who is responsible for investigating
deaths, particularly those that happen under 'unusual circumstances'.
The Coroner works with the Police to determine the cause of death. In this respect they have a judicial function.

The coroner can grant autopsies, deny autopsies, grant exhumation
orders, order Police investigations of deaths, order inquests to be held

For this reason, Tomlinson is likely to be very close friends with many of the senior officers in Leicester.

Either that, or he found that that mccon fund is not what it seemed and didnt want to be complicated in it!

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty P J Tomlinson

Post by Guest 07.08.11 9:20

Rosa: please could you check the link you've provided as it doesn't work.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by ROSA 07.08.11 9:27


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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by ROSA 07.08.11 9:35

its only that page the site is on

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by pauline 07.08.11 9:55

Either that, or he found that that mccon fund is not what it seemed and didnt want to be complicated in it![/quote]

I suspect his departure was because he was not satisfied with some aspect of the Fund. His appointment to the Board is understandable given his wide experience and the fact that being retired he had time to take on being a director. Kate said they wanted independent expertise.

But six months on a Board is very little time. As a former solicitor he would be very familiar with the responsibilities and legal position of directors.

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty $

Post by ROSA 08.08.11 0:49

Why dont they stop the fund full of lies :evil:

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 13.08.11 22:44

A bit more information about Michael Linnet.

Michael Linnett, the 'retired accountant' on the Madeleine fund director's board, is not only married to one of the richest women in Britain, a member of a secret society (the Catenians), but he's heavily involved (a trustee) in the catholic charity: Faith in Families (Formerly known as the Catholic Children's Society). "Faith in Families is an adoption agency working across the East Midlands." Although from what I've read, it's certainly an international agency, and one that's infiltrated many sections of society. Please read the links.

Mr Linnett has worked for this charity for 35yrs and has just (June 2011) recieved a Papal honour for his outstanding services.

He's also a longstanding board member and treasurer of the YMCA in Leicester. He even has a YMCA building, housing young people named in his honour: 'Michael John Linnett House'

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by pauline 13.08.11 23:49

Mr Linnett serves as a director(trustee) on that charity for 35 years but resigns after 6 months as a director of the Fund.......interesting


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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 14.08.11 0:11

pauline wrote:Mr Linnett serves as a director(trustee) on that charity for 35 years but resigns after 6 months as a director of the Fund.......interesting

I keep getting confused here too Pauline, but Michael Linnett is still a director, it was ''ex solicitor" Phil Tomlinson that resigned after 6 months.

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”   


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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 14.08.11 0:35

It's undertandable how these two characters can be mixed up. Both ageing men, 'pillars of their societies', yet described as 'ex accountant' 'ex solicitor' in their roles within team McCann. Dull, grey and blurry descriptions.

They are both very important people, why not big them up a bit more? Why keep it quiet the work these men are really celebrated for?

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”   


“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” 

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by pauline 14.08.11 9:57

Daisy, you are right. Sorry for confusing you.

Posting late at night when tired I confused Mr Tomlinson and Mr Linnett.

So Mr Linnett is a stayer on boards of causes he cares about.

But I wonder how much he knows about the precise detail of the spending. I once served on the board of a charity and the figures presented raised questions with me. I tried to get more financial information and after much pressure received more inadequate figures. It was not fraud as such but lets say the CEO and the Chairman of the Board knew how to look after themselves. I resigned together with two colleagues.

I've other bad experiences of serving on boards regarding figures - you get broad summaries and are told you are there to make strategic decisions not to get involved in the day to day stuff (which is how asking questions on accounts can be defined!). The board I resigned from was mainly composed of elderly trusting directors, a recipe for the CEO having your own way. I wonder if Mr Linnett, an elderly religious man, is like them, utterly trusting.

Who prepares the figures that go to the Board? Is it the Fund administrator whose name is top secret. I suspect it was john McCann until he resigned last year. Do the MCCanns vet the figures before they go to the non family members of the board?

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Daisy 11.12.12 18:55

I wonder why Michael Linnett has had any mention of his papal knighthood whooshed from the net?

Hmm.. same award as Savile for the same thing - 'services' to children.

This chap (maried to one of the UK's most wealthy women) needs a
bit more investigation

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”   


“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” 

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Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund Empty Re: Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund

Post by Liz Eagles 11.12.12 19:03

Daisy wrote:I wonder why Michael Linnett has had any mention of his papal knighthood whooshed from the net?

Hmm.. same award as Savile for the same thing - 'services' to children.

This chap (maried to one of the UK's most wealthy women) needs a
bit more investigation

Hello Daisy, it's good to see you back.Michael Linnett Director of the Madeleine Fund 725573
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