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McCann plea for more family support

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 18:36

She also hit out at officialdom for the “unbearable, bordering on inhumane” way she and her husband Gerry had been dealt with, being “left in the dark” about the progress of the search for daughter.
Burglary victims often received better support than parants of missing children, she added

Didn't they have Police Liason Officers, the same as Karen Mathews and others do. Do I remember correctly they were sent away? We were burgled many years ago, we didn't have any support of any sort, they cleaned out house out, what is she on about. All we got was a copper come round and tell us how to make the house more secure, and warn us that the burglers would know that we would replace the stolen items with new stuff, and would probably try again. That's it!!!!!

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Spot the difference

Post by Letterwriter 13.06.11 18:55

Thing is, Madeleine's case isn't comparable to the other two. The others were 18 and 19 - legally speaking, adults.

This means all sorts of differences - including no chance of paedophilia motives and the fact that adults can legally go 'missing' (ie they have no obligation to tell their parents where they're going) and AFAIK police only search for adults if they suspect foul play.

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Cheshire Cat 13.06.11 19:29

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:
Kate McCann will tell MPs about the heartache that families of missing children have to endure

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Yes, Marian, I had to turn the news off this morning after hearing about this. I just don't understand how the prime suspect in the death and concealment of her own daughter can be ALLOWED to associate with parents of genuine missing children and tell MP's how they must be feeling because she surely to God doesn't know. It must be very different to be the mother of a child who has died (where the mother is the suspect) than the mother of a child who is genuinely missing, goodness knows where and with whom.

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Who lets Kate McCann do this stuff? Whose idea is it to parade Kate-the-children's-porn-writer-McCann alongside parents of genuine missing kids?

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Well at least this should be a wake-up call to those who believe the SY review is anything other than another coat of whitewash!
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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Mini Slueth 13.06.11 19:34

If your house got burgled you would get more support..............................

...........................well, what if you left your house unlocked with all your valuables on show.........what support would you get then.....because this is a better comparison to the McCanns
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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by ufercoffy 13.06.11 19:35

I agree Cheshire Cat.

The McCann circus is well and truly out of control, it is blessed by the government and they will be in our faces for ever now with Kate the self appointed figurehead.

This is how it will be now. There is nothing anyone can do but stand by and watch these vile people get away with 'murder' and get rich.

They will be rammed down our throats at every opportunity.

Whose cadaver scent and bodily fluid was found in the McCann's apartment and hire car if not Madeleine's?  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Martin 13.06.11 19:42

McCann in a tv plea! Looks like she's installed herself as the 'official missing persons spokesman'.
The comments aren't very supportive.

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 20:03

Truly gobsmacked that's what I am, perhaps we should start a list of just how many people and organisations have supported the McCanns. I'll start off with these few................

Prime Minister - Tony Blair
Chancellor of the Exchequer - Gordon Brown
Jim Gamble - CEOP
Clarence Mitchell - seconded from the MMU for the first few months

Please feel free to add more, there are many.............................


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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Martin 13.06.11 20:06

candyfloss wrote:Truly gobsmacked that's what I am, perhaps we should start a list of just how many people and organisations have supported the McCanns. I'll start off with these few................

Prime Minister - Tony Blair
Chancellor of the Exchequer - Gordon Brown
Jim Gamble - CEOP
Clarence Mitchell - seconded from the MMU for the first few months

Please feel free to add more, there are many.............................

Leicester police
Richard Branson
J K Rowling
David Beckham



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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 20:07

@ Martin - Garth big grin

Forgotten the obvious one

The Fund - donated by the public

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 20:33

Righting the Wrongs - Wrong Government, Wrong Country, Kate...

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What experience do the McCanns have of "the additional pain of financial and legal bureaucracy"?

From day one, the couple received personal assistance from the British government, both home and abroad in the shape of Ambassador Buck, Embassy staff and their very own governmental spokespeople. Top of the pile help from Mark Warner and every conceivable aid possible including massive press coverage costing megabucks and access to top lawyers.

With millions being spent via their own private limited company (the 'fund') and an additional £3.5m of further money being spent on a review of the case, these people are the WORST ambassadors to be championing the government about the pain of financial and legal bureaucracy.

I could quote a myriad of worthy people who should be making headlines today, from Kerry Needham to Kevin Godsen to Fiona Mackeown.

Instead we have the self-centred, ungracious hypocrite that is Kate McCann.

These parents would be grateful for a fraction of the help the McCanns have been privy to, and still are. And just as deserving as the family who half-heartedly greeted the news of a review by Scotland Yard, saying that it addressed one of their key disgruntlements, but a step in the right direction?! The child's case is now actively being reviewed....!!! I don't know of any parent who wouldn't be overjoyed. The McCanns certainly are a different kettle of (sel)fish...

Here's hoping the £3.5m is well spent and progresses to the case being reopened in Portugal. At present, Kate McCann is in the wrong country, and championing the wrong government for the wrong reasons.... but then she's well aware of that I'm sure.

Posted by Me, Myself, Moi... at 12:55 3 comments Email This

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Gillyspot 13.06.11 20:50

Hi All

I am a new joiner having recently joined twitter and found out about the Mccanns scam on there. I am still finding out about it but cannot believe that the press, the government and the police all seem to be taken in by Kate and her winging self pity. I even bought the Madeleine book (just whilst I was making my mind up) and in it she even states that the Leics police worked extensively for her, Clarence Mitchell was flown over following her conversations with Cherie Blair and Gordon Brown, Child psycologists were also flown over to help them. Ocean Club put them up for 3 months and they were given free "lifts" in company jets all over the world to "promote" Madeleine (is she a new clothing line??).

This latest sanctimotious claptrap by her today is just about the final straw. If you were to leave your doors open and your house was burgled I am guessing the police wouldnt be particularly sensitive and compassionate. Tell me the difference - 120 metres from an unlocked flat is hardly the bottom of your garden (unless you live in Buck House of course).

Anyway rant over.
aaagh aaagh

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 20:53

candyfloss wrote:Ye Gods - she says this in her book...................

It may sound odd, but in some ways we were glad the investigation had been closed. As I’ve said, we were far from convinced that there was any real in investigation taking place anyway, so to have it officially brought to an end didn’t feel like as a big a loss as might have been expected.


And the article says:

The couple had been forced to “fight, really fight” for the authorities to take up the search again after the case was shelved by Portuguese police three years ago, she added.

So which is it?

Further to the above post,
Here is an old article which talks about the McCanns seeing the "shelving of the case" as a positive step. And yet today they say there is no postive support. How can you ask for support when you are happy to see the case shelved. Doh....................................

Madeleine McCann's parents see shelving of case as 'positive step'

The parents of Madeleine McCann believe the search for their missing daughter will be boosted by the Portuguese authorities shelving their case.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Kate and Gerry McCann believe it will bring them closer to finding Madeleine Photo: PA

By Fiona Govan in Praia da Luz

6:14PM BST 20 Jul 2008

The country's Attorney General is expected to announce on Monday that the police investigation will be archived because of insufficient evidence.

But despite the failure of the Portuguese police to solve the case, Kate and Gerry McCann, both 40, see the move as "positive step" that will bring them closer to finding their daughter, who disappeared from a holiday apartment in the Algarve 15 months ago.

Clarence Mitchell, the spokesman for the family, said they hoped the move would provide the McCanns with vital access to police files.

"They are seeing this as a positive step," he said of the doctors from Rothley in Leicestershire.

"The hope is that they will be given access to the files and that the access will be as extensive as possible. There are thousands of pieces of information contained within the police investigation and this will be a chance to reinvigorate the case.

"It will now be possible for their own detectives to review all the evidence, follow up leads and cross reference everything. They will go through the case with a fine tooth comb and hopefully bring us closer to finding Madeleine," he said.
The pair also hope that the end of the police investigation will lead to removal of their arguido status. They were made formal suspects in their daughter's disappearance in September but strenuously deny any involvement.
"Of course they hope that the arguido status will be lifted and the smear against them removed," said Mr Mitchell.
But a loophole in the law means that suspects named during the investigation will not automatically be cleared when the case is archived.
The family is braced for a fresh assault with the publication later this week of an account of the case published by Goncalo Amaral who was sacked as chief investigator of the case last October.
Published under the title "True Lies" the book is reported to contain "explosive revelations".

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by sharonl 13.06.11 20:56

candyfloss wrote:Truly gobsmacked that's what I am, perhaps we should start a list of just how many people and organisations have supported the McCanns. I'll start off with these few................

Prime Minister - Tony Blair
Chancellor of the Exchequer - Gordon Brown
Jim Gamble - CEOP
Clarence Mitchell - seconded from the MMU for the first few months

Please feel free to add more, there are many.............................

Brian Kennedy
JK Rowling
Denise Welsh
Liverpool FC
Kevin Halligen
Marcos Aragao Correia
Antonella Lazzeri

Could someone please give me the name of one, just one member of team McCann who is a good honest citizen with high moral standards.
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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 21:00

The British Ambassador and consular staff
Mark Warner
Family Liason Officers, flew out to Portugal

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Martin 13.06.11 21:04




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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by ufercoffy 13.06.11 21:10

honeybunch wrote:Hi All

I am a new joiner having recently joined twitter and found out about the Mccanns scam on there.

Hello honeybunch and thank you for joining us! Mrs

Whose cadaver scent and bodily fluid was found in the McCann's apartment and hire car if not Madeleine's?  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 21:17

Hi honeybunch, glad you joined us [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] and welcome

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by sharonl 13.06.11 21:28

Martin wrote:NHS

Glenfield hospital

We may assume that at a time when Gerry McCann was arguido, a suspect in the disappearance of the his own daughter, and the very public allegations made against David Payne in the Gaspar statement (which should have been investigated by the UK authorities, whether in connection with this case or not) that Glenfield Hospital just do the right thing and suspend both Gerry McCann and David Payne until both had been investigated and fully cleared. Obviously Glenfield hospital don`t take this view.
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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Gillyspot 13.06.11 22:13

Didnt Gerry get paid longer than was standard whilst off. think there was something about that in "Madeleine" book

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by sharonl 13.06.11 22:20

honeybunch wrote:Didnt Gerry get paid longer than was standard whilst off. think there was something about that in "Madeleine" book

I vaguely remember that he took extended leave with full pay for a short time, but it was later reduced to a lower level. I would have to check this to be sure.

If this happened before they were made arguidos we could probably understand that his employers may have made allowances in exceptional circumstances.
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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Gillyspot 13.06.11 22:23

Could be wrong but I am sure Kate said in the book how grateful they were that he had been paid longer.

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 22:31

honeybunch wrote:Could be wrong but I am sure Kate said in the book how grateful they were that he had been paid longer.

I think she said that he had a couple of months paid compassionate leave.

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by sharonl 13.06.11 22:52

Take this with a pinch of salt, it`s an extract from a Beano Daily Mirror article

Mr McCann has been on unpaid leave from Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, since Madeleine disappeared from their Portuguese holiday apartment six months ago.

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Re: McCann plea for more family support

Post by Guest 13.06.11 23:17

Baronstu wrote:From the Horse's mouth. (Kates book).

We had been in Portugal ourselves for almost three weeks.
For the moment, Gerry was on paid compassionate leave. As a locum, I wasn’t entitled to this but the partners at my surgery
all agreed they wanted to give me two months’ pay, which was greatly appreciated.

So, that confirms they were broke, they were both getting paid, yet the Fund paid the Mortgage.

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McCann plea for more family support - Page 2 Empty Families of Madeleine McCann and other missing children lobby MPs

Post by sharonl 13.06.11 23:59

Families of Madeleine McCann and other missing children lobby MPs

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Kate McCann tells parliamentary group that victims of burglary get more help than families whose children are missing

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Kate McCann, the mother of missing Madeleine McCann (C) poses with parents of missing children Sarah Godwin (L) and Nicki Durbin (R) outside the Houses of Parliament on Monday. Photograph: Ben Stansall/Getty Images

Madeleine McCann's mother has claimed some victims of burglaries can receive get more emotional, legal and practical support than families whose children are missing, who may get nothing. Giving evidence at a Commons inquiry organised by the all-party parliamentary group on runaway and missing children and adults, Kate McCann said the sense of helplessness felt by families was "overwhelming".

Despite her medical training, she simply "could not function" when her daughter, then almost four, went missing from their apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May 2007. "It was the first time in my life when I felt out of control." Counselling had helped "to talk, to vocalise our fears and to challenge our fears," she said.

McCann told the committee she did not think it should be left to grieving parents to search for their child, and she called for a single point of contact between families of the missing and police. "To be left in the dark when your child is missing and at risk is unbearable."
Human beings are not equipped to deal with such ordeals and more support is crucial if "families are to survive".
She went on: "Many people have been worn down by this process because it's absolutely relentless and exhausting."
But she added that now Scotland Yard is involved in her daughter's case: "I feel the chances of her being found are improving".
Speaking outside the Commons before the hearing, she said: "If your house is burgled, you are automatically offered victim support with emotional, practical and legal assistance. If your child goes missing, you may get nothing. This parliamentary inquiry has the potential to change that."

Last month McCann, from Rothley, Leicestershire, published a book about her daughter's disappearance, to renew efforts to find her.
The official Portuguese inquiry into the disappearance of Madeleine was formally shelved in July 2008, although private detectives employed by the McCanns have continued the search.

MPs heard how families often felt they as if they were being a nuisance to officers, and were often treated as if they were wasting police time, and were left in the dark by police.

Chief constable Nick Gargan, chief executive of the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA), said: "There wouldn't be a police officer in this country who wouldn't change the way they deal with missing persons if they'd listened to the evidence session I've just listened to."

Forces receive 356,000 reports relating to 200,000 missing people each year – the equivalent of one report every 90 seconds, Gargan said.

Up to 80% of those reported missing return home within 24 hours. But between eight and 35 people are found dead each week after being reported missing, he told the MPs.

Of those who went missing, 52% were male, 48% female and two in three were young people who were under 18, he said.
Martin Houghton-Brown, chief executive of the charity Missing People, said: "From dealing with finances, insurance policies, bank accounts and mortgages through to having a missing person declared presumed dead, families left behind often struggle to deal with institutions that have no system for their clients going missing.

"This inquiry is a landmark opportunity for parliamentarians to ensure that families are able to access the full range of support that they so desperately need."

He told the MPs that up to 20,000 families a year could benefit from the support provided by the Missing People charity, but many were unaware that that help was there

Houghton-Brown called for police forces to let the families of missing people know that the charity was there and some support was available.

Home Office minister James Brokenshire, who also gave evidence to the inquiry, said: "We are acutely aware of the pain caused when a loved one goes missing and we are working hard to ensure the best arrangements are in place to support families.

"We continue to work closely with the voluntary sector, providing additional funding for the valuable work of the charity Missing People, which provides a lifeline to missing people and their families through its helpline and wider support services."

From next month, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency will take over responsibility for missing children, further improving the service that families of missing children receive, and providing further specialist support to police forces in missing children cases.

Kate McCann was joined by Sarah Godwin – whose son, Quentin, was 18 when he went missing in New Zealand while on his way to an after-school job on 20 May 1992; and Nicki Durbin, whose son, Luke, 19, went missing four years ago.Ann Coffey, chairwoman of the all-party parliamentary group on runaway and missing children and adults, said the MPs were examining what emotional, practical and legal support those families need to help them cope at such a traumatic time
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