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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Mm11

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Mm11

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Guest 23.12.10 13:49


She works for the local NHS as a GP in Latham House, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. She is currently on maternity leave.

That letter is date 16th May 2008 - Madeleine disappeared in 2007 how could she have been on maternity leave it says currently??

ETA the twins would have been well over 3 years old!!

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Guest 23.12.10 13:52

As pointed out by Autumn according to GM in his interview

Gerry McCann's arguido statement: 07 September 2007
Arguido questioning of Gerald Patrick McCann, on the 7th of September 2007, at 4.05 p.m.

Processos Vol IV, pages 2569-2578
Location: CID Portimão

When questioned, he says that he works at the Emergency Room of the hospital where he works every 15 days, however he is not usually called out at night, and if this happens then it is once for 4 days' prevention. Kate's specialty is general medicine, but she only works two days a week. After the birth of the twins, Kate did not work for a year, on maternity leave, and currently works part-time as mentioned above

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by kangdang 23.12.10 14:35

Here is a strange quote...

Question: "How do you account for the reaction of your dogs inside apartment 5A, indicating the presence of a corpse?"

M. Grime: "The dogs indicated to me that was at one time a corpse in that apartment. The McCanns might have had a corpse in the apartment, having said that however unpleasent that seems as far as I know there is no law against someone keeping a corpse."

To my knowledge, here in the UK, it is only illegal to retain a corpse if the relevant authorities have not been informed and the death has not been certified.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty PFA2 gets it wrong about the '50 Facts' leaflet, claiming that quotes from the files are 'recycled newspaper quotes'. Try having a look at the files some time over at PFA2...

Post by Tony Bennett 23.12.10 15:29

The McCann-believers have reacted against the '50 Facts' leaflet whcih Jill has published.

Here are some of their comments, with my replies in red:

QUOTE: At Jill Havern's forum, someone has started a thread entitled "50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you". Well I had a read through these "facts" and was instantly able to understand why the media are not "telling" us about them. What the poster has listed as "facts" is simply regurgitated unsubstantiated garbage which tabloid newspapers published in the early days following Madeleine's disappearance. If the poster were to have been honest enough to cite the sources, no-one with a brain cell would be impressed.

REPLY: As far as i could see, most of the quotes are from the PJ Files, not from media sources at all. I suspect those at PFA2 know this perfectly well but are recycling their tired old refrain: "The McCann-sceptics only quote from old media stories and speculation".

QUOTE: I recall having a discussion with a rabid anti on the Websleuths Madeleine forum shortly before the owner pulled it. This poster was railing about what [were] called McCann inconsistencies. As proof of their inconsistencies, she cited several different tabloid stories which were reporting the same story, but each slightly differently. She could not or would not consider the possibility that the discrepancies were due to the various spins the different tabloids were putting on it. She could not or would not consider the FACT that since none of the stories had come directly from the McCanns and that all were therefore hearsay and speculation, that the story might be weak on authenticity.

REPLY: See above. Again, so far as I can see, nearly all of the detail comes from the files. It might be an idea, though, to add the sources for the direct quotes, even though this would make the leaflet longer.

QUOTE: Yesterday, it was reported that there is a list of "50,000 suckers" which criminals use to target their scams - i.e. gullible people who will believe anyone who tells them what they want to hear. My immediate thought was of those "suckers" who chose and still choose to believe any source which tells them what they want to hear about the McCann case. These are people who continued to believe tabloid "sources" even when these "sources" were discredited time and time again.

REPLY: When we all know what really happened in this case, which Clarence Mitchell earlier this year called 'a complete mystery', THEN we will know who are the gullible ones.

QUOTE: Stupidity + gullibility + black soul = Goon.


50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Icon_post_targetby preciousramotswe » Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:44 pm

QUOTE: I confess to finding it rather amusing that the '50 facts the media wont tell you' came quite largely FROM the media, in pre-libel case days. Some of the rest of them are Amaral lies/forum myths reapeated endlessly so that many simply accept they are true without checking for themselves, like the old canard about Jane Tanner having changed her description many times.

REPLY: I believe this priceless accumulation of untruths comes from someone supposed to be the 'brains' of the McCann-believer world (!).

QUOTE: It's like when they orchestrate a comment bombing of a Daily Mail article and then "innocently" make observations about public opinion being against the McCanns.

REPLY: If there's any 'orchestration' going on, there's a heck of a lot of people being 'orchestrated'.

QUOTE: I wonder what it's like to be so deluded to think that the "facts" weren't out there when the people you think are guilty WERE MADE SUSPECTS. This is something I've been musing over lately - it hit me with the InsideOut show, with Bennett's complaints that the Foundation wasn't given to the chance to put "their side" forward.

"Their side" was the working theory of the investigation for at least 3 months and the McCanns' arguido status was retained for over a year. The fact that it was had to mean that even Rebelo, etc. worked at least partially on that theory. "Their side" had its damn day, a totally undeserved one, for over a year. I mean, you've got to be kidding - what more do you want? All of the smears and lies about pedophilia and the like are just desperation - the core of their theory is the McCanns know Madeleine is dead and covered up her body. They were made suspects on that basis. There's no evidence to support it. It's completely untrue. Yet it still got its day. It's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, fools. WAKE UP. It's NOT TRUE. The truth is, most of them don't care if it's true or not. You see it in the smugness over the comments on the Portuguese papers that are anti-McCann - they just hate the McCanns, and right now, most of the Amaral crowd cares far more about the Rotund Inspector than they do about Madeleine McCann. It stopped being about little Madeleine McCann when Amaral declared her dead at her parents' hands - she stopped being Portugal's problem and went back to being the McCanns' problem.

At this point, best case scenario for the antis is that no one ever figures out what happened to Madeleine. Amaral can continue to go on Portugal's trashiest television shows and be hidden in the back of newspapers that make the Sun and New York Post look like bastions of journalism, the McCanns will continue to be desperate and saddened, and they can sit on the internet wading through news articles digitally yellowing...

REPLY: In all these rants, not one fact on the 'FIFTY FACTS' leaflet has yet been dented by the McCann-believers'.
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by ufercoffy 23.12.10 15:40

Tony Bennett wrote:REPLY: In all these rants, not one fact on the 'FIFTY FACTS' leaflet has yet been dented by the McCann-believers'.

Of course not. The aim of the Pro's is to attack the poster not the post.

Great work McCann research group! clapping

Whose cadaver scent and bodily fluid was found in the McCann's apartment and hire car if not Madeleine's?  Shocked

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Judge Mental 23.12.10 18:47

One is terribly shocked to note that the abduction theorists seem to constantly post libellous comments referring to Amaral. Do they also libel Mark Harrison and Lee Rainbow in the same way?
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Tony Bennett 23.12.10 19:59


The latest from PFA2...


50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Icon_post_targetby Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:48 pm Message to Tony Bennett

You have copied and pasted my first post in its entirety at Jill Havern's forum without my permission. As you claim to have a legal background, you should know that this breaches my intellectual property rights under the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act.

I give you 24 hours to remove my post. Alternatively, I give my permission for you quote me provided you include a hyperlink to the source (this thread)*. If you fail to compy with this polite request then I will lodge a complaint with your web host. I am very serious about this. I have made two such complaints in the past and on both occasions, the web hosts were very helpful. I do not mind being quoted as long as the quote is sourced and linked. That is Fair Use. I do not give my permission for you to steal my post in its entirety.


* Well, Dr Kate McCann's book is going to be 'very truthful', and in the light of Jayelles being 'very serious' (and of course the webhosts concerned reported as having been 'very helpful', what choice have I got, bearing in mind the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, but to comply immediately?

Link to hysterical McCann-believer nonsense by jayelles, bluj1515, honestbroker and preciousramotse here:

Phew! Just made it within the 24 hours limit!
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Jill Havern 23.12.10 20:18

Are these the same people who steal your posts Tony so that they can poke proverbial sticks at you? huh

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Hypocrisy

Post by Tony Bennett 23.12.10 20:35

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:Are these the same people who steal your posts Tony so that they can poke proverbial sticks at you?
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Phantasia 23.12.10 23:12

Please forgive me ( I am a lowly n00b, and haven't yet been able to read everything in if this has been posted before:

A couple of the strangest things in the 'abduction', in my opinion. were right at the beginning.

1) Why did Kate say "They've taken Madeline" ??? Surely anyone would say 'Madeline's gone'....or 'I can't find Madeline'. What did she mean by they?
Rather as though they had hatched this plan earlier......

2) Why did we hear no more about the woman in the next villa, who said that she heard Madeline crying for her 'mummy' and that Madeline had wandered off and hidden at other bed-times, and Kate had screamed and shouted at the child.

3) There were road-works a few yards from the villas....were they ever uncovered?

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by littlepixie 23.12.10 23:16

The lady who lived in the apartment above the McCanns and heard a child crying gave an official Police statement.

Link to statement

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by kangdang 23.12.10 23:26

Jaycelles needs to read up on intellectual property and the internet.. laughat

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty 'Nerve mightly touched, 'feathers mightly ruffled', 'furious', 'angry' etc.

Post by Tony Bennett 23.12.10 23:37

More from Jayelles on PFA2.

May I make it crystal clear that the following posts, copied and pasted verbatim from theMcCann-believer forum, PFA2, are all the intellectual property of the said Jayelles, save one from Nigel Nessling of Ipswich vee8:


by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:16 pm Dear Tony,

Try again. You really don't want to play games here. One of my previous complaints resulted in the forum being taken offline for several days (web hosts do take copyright complaints seriously). I'm happy to be quoted as long as a link accompanies the quotes (and I mean in the same post). I do not think a microscopic link is very adult. I'd like one the same sized font as the rest of the post please.

PS, You might want to check out the date and time on my post. If you think you "just made" the 24 hour deadline by responding within the first 10 minutes, then it doesn't say an awful lot for your perspective.

Alternatively, you can remove my posts entirely. I know the procedures to follow.

BTW, the only nerve you have touched is that of breaching the correct protocol. I have an academic background and I place high value in Fair Use and proper sourcing.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:30 pm

In my experience, web hosts are very obliging about removing material which breaches copyright, Where they take a dim view is when it is clear that the initial request to comply with fair use has been ignored or refused by the culprit. It was on such an occasion that the host took a forum offline.

I have never had to file a DCMA takedown, but I know someone who did and the forum in question was taken offline permanently.

I have proof that Tony Bennett saw my request within 10 mins of me making it. So far he has a) failed to reduce my post to fair usage quotes b) failed to provide a link within the actual post he copied. To boot, his response has been to steal another post in its entirety and add a ridiculously small link to it. This is mounting evidence that he is not taking my request seriously and I will use it if I have to take my complaint to Jill Havern's web host.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:33 pm

Incidentally, I always request that posts of mine which are copied in their entirety without a courteous link to the source be removed. If I want to make a post in a particular forum, I would join it and make the post. I like my posts to be read in context.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:47 pm

Dear Tony,

Er no. I have never copied and pasted any post of yours in its entirety without so much as a courteous link to the source. This is a polite personal request for you to reciprocate in the name of intellectual and academic civility.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:52 pm

I see there's a forum on the forum to file a complaint with the administrator. Not sure what good that would do. Fortunately, forumotion have a procedure for litigation issues.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:17 pm

I'm not as knowledgeable about the forums and characters as others. Is Go Get Em Goncalo = Jill Havern? I have lodged a complaint with the forum administrator as this is the correct protocol in the lead up to an official legal complaint.

I gave TB 24 hours to respond thinking this was a reasonable amount of time to allow him to see my request. Since I have proof that he saw it within minutes of my making it, I think it's reasonable for him to respond sooner rather than within seconds of my "deadline", but I understand he has a history of responding to deadlines at the 11th hour.

For the record, I'm not seeking to take their forum down - only to have Fair Use applied to my intellectual property as is my legal right but I understand forumotion is a free forum host and in my experience, they are more likely to take a forum down rather than deal with hassle.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:20 pm

I've just noticed that Tony Bennett has not only copied and pasted my post - he has altered it too. He has inserted a word which places a different meaning on what I said. That's actually more serious.

Jayelles wrote: I'm not as knowledgeable about the forums and characters as others. Is Go Get Em Goncalo = Jill Havern? I have lodged a complaint with the forum administrator as this is the correct protocol in the lead up to an official legal complaint.

I gave TB 24 hours to respond thinking this was a reasonable amount of time to allow him to see my request. Since I have proof that he saw it within minutes of my making it, I think it's reasonable for him to respond sooner rather than within seconds of my "deadline", but I understand he has a history of responding to deadlines at the 11th hour.

For the record, I'm not seeking to take their forum down - only to have Fair Use applied to my intellectual property as is my legal right but I understand forumotion is a free forum host and in my experience, they are more likely to take a forum down rather than deal with hassle.

REPLY: Yes it is Jay. No one would miss it except Bennett - nowhere much tolerates him now.

by vee8 » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:40 pm I suggest you stop being Mr Nice guy and make a formal complaint. The only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:44 pm

vee8 wrote: I suggest you stop being Mr Nice guy and make a formal complaint. The only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them.

[NOTE FOR THE RECORD - THE FOLLOWING IS JAYELLES SPEAKING:] Agreed. I have the proof that he's seen my request. I'm going to bed now. If he hasn't complied by the time I get up in the morning, I'll make it official. I'm not hanging around whilst he plays silly beggars.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:47 pm

Final note for Tony. This is what I'm asking you to do just so that it's clear.

The ORIGINAL post you copied and pasted on page 3 of the thread in question - I want it removed. Alternatively, you may quote from it provided you do NOT change my words but if you choose this option, you should provide a link to the original post here so that readers can see the entire post within its context.

I also request that you remove my other post which you copied and pasted in its entirety on page 4 of the thread. If you want to quote, fine but a sensiblly sized font for the link please.

Incidentally, I get up at 7.30am.

by Jayelles » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:54 pm

Incidentally, the Goon prattles on about how no-one has refuted the 50 "facts" and completely avoids the issue that the onus is not upon the McCanns or their supporters to endlessly disprove their (the antis') fairy tales but for them to provide sources and proof of their accusations in the first instance.

In the same way, they deny the McCanns the presumption of innocence.


Jayelles wishes me to link to the thread where his intellectual property is posted, and I quote him/her: "If you want to quote, fine but a sensiblly [sp.] sized font for the link please".

OK, here goes:

One more thing.

Merry Christmas, Jayelles
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by kangdang 23.12.10 23:46

Jayelles wrote: I'm not as knowledgeable about the forums

Nor is 'it' knowledgeable about the copyright and intellectual property it seems. Here Jeycelles

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Altering Jayelles' username

Post by Tony Bennett 23.12.10 23:49

kangdang wrote:Jaycelles needs to read up on intellectual property and the internet...
Be careful, kangdang, be very careful.

Jayelles has accused me of removing a word from his/her posting, an accusation I believe to be untrue by the way.

S/he said: "I've just noticed that Tony Bennett has not only copied and pasted my post - he has altered it too. He has inserted a word which places a different meaning on what I said. That's actually more serious".

kangdang, I see you have added a letter (c) to his/her name.

I know it's only one letter, whereas my offence was supposed to be one word...

...but to alter a username?

Unheard of.

It could even be a breach of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act.

Well, you never know.
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by kangdang 23.12.10 23:58


I'm tempted to scan and upload the ICT legislative awareness leaflet I produced for kiddies several years ago...

Indeed, I swallow a textbook everyday….a fact of which I am proud smug By far preferable and productive than wasting precious hours concocting and launching vitriolic attacks against others in the hope of gaining a few claps on a board frequented by lesser life form.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Tony Bennett 24.12.10 0:05

Phantasia wrote:Please forgive me (I am a lowly n00b, and haven't yet been able to read everything in if this has been posted before:

A couple of the strangest things in the 'abduction', in my opinion, were right at the beginning.

1) Why did Kate say "They've taken Madeleine" ??? Surely anyone would say 'Madeline's gone'....or 'I can't find Madeline'. What did she mean by they?
Rather as though they had hatched this plan earlier...

Phantasia, to get back on topic after the interruption by Jayelles, this quote of Kate McCann's is unsubstantiated. There is no clear evidence that she actually said this - and many of us think she did not. If you have time to look at all the contradictions between the statements made by various members of the 'Tapas 9' group (some in the '50 Facts' leaflet and others discussed elsewhere here), you'll rapidly see that whole chunks of what this group say about what happened on the day Madeleine disappeared simply cannot be regarded as true.

2) Why did we hear no more about the woman in the next villa, who said that she heard Madeeline crying for her 'Mummy' and that Madeline had wandered off and hidden at other bed-times, and Kate had screamed and shouted at the child.

I'll be brief.

The woman was Mrs Pamela Fenn, aged I think 82 at the time, who occupied a flat above the McCanns' apartment, G5A. She said she heard a girl crying 'Daddy, Daddy' (not 'Mummy') for 75 minutes continually between 10.30pm and 11.45pm. She said that the crying stopped when she heard a door open and close. She recalls this happening on the evening of Tuesday 1 May, twOdays before the day Madeleine was reported missing. The disappearance of Madeleine is a massive subject. All I will say here is that it is not by any means certain that the child heard crying was Madeleine, nor is it certain that the child was crying 'Daddy, Daddy', I don't want to open up too many conundrums at once so will leave that there.

I am not sure if it was Mrs Fenn or another witness who said that Madeleine had been seen wandering off from her parents one evening and hiding in the bushes. Indeed, I am not absolutely sure whether that story was ever confirmed. Perhaps someone esle on this forum can help?

Nor am I sure, I'm afraid, if it was Mrs Fenn who heard Madeleine (or another child) screaming on another occasion.

As you may know, the McCanns themselves said that on the morning of the day she was later reported missing, Madeleine is supposed to have said that she and Sean were crying the previous night when her parents were not there. Dr Kate McCann later claimed that it was merely 'a passing remark' and said Madeleine laughed it off and went off happily and playing after making that remark. There is doubt about this account too.

3) There were road-works a few yards from the villas...were they ever uncovered?

I think there is a note on the police files to say that all these road works were checked the morning after Madeleine was reported misisng. The McCanns themselves have repeatedly insisted most adamantly that they knew 'instantly' that Madeleine had been abducted - and they totally ruled out Madeleine wandering off, as they said she would not have had the strength to open either door to the apartment.

Please, if you, or anyone else here has some basic questions about this very complex case, do not hesitate to ask, we'll do our best to help answer them
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Phantasia 24.12.10 0:14

Thank you for the reply.

.....I know that there were many discrepancies in what people were reported as having said, at the time I avidly read Gerry's online diary. (Which disappeared after a while) and copied a load from it, and from other sources (like statements from the mother of Kate for example), to keep, as I had a feeling it would all be taken away at some point....I then bought a new pc and neglected to copy lots of my 'saved' files over, so I have lost all the strange things I noted back at the time. 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 173510

I was very pleased to find this site, although it was Jo Yeats I was searching google for, so the Madeline discussion is a bonus! 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 847771

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty For further reading...

Post by Tony Bennett 24.12.10 0:29

Phantasia wrote:Thank you for the reply. I know that there were many discrepancies in what people were reported as having said, at the time I avidly read Gerry's online diary...and copied a load from it, and from other sources (like statements from the mother of Kate for example), to keep, as I had a feeling it would all be taken away at some point...I then bought a new pc and neglected to copy lots of my 'saved' files over, so I have lost all the strange things I noted back at the time. I was very pleased to find this site, although it was Jo Yeates I was searching google for, so the Madeline discussion is a bonus!
Phantasia, at the end of the 'Fifty Facts' leaflet is a list of sources for further reading and research:

Published by ‘The Madeleine McCann Research Group’Further reading:

The first one of those, if you really want to read them, has ALL of Dr Gerald McCann's blogs.

The third one down, mccannfiles, run by Gloucestershire resident Nigel Moore, is regarded by most of us as the 'encyclopaedia' or 'research library' of what might be termed the 'McCann-sceptic movement'. There's not much that isn't there.

Parts of the case are analysed in depth on the Madeleine Foundation site and the other two sites mentioned also carry much discussion.
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty On yer bike, cyclist!

Post by cyclist 01.01.11 18:07


I have a message for you, 'cyclist'.

On yer bike!

A reminder to all posters: The central purpose of this forum is to help solve what the McCanns' own spokesperson, Clarence Mitchell, last year called 'the complete mystery' of Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

And you never came here with that purpose in mind.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by theolivebranch 01.01.11 19:06

Is it the intention that this excellent collation of facts is to be printed in hard copy and distributed. If it is I would like to contribute to the printing costs.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty 'Fifty Facts about Madeleine' to be published as a stand-alone leaflet? Almost certainly, yes.

Post by Tony Bennett 01.01.11 19:16

theolivebranch wrote:Is it the intention that this excellent collation of facts is to be printed in hard copy and distributed. If it is I would like to contribute to the printing costs.
The Madeleine McCann Research Group has taken soundings and overall there is strong support for publishing this document as an A4 leaflet.

Although I understand no final decisions have been taken, a 4-page A4 leaflet could be produced for around 3p. a copy (£3 per 100), depending on the quantity.

One of the group will make an announcement about this in the next 4 weeks at the most.

It is felt that, unlike e.g. Goncalo Amaral's thesis 'The Truth About A Lie' and our '60 Reasons', there is zero risk of any libel action or injunction or other action etc. to try to halt publication of 'Fifty Facts' - as they are self-evidently a series of facts, rather than comment. People can form their own judgments about these 50 facts.

In passing, it is interesting to note that the best that the McCann-believer side of the debate can offer in answer to 'Fifty Facts' is to claim that they are 'tired old speculative newspaper stories'.

Classic wishful thinking on their part!

In fact, the quotes are directly from the mouths of the McCanns, their 'Tapas 9' mates, and their highly-paid professional advisers.

Strange that no journalist has put them all together before?
Tony Bennett
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by theolivebranch 01.01.11 19:42

Tony Bennett wrote:
theolivebranch wrote:Is it the intention that this excellent collation of facts is to be printed in hard copy and distributed. If it is I would like to contribute to the printing costs.
The Madeleine McCann Research Group has taken soundings and overall there is strong support for publishing this document as an A4 leaflet.

Although I understand no final decisions have been taken, a 4-page A4 leaflet could be produced for around 3p. a copy (£3 per 100), depending on the quantity.

One of the group will make an announcement about this in the next 4 weeks at the most.

It is felt that, unlike e.g. Goncalo Amaral's thesis 'The Truth About A Lie' and our '60 Reasons', there is zero risk of any libel action or injunction or other action etc. to try to halt publication of 'Fifty Facts' - as they are self-evidently a series of facts, rather than comment. People can form their own judgments about these 50 facts.

In passing, it is interesting to note that the best that the McCann-believer side of the debate can offer in answer to 'Fifty Facts' is to claim that they are 'tired old speculative newspaper stories'.

Classic wishful thinking on their part!

In fact, the quotes are directly from the mouths of the McCanns, their 'Tapas 9' mates, and their highly-paid professional advisers.

Strange that no journalist has put them all together before?

Thankyou for your reply Tony, and incidentally all the very best to you and yours for 2011. I will keep my eyes skinned then for an announcement.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by listener 01.01.11 20:12

Tony Bennett wrote:
Strange that no journalist has put them all together before?

I find the total absense of any kind of investgative journalism by the UK press in this case most odd.
I suspect they are heavily gagged.
I pushed a friend of mine on the subject and got 'stone-walled'. He has now retired but was the Editor of a quite well circulated paper and also chaired the PCC (Press Complaints Commision).
Most odd indeed 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 256820

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 2 Empty "My job is to control what comes out in the media"

Post by Tony Bennett 01.01.11 20:39

listener wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:Strange that no journalist has put them all together before?
I find the total absence of any kind of investgative journalism by the UK press in this case most odd.
I suspect they are heavily gagged.
Let us never forget that in an interview with L'Espresso in September 2007, the McCanns' chief public relations officer, Clarence Mitchell, boasted of his job as Head of the Labour government's 40-strong Media Monitoring Unit that: "My job is to control what comes out in the media".
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