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PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments - Page 2 Mm11

PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments - Page 2 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments - Page 2 Mm11

PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments - Page 2 Regist10

PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments

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PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments - Page 2 Empty Re: PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments

Post by PeterMac 22.07.23 7:54

And this morning's comments include

Jon Clarke
Get your chequebooks ready

for proving that
1.  Clarke WAS genuinely in PdL on the morning of 4/4/7 by about 0945 +. Portuguese time (=WEST = BST = GMT+1)
2.  Clarke WAS genuinely in a position to see the things he reports he saw
3.  Clarke WAS genuinely in a position to speak to the McCanns "as they left" as he has told the world on Netflix,
4.  Clarke WAS genuinely furthermore the only journalist in that position.

How can proving that he told the truth be "damaging to his reputation" ?

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Post by Guest 22.07.23 8:23

the one i linked, has the totman effect, not a unknown factor in this saga, shoes alike, sweater alike, guy alike.

and i get the idea he did never named his paper olive because of olives, but because it is or was his favorite colour, or who knows, maybe it was olive press first and the colors are the company style. 

he is not afraid of choosing a new hair fit either. but chooses for a straight cut instead of whiskers next to his ears, same as the mystery man of praia da luz in the early video's and pictures. most looks to be owned by sky news or itn, some early ones are also belong to keir simmons, also one that is known as one of the first journalists at the scene. 

there is another owner of early pictures of may 4 2007 named 'melanie maps', but there is very little to find about it, if it is a company, or a person i do not know, affiliated to apf and called a stringer. 

some photo archiving sites have a option to see who owns the rights of a picture, and the lady has a camera, and the mystery man too, but none of the names i have found looks even a bit to one of them. 

besides large press agencies, there could also be a lot of more local press out. same with the expat sites. 
and a reporter/journalist on holiday in the algarve can get access to that parking lot, it is not it was an actual restricted area, for press cards only people. there are many free lance reporters out there, and it was not a big story on that first morning. so get some lines and a picture is where the money is.

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Post by Silentscope 22.07.23 9:03

What possible reason would Jon Clarke have to say that the Person in the Videos was NOT HIM?

He has nothing to gain, or to lose by saying otherwise.

Or has he?

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Post by crusader 22.07.23 9:24

Video of man (Jon Clarke)? walking towards police, starting at 9-08.


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PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments - Page 2 Empty Re: PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments

Post by PeterMac 22.07.23 10:49

YES That is a very short clip from the much longer one I quote in the article 

In the longer clip Mystery Man then shakes hands with the GNR officer and touches him on the upper arm/ pats him/ strokes him/ or whatever is the p.c. word to use when a man caresses another before moving away SECONDS BEFORE the camera pans back to catch the McCanns actually leaving from the stairwell where Clarke now says he wasn't.
During those few seconds Clarke passed the Dog vans and dogs, the forensic specialist trying to take prints from the obviously NOT Broken shutters, and goes past dozens of other police officers, 

But somehow failed to note or remember those details when he eventually did his write up, about being the first or only, and the first couple of dogs arriving late in the afternoon, and only a few police officers at the scene, and [insert nonsense story here ]

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