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Pink Running Shoes Empty Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 27.07.11 23:59

Wed 2nd May 2007

"... I left a little while later again, to go for a run with Matt. I'd bought a new pair of running shoes a few days before we left for Portugal, and they were certainly getting a good initiation. They were pink, which I wasn't quite sure about - I wondered how seriously a runner in pink trainers could be taken - but after a few outings in the sand they weren't looking quite so glaring and girly. As we ran along the promenade, a small dog jumped out from under a bench and attacked my right calf"

Now Katie, what are you trying to tell us here? Did you not wear those same trainers on Sunday when you went running with your hubbie?

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by ROSA 28.07.11 0:24

Is it sunday 6th molly?

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 28.07.11 7:12

ROSA wrote:Is it sunday 6th molly?

Sunday 29th.

I am working of a timeline according to Katie, should have that part done by the weekend. Will send/post when it is ready

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Jill Havern 28.07.11 7:47

Molly wrote:As we ran along the promenade, a small dog jumped out from under a bench and attacked my right calf"

Was she wearing these? titter

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by ROSA 28.07.11 9:22

Thankyou Molly

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 28.07.11 17:53

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:
Molly wrote:As we ran along the promenade, a small dog jumped out from under a bench and attacked my right calf"

Was she wearing these? titter

Pink Running Shoes Pants_10

Now that's an interesting question Get'em big grin I'm just relieved that she got those pink trainers broken in.

You are welcome, Rosa, now back to work for me roll

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re-Kate's Pink Running Shoes.

Post by joan thomas 18.09.11 20:14

Pink Running Shoes 173510

Later, after Madeleine's alleged abduction, Kate tells us about her self punishing runs and how
on one occasion, when on her own, she decided to climb to the highest point of the mountain.
While up there she found herself surrounded by wild dogs and she become frightened as they numbered
as many twelve.
Don't give much hope for Madeleine if she was (as Danie Krugel stated) burried or entombed near that location
A horrible thought, but nature is brutal and it would be one way to dispose of a body completely by an alleged
joan thomas

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 18.09.11 20:58

joan thomas wrote:Pink Running Shoes 173510

Later, after Madeleine's alleged abduction, Kate tells us about her self punishing runs and how on one occasion, when on her own, she decided to climb to the highest point of the mountain. While up there she found herself surrounded by wild dogs and she become frightened as they numbered as many twelve. Don't give much hope for Madeleine if she was (as Danie Krugel stated) burried or entombed near that location A horrible thought, but nature is brutal and it would be one way to dispose of a body completely by an alleged abductor!

Pink Running Shoes Rocha10

She sure mentioned Rocha Negra a lot. Would you like to debate your abduction theory, Joan Thomas?

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by jd 19.09.11 0:55

Molly wrote:Wed 2nd May 2007

"... I left a little while later again, to go for a run with Matt. I'd bought a new pair of running shoes a few days before we left for Portugal, and they were certainly getting a good initiation. They were pink, which I wasn't quite sure about - I wondered how seriously a runner in pink trainers could be taken - but after a few outings in the sand they weren't looking quite so glaring and girly. As we ran along the promenade, a small dog jumped out from under a bench and attacked my right calf"

If only Kate had the same level of detail to her daughter, let alone the dedication of being a parent which she so desperately wanted to be going through IVF. Only to leave them on their own in an unlocked apartment while she went out to get rat arsed night after night. She can't even detail truthfully about the simple fact of the shutters! Well one version of the shutters to the PJ when caught out, and another to the public at large in all other countries is the fact. But.....we know all the details of pink trainers and airplane services!! So this is more important Kate is it?

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Gillyspot 19.09.11 7:30

I agree JD.

I have read "Madeleine" several times and it is amazing how little Kate shares with us about Madeleine to be honest. Plenty about IVF & Kate's AGONY & TORMENT but very little about the small child who went missing.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 20.09.11 8:00

I think she is laying a foundation for other possible scenario's like: a wild dog took my baby. After all, that really did happen with the Australian baby and the Dingo. I think we are supposed to subconsciously draw a comparison.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 20.09.11 8:09

And I think it is absurd and disturbing that you even mention the colour of your running shoes in an account about the abduction of your much loved child. Who c a r e s about that?

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Earlier thread?

Post by tigger 20.09.11 8:27

The police found a footprint with associated blood near the flat? I got that from an earlier thread.
The dog nipped her calf allegedly, where is that bit in her book that she was surrounded by up to 12 dogs on Rocha Negra?
Anyway, the whole point is, pink trainers, I think thrown away? Never seen again?
Bloody footprint near 5A.
Reason, dog bite(s). Police take note.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 20.09.11 8:37

Juulcy wrote:And I think it is absurd and disturbing that you even mention the colour of your running shoes in an account about the abduction of your much loved child. Who c a r e s about that?

I so agree, but again her book is filled with sayings that should never appered in a book like this !!

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 20.09.11 9:08

I think that the attention to mind-numbing detail is to convey the impression that Kate has a photographic memory (and we know how we can rely on the authenticity of photos in this case, don't we!!) and that everything she says is an accurate truthful recollection.

I'm not convinced that she's trying to convey a link with the "dingo baby" case. The mother did after all spend some time in jail and many people do think that she was guilty. I've never been able to make up my mind about Lindy Chamberlain but the fact that she didn't set up a business enterprise and isn't still fundraising to this day does make me look on her more favourably!

I do think though that the aim of the dodgy football shirt photos is to create a subconscious link to the Soham girls. A good marketing ploy you might even say.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 20.09.11 9:55

tigger wrote:The police found a footprint with associated blood near the flat? I got that from an earlier thread.
What thread was that Tigger?
On McCannfiles, you will see an article written by the NOTW, that claims this, but if you read the forensic report, it mentions nothing of the sort.
Perhaps the NOTW made it up? Perhaps someone confused a foot print in Dragons blood, to be real blood. laughat

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Impressed?

Post by tigger 20.09.11 14:45

Stella wrote:
tigger wrote:The police found a footprint with associated blood near the flat? I got that from an earlier thread.
What thread was that Tigger?
On McCannfiles, you will see an article written by the NOTW, that claims this, but if you read the forensic report, it mentions nothing of the sort.
Perhaps the NOTW made it up? Perhaps someone confused a foot print in Dragons blood, to be real blood. laughat

Hi Stella, for once I saved the info. Here it is:

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Maddie's trainers

Post by tigger 21.09.11 8:01

The whole pink trainer thing is weird. Not only must we be interested in her jogging but the irrelevant colour.
But! Maddie's trainers, which were noticed by the cleaner (she found them very cute) are not mentioned. She describes them as having little lights along the side which would go on and off as she walked.

In the playground photo, I think the girl in pink is wearing them. I don't believe it's Maddie anyway, but surely it would have been a golden opportunity to mention another 'expensive' item of clothing her doting mother had bought her.
Now those distinctive trainers should still have been at 5a, but the only DNA possibility were sandals? Which were shared with the twins, they told the police.

If the girl in the playground photo wasn't Maddie, it's more understandable they weren't mentioned.

Same with M's pyjamas, one pair washed to show the media, one pair on Maddie when she disappeared, but also another 'dirty' pair of pyjamas, which they threw in the back of the Scenic when they moved to the villa (one of the first explanations for the DNA, too feeble to maintain and why didn't they submit those for DNA testing?).
That makes a girl going on holidays with one pair of sandals and three pairs of pyjamas. Dear, dear.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 21.09.11 9:38

Tigger, I have done a word search within the Portuguese Forensic Report, for shoe and foot print and have come up with nothing, not one match. I think I know what you are referring to and it has to do with a newspaper reporter claiming to have seen a police report shown to them !!! but why would the PJ do that? Personally I do not think there is any weight in this story. The whole apartment was covered in foot prints that night, probably from trainers and a reporter was trying to create a sensational new story.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by PeterMac 21.09.11 9:40

tigger wrote:Same with M's pyjamas, one pair washed to show the media, one pair on Maddie when she disappeared, but also another 'dirty' pair of pyjamas, which they threw in the back of the Scenic when they moved to the villa (one of the first explanations for the DNA, too feeble to maintain and why didn't they submit those for DNA testing?).
That makes a girl going on holidays with one pair of sandals and three pairs of pyjamas. Dear, dear.

You surely don't believe what you are being told, do you ? After all this time !

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Pink Running Shoes Empty footprint

Post by tigger 21.09.11 13:03

Stella wrote:Tigger, I have done a word search within the Portuguese Forensic Report, for shoe and foot print and have come up with nothing, not one match. I think I know what you are referring to and it has to do with a newspaper reporter claiming to have seen a police report shown to them !!! but why would the PJ do that? Personally I do not think there is any weight in this story. The whole apartment was covered in foot prints that night, probably from trainers and a reporter was trying to create a sensational new story.

Hi Stella, I posted this yesterday I think? You're right it's based on a newspaper report, but I was under the impression that Little Morsals is quite dependable. They don't state it as fact, just what is presented.
Personally, I think a bloody footprint is a little over the top, but if that was the case, it would be probably one of the pieces of evidence that the PJ would not put in the public domain? I understand they have released less than half of their documents?

It's strange, the things Kate mentions and the ones she specifically doesn't mention. Like the mysterious brown stain on Maddie's pyjamas which had to be washed immediately, to what purpose are we being told these details? They are all non sequiturs.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 21.09.11 15:36

Yes tigger, much has been withheld from the files. But unless this forensic report has been produced in two versions (which I somehow doubt), then the one we see does not mention even collecting this sample, let alone examining it.
There has been many false bits of information released since day one, much of which we have tried to work through, to establish if it is correct, or dismiss it as myth. Personally, I think this one is a myth.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Yes, I think so too.

Post by tigger 21.09.11 15:48

Stella wrote:Yes tigger, much has been withheld from the files. But unless this forensic report has been produced in two versions (which I somehow doubt), then the one we see does not mention even collecting this sample, let alone examining it.
There has been many false bits of information released since day one, much of which we have tried to work through, to establish if it is correct, or dismiss it as myth. Personally, I think this one is a myth.

In any case, it's not important. Even if it did exist, there could be many innocent explanations.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Fresh eyes?

Post by Guest 20.03.12 21:41

There's the church, the Pope, the running, the tennis, tapas and more. We've been fed the image from the couple and the press but I've been thinking. The church visits convinced us of a deeply religious woman but I've always believed that it was staged to cover the strange request for a priest on the night of 3rd. Then the other advantage was the respectability and the publicity shot with the Pope, at that time they were on the crest of the wave. I still believe that if they were such keen tennis players and nothing else was amiss on the Saturday they'd have booked it. Because what else did they intend to do in PDL every day while the kids were at the creche? They're described as a sociable couple for the sake of the tapas alibi but is Kate really sociable?

In her book Kate starts out by her strenuous run up One Tree Hill. Whether or not she did that is anyone's guess but it sets the scene for her runs up Rocha Negra. After some routine mentions of runs in the UK she then tells of her run with Matt on the Wednesday while Rachel was playing tennis and who knows what Gerry was doing. Whether or not she went running with Matt that day she's preparing us for two facts, first she had new trainers on, they weren't suitable for a serious running candidate and she was attacked by dogs too. I'm now thinking that Kate wasn't at that point a seasoned runner and she's allowing for people having seen her running when she wasn't lets say at her peak. With 3 small children under the age of 4 and after two pregnancies in recent years it's not surprising. But she desperately wants us to see her as a runner at this point.

She makes a very big deal of her Thursday run after about 3 hours of tennis. 7 tapas witnesses to corroborate and even to describe her clothing. Even Cat Nanny verifies it "Kate went to get Madeleine from the Tapas Bar area and according to what I remember she was wearing sporting clothes and I assumed that she was practicing some form of athletics". It's interesting that she remembers this because she forgot that Gerry was also supposed to be at the Tapas with Kate. I know she does need an alibi but she could just have said she hung out with Gerry.

The running gets a break until she mentions her desire to run up Rocha Negra and this she does on 14th. She begins by telling us about why running is so good for us and then adds the interesting comment that she was driven by additional and more complicated motives. I believe her. But to me it reads like she began running after a long absence. And then she goes on with the sickening bit about inflicting pain on herself and the rosary but she managed to run along the beach and walk up Rocha Negra. Not bad for a start. And she improves for the many runs with Gerry for the next few months.

I really don't buy that Kate was a runner then, I think she emerged a runner. I think they desperately needed to get away for some reason and running was the only way. It's very allowable that she found religion in PDL but wouldn't be right for her to begin a fitness campaign at this time. It was an easy sell to the awaiting press, they sure looked the part. And it was doubtful they'd be followed. Kate keeps taking us to Rocha Negra to that grey stone slab. I don't believe Madeleine would be there but something happened and something brought them there often. I got sidetracked by the new pink trainers.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Liz Eagles 20.03.12 22:22

Molly wrote:There's the church, the Pope, the running, the tennis, tapas and more. We've been fed the image from the couple and the press but I've been thinking. The church visits convinced us of a deeply religious woman but I've always believed that it was staged to cover the strange request for a priest on the night of 3rd. Then the other advantage was the respectability and the publicity shot with the Pope, at that time they were on the crest of the wave. I still believe that if they were such keen tennis players and nothing else was amiss on the Saturday they'd have booked it. Because what else did they intend to do in PDL every day while the kids were at the creche? They're described as a sociable couple for the sake of the tapas alibi but is Kate really sociable?

In her book Kate starts out by her strenuous run up One Tree Hill. Whether or not she did that is anyone's guess but it sets the scene for her runs up Rocha Negra. After some routine mentions of runs in the UK she then tells of her run with Matt on the Wednesday while Rachel was playing tennis and who knows what Gerry was doing. Whether or not she went running with Matt that day she's preparing us for two facts, first she had new trainers on, they weren't suitable for a serious running candidate and she was attacked by dogs too. I'm now thinking that Kate wasn't at that point a seasoned runner and she's allowing for people having seen her running when she wasn't lets say at her peak. With 3 small children under the age of 4 and after two pregnancies in recent years it's not surprising. But she desperately wants us to see her as a runner at this point.

She makes a very big deal of her Thursday run after about 3 hours of tennis. 7 tapas witnesses to corroborate and even to describe her clothing. Even Cat Nanny verifies it "Kate went to get Madeleine from the Tapas Bar area and according to what I remember she was wearing sporting clothes and I assumed that she was practicing some form of athletics". It's interesting that she remembers this because she forgot that Gerry was also supposed to be at the Tapas with Kate. I know she does need an alibi but she could just have said she hung out with Gerry.

The running gets a break until she mentions her desire to run up Rocha Negra and this she does on 14th. She begins by telling us about why running is so good for us and then adds the interesting comment that she was driven by additional and more complicated motives. I believe her. But to me it reads like she began running after a long absence. And then she goes on with the sickening bit about inflicting pain on herself and the rosary but she managed to run along the beach and walk up Rocha Negra. Not bad for a start. And she improves for the many runs with Gerry for the next few months.

I really don't buy that Kate was a runner then, I think she emerged a runner. I think they desperately needed to get away for some reason and running was the only way. It's very allowable that she found religion in PDL but wouldn't be right for her to begin a fitness campaign at this time. It was an easy sell to the awaiting press, they sure looked the part. And it was doubtful they'd be followed. Kate keeps taking us to Rocha Negra to that grey stone slab. I don't believe Madeleine would be there but something happened and something brought them there often. I got sidetracked by the new pink trainers.

Great post! Pink Running Shoes 259100 There is so much in your post to think about. Thank you.
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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Ribisl 20.03.12 22:22

tigger wrote:
Stella wrote:Tigger, I have done a word search within the Portuguese Forensic Report, for shoe and foot print and have come up with nothing, not one match. I think I know what you are referring to and it has to do with a newspaper reporter claiming to have seen a police report shown to them !!! but why would the PJ do that? Personally I do not think there is any weight in this story. The whole apartment was covered in foot prints that night, probably from trainers and a reporter was trying to create a sensational new story.

Hi Stella, I posted this yesterday I think? You're right it's based on a newspaper report, but I was under the impression that Little Morsals is quite dependable. They don't state it as fact, just what is presented.
Personally, I think a bloody footprint is a little over the top, but if that was the case, it would be probably one of the pieces of evidence that the PJ would not put in the public domain? I understand they have released less than half of their documents?

It's strange, the things Kate mentions and the ones she specifically doesn't mention. Like the mysterious brown stain on Maddie's pyjamas which had to be washed immediately, to what purpose are we being told these details? They are all non sequiturs.

In her book she skips over her days and weeks giving away hardly any information, yet she goes into details about some trivial subjects such as training shoes, Madeleine's outfit, 'tea' stain, etc. I am inclined to think these are actually based on facts, though possibly with a fair amount of twisting I should say, because I frankly don't believe she is capable of writing an entire book of complete fiction. (Btw ditto for 'Why didn't you come...?'.)
Could it be, tigger, it's because she is having to conceal the most important truth that she is having to fill the vacuum with such trivial and often irrelevant facts?

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by tigger 21.03.12 5:58

It's either Blacksmith or Dr. Roberts who points out that Kate's daily activities in OC betray a certain loneliness - being apart from the action and from their friends.
This makes a lot of sense if the whole affair took off on the 28th or the 29th.

Some 'clues' such as the tea stain are presumably to indicate a filthy paedophile already having been in 5a on the night of the 2nd. Reminds me of a bad film where the camera homes in on such clues without explanation.

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by PeterMac 21.03.12 7:43

Just as a matter of interest - running along the beach is almost impossible.
It is very fine sand from the sandstone cliffs, which does not compact, even when wet.
So even if you stay on the part close to the sea your foot sinks as you try to walk.
Wonderful for serious training, but doubtful if you could manage more than 50 metres

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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by russiandoll 21.03.12 9:31

not re the running shoes.

Why did Kate in her book describe Wed 2nd May as their" last completely happy day. The last, to date, as a family of five."
In the book she states Madeleine's question about the ignored crying was the morning of 3rd, about an episode the previous night. So they were a family of five on 3rd May if Maddie was at breakfast as claimed.

Now if she had written one sentence as follows, about 2nd May , it makes sense.

Our last completely happy day as a family of five.
[it was, in the context of what she claimed happened.......10pm the next day all that changed, so not totally happy]

That full stop makes for a whole different inference. The 2nd was the day something happened?
No comma, or semi-colon. A stand- alone sentence about the 2nd, separating it from the concept of complete happiness.

Simply translated: 2nd May was the last time they were a family of 5.
Maybe something happened that day, maybe Maddie's demise; maybe the last time she was physically present , even though not alive. She was still with them. Maybe this was the day she was moved, early hours 3rd.


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Pink Running Shoes Empty Re: Pink Running Shoes

Post by Guest 21.03.12 9:38

russiandoll wrote: not re the running shoes.

Why did Kate in her book describe Wed 2nd May as their" last completely happy day. The last, to date, as a family of five."
In the book she states Madeleine's question about the ignored crying was the morning of 3rd, about an episode the previous night. So they were a family of five on 3rd May if Maddie was at breakfast as claimed.

Now if she had written one sentence as follows, about 2nd May , it makes sense.

Our last completely happy day as a family of five.
[it was, in the context of what she claimed happened.......10pm the next day all that changed, so not totally happy]

That full stop makes for a whole different inference. The 2nd was the day something happened?
No comma, or semi-colon. A stand- alone sentence about the 2nd, separating it from the concept of complete happiness.

Simply translated: 2nd May was the last time they were a family of 5.
Maybe something happened that day, maybe Maddie's demise; maybe the last time she was physically present , even though not alive. She was still with them. Maybe this was the day she was moved, early hours 3rd.

This is rather off topic russiandoll, and Dr Martin's new article mentions this, I wonder could you copy this post and put it here and delete this one. Thanks.

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