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The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Mm11

The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Mm11

The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Regist10

The 3 opposing Official Theories ???

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The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Empty The 3 opposing Official Theories ???

Post by Jill Havern 27.11.18 12:50

So we now have three opposing theories

By PeterMac

Madeleine gets out of bed, neatly straightens out the sheets and duvet and plumps up the pillow, and arranges her cuddle cat and blanket on the bed

She then slides open the window, and pulls the strap opening the shutters, after which she makes sure to tuck the curtains back down behind the second bed and behind the wicker chair

She then leaves the bedroom, making sure to leave the door open by a few degrees more than her parents had left it.

After pulling back or ducking behind the full length curtains she opens the patio door, turns, closes the curtains again, then pulls the door shut behind her.

Then she opens the child security gate at the top of the stairs, goes through, and from one step down, closes it and locks it again behind her.

She descends and opens the gate out onto the pavement, which she dutifully closes behind her.

She then wanders off and steps out in front of a car which hits her with sufficient force and at sufficient speed either to kill or to seriously injure her rendering her immediately unconscious.

This is not observed or heard by anyone else.

The driver decides to conceal the event, scoops Madeleine up, places her in the car.

He then clears the road of the debris which falls from under wheel arches in a collision, and ensure there are no traces of blood or ‘scuff marks’, nor tyre skid marks, before driving off.

He disposes of the body, and probably the vehicle, at a later date in unknown locations.

This occurs in the time between any of the Tapas 7 passing or re-passing on their way to and from their checks on their own children.

a random burglar, intent on scooping up the vanishingly small amount of valuable items a family takes on holiday tries to enter unheard and unseen through the shuttered window, which cannot be opened fully from outside.

Discovering this he elects to go round to the side of the street lit by several sodium lamps, and enters through the small side gate, up the stairs, through the child safety gate and the unlocked patio doors.

He searched the apartment finding 5 British passports among other sundry items. He ignores these.

He then enters the second bedroom and finds the children.

He decides to kill one for reasons unknown.

He does so silently without disturbing either the child, or the twins, who are sleeping.

He places the body behind the sofa and then shaves, cutting himself, and amuses himself swatting mosquitos on the wall behind the sofa.

After 90 minutes he decides the coast is clear and he leaves by the patio doors, carefully closing the curtains and the door behind him, and carries the body down the stairs, and out onto the road.  He is careful to close all the gates behind him, and even more careful to leave no fingerprints or other forensic trace.

He dodges the members of the group who are passing and re-passing in all directions on a regular basis, only minutes apart on their way to and from checking their children, and is unobserved by anyone else.

He disappears into the night, taking the long way down towards the rock at the western end of the beach, and is seen by only one family.

He disposes of and conceals the body in a place and in a manner unknown, but undetectable to two police forces with International co-operation, and using the most modern scientific equipment.

a random paedophile, intent on taking one particular and very special child tries to enter unheard and unseen through the shuttered window, which cannot be opened fully from outside.

Discovering this he elects to go round to the side of the street lit by several sodium lamps, and enters through the small side gate, up the stairs, through the child safety gate and the unlocked patio doors.

He then enters the bedroom and finds the children.

Without putting on the light he identifies the target of his quest, and lifts her out of bed

He does so silently without disturbing either the child, or the twins, who are sleeping.

He then amuses himself swatting mosquitos on the wall behind the sofa.  He also uses 'Cadaverine spray' behind the sofa to confuse police dogs, as a ‘red herring’

Once he decides the coast is clear and he leaves by the patio doors, carefully closing the curtains and the door behind him, and carries the body down the stairs, and out onto the road.  He is careful to close all the gates behind him, and even more careful to leave no fingerprints or other forensic trace.

He dodges the members of the group who are passing and re-passing in all directions on a regular basis, only minutes apart, on their way to and from checking their own children, and is unobserved by anyone else.

He disappears into the night, taking the long way down towards the rock at the western end of the beach, and is seen by only one family.

During all this, the child does not wake.

He returns to his Hellish Lair in the lawless hinterland within 10 miles of the village, and remains there for the next 11 years, caring for the girl and bringing her up as his own.  

His interest in 3 year olds fades with time, and he moves through the phases of paraphilias to adolescents and young adults.  In this he is unique.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Empty Re: The 3 opposing Official Theories ???

Post by Tony Bennett 27.11.18 13:49

Jill Havern wrote:So we now have three opposing theories

By PeterMac

Madeleine gets out of bed, neatly straightens out the sheets and duvet and plumps up the pillow, and arranges her cuddle cat and blanket on the bed

She then slides open the window, and pulls the strap opening the shutters, after which she makes sure to tuck the curtains back down behind the second bed and behind the wicker chair

She then leaves the bedroom, making sure to leave the door open by a few degrees more than her parents had left it.

After pulling back or ducking behind the full length curtains she opens the patio door, turns, closes the curtains again, then pulls the door shut behind her.

Then she opens the child security gate at the top of the stairs, goes through, and from one step down, closes it and locks it again behind her.

She descends and opens the gate out onto the pavement, which she dutifully closes behind her.

She then wanders off and steps out in front of a car which hits her with sufficient force and at sufficient speed either to kill or to seriously injure her rendering her immediately unconscious.

This is not observed or heard by anyone else.

The driver decides to conceal the event, scoops Madeleine up, places her in the car.

He then clears the road of the debris which falls from under wheel arches in a collision, and ensure there are no traces of blood or ‘scuff marks’, nor tyre skid marks, before driving off.

He disposes of the body, and probably the vehicle, at a later date in unknown locations.

This occurs in the time between any of the Tapas 7 passing or re-passing on their way to and from their checks on their own children.

a random burglar, intent on scooping up the vanishingly small amount of valuable items a family takes on holiday tries to enter unheard and unseen through the shuttered window, which cannot be opened fully from outside.

Discovering this he elects to go round to the side of the street lit by several sodium lamps, and enters through the small side gate, up the stairs, through the child safety gate and the unlocked patio doors.

He searched the apartment finding 5 British passports among other sundry items. He ignores these.

He then enters the second bedroom and finds the children.

He decides to kill one for reasons unknown.

He does so silently without disturbing either the child, or the twins, who are sleeping.

He places the body behind the sofa and then shaves, cutting himself, and amuses himself swatting mosquitos on the wall behind the sofa.

After 90 minutes he decides the coast is clear and he leaves by the patio doors, carefully closing the curtains and the door behind him, and carries the body down the stairs, and out onto the road.  He is careful to close all the gates behind him, and even more careful to leave no fingerprints or other forensic trace.

He dodges the members of the group who are passing and re-passing in all directions on a regular basis, only minutes apart on their way to and from checking their children, and is unobserved by anyone else.

He disappears into the night, taking the long way down towards the rock at the western end of the beach, and is seen by only one family.

He disposes of and conceals the body in a place and in a manner unknown, but undetectable to two police forces with International co-operation, and using the most modern scientific equipment.

a random paedophile, intent on taking one particular and very special child tries to enter unheard and unseen through the shuttered window, which cannot be opened fully from outside.

Discovering this he elects to go round to the side of the street lit by several sodium lamps, and enters through the small side gate, up the stairs, through the child safety gate and the unlocked patio doors.

He then enters the bedroom and finds the children.

Without putting on the light he identifies the target of his quest, and lifts her out of bed

He does so silently without disturbing either the child, or the twins, who are sleeping.

He then amuses himself swatting mosquitos on the wall behind the sofa.  He also uses 'Cadaverine spray' behind the sofa to confuse police dogs, as a ‘red herring’

Once he decides the coast is clear and he leaves by the patio doors, carefully closing the curtains and the door behind him, and carries the body down the stairs, and out onto the road.  He is careful to close all the gates behind him, and even more careful to leave no fingerprints or other forensic trace.

He dodges the members of the group who are passing and re-passing in all directions on a regular basis, only minutes apart, on their way to and from checking their own children, and is unobserved by anyone else.

He disappears into the night, taking the long way down towards the rock at the western end of the beach, and is seen by only one family.

During all this, the child does not wake.

He returns to his Hellish Lair in the lawless hinterland within 10 miles of the village, and remains there for the next 11 years, caring for the girl and bringing her up as his own.  

His interest in 3 year olds fades with time, and he moves through the phases of paraphilias to adolescents and young adults.  In this he is unique.

Classic PeterMac in absolutely top form!


How much we all owe him for his dedication to this case.

And I know he won't mind too much me saying that he has dipped generously into his own pocket on a number of occasions to help with one or more aspects of this case.

It would be great if all of our 9,000-plus members read this excoriating piece, savaging and demolishing the pathetic efforts of what was once called the 'best police force in the world' to cover up the darkness that is the complete mystery of Madeleine McCann.

And all our guests as well


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Empty Re: The 3 opposing Official Theories ???

Post by Verdi 27.11.18 14:36

Clever and very funny with it  laugh  !

Tony wrote:It would be great if all of our 9,000-plus members read this excoriating piece, savaging and demolishing the pathetic efforts of what was once called the 'best police force in the world' to cover up the darkness that is the complete mystery of Madeleine McCann.

Aided and abetted by the UK government and it's controlled puppet show, otherwise known as main stream media.

Ask Clarence Mitchell - he knows!

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Empty Re: The 3 opposing Official Theories ???

Post by Jill Havern 27.11.18 14:52

It's brilliantly funny...if only it wasn't so tragic.

But then it's not us who's coming out with all this nonsense in the name of a dead child.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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The 3 opposing Official Theories ??? Empty Re: The 3 opposing Official Theories ???

Post by Verdi 27.11.18 14:54

The case coverage leaves itself wide open to ridicule.  It should be shown up for what it is - a joke!

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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