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Mccanns join villagers at church today Mm11

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Mm11

Mccanns join villagers at church today Regist10

Mccanns join villagers at church today

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by saloongirl 03.05.17 22:04

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(Sorry am on my tablet so can't copy and paste the text)

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Phoebe 03.05.17 22:44

I notice the "devout R. Catholic" McCanns are not attending their own church. No crowds to be seen, even in the news footage. People are copping on and avoiding them. Only Fiona from the Tapas group seems to have bothered to show up on this "special" anniversary. Two sad tibutes at the war memorial and the same at the Luz church. I feel ashamed for poor Madeleine. Her parents actions have negatively impacted her memory. I believe people shunned these "memorial services" because of them and their actions over the past decade. She deserved better. She deserves justice.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by RosieandSam 03.05.17 22:53

'We will overcome despair': Kate and Gerry McCann 'uplifted' as they join villagers, family and friends to pray for their daughter Madeleine on 10th anniversary of her disappearance

  • McCanns arrived today at the church in Rothley, Leicestershire, to mark the occasion and pray for Madeleine
  • It is an event Kate called 'a horrible marker of our stolen time' as she revealed they will never give up on her
  • Fiona and David Payne, who were on Algarve holiday in 2007 when Madeleine disappeared, are at the event 

By [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Published: 18:59, 3 May 2017  |  Updated: 21:46, 3 May 2017
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Kate and Gerry McCann today said they felt 'uplifted' by the support they received as they vowed to 'overcome despair' at a prayer service on the tenth anniversary of her disappearance. 

The McCanns, wearing green and yellow wristbands symbolising hope and solidarity, were warmly welcomed by their community during a moving service to remember Madeleine.

The couple chose not to speak themselves – 'they didn't need to because the service spoke for itself,' Kate's aunt Janet Kennedy said afterwards.

They also decided not to bring their 12-year-old twins Seam and Amelie to the gathering at their local parish church.
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The parents of Madeleine McCann have tonight joined villagers, family and friends to pray for their daughter on the 'unwanted' heart wrenching 10th anniversary of her disappearance.

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They are relying on their faith, friends, relatives and well wishers to help them through the painful anniversary, which Kate describes as 'a horrible marker of stolen time'

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Tributes inside Rothley Parish Church, Leicestershire, which also remembers other missing children on the tenth anniversary of the disappearance

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Kate (left) and Gerry were joined by Fiona Payne (right), who was on holiday with them in 2007, at the service near their home today. In her own message on the Find Maddie website, Kate told how 'stressful and painful' this week and next would be

Kate's close pal Fiona Payne, who with husband David had joined the McCann's during their fateful holiday to Portugal's Praia da Luz from where Madeleine was snatched in May 2007, read a prayer 'Tree of Hope'.

Fiona, who had earlier hugged Kate inside the packed St Mary and St John Church in Rothley, Leicestershire, remained composed as she recited the words: 'Each branch that it grows be our hope and prayers, and every bloom bear a colour for the ones that we miss.'

As she finished the verse a child in the crowd poignantly called out 'Mama.'

Kate's uncle Brian Kennedy, echoing the sentiments of well wishers, later said: 'I can't believe we're here 10 years on but we will be here for as long as it takes. We don't know when the end is.' But he vowed: 'We will overcome despair.'

He told how Kate and Gerry had been both 'uplifted and comforted' by the simple 25-minute service and the huge support from people close to them and villagers.

It started and finished with Cat' Steven's spiritual hymn Morning Has Broken which Kate had especially chosen.

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Members of the public arrive to show their support for the friends and family of Madeleine, still suffering today, with no idea what happened to her ten years after she disappeared

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After a short service, the couple were seen leaving the same way they arrived, holding hands and united in their anguish

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Ten years after the disappearance of Madeleine, the couple return home after the service, back to the new version of normality as a family of four instead of a family of five

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A tribute from a young girl named Lily is left at the church ahead of the arrival of the McCanns this evening, who are relying on the support of friends and family at such an emotional time
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The McCann's close friends Fiona and David Payne, who joined them for the fateful holiday to Portugal's Praia da Luz in May 2007 from where Madeleine was snatched, are thought to be among supporters.

Madeleine's great aunt and uncle Janet and Brian Kennedy also took part in the special service at St Mary and St John Church. 

As devout Catholics Kate and Gerry remember their daughter at the large imposing 14th century church, 1,617 miles away in the pretty seaside resort of Luz locals will be praying for Madeleine too.

Villagers have gathered at the tiny whitewashed Nossa Senhora da Luz – Our Lady of Light Church – which became the couple's 'sanctuary' in the three months after their daughter vanished.

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As devout Catholics Kate and Gerry remember their daughter at the large imposing 14th century church, 1,617 miles away in the pretty seaside resort of Luz locals will be praying too

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There were flowers and pictured placed outside the church, where Kate and Gerry McCann went to pray after the disappearance and during numerous returns to the resort during the appeal to get information

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Ronay Crompton, 38, from Bradford, releases ten balloons on the seafront in Praia Da Luz (pictured) this evening, one for each year she has been missing

Kate and Gerry prayed most days during their extended stay in the Algarve as they frantically searched for their daughter. 
They were even handed a set of keys by the priest so they could worship in the peace of the night whenever needed.

Cruelly, their tormentor, ex-Portuguese police chief Goncalo Amaral, insisted in a TV interview on Monday that Madeleine's body had been hidden in a dead woman's coffin and cremated – a claim their spokesman Clarence Mitchell dismisses as 'so insane it is almost laughable.'

In Liverpool, where Kate hails from and her parents Susan and Brian Healy live, prayers will also be said.

Three-year-old Madeleine was discovered missing from her bed in the rented apartment by her horrified mother shortly after 10pm on May 3 2007. She had been left alone with younger twin siblings Sean and Amelie while her parents were dining in the nearby Tapas restaurant with their seven pals, who became known collectively as the Tapas Nine.

Tonight, former GP and now medical worker Kate, 49, and eminent heart doctor Gerry, 48, will pray for their eldest child, who they believe is still alive.

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Kate's uncle Brian Kennedy, pictured with her aunt Janet, echoing the sentiments of well wishers, later said: 'I can't believe we're here 10 years on but we will be here for as long as it takes. We don't know when the end is'

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Brian and Janet Kennedy, Madeleine's great aunt and uncle, speak to the press after tonight's service in Rothley

Kate and Gerry McCann, dressed casually in jeans, a jumper and a beige coat, were holding hands as they made their way into the church. They appeared very solemn and straight-faced and kept their eyes looking forward.

They arrived at the church without their 12-year-old twins, who they try to keep out of the spotlight to shield them from the traumatic ordeal.

Earlier today, Kate's uncle Brian said: 'There will be a little programme at the parish church. Kate and Gerry will be there, they're not sure of the twins are coming or not, and while they won't be taking part in the short service they will probably say a few words of thanks to their supporters.'

Retired head teacher Brian, told how past anniversaries, barring a couple, had been marked with an informal outdoor gathering beside the village war memorial at Cross Green where a candle burns around the clock in Madeleine's memory.

Brian, who also lives in Rothley, explained: 'This year because of the significance of a 10th anniversary it was felt prayers in the church were more appropriate because of the amount of people wanting to show their support.'

The church's priest came out before their arrival and asked onlookers to keep back.

Well-wishers left candles, flowers, and messages tied with yellow ribbon - signifying hope - outside the church.

Kate, in her own message on the Find Madeleine website, told how 'stressful and painful' this week and next would be - the 'unwanted' landmark anniversary and her daughter's 14th birthday in just nine days, May 12.

She wrote: 'We never thought we'd be in this situation so far along the line. Ten years- there's no easy way to say it, describe it, accept it.

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Ronay Crompton, 38, from Bradford, leaves a tribute to Madeleine McCann outside the Church of Nossa Senhora da Luz in Praia Da Luz, where the child went missing from ten years ago

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'But the two themes that seem most appropriate to me as we reach this ten-year mark are perseverance and gratitude: We will go on, try our hardest, never give up and make the best of the life we have.'

A packed 250-strong congregation today attended the service, with prayers led by vicar the Reverend Rob Gladstone, who has become a family friend.

A collage of pictures of Madeleine and other missing children have been placed at the altar.

It is the church were on the first year anniversary of Madeleine's kidnap her sobbing mother gave an impromptu speech to the congregation begging everyone 'to pray like mad' for her lost daughter. Overcome by emotion, she then collapsed into her husband's arms.

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Madeleine McCann's great uncle Brian Kennedy greets a well wisher as they attend the prayer service in Rothley

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Retired head teacher Brian (left), told how past anniversaries, barring a couple, had been marked with an informal outdoor gathering beside the village war memorial at Cross Green where a candle burns around the clock in Madeleine's memory

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Outside the war memorial in the town, people also left items to remember Madeleine, who has now been missing since she was three years old

The service was held at St Mary and St John Church, where they have been regularly to pray after the disappearance of Madeleine in 2007

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A packed 250-strong congregation is expected to attend the service with Kate and Gerry (pictured), with prayers led by vicar the Rev. Rob Gladstone, who has become a family friend

Today a stronger Kate vows to do 'whatever it takes for as long as it takes' to find Madeleine, who she believes is still alive and now a teenager.

'My hope for Madeleine being out there is no less than it was almost 10 years ago,' she said, adding that many people are 'willing her home.'

In BBC Panorama interview to be screened tonight Kate describes the decade anniversary as 'a horrible marker of stolen time' telling Fiona Bruce 'because we should have been a family of five for all that time.'

Her husband adds: 'We're still looking forward, I think that's the most important thing, we still hope.'o make reference to the fact that they are doctors etc etc - things which are not relevant whatsoever to two grieving parents who to this day are still suffering. Let's hope none of you red arrowers suffer the same fate.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by sandancer 03.05.17 23:24

Phoebe wrote:I notice the "devout R. Catholic" McCanns are not attending their own church. No crowds to be seen, even in the news footage. People are copping on and avoiding them. Only Fiona from the Tapas group seems to have bothered to show up on this "special" anniversary. Two sad tibutes at the war memorial and the same at the Luz church. I feel ashamed for poor Madeleine. Her parents actions have negatively impacted her memory. I believe people shunned these "memorial services" because of them and their actions over the past decade. She deserved better. She deserves justice.

No grandparents , no Philomena , only Fiona​ no source​ close to the family .I can understand the twins​ not being there .

Vicar a close friend​ , they seem to have​ many​ friends in the church .

The sad floral tributes really say it all both here and in PDL , Madeleine is not forgotten​ but the public​ don't want to associate​ themselves​ with​ the parents it appears . I think the glut of articles like the​ ones by friend​ Tracey and the constant in the face sob fest and new theories has had a negative​ impact​ .Poor Madeleine .

( Just as an aside​ , couldn't Kate have found a pair of trousers that didn't look like they'd shrunk in the wash ? )

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Doug D 04.05.17 13:20

As ‘devout catholics’, why would you hold the service at the C. of E. St Mary & St John when the catholic Sacred Heart Church, Mountsorrel Lane, is a couple of hundred yards up the road?
No sign of the 250 strong congregation packing the church, or the ‘onlookers’ that the church's priest had to come out and ask to keep back.
Tribute from ‘Lily’, the Payne’s daughter perhaps?
Same old board dug out from last year as well:
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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by roz 04.05.17 13:29

As ‘devout Catholics’ they would have been at mass that first Sunday in Praia Da Luz, or certainly known where the chapel was.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Jill Havern 04.05.17 13:37

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Maddie McCann preacher speaks 10 years after comforting parents following disappearance

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Phoebe 04.05.17 13:47

Trying to spot Kate and Gerry in the "crowd" of 8 people. Still can't shake my sadness for Madeleine.       sad1 Their actions robbed her of her life and now sully her remembrance, being tainted by association. R.I.P. little one.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Jill Havern 04.05.17 14:52


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(pictures from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])
Do not ask why the stone has fallen to the ground

But rather why it is that on it is nowhere to be found

Nor ask why this journey of thousands or even millions of miles

Over mountains so high they say they can touch the moon and she smiles

Sailing, they say, rivers of lava and seas with waves of rock and foam of steel

One huge tale weaved by so many tales told by liars of thieves who forget to steal

But do ask why such a short journey needed deceit of its distance in tireless try

And why do they think we will ever believe that pigs and elephants crisscross the sky

The ground did not move that night and all know the stone on it fell

Together they gathered and swore that it was a breeze that whooshed it far and long

Cowards who today sing the tale of the missing stone will one day be ashamed to tell

That the bedtime story they have told their children for a decade they knew it so wrong

As we all know they know where the stone fell and why it hasn’t been found as well

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[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Nina 04.05.17 15:44

Get'emGonçalo wrote:


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(pictures from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])
Do not ask why the stone has fallen to the ground

But rather why it is that on it is nowhere to be found

Nor ask why this journey of thousands or even millions of miles

Over mountains so high they say they can touch the moon and she smiles

Sailing, they say, rivers of lava and seas with waves of rock and foam of steel

One huge tale weaved by so many tales told by liars of thieves who forget to steal

But do ask why such a short journey needed deceit of its distance in tireless try

And why do they think we will ever believe that pigs and elephants crisscross the sky

The ground did not move that night and all know the stone on it fell

Together they gathered and swore that it was a breeze that whooshed it far and long

Cowards who today sing the tale of the missing stone will one day be ashamed to tell

That the bedtime story they have told their children for a decade they knew it so wrong

As we all know they know where the stone fell and why it hasn’t been found as well

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Not one more cent from me.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by jeanmonroe 04.05.17 16:04

I would have 'thought' KM could have made an 'effort' and WORN her 'look into my eyes' lapel BADGE and her 'church' 'yellow and green' hair ribbons!

But hey, that's just me!

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I WON'T 'mention' her 'not carrying' Madeleine's 'bestest toy'............'cuddlecat'!


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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by suespeaking 05.05.17 17:29

Perhaps they left the twins at home as they were going out for a meal with friends afterwards, there must be a Tapas bar nearby

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Hobs 05.05.17 18:38

But the two themes that seem most appropriate to me as we reach this ten-year mark are perseverance and gratitude: We will go on, try our hardest, never give up and make the best of the life we have.'

To whom is this statement directed and to whom does it apply?

It does not refer to Maddie, it is in reference to themselves.
They cannot give up and they have to try their hardest if they want to avoid a long prison sentence in two countries, the loss of their children, their jobs, their home, their family and friends.

Once again it is all about self, self, self, me, me, me, us, us, us.
Maddie does not exist any more.
Who is Maddie?

The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person's life.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Verdi 05.05.17 20:27

Well there's a turn-up for the books - the McCanns join villagers, isn't it usually the villagers that join the McCanns?

They've been plugging this annual vigil since May 2008, what makes this one any different.

What about the thousands of others across the globe who have only the memory of a loved one every 3rd May?  Lost through war - natural disaster - illness - old age etc etc.  

You ain't the only family with a tragedy to remember - take a back seat for once McCanns and give a thought for others.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by sharonl 05.05.17 20:50

Gerry has been planning these events since Madeleine disappeared - thought he would have done better than 8 supporters.

Gerry McCann wrote:  “We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing. It wouldn’t be a one-year anniversary, it will be sooner than that”
"I have no doubt we will be able to sustain a high profile for Madeleines disappearance in the long term."

'On the flight to Berlin, Gerry wearily admitted the couple's campaign to find Madeleine could last years.

They refuse to leave Praia da Luz while their precious daughter is still missing.

Asked how long they might stay there, he said: "Well, our kids don't start school for three years.'
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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by wallad 05.05.17 21:06

jeanmonroe wrote:I would have 'thought' KM could have made an 'effort' and WORN her 'look into my eyes' lapel BADGE and her 'church' 'yellow and green' hair ribbons!

But hey, that's just me!

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I WON'T 'mention' her 'not carrying' Madeleine's 'bestest toy'............'cuddlecat'!

Perhaps it was in the wash.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by sandancer 05.05.17 21:36

Asked how long they​ might​ stay there , he said " Well our kids don't start school for three years " 

Maddie​ would have​ started in September .

But " our kids " don't​ start for three years ?

An admission that they​ Knew Maddie would​ Not​ be back ?

" Our kids " as in two Not Three , is Maddie​ not counted at this​ point as one​ of " our kids "?

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by sharonl 05.05.17 22:32

sandancer wrote:Asked how long they​ might​ stay there , he said " Well our kids don't start school for three years " 

Maddie​ would have​ started in September .

But " our kids " don't​ start for three years ?

An admission that they​ Knew Maddie would​ Not​ be back ?

" Our kids " as in two Not Three , is Maddie​ not counted at this​ point as one​ of " our kids "?

I was thinking along these lines when I read that. There is an admission in there that they know Madeleine wont be back. You would expect at the very least, a tearful "Maddie starts school in September but if she's not found by then we are ok for three years until our twins start school".

I wonder what Peter Hyatt would make of this
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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Re: Mccanns join villagers at church today

Post by Phoebe 05.05.17 23:00

One of the things that turns the stomach about these two is how they seemed to "get off" on all the attention their child's disappearance brought. I've heard of "turning a negative into a positive" but the McCanns seemed to lose the run of themselves. Gerry and Kate, between blogging and diary keeping, turned the situation into a business complete with marketing, planning international events, chat show appearances, penning novels, electing themselves spokespersons for missing children and, ironically, child safety, making guest appearances at Fatima, the Vatican, runs and cycles etc. All under the ridiculous guise of keeping Madeleine in the public eye. Weirdly, within a week or so Kate actually seemed to blossom physically, basking in her husband's new attentiveness and their celebrity status as tragic heroes. One of the videos which stunned me most was of them walking to the church in Luz unable to hide their delight at the smattering of applause from the crowd, like royalty on a walkabout. I can just imagine how any loss of the status of tragic martyrs is abominable to them.

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Mccanns join villagers at church today Empty Hmm

Post by tnb 05.05.17 23:16

suespeaking wrote:Perhaps they left the twins at home as they were going out for a meal with friends afterwards, there must be a Tapas bar nearby
...and comments like this are helpful....

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