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When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Mm11

When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Mm11

When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Regist10

When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters

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When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Empty When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters

Post by Jill Havern 05.09.16 12:21

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because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Empty Re: When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters

Post by MayMuse 05.09.16 12:31

What are they trying to prove? 

Maybe a "dossier" should be done of them as it seems to me that they just attack & antagonise...sickening! 
Better still perhaps MB of Sky could doorstep one of them & see how they like it! 

RIP Brenda

I don't get it, all this because of a differing opinion to the McCanns theory of abduction? Time would be better spent trying to find out what happened to that little girl than play nasty games over the internet! 

Bless you Madeleine

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Empty Re: When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters

Post by kaz 05.09.16 12:38

When is a 'troll' not a 'troll?' Lance Armstrong was extremely fond of calling David Walsh of the Sunday Times a f******  troll  in an attempt to discredit him. Look where that one went!

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When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Empty Re: When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters

Post by Roxyroo 05.09.16 16:19

When I first heard that last night I could hear a distinct Scottish accent, even with the horrific masking. Not that that means anything! I.m Scottish myself! big grin

Everything I post is ALL MY OWN OPINION and therefore I.m allowed to think whatever I please! gm

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When one Brenda Leyand just isn't enough for the McCann supporters Empty wow

Post by Loving Mom 06.09.16 4:46

Awful, what repulsive tweets!
Loving Mom

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