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Mirror article today - Page 2 Mm11

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Mm11

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Mirror article today

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by MayMuse 03.10.16 17:50

jeanmonroe wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Deflect, deflect, deflect!

Way TOO 'much' about Ben Needham in UK Madia, at present!

'old' story, 'revamped' anyway, imo.

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You could be right, it has a similar ring to it. 
This is the blog link for the Mirror article. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
The Luz Challenge? How crass! 
Seem to remember another Luz reference, was it the Luz Key?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Elsa Craig answers the Mirror article

Post by Tony Bennett 04.10.16 8:54

Our member (or is it 'former member'?) Elca Craig has replied to the Mirror article in his blog, 'Shining In Luz'

It is basically a long rant. I have put quotes from the Mirror article in brackets.

I stated earlier (as I have done before here)  that Elca Craig is basically a pro-McCann who believes that Madeleine was abducted. He is also convinced that the Smith sighting is crucialand states that 'it happened,' despite all the evidence to the contrary on CMOMM. He adds a dig at Goncalo Amaral. I've highlighted these relevant parts of 'Elca's article in red:


Madeleine v the Mirror

October 3, 2016

Alan Selby, Andy Redwood, Aoife Smith, Apartment 5A, Burgau, Correio da Manha, Crimewatch 2013, Gonçalo Amaral, Jane Tanner, Luz Challenge, Madeleine McCann, Martin Smith, Mirror online, Nossa Senhora da Luz, Ocean Club, Operation Grange, Phil Cardy, Scotland Yard's 2014 Luz dig, Tannerman   


The article in the Mirror dated 01 Oct 16, written by Alan Selby and Phil Cardy, neatly sums up what is going on in the Madeleine McCann case in UK media, and what is going wrong.

The headline screams it all. “Ghoulish Madeleine McCann tour takes tourists where missing tot stayed and cops dug for body”

From this headline, you can be safe in assuming that there is so little going on in the case that the media are scraping the bottom of the barrel for Madeleine-related stories.

Shall we now have a look at the article itself to see what is going wrong?

“Tourists are being offered a ghoulish sightseeing tour of the town where Madeleine McCann was kidnapped.

The sick trips take visitors to the apartment where the missing three-year-old was last seen alive and the tapas restaurant where her parents were dining when she vanished.

The twisted organiser also takes his clients to nearby wasteland which police dug up in searches in Praia da Luz in Portugal’s Algarve.

The ghouls are then invited to speculate on the involvement of Madeleine’s doctor parents Kate and Gerry.”

The article has only just started, and already the errors are creeping in.

I have never been inside the Tapas area, so obviously I have never taken a visitor to the restaurant.

The ‘wasteland’ so beloved of the UK press is actually undeveloped land complete, I understand, with planning permission and so is extremely valuable. My first visitor went to this plot and found out why Operation Grange got it so wrong in digging it up. Selby and Cardy are obviously as ignorant now of the reasons for this as Operation Grange was at the time. It goes further than this as the Mirror duo clearly don’t know the true importance of the mound to the case.

Visitors can choose to discuss the involvement of Kate and Gerry, or not, as they wish. Just as they can choose to discuss, or not, the many other people involved in the case. 

That, by the way, includes the UK media, and how journalists like Selby and Cardy make money out of filling up column inches with another story about Madeleine McCann.

Back to the article.

“Last night the couple were said to be distressed by the latest outrageous twist in the story.”

Notice the key phrase “were said to be” i.e. we are expected to take Selby and Cardy’s word for it. The crucial element here is simple. I have attempted to contact the McCanns on several occasions, with the aim of demonstrating to them just how much valuable information they are sitting on, presumably unaware that they have much of value that would advance the search for Madeleine McCann. This happens to include the Smith sighting, where I believe the McCanns are ideally placed to obtain information that I cannot. To date, I have not had a response from the McCanns or from a McCann representative, so if Selby and Cardy really did manage to get my blog onto the McCann radar, it is a step forward.

To the McCanns, or any of their representatives, I repeat an offer I have made previously. If you choose to engage in an information exchange with me, there is much significant progress to be made. This progress will NOT be made by Operation Grange (who lack an understanding of Luz), nor will it be made by a further team of private investigators, nor will it be made by UK or Portuguese media. I am happy to DEMONSTRATE examples of this to show what is being missed. I am further happy to give primacy to the McCanns in deciding how and when such newly discovered information should be deployed.

Once more, back to the article.

“And the tours, dubbed the ‘uz Challenge’, have triggered disgust among other Brits in Praia.

Yesterday one astonished expat who lives in the area said: “This is in appalling taste. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.”

This roughly says it all. Selby and Cardy now claim to have a source in Luz, but said fellow has never heard of me or heard of tours which have been running since March. That tells you how good Selby and Cardy’s sources aren’t. By the way, if Selby or Cardy is still reading my blog, kindly stop calling the place Praia. Two journalists should know that praia simply means beach. The place is not called Praia, it is called Luz, Lagos.

The Lagos tacked on the end is to locate this Luz in the district of Lagos, as opposed to Luz, Tavira, which is in the eastern end of the Algarve, in the region of Tavira. If you are going to be sloppy, at least make the same mistake that most journalists make and call it Praia da Luz (which is wrong, but generally accepted).

“The gruesome tours are being offered on the internet by a British grandfather in his 60s who has become obsessed with the case since emigrating to Praia da Luz.

He says he lives in “Maddieville” and is offering his version of “Mission Impossible” to work out what happened to Madeleine.”

We did not emigrate to Praia da Luz. An early part of my blog makes it clear that within the family no-one had any interest in Madeleine McCann as none of us followed the story in 2007. Oddly, not a single one of us twigged the connection to Madeleine McCann, otherwise we would have probably gone elsewhere.

As to calling Luz “Maddieville”, when Operation Grange decided to fly over Luz in a helicopter in June 2014, followed by sealing off the centre and establishing a circus to entertain the media, then Maddieville became an appropriate term. Mr Selby and Mr Cardy, you are making money off the back of Madeleine McCann each time you write another sensationalist article about her. Do you consider yourselves to be serious investigative journalists? Or is it just that you don’t care?

The Mirror article continues:

“Our source said: “The guide is obsessed with Maddie. He’s written thousands of words about the case and pored over maps, photographs and police transcripts.

“We don’t know why he is so hung up on it””

If your source knows so much about me, why has your source only just become aware of the tours? Does your source exist? Why have we not met each other in Luz before how?

“The tour takes in this block of flats, where Maddie was last seen”.

This, Selby and Cardy, is a mistake I have seen before, so quite possibly this is a stock item used by the Mirror. The last time I saw this mistake I simply shrugged it off, so I cannot name and shame the two journalists responsible for that article. But I can name and shame Alan Selby and Phil Cardy for this one. It illustrates perfectly the lack of research you have put in and the fodder you have churned out. Madeleine was in block 5, in apartment 5A, as everyone knows. You have chosen to show a photo of block 6, describing it as “where Maddie was last seen.” As far as I know, Madeleine was never inside block 6.

If this IS simply an ongoing Mirror error, you two need to get off your backsides and get this part pulled, before some other duo repeats the mistake.

As a matter of interest, does either of you know what is significant about block 6 in relation to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann?

“Then, in an offensive comment, the sicko says: “You have to come up with a way in which the McCanns, for whatever reason, disposed of Madeleine’s body, and the body was not found in searches.”

In a reference to the officer in charge of the original search, the tour guide says: “Gonçalo Amaral struggled, and in my opinion failed, to come up with an explanation.”

This is pathetically cheap journalism. Throw in the word “offensive” throw in the word “sicko” and what you have is sensationalist claptrap.

Are you aware of public opinion in Portugal? Because I am. I have therefore phrased this issue in a manner which makes it clear that a highly experienced police officer has failed to come up with a reasonable explanation. Therefore anyone who is anti-McCann, and based on my contacts within Portugal, that appears to be just about everyone, is asked not “do they think the McCanns did it” but rather “if they maintain the McCanns did it, precisely how did the McCanns do it.”

That is, of course, completely in contradiction to your implication that the tour aim is to work out how the McCanns did it.

Just as a point of clarification, I remember sitting in the Paraíso for lunch one day. It happened to be roughly where the Tapas 7 congregated following their beach outing on 3 May 2007. A table two down from us was occupied by two couples, obviously British tourists. One of the men said in a loud voice “well, all you have to do is look around to see how easy it would be to hide a body in this type of rough land”. It is a common misconception.

On with the words of Selby and Cardy.

“The guide lists several places that his clients will be taken to. They start at Apartment 5A at the Ocean Club Hotel where the tot vanished.”

Oh dear. I don’t have clients, as no-one is paying a single cent for any tour. There isn’t an Ocean Club Hotel. The Ocean Club is a collection of apartments and villas, not a hotel. Do tours start at Apartment 5A? No, they start wherever my visitor wants them to start.

Tour 1 started at a hotel in the north of Luz. Have you Mirror chaps any idea of the relevance of City Sol or Quinta dos Figos? I doubt it very much.

Tour 2 started at a hotel much beloved of the media when they choose to descend on us en-mass[e]. As it so happened, they were choosing to leave us alone that time, so the main activity was to sample some dinner selected from the hotel’s menu.

Tour 3 started at a large but decrepit villa on the eastern outskirts of Burgau. I wonder if you are aware the relevance of Burgau in the Madeleine case?

Tour 4 will start from a smallish, well kept Portuguese home in the centre of Burgau. It is
possible there may a visit to one of the local hostelries.

“From there they go a few hundred yards to the tapas restaurant where her parents were eating with friends – although the guide says a meal will not be possible as the place has closed. Then they visit the spot near the apartment where the McCanns’ friend Jane Tanner saw a mystery man carrying a child, though police later ruled out the sighting.”

The distance from the garden gate of 5A to the entrance of the Tapas area is important, because it factors into how long each parental check took. It is 20.5 metres, or about 23 yards, nothing like your few hundred yards.

You are aware that the man spotted by Tanner was walking across the junction of Rua Agostinho da Silva and Rua Martins? And that the junction is in front of apartment 5A? And that those using the car park of block 5 to do their parental checks passed this junction on the way there and on the way back? Why would a visitor to 5A not simply do the Tanner sighting as they went round this junction, on their way to the Tapas zone?

Unless you have kept up to date with the case, you will probably not be aware that a Freedom of Information request was answered by Scotland Yard in December 2015.

Part of the response stated that Tannerman was still a person of interest to Operation Grange, so he had not been ruled out at that date.

Back to Selby and Cardy.

“They will also take in the scene of the sighting by Martin Smith, a retired businessman, who said he saw a man carrying a child in the direction of the beach.”

The tour does take in the Smith sighting, if the visitor wishes to do so. It happens to be an important sighting and much can be gained from examining the location in which it took place.
You two, however, are showing your ignorance again. Martin Smith did not say the man headed to the beach. His statement says that he does not know where the man went after they passed. And if you check Aoife Smith’s statement, she never mentions the beach either. Judging by DCI Andy Redwood in the Crimewatch episode of Oct 2013, he was also labouring under this “to the beach” misapprehension.

“Other places in the tour are the areas where police carried out searches two years ago.

The first is scrubland to the south-west of the McCann apartment, around the size of three football pitches and surrounded by villas and apartments. The two other sites are on the other side of Praia da Luz on either side of the road out of town.”

I repeat, all tours are customised to what the visitor wants the see. The area of land in the centre of Luz has been visited once, to point out some salient facts that Operation Grange missed, and it looks as if you are ignorant of these points. As to the two areas to the east of Luz, I have never visited those in my life, and no-one has requested these areas to be included in any tour.

“Another ghoulish spot on the tour is the Our Lady of the Light church in the centre of Luz.” How many errors can you stuff into a single report? No one has ever requested to see Nossa Senhora da Luz, and I have never been inside the church in my life. I am, however, respectful of both the Catholic and the Anglican communities that share the the church, while it would appear that Selby and Cardy are willing to spread malicious gossip about this place of worship.

“Police searched there and a nearby cemetery with rumours circulating that Madeleine was put into someone else’s coffin to be cremated.”

Unless you have a cite from the PJ Files or another reputable source, this again is cheap sensationalism. I have never heard of a police search of Nossa Senhora da Luz. It certainly was NOT searched by Operation Grange. I have never heard of a search of Luz cemetery. But the question is, do you two ever read back what you write before you publish it? Why would anyone search a cemetery looking for a body that had been cremated? Do you understand the difference between burial and cremation?

“From there the guide said he would start looking at all the red herrings and conspiracy theories which had sprung up around the case.

These include the rumour Madeleine could have been been hidden on the nearby beach or under rocks.”

I couldn’t possibly tackle all the idiotic theories or idiotic groups that surround the Madeleine McCann case. The beach one certainly dates back to June 2014, when the UK media announced that Operation Grange was to dig the beach. That dig never occurred.

“He is clearly unaware or not bothered by the disgust his warped pastime is causing. 

Several street signs have been sprayed with the message “Stop McCann Circus” in response to all the negative publicity the picturesque Algarve town receives.

Critics said the sightseeing tour is in appalling taste.”

The manner [in] which this is written implies I had something to do with graffiti that appeared in Luz. I had nothing whatsoever to do with it, so I resent the implication.

By the way, Luz isn’t picturesque, a word you would never use to describe the place if you had actually visited. And that point is pertinent, because the construction date and manner of the Ocean Club reflect upon the security systems in the complex and in apartment 5A, so please try to get it right.

Having got that out of the way, let’s tackle the disgust my “warped pastime” is causing. In your article, you have not identified a single person who has come forward to make such a comment, merely unnamed sources. Turning to the idea of warped concepts, who raised the notion that Madeleine went into someone else’s coffin and was cremated?
That would be Alan Selby and Phil Cardy writing for the Mirror. Who is getting paid for writing this appalling tripe? That would be Alan Selby and Phil Cardy from the Mirror.

If you were serious journalists you would investigate the case properly, but instead you choose to regurgitate sensationalist material.

“I prefer to remain anonymous, in the background, a non-character in the case.

“That means my musings are more likely to be judged on merit alone.

“Hopefully, that in turn maximises the chance of working out what happened to Madeleine McCann.”

Anyone can read my blog and make up their own mind as to whether I am putting myself before Madeleine or whether Madeleine is the priority. Those who know me well will also know that I publish on one of the more popular forums devoted to finding out what happened to her. Between my blog and that forum, a considerable amount of progress has been made. That progress would increase if these findings were read by the McCanns, serious UK media reporters, and Operation Grange.

“Explaining the twisted thinking that produced the tour, the man says: “My first thought was simple.

“I just could not make a ghouls tour of Luz fly. Then the idea began to intrigue me.

“How does one make a ghouls’ tour of Luz actually work?

“The solution is cheap and cheerful. It comes out of the best penny dreadfuls in Victorian era. You do not bother about the truth. Or the facts. You simply go for the thrill value.”

He continues: “I suppose, at a push, with all the red herrings around, I could develop a ghouls’ tour with at least 20 points on the map.

“There must be at least ten more red herrings in the Madeleine story, surely.

“The difficulty is my brain is not into red herring stories and my heart is not into this line of action.”

And you, Alan Selby and Phil Cardy, have produced the modern day equivalent of the Victorian penny dreadful by not bothering about the facts but simply going for sensationalist thrill value. Whereas the line I have bolded quite clearly shows that while a ghouls tour is possible, I do not do ghouls tours. For example, a ghouls tour would definitely incorporate a visit to Nossa Senhora da Luz to retell the Mirror nonsense about the cremated body, whereas the church has never featured in any tour and I have never been inside it.

“While this deluded man amuses himself with his outrageous “game” the British investigation into the disappearance codenamed Operation Grange has cost at least £12million.”

This [is] the standard end to a Madeleine McCann story. Throw in the cost of Operation Grange. As it so happens, I have sent Operation Grange several pieces of intelligence regarding the case. I have no idea whether these were found useful or not.

In Portugal, Correio da Manha has run with an equivalent story to the Mirror’s, but in Portuguese. I shall be looking at that to see if it gives me an entry point to the Portuguese media.

In the UK media, Alan Selby and Phil Cardy have squandered an opportunity to advance the understanding of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, and instead have taken Mirror money to write a lurid story based on Madeleine’s disappearance. Congratulations guys, you are number two and number three on my list of journalists I wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Elca Craig-"Mirror"article.

Post by willowthewisp 04.10.16 11:43

Hi Mr Bennett,it would seem that you have unearthed a few more"Not supporters"to what may have happened to Madeleine McCann,it was thought at one time that the original reporters from the Daily mirror had come close to solving the mystery?
But it would seem as though these Two reporters are scraping the dregs of dross from the proverbial barrel.
This"personal"attack on a person or Two who may have become delicate thorns touching the "Nervous system"inflicting discomforting jolting attacks within their body,not like the"Fear" they wished to impose on a former Portugal Police detective?
keep up the good work, as the"Thorn" of crowns must be taking effect?

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Verdi 04.10.16 12:03


It's a very long winded way of saying the Mirror article is a load of rubbish.  I actually had a hunch that the shining in luz person may have been behind the report - being a journalist of some sort.

Yesterday I had a quick google using a few key words and came across this..

McCanns hit out at ghoulish Madeleine tours

Kate and Gerry McCann are deeply hurt by the "disgraceful" way in which tourists are making tours to visit the spot where their daughter Madeleine disappeared, a friend has said.

30th April 2008

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Not exactly the same as the latest report but an nonetheless an eerie similarity.  Olga/Elca Craig has written for the Telegraph in the past.

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Liz Eagles 04.10.16 12:04

Well.... after Stephen Birch, here comes Elca Craig (who can't declare being male or female on this forum but is apparently male) and is doing ghoul tours of Luz with a badly written blog and indignation that could pierce the heart of any serious journalist.

It's panto time again.

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Verdi 04.10.16 12:12

Here is an example..

Madeleine McCann search gets nasty

by Olga Craig

12:01 AM BST  12th Aug. 2007

The Portuguese press and the people of Praia da Luz have turned against Kate and Gerry McCann, and the couple are becoming increasingly critical of the local police. The hunt for a missing child has turned into a bitter war. Olga Craig reports from the front line

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Please note the timing of this publication, to dispel once and for all, the notion that the Telegraph reported Madeleine McCann's disappearance at midnight on 3rd/4th May 2007.

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Liz Eagles 04.10.16 12:20

Oh Lordy, Lordy, do you think Elca Craig (the male/female) has met up with TaninaR, who dropped onto this forum to show a few photographs of herself and sibling as children semi-naked on the beach of PdL in the 70's, was invited for coffee and a ghoul tour and went off to sell ponies to the elite?

Or do you think this is absolute balderdash?
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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Tony Bennett 04.10.16 12:40

Verdi wrote:Here is an example..

Madeleine McCann search gets nasty

by Olga Craig

12:01 AM BST  12th Aug. 2007

The Portuguese press and the people of Praia da Luz have turned against Kate and Gerry McCann, and the couple are becoming increasingly critical of the local police. The hunt for a missing child has turned into a bitter war. Olga Craig reports from the front line

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Please note the timing of this publication, to dispel once and for all, the notion that the Telegraph reported Madeleine McCann's disappearance at midnight on 3rd/4th May 2007.
@ Verdi   Just to clarify if I may.

The report you quote is dated 12.01am on 12 May.

However, there was a Daily Telegraph report dated 12.01am on 4 May.

But that merely proves the more general point that '12.01am' is a default setting whioh applies to archived news reprots and does NOT prove that either of these two reports was actually filed at 12.01am.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Verdi 04.10.16 12:41

There's loads more where that came from, this one is a gem - it even mentions the last photograph!

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Report dated 27th May 2007 12:01AM BST, I thought it rather odd that Kate McCann is described as sitting on a park bench clutching Madeleine's favourite cuddlecat.  The McCanns were firmly ensconced in Praia da Luz in May 2007 - a park bench?  scratchhead

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Tony Bennett 04.10.16 12:44

aquila wrote:Oh Lordy, Lordy, do you think Elca Craig (the male/female) has met up with TaninaR, who dropped onto this forum to show a few photographs of herself and sibling as children semi-naked on the beach of PdL in the 70's, was invited for coffee and a ghoul tour and went off to sell ponies to the elite?
@ aquila        What a truly outrageous, appalling, utterly egregious and potentially libelous suggestion.

Could well be true, though winkwink


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Verdi 04.10.16 12:52

Tony Bennett wrote:
Verdi wrote:Here is an example..

Madeleine McCann search gets nasty

by Olga Craig

12:01 AM BST  12th Aug. 2007

The Portuguese press and the people of Praia da Luz have turned against Kate and Gerry McCann, and the couple are becoming increasingly critical of the local police. The hunt for a missing child has turned into a bitter war. Olga Craig reports from the front line or even midnight

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Please note the timing of this publication, to dispel once and for all, the notion that the Telegraph reported Madeleine McCann's disappearance at midnight on 3rd/4th May 2007.
@ Verdi   Just to clarify if I may.

The report you quote is dated 12.01am on 12 May.

However, there was a Daily Telegraph report dated 12.01 on 4 May.

But that merely proves the more general point that '12.01am' is a default setting whioh applies to archived news reprots and does NOT prove that either of these two reports was actually filed at 12.01am.
You may but please don't confuse me at the same time confused.

The Telegraph report I sourced is dated 12th August 2007 not the 12th May 2007.  I know there is also a report timed at 12:01am on 4th May 2007 hence my mentioning the date - I took the opportunity to dispel the claim that the Telegraph reported Madeleine's disappearance at midnith on 3rd/4th May 2007.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Liz Eagles 04.10.16 13:02

Tony Bennett wrote:
aquila wrote:Oh Lordy, Lordy, do you think Elca Craig (the male/female) has met up with TaninaR, who dropped onto this forum to show a few photographs of herself and sibling as children semi-naked on the beach of PdL in the 70's, was invited for coffee and a ghoul tour and went off to sell ponies to the elite?
@ aquila        What a truly outrageous, appalling, utterly egregious and potentially libelous suggestion.

Could well be true, though winkwink
Oh please, show the post where Elca Craig invites TaninaR for coffee in PdL (or Luz, Lagos as he/she prefers to say).
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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Tony Bennett 04.10.16 13:26

Back to member/former member Elca Craig/Shining In Luz.

Here's his recent 'take' (in another place) on Operation Grange:


Unless SY and the Home Office are both a complete shambles, then the case has been made for an extension, with funding, and it has gained approval.

Presumably, someone on OG presented a case that valid lines of enquiry remained, and what was required to investigate them?  Perhaps DCI Nicola Wall, but we don't know.

That almost certainly went higher up for approval.  It might be Duthie, but that does not strike me as sufficiently high in SY.

Then the file/request went to the Home Office for approval and funds.

As to who approved this request, I have not got a clue, nor do I care.

What I am not seeing is some sort of conspiracy theory here, between OG, SY and the Home Office.

It is much easier to conclude, IMO, that OG/SY detailed further work and the cost thereof, and the Home Office looked at it and decided it was reasonable, therefore approved the proposal.

Of course, I have no idea what 'the proposal' actually is.


He thinks Operation Grange is a 'kosher' investigation!


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Daily mirror article.

Post by willowthewisp 04.10.16 19:52

As was pointed out by various CMMoM posters about the" Innocent Family Photographs" from Portugal in the 1960's,that TaninaR had sent in and had seen no problem having them posted on this site.  Now people who had  raised eye brows at the time of the photographs are vindicated some what in light of Shining Luiz/Elca Craigs unmasking association to certain 24 hr surveilence monitoring?

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Verdi 04.10.16 20:39

aquila wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:
aquila wrote:Oh Lordy, Lordy, do you think Elca Craig (the male/female) has met up with TaninaR, who dropped onto this forum to show a few photographs of herself and sibling as children semi-naked on the beach of PdL in the 70's, was invited for coffee and a ghoul tour and went off to sell ponies to the elite?
@ aquila        What a truly outrageous, appalling, utterly egregious and potentially libelous suggestion.

Could well be true, though winkwink
Oh please, show the post where Elca Craig invites TaninaR for coffee in PdL (or Luz, Lagos as he/she prefers to say).
Allow me..

"If you are interested in writing up the story of Luz, or are willing to source some photos that illustrate the changes over the years, please let me know.

The tale will not make anyone rich, but it is one of those stories that deserves to be told."

"And if you happen to fancy a chat over coffee, please get in touch.  I'm happy to pay."

Just for good measure, in the light of the recent ghoulish PdL tour exposé - from the same page..

"Tourists don't visit it to see a Madeleine monument.  They come on cheap holidays for sun plus."

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by Verdi 04.10.16 20:50

I've just again read Mr. Elca Craig's response to the Mirror article posted up in it's entirety by Tony howdy .  What a windbag - why not sue the Mirror and have done with.

Some of the extraordinary bluffing and double bluffing I've seen over the years connected to this case, I still wonder if s/he is behind the report.  Cheap publicity maybe or another sympathy plug for the McCanns?  If I was in Mr. Craig's shoes, even if I couldn't afford to sue (where is Carter Ruck when needed most) I would at least demand and apology from the Mirror.

I note s/he claims to have forwarded case intelligence to Operation Grange - mmmm..  intriguing.  Hope it was intelligent intelligence.

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by jeanmonroe 05.10.16 3:24

Operation Grange's intelligence.?

That's an oxymoron, right there!

Ain't it?

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Mirror article today - Page 2 Empty Re: Mirror article today

Post by jeanmonroe 06.10.16 13:29

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"The McCanns have been cleared by police of any involvement in the disappearance of their daughter."

Really, REALLY?

NOT, according to, what the assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police said in his written statement: (in Kate’s 316 of her book, madeleine.): “While one or both of them may be innocent there is no clear evidence that eliminates them from involvement in Madeleine’s disappearance.”

So 'who's' right?

Are the McCan'ts 'cleared' or 'not cleared', by 'police', that, IS the 'question'!
'A 'good' cop can't sleep, because there's a 'piece of the puzzle' missng'

'A 'bad' cop can't sleep, because his/her 'conscience' won't let him/her'

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