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peribanez - Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez  PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco   - Page 2 Mm11

peribanez - Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez  PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco   - Page 2 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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peribanez - Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez  PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco   - Page 2 Mm11

peribanez - Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez  PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco   - Page 2 Regist10

Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco

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peribanez - Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez  PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco   - Page 2 Empty Re: Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco

Post by Jill Havern 22.02.16 19:28

The lady who translated the Peribanez chapter for us was asked to review the Franciso Marco book to see if it was worth translating. Here is her résumé:

Dear all

Yes, you are right in that this is complete rubbish, and it is written in a soppy and sentimental style. I think he is trying to give the impression of being an upright, concerned and thoroughly decent family man, but the end result sounds insincere and phoney, and his writing is littered with clichés. (All my opinion, of course!)

 He starts off by explaining that he took his family away for a 2 day break to a hotel over Easter in 2013, which he could barely afford as he had had no income since the company closed down, but he wanted to spend time with them in order to make up for never having had time to dedicate to them over past years. He introduces the Madeleine theme by mentioning that his wife is worried because they are in a hotel complex and the children were out in the play area: "Paco, you know what happened. That was a hotel complex as well."

He says that the only thing for which he could reproach the McCanns was having left Madeleine alone and out of their direct sight. He mentions the McCann parents' suffering due to their unfair treatment by the press, which he says is the fault of the Portuguese police, which he describes as inefficient and Manichean.

It has been a long time since he has heard from / about them; he still remembers Kate's white skin and living-dead eyes as she fought desperately to find her daughter. When the English entrepreneur Brian Kennedy rang in 2007, Marco knew immediately that this investigation would either bring them international fame or result in a huge failure. They nevertheless accepted this assignment, as Marco's mother looked into Kate's eyes and saw "desperation".

He says that one day he will explain whether they believe that Madeleine is alive or dead and, if she has been killed, who they believe was responsible. He says that Nacho Abad, who was at that time a journalist from Telecinco, and he had always thought that one person (in particular) was involved in her disappearance.

He acknowledges that he failed, and says that they were always searching for a living child, which was what they had been contracted to do by the desperate family. Thus the focus of their investigation was sightings and people who could provide clues regarding her whereabouts. They also researched the reasons for her disappearance in depth. However, they were contracted six months after the abduction, with all the world media concentrating on a little blond girl with a distinctive eye marking. He says they looked into more than twenty alleged sightings and millions of leads, monitored various suspects and infiltrated Moroccan and French paedophile gangs. They also busted two internet paedophile networks, leading to arrests. Nevertheless, Maddie is still missing. He says that there is no doubt that their mistake was allowing the those advising the family to direct the "communication strategy".

The Portuguese police did not want them to carry out investigations on their territory, and the Moroccan police were monitoring them as well, and therefore each time they sent a team to Portugal they pretended they were actually in Morocco, and vice versa.

He says that he will not go into everything they did and the results, which the Portuguese police ignored, because Scotland Yard are investigating and are confident that one day the mystery will be solved.

He then describes one of the worst moments in his life, which came about as a result of the Madeleine investigation. Whilst he was at his computer working on examining the Swiss bank accounts of a Spanish businessman who claimed to be insolvent, his assistant came in with a pen drive saying that this material had arrived by way of a tip-off about Maddie and consisted of a video allegedly showing Maddie which had arrived via a hidden server. He sprang up and rushed to the bathroom, white as a sheet and feeling sick and saddened when he realized what adults are capable of doing to innocent little children. The sick images, which sent alarm bells ringing in him, continue to haunt him today.
"What is this crap?" he comments as he comes out of the bathroom.

He tries to resume his work but is troubled by recurring images of a male member next to a little blond girl which keep returning to his mind like a boomerang; he cannot understand the vile hatred in those who have deprived children of their childhood. He then says that he is going home, due to the adrenalin provoked by these disgusting people.

He is unable to sleep for more than two hours that night, then the following morning he attends the premises of the Cyber Crime Squad, saying: "Arrest these sons of bitches!" The officer asks whether Marco has this material in his computers, to which he replies no, because he is aware that merely possessing it would constitute a criminal offence. He states that an email arrived yesterday which said that Madeleine McCann was in the images, but it is not in fact her.
The officer asks him how he is feeling, and he replies: "Like sh**."

They draft a criminal complaint and the first arrests are made several months later. The police carried out searches and made 13 arrests, charged 10 other individuals and seized a large amount of computer material during a major operation. The network was dismantled on 15th December 2008. The police have this year made 408 arrests of individuals linked to paedophilia and over 2,000 people have subsequently been linked to the production, distribution and sale of child pornography. He adds that the arrests were carried out by the Cyber Crime Unit, "the very same unit that were investigating me at the current time, having forgotten about all the favours I had done for them in relation to the fight against criminals in our country". He says that if Método 3 had existed solely in order to achieve those 13 arrests of individuals, so that hundreds of children can play in parks, walk around neighbourhoods and cities and grow up and be educated without experiencing childhood trauma, then its existence would have been worthwhile.

He then goes on to deny ever having said that Maddie would be home for Christmas. He claims to have replied "If only / god willing!" ("Ojalá") when asked whether Maddie would be found before the Christmas period. From that point onwards, and as a result of an incorrect translation into English, the story became mixed-up and it was presented as a fact that I had stated that the little girl would be back with her parents in time for Christmas. "Never before had a badly translated word caused so much commentary and so many misinterpretations."

I hope the above résumé is of interest to you.

Kind regards



Related link: Francisco Marco who says when talking about Maddie McCann: "I know the kidnapper, and we know where he is. We know who he is, and we know how he has done it . . ."

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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peribanez - Exclusive to CMOMM - Corruption and criminality inside the Metodo 3 investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance: Extracts from a book by two Metodo 3 men, Tamarit and Peribanez  PLUS a second book written by Francisco Marco   - Page 2 Empty CMOMM member tigger: SOCRATIC QUESTIONING OF THE METHODS OF METODO3

Post by Jill Havern 10.03.16 21:53


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Thursday, 10 March 2016


This chapter, and the rest of the book, makes remarkable reading. Even if we accept only some of what the author says as being more or less accurate, then we are left with two broad options.
The first must be that everyone involved genuinely believed that M3 were a reputable firm:
that they did have experience in tracking down 300 missing people,
that they were able to put 20 to 40 operatives on the front line of enquiries,
that they were making enquiries in various countries - and
that all the invoices for work and travel were genuine.
It would follow therefore that the fraud committed by M3 on the 'Fund' is a serious crime, which should be reported and investigated. But several problems arise from this view. The Directors of the Fund include amongst others a highly experienced Commercial law specialist solicitor, a Consultant at the height of his career, an accountant (retd.), another solicitor and Coroner (retd.), and behind the entire thing, a hugely successful multimillionaire businessman.  And the Contract can only be awarded after Due Diligence by one of the leading London firms of solicitors, who specialise in Charity law and are fully aware of the pitfalls, AND by the leading firm of accountants who do the same thing.

Bates Wells Brathwaite make this wonderful claim on their website, where they talk about General trustee duties:
Carrying out due diligence;
Monitoring the use of funds;
Keeping records of actions taken.
And the Fund's accountants Haysmacintyre are even more boastful, and under the circumstances even more risible:
We see the big picture and spot the tiniest detail.
They have Partners with specialist knowledge of Fraud - consider Phil Salmon is a Chartered Tax Adviser and has specialised in VAT for over 23 years. He became a partner at Haysmacintyre in 2013 and heads up our VAT Department. Like many indirect task specialist, he started his career with HM Customs & Excise, initially as a visiting VAT officer, before moving on to specialist fraud teams.

Is it likely that NOT ONE of these people even raised an eyebrow, that not one murmured something about wanting a list of the names of the operatives, that not one asked for a breakdown of the invoiced amounts. Is this credible?

They just paid out half a million pounds of someone else's money and then did nothing when it was revealed they had been defrauded..?
And that not ONE of them had a pang of conscience about the fate of the little girl M3 were supposed to have been looking for during all the years that had been wasted?

Can we really just accept that all these people are jointly and severally guilty of gross incompetence and professional negligence?
And further, that once the fraud was exposed, and the details communicated to the Directors of the Fund - not vaguely, but with concrete examples and details of where the evidence is located - that not one of them raised an eyebrow and sent so much as a polite email asking for their money to be refunded..?

Haymacintyre again:
Trustees are responsible for preventing and detecting fraud ...
A good anti-fraud policy should Ensure:
- There are appropriate measures to prevent and deter fraud.
- There are necessary procedures to detect fraud.
- Employees are encouraged to take responsibility and report any suspicions of fraud.
- All instances of suspected fraud are investigated.
- Appropriate disciplinary, civil or criminal proceedings are undertaken.
- All suspected fraud is reported to the appropriate authorities.

But they didn't. Why not. Gross professional negligence, incompetence, stupidity..?
But strangely that may be their only defence, since the second broad option is far more serious. It would follow, if none of the above were incompetent, negligent or stupid, that they were operating to instructions specifically to ignore what they were being told. In other words:
It would follow that everything that happened was wrongly interpreted by an honest detective as being fraudulent, when in fact it was part of a wider overall plan of which he knew nothing, and only gradually becoming aware. Certainly his interpretation of Marco's words and actions, and subsequently of Brian Kennedy's and Gerry McCann's refusal even to reply to his email in which he details his thoughts are most telling.

Why anyone would go to the lengths of pretending to do a search across an entire continent, and submit false documentation to move half a million pounds from one account to another, when in fact the expenses actually incurred were significantly smaller is an open question and one which it might be dangerous to speculate upon.

But we are then drawn to a posted comment we remember from many years ago. A native Spanish speaker phoned M3 and spoke to Marco direct. There is no question of  'loss in translation' or misunderstanding. His report is quite clear and has been in the public domain for a long time:

It took me a while but in the end I managed to speak to the Managing Director in clear Spanish. I asked how it was that a Detective Agency of their standing could make such a ridiculous assertion making it known 'they knew Madeleine was held in Morocco and they were going to get her'. He tried to wriggle  out of it but in the end he said 'DONT ASK ME. THAT'S THE PARENTS' STRATEGY'.

Now we have This Chapter of This Book and as with a jigsaw puzzle - it fits perfectly.  The two lawyers who set up the Fund all those years ago are:
Rosamund McCarthy - advises a wide range of charities, foundations and public benefit organisations (national and international) on establishment, campaigning, governance, philanthropy, fund-raising and Enterprise activities. She also advises on mergers, restructures and incorporations. Her clients include start-ups, Household name charities, international foundations, campaigning bodies, membership bodies, royal charter bodies and corporate foundations. Rosamund enjoys working across a broad range of sectors including children and young people, the arts, education, health, human rights, the humanities, international development and faith-based charities.
Rosamund is recommended by Chambers and Legal 500, was nominated as a Super Lawyer in 2014 and appears in the 2015 edition of  Best Lawyers in the UK.
Publications and lectures:  contributing author to 'The Fundraisers Guide to the Law'.

Philip Kirkpatrick has been with BWB for the whole of his career, qualifying in 1995 and becoming a partner in 2000. He then became co-head of the Charity and Social Enterprise team in 2011. Philip advises charities and social enterprises on numerous aspects of charity, corporate and commercial law and has extensive experience in: constitutional and structural work including mergers, incorporations and other reorganisations, joint ventures and other forms of collaborative working, fund-raising and trading, charity formations, charity financing, business establishment, acquisition and sale, public sector contracting and legal governance.

These are not back-street firms from a small town in Leicestershire. These are the top lawyers and accountants in this sphere.
AND COLLECTIVELY THEY DID NOTHING  - Who told them not to?     

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