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WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them   Mm11

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them   Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them   Mm11

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them   Regist10

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them

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WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them   Empty WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them

Post by Tony Bennett 03.02.16 12:31

Whatever happened to Julian Peribanez?

What did we know about him?

Some might ask: Julian who?

Julian Peribanez was one of Metodo 3’s top detectives, and was fully involved in their ‘search for Madeleine’.

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Pictures of him in action are rare, but on this short video clip he was captured strolling through the streets of Praia da Luz, trying desperately to hide his face from the camaraman with three maps. By his side was the mastermind behind the entire McCann Team private investigation, Cheshire multi-millionaire business magnate, Brian Kennedy:

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He is known to have worked closely with Brian Kennedy’s main U.K.-based investigator, Nottingham-based Gary Hagland, best known as an expert in financial compliance and money laundering. Peribanez visited England at least once, taking part in interview with the Jensen/Wiltshire sisters, who produced another dramatic story of a ‘suspicious man’ for the British mainstream press at the turn of 2007.        

What’s he doing these days?

Along with his boss, Francisco Marco and other Metodo 3 staff, he got into  big trouble in early 2013. He and a number of other Metodo 3 staff were revealed to have been behind the illegal recording of conversations between high-level Spanish politicians in a Barcelona restaurant. In particular, they  recorded the President of the Catalan PP party, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho, interviewing Jordi Pujol Ferrusola’s ex-lover.

The story is covered here:

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…and in many other places.

Peribanez was discovered to have been involved and arrested. However, unlike his boss Marco, Peribanez rapidly admitted his guilt, confessed all to the police, and may have ended up assisting the police with their enquiries.

The case became known as ‘Barcelona-Gate’, or BARCAGATE for short. Julian Peribanez later gave a long interview on the subject:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (25-minute interview, all in Portuguese)

In 2014, it was announced that he had become a ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ by publishing, jointly with the former head of Metodo 3 in Madrid, Antonia Tamarit, a book blowing the lid on corruption in Portugal but also, more specifically, the cess-pit of dark, nefarious and illegal activities carried out by Metodo 3.

By this time, many of the top Metodo 3 staff had been arrested or imprisoned over the illegal recording of conversations at a Barcelona restaurant, and had gone into liquidation.

So, in a classic case of ‘thieves falling out’, Peribanez and Tamarit decided to wrote a ‘tell-all’ book exposing the corrupt and criminal activities they had themselves been engaged in.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]     

The book, La Cortina de Humo, by Peribanez and Tamarit, received an incandescent reception from former Metodo 3 boss, Francisco Marco. Enraged by his serial skullduggery being exposed in a book, he immediately – and successfully – applied for an injunction banning the sale of the book and banning both authors form ever speaking about its contents!

Peribanez is on Twitter:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

He has written a second book: ‘Descubriendo el Laberinto Rojo’.

La Cortina de Humo, whose title is rendered ‘Wag the Dog’ in English, is still being advertised on Amazon. On 16 November 2014, one reviewer wrote:

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No se puede comprar porque un juez ha decidido prohibir su venta y retener todas las copias disponibles >>>
You cannot buy because a judge has decided to prohibit the sale and retain any copies available.
Por lo visto, el que fuera jefe de los autores en la agencia de detectives Método 3 afirma que los autores accedieron a la información mediante su trabajo en la agencia, y por tanto están sujetos a confidencialidad>>>
Apparently, the former head of the authors in the Method 3 detective agency submits that the authors gained access to information through his job at the agency, and therefore are subject to confidentiality”.

One Chapter, Chapter 13 (unlucky for some?), exposes the nefarious conduct of Metodo 3 in the Madeleine McCann case, and so will be of especial interest to anyone who has followed the case closely. The chapter includes dark tales of bogus invoices and money laundering.  

The publishers of the book describe it in the following terms (Google translation):

“Explosive investigations by detectives Tamarit and Peribañez (no longer employed by Method 3) on unpunished corruption in Spain. The interested filtration ? of media recording of the Camargue, developments in the Gürtel case, the plundering of the PO box of  FC Barcelona, the infamous [libelous accusation about the Find Madeleine Fund withheld – T.B.] Jordi Pujol Ferrusola, Puig Brothers, the Mortadelos , Espionage in the Community of Madrid, pacts of silence, rise and fall of Metodo 3”.

What a pity Julian Peribanez was involved in all this skullduggery when he was working on the Madeleine McCann case and only now tells what he knows to make money from the sale of his book. Is he really serving the interests of truth? Or only, always, his own pocket? After all, he profited from his actions in the Madeleine McCann case.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them   Empty Re: WHATEVER HAPPENED TO JULIAN PERIBANEZ? - The Metodo 3 investigator who worked alongside Brian Kennedy and was once so shy of the cameras that he hid his face from them

Post by sharonl 15.08.19 19:18

What is Julian Peribanez doing now?

He is busy slamming the Malaysian Police in the Nora case, for making the same mistakes as the Portuguese Police in the Madeleine case.
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