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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Mm11

Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Regist10
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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Mm11

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by JackieL 07.10.14 23:34


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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Okeydokey 07.10.14 23:37

Kudos and credit to Sonia for a very open, honest, heartfelt and well reasoned statement of the obvious...that people should be allowed to express doubts about the "authorised" McCann version, not least when the lead investigator on the case has doubts as well.

Have no doubt about it: our freedoms have been diminished and will continued to be diminished as long as Team McCann maintain their python-like grip on the nation's voice box.

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Brian Griffin 08.10.14 3:30

I saw a programme this evening about the QE2 and it brought a tear to my eye about what it used it to be to be British.

Now I shed no tear and feel nothing but shame.

"Looking for Madeleine"? - Lying for the McCanns! (In my opinion)
Brian Griffin
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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by rustyjames 08.10.14 9:12

TMH wrote:Great video Sonia!! rock

And Katie Hopkins is no way a McCann fan!

Yes fantastic video.

Never going to happen, but wouldn't it be nice to have Sonia Poulton and Katie Hopkins back on "This Morning" agreeing on something :-)

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by tiny 08.10.14 9:46

Katie Hopkins is a hit and run,doubt she will not say any more, another one who knows which side her bread is buttered on.

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by nglfi 08.10.14 9:53

Excellent video and a very brave effort. I have never seen any of Sonia's tweets so I am not sure of why her name would be in the dossier. I fear that the Met police will only talk to her if they believe she has committed a crime of harassment or malicious communications or whatever the b##locks is they're trying to gwt people with now. They won't be interested in the whys and the wherefores. With that in mind they should also focus on the extremely insulting and abusive messages by the pros. But will they? Will they f##k.

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by PeterMac 08.10.14 10:36

nglfi wrote: They won't be interested in the whys and the wherefores. With that in mind they should also focus on the extremely insulting and abusive messages by the pros. But will they?.

They won't because the McCanns like having that level of support. It means they don't have to do it themselves
and the fact that the only people who believe their story - or which ever version they want you to believe today -
are clearly in need of urgent psychiatric help clearly does not worry them.
The fact that they do not dissociate themselves from the abuse and stalking is itself even more worrying.

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by frost 08.10.14 11:56

well Katie Hopkins is all over the press for the tweet she made about the McCanns yet I cannot find one article reffering to Sonias video .

I don't think they want the video being circulated  , too many home truths perhaps ?

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by whatsupdoc 09.10.14 7:38

I've been exchanging tweets with Sonia and would just like to say that I thought she did an excellent job both presenting the video and the content.

clapping1  clapping1 clapping1

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Muzz Lightyear 09.10.14 8:38

An excellent video , we need more of the same.
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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by tiny 09.10.14 9:18

Bravo ,Sonia.

           but you will have to keep your wits about you,remember David kelly

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Geowoo 09.10.14 9:49

Thank you Sonia Poulton.... A breath of fresh air and honesty in this stagnant stinking pool of "churnalism"..I hope your words will galvanise others to turn away from their media masters and use their reporting skills to give us all a clear glass window to the world.thanks

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Geowoo 09.10.14 13:49

If you look critically and carefully at what was presented by mainstream media you will see the journalistic sleight of hand they used to lend credence to their attack on Brenda Leyland. 
Under a photo of the distressed McCann couple there were four tweet messages shown to demonstrate the cruel comments about the McCanns.

The trickery is that three acidic comments were juxtaposed with one single comment from Brenda Leyland aka sweepyface. Her comment was aligned to the other comments( asterisked out for legal reasons) and a less observant reader  would think they were attributed solely to Brenda. This...I am sure...was not an error but a deliberate attempt to manipulate public opinion via their readership. What happened next was not as expected and Martin Brunt doorstepping Brenda was completely ugly in its execution.... No one should be so publicly exposed without permission or authority....and SKY News do not have such permissions or right to do so. didn't believe the McCanns...nor do I and so many more are disbelieving of their account. Rest in peace xx

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by woodpecker 09.10.14 16:23

Congrats Sonia terrible tragedy of Brenda persuaded me to stop lurking and register today to think summers and swan call themselves investigative journalists!!!!!

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by lufc50337 09.10.14 16:34

Geowoo wrote:If you look critically and carefully at what was presented by mainstream media you will see the journalistic sleight of hand they used to lend credence to their attack on Brenda Leyland. 
Under a photo of the distressed McCann couple there were four tweet messages shown to demonstrate the cruel comments about the McCanns.

The trickery is that three acidic comments were juxtaposed with one single comment from Brenda Leyland aka sweepyface. Her comment was aligned to the other comments( asterisked out for legal reasons) and a less observant reader  would think they were attributed solely to Brenda. This...I am sure...was not an error but a deliberate attempt to manipulate public opinion via their readership. What happened next was not as expected and Martin Brunt doorstepping Brenda was completely ugly in its execution.... No one should be so publicly exposed without permission or authority....and SKY News do not have such permissions or right to do so. didn't believe the McCanns...nor do I and so many more are disbelieving of their account. Rest in peace xx
I've had a few arguments about that this week.  People automatically took it that they were all Brenda's tweets as the press knew they would.  They also presume that because its on Sky rolling news that Brenda must have done or said something terrible to warrant that exposure.  The whole situation about Brenda is so sad and frustrating.

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Evening_All 11.10.14 15:20

Marian wrote:
Evening_All wrote:Always been a fan of Sonia since her days of arguing with Katie Hopkins. I would love to see a 5 minute debate between these 2 ladies, Katie fighting the McCanns corner and Sonia fighting ours.
Katie Hopkins is no McCann supporter. Are you thinking of someone else?
Nope, deffo Katie Hopkins. Supporter or not she is able to put across a totally bullshit point of view and make it sound convincing. Right down to saying things like "everybody leaves their children alone sometimes". Or "if I were a Doctor I would certainly drug my kids so they would sleep more soundly", "my partners brothers often bath my daughter, it's all part of normal life". With soundbites like that and Sonia's predictable response it should make for interesting viewing.
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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Evening_All 11.10.14 17:56

PS Almost forgot, very very good video Sonia. The media world needs to see this for what it is. WTF happened to investigative journalism?
:wtf2: shark

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by winjoy 12.10.14 0:12

I agree with you all - Sonia Poulton did brilliantly well to say it how it is.  Well done her.

I know Katie Hopkins is not popular but, as some have mentioned, she did tweet along the lines of ' when will the McCanns realise that their negligence is at the heart of their grief? '.  Fairly mild really, but I read somewhere that she had thousands and thousands (20,000 I think) "likes".   I looked up Katie Hopkins on Facebook, but her page is only available to her friends and not the public. 

I was wondering whether it is simply her 'friends' on FB who have notched up so many "likes"?  Does anyone know how to add to that 20,000 or is it simply not possible?  I would like to, but don't know how to.  Does anyone have a link please?

However much people don't like Katie Hopkins, she is in the public eye and, it would seem, is not the avid McCann supporter she is made out to be.  If she could be persuaded that there is much more to say about them than referring to their 'negligence', then she would be a worthwhile supporter of the so-called-'antis' in my view.

Anyway, I would just like to add my "like" to the thousands of others, if you can help me please.

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. [George Washington]

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Evening_All 14.10.14 13:42

winjoy wrote:I agree with you all - Sonia Poulton did brilliantly well to say it how it is.  Well done her.

I know Katie Hopkins is not popular but, as some have mentioned, she did tweet along the lines of ' when will the McCanns realise that their negligence is at the heart of their grief? '.  Fairly mild really, but I read somewhere that she had thousands and thousands (20,000 I think) "likes".   I looked up Katie Hopkins on Facebook, but her page is only available to her friends and not the public. 

I was wondering whether it is simply her 'friends' on FB who have notched up so many "likes"?  Does anyone know how to add to that 20,000 or is it simply not possible?  I would like to, but don't know how to.  Does anyone have a link please?

However much people don't like Katie Hopkins, she is in the public eye and, it would seem, is not the avid McCann supporter she is made out to be.  If she could be persuaded that there is much more to say about them than referring to their 'negligence', then she would be a worthwhile supporter of the so-called-'antis' in my view.

Anyway, I would just like to add my "like" to the thousands of others, if you can help me please.
As Winjoy says, If we could harness the focussed vitriolic Katie H to support the McCanns in public, as we all know journalism exists to sell media then it could be a golden opportunity to argue the other side. Don't barristers act as advocates every day of the week? Katie H on the McCann front vs Sonia P on the "antis, trolls,internet weirdos" front on behalf of the minority of people that are not inherintly good. As opposed to the thousands who are good and regularly write to the McCanns supporting the whooshing and clunking then that could be a very  good debate. Especially if there were some audience participation. Just think, Andy Redman could be called in as an ajudicator.
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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Guest 19.10.14 13:42

Sonia Poulton  and K. Hopkins on Sky News...

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by palm tree 19.10.14 13:50

What a tweet KH had this morning and it doesn't seem to have worried her! I'd be shitting myself!

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by frost 19.10.14 15:10

Journalist Sonia Poulton and entrepreneur Katie Hopkins, who have both suffered online abuse, get into a heated debate over Government plans to increase sentences for internet trolls.

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Evening_All 20.10.14 11:01

palm tree wrote:What a tweet KH had this morning and it doesn't seem to have worried her! I'd be shitting myself!
Katie H probably fantasises about that! big grin

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by plebgate 02.11.14 20:52

Is there any news about this docu. yet and when it will be released?

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Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann' - Page 2 Empty Re: Sonia Poulton video 'We are not trolls to question disappearance of Madeleine McCann'

Post by Brian Griffin 12.11.14 19:32

If it's the same Katie Hopkins, she's not been doing herself any favours with some of her latest tweets!

In my opinion.

"Looking for Madeleine"? - Lying for the McCanns! (In my opinion)
Brian Griffin
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