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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Mm11

Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Regist10
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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Mm11

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Tony Bennett 20.10.16 17:36

I am going to try and upload some scans I have done from the book 'Ben' by Kerry Needham. I will start with the back cover.

The book was written in 2013, six years after Madeleine was reported missing, and two years after Kate McCann's book 'madeleine' was written.

There are many similarities between the two books (Kate's and Kerry's), not least the fact that both were published by Random House, have a similar appearance and in many ways the content is similar also. The back cover of the book is strikingly similar to the way Kate McCann introduced her book, if you just put 'Madeleine' in, instead of Ben - right down to the royalties bit.

I will start by scanning pp 86 to 91 (an account of Ben's disappearance) and pp 268 to 271 (an account of the TV programme and how uncle Stephen reacted.

Here goes:

Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Ben_co10

Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Ben_8611

Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Ben_8810

Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Ben_9010


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Tony Bennett 20.10.16 17:46

[I hasten to add that I only have the book 'Ben' because a kind fellow member of CMOMM who had bought and read it sent it to me]

There is a bit on page 270 which stopped me in my tracks when I first read it. It's where Stephen says:

"What if I did do it, Kerry? What if Ben was on the back of my bike? What if he did fall off? What if...?"


I immediately recalled American baseball player O J Simpson's notorious book: "If I did it...".

Here are pp 268 to 271:

Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Ben_2610

Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Ben_2710


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Verdi 20.10.16 23:25

Thank you howdy it's very helpful to read extracts from the book, to get an idea of Kerry Needham's version of the truth.

Until recently I've never taken much interest in this case, the more I see and read the more obscure it becomes.

Can I ask - is there any mention of the trip to Greece made by Christine and Eddie Needham ten years after the event as posted on the other thread?  I'm intrigued to know who sponsored the trip and documentary.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Equity 21.10.16 12:10

Tony wrote:
There is a bit on page 270 which stopped me in my tracks when I first read it. It's where Stephen says:
"What if I did do it, Kerry? What if Ben was on the back of my bike? What if he did fall off? What if...?"

Almost sounds like a cry for help - 'if it comes back to me that I did have an accident with Ben on the bike could you somehow forgive me?'

But Kerry was having none of it - they were false memories plain and simple.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Tony Bennett 26.10.16 0:30

This is a little compilation I've made about the family's history plus a number of additional extracts from the book:


Eddie Needham married Christine on 29 January 1971.

Kerry Needham was born on 23 November 1971.

Stephen, her younger brother, was born in 1973.

Another brother, Danny, was born in 1979.

The family moved from Rotherham to Chapel St. Leonards near Skegness

Kerry met Simon when they were both 17. Simon’s parents were Cliff and Audrey Ward.

Kerry & Simon moved in January 1989 to Sheffield, where Simon’s family lived

Kerry fell pregnant with Ben in the same month.

In the early summer, Simon found a grotty flat for them to live in. But when Kerry was 7 months old, he walked out on her. Soon after, Kerry went back to live with her parents.

Ben Needham was born in England 29 October 1989. The father, Simon, was 18. Kerry was still 17.

Simon was granted contact to Ben after he was born. Kerry and Simon got to know each other again. Just before Ben was 1 year old, Simon proposed marriage and Kerry accepted.

During Ben’s first year, Kerry’s parents went to Kos for a 2-week holiday.

On Ben’s first birthday (29 October 1990), Kerry’s Mum and Dad said: “We’re moving to Kos”. Kerry replied: “What do you mean you’re moving there? You’ve only just got back!” 

Kerry’s Mum “became depressed when they’d returned from Kos…as the weeks passed, Mum continued to ask the same thing over and over. Then one day Dad answered: ‘Let’ do it” (p. 54).

Kerry’s Mum, Dad and her two younger brothers went to Kos. 

By early 1991, Kerry was getting letters, cards and photos from her parents and Stephen which clearly showed they were having a wonderful time in Kos.

A few weeks later, Kerry spoke to her Mum on the ‘phone and said “Mum, I’m bringing Ben to Kos”. She had decided to leave Simon behind if necessary. But he decided to go with Kerry and joined them a few weeks later after Kerry and Ben arrived on Kos.  

Kerry and Ben flew to Kos on 21 April 1991.

Simon flew out on 12 June 1991. Four weeks later, he violently assaulted a staff member at the Palm Beach hotel where Kerry was working behind the bar, accusing him of having an affair with Kerry. He packed his bags and went back to England shorlty afterwards.   

Stephen, on 21 April, was described by Kerry as ‘long-haired’. He was aged 17½. Kerry was nearly 19½. Stephen slept on the roof of the chicken coop because it was too hot inside the house.

“As soon as Ben [got there] he pulled his shoes and socks off and ran off to explore. He hadn’t got far when he turned and called out: ‘Nanny, get me, get me, get me’. Greek grass, as he had just discovered, wasn’t quite like English grass. It is coarse and spiky and quite vicious if you have such tend young skin. After that experience, Ben wouldn’t go anywhere without company” (p. 66).

“With Stephen, Ben [could] go exploring for animals or have little rides on the back of Stephen’s 50cc motorbike. They’d pootle around the caravan site at about two miles an hour, with Stephen keeping a firm grip of Ben, so there was no danger of accidents, but to look at Ben’s face, you’d think he was breaking the sound barrier”.

“My Mum soon offered to babysit Ben if I wanted to go out with Stephen. My brother had already scouted out the local hostelries and had a few he wanted to take me to. Most of them, it seemed, were on a stretch of road called ‘Bar Street’, for obvious reasons…it was so refreshing to get out of our house, to have a bit of time to myself, to let my hair down”. (p. 69).

“There were some great offers on cocktails and beers, and I have to thank Stephen for not being slow in exposing me to this side of the island…There is nothing in the world better or more satisfying than being a Mum. But at 19 there was a part of me that was fulfilled just being out with people my own age, having a drink, having fun…”. (p. 72)

“My only experience of clubs and bars had been when I was a schhoolgirl. It made such a change not to have to lie about my age. I’d pretended to be 18 then. Now I could go in with my head held high…once or twice a week, I let my hair down…”


On the day in question (24 July 1991), Kerry had to take Ben from her apartment to her parents’ caravan. She was late there and hence also late for work. Kerry says the temperature was 43 deg C = 110 deg F

Whilst she was there: “The snack bar opened on time and my brother, Stephen, popped by in the afternoon for a swim at the hotel pool, then went over to have a drink with Martin at the bar. He often did that. By the time I nipped out for a dip between my shifts he had already left…”  (p. 79)

“After [work], I went over to join Martin and Peter at the bar for my customary bottle of lager before making the journey home…I’d barely taken a sip when I  heard a commotion coming from inside the main hotel…A moment later Jorgas, the night porter, came running out…two tall policemen [were] standing by the mother was sobbing on the steps…”Kerry, it’s Ben. He’s gone. Ben’s gone. I’ve lost him” (pp. 79-80).

Stephen had gone to work at his building job early, on his bike. Kerry’s Dad had gone to work in the Land Rover. Kerry had left for work at the Palm Beach hotel. Kerry’s Mum was therefore alone most of that morning with Ben and Danny. The three of them walked up to the farmhouse which Kerry’s Dad and brother were helping to restore. It was the first time Ben had been there.

Kerry’s Mum had brought a few things to eat. But Michaelis sent Stephen to the shops to get some extra food in. They all sat down in chairs and boxes to eat their lunch.

After lunch, “Stephen disappeared behind the house where the vehicles were parked. He didn’t have to hunt for Ben because his nephew came trotting over, and not to say goodbye. The only thing Ben loved more than his toys was other people’s – and Stephen’s motorbike was top of the list. [He would say] ‘Bike! Bike! Usually Stephen was as weak as the rest of us when it came to turning down a request from his nephew. But not today. Stephen had an errand to run…his Dad had told him: ‘Grab the jerry can, son, and fill it up at the garage’. They would need the diesel for the generator in the morning…The sooner he got it over with, the quicker he could enjoy his rare few hours off. ‘Go back to Granddad, Ben’, Stephen said.  ‘No rides today’. He shooed Ben away and made his escape. From the other side of the farmhouse, everyone heard the little 50cc engine fire up and the fading volume as Stephen sped away down the lane”. (p. 86)
“It was about two minutes later that Mum said: ‘Ben’s gone quiet’. Dad laughed: ‘He can’t be up to any good’…Mum left the others and went to check and walked casually through the house. She didn’t call Ben, not at first. She expected to see him crouched down with his bucket and spade and mounds of ants or a pile of sand...Ben wasn’t where Mum expected…Mum got her bearing and scanned the horizon…it was so wide open hat she could have been able to spot Ben in an instant…it was to overgrown for him to have dared to venture. That only left the lane. She walked to the top of the driveway, checking the hedges…there was no sign of him…[she thought ‘he must have] gone round the house when I came through it’…she trudged back up the driveway and walked the opposite way around the dilapidated building. Dad, Michaelis and Danny were exactly where she’d left them. ‘Has Bene been back in, Mum asked. ‘He’s not here’.…

“They all set off calling Ben’s name and shouting and hollering for him to come back…in between the sound of them all calling out, there was the occasional putt-putt of a distant scooter or slow-moving truck crawling up the main road… definitely no sight of a little boy. There was only one other explanation. Stephen must have taken him. I can hear my Dad’s voice now: ‘The stupid little idiot. Fancy not telling us he was taking Ben for a ride…He’s probably taken him to visit Kerry. Palm Beach is on the way to the garage’.”

Later… “They all relaxed…There was no sign of anyone at the caravan but Mum did spot the jerry can full of fuel for the generator. Obviously Stephen had been back, but Mum assumed he and Ben had gone to the hotel for a swim. She began to prepare dinner. It was almost five 5 o’clock. Ben had last been seen at half past two. Unless he ate at my snack bar, the little fella would be hungry by now.

“‘I’m going to wring Stephen’s neck’, said Dad. ‘He can’t just take Ben off gallivanting whenever he feels like it’. Dad said he’d drive to my apartment and if no-one was there, on to the hotel, the only places the pair could be. Ten minutes later, Dad pulled up outside my little flat [in Kos]…as he turned the key in the lock, he let out a sigh of relief. He could hear the shower. They [must be there].

“...Dad asked where Ben was. Stephen said; ‘What do you mean?’… ‘No. Why?’ Dad asked: ‘You didn’t bring him her on your bike?’ When he processed the question, Stephen was offended at the idea. ‘Of course I didn’t, Dad. He hasn’t got a helmet, I never would’…I left Ben playing by the door, Dad, I swear I did’.”

It was six o‘clock in the evening…they decided to visit the police…At 6.30. two police officers left the police station and were despatched to the farmhouse...Ben had been missing for 4 hours” (pp, 89-93).

Stephen left the farmhouse at about 2.30pm. He surfaced in Kerry’s flat at about 5.30pm. So he was gone THREE hours. 

According to Kerry, he went to the town of Kos and went to Kerry’s hotel (see above). He also went to fill up a jerry can and brought it back (see above). And then he went to have a shower at Kerry’s flat (see above).



Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Guest 26.10.16 8:25

Thanks Tony, interesting reading.

These stick out for me:

From the other side of the farmhouse, everyone heard the little 50cc engine fire up and the fading volume as Stephen sped away down the lane”. 

It was about two minutes later that Mum said: ‘Ben’s gone quiet’

Mum got her bearing and scanned the horizon…it was so wide open that she could have been able to spot Ben in an instant

“They all set off calling Ben’s name and shouting and hollering for him to come back…in between the sound of them all calling out, there was the occasional putt-putt of a distant scooter or slow-moving truck crawling up the main road…

To notice that Ben had gone quiet it would have to be quiet.

So about 3 minutes after Stephen left, horizon scanned, no operating diggers or drivers then (to the horizon) and then none when they were shouting a hollering. Otherwise they would have asked.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Verdi 26.10.16 12:06

“They all set off calling Ben’s name and shouting and hollering for him to come back… in between the sound of them all calling out, there was the occasional putt-putt of a distant scooter or slow-moving truck crawling up the main road… definitely no sight of a little boy. There was only one other explanation. Stephen must have taken him."

All sounds very quiet to me.  Anyone that's ever been to a Greek island and outside a town will know just how silent it is - the tranquility is part of the attraction in my opinion.  An enormous digger trundling about would be heard without doubt.

As an aside, in all my years living on the periphery of the tourist industry, I have never ever experienced hotel staff being allowed to use the hotel facilities for socializing.  They arrive for work and leave by the back door, so to speak.  A few times I've seen mention of Kerry Needham hanging around the hotel after finishing work as also I recall mention of something similar with reference to the Ocean Club, Praia da Luz.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by bobbin 26.10.16 12:23

Verdi wrote:“They all set off calling Ben’s name and shouting and hollering for him to come back… in between the sound of them all calling out, there was the occasional putt-putt of a distant scooter or slow-moving truck crawling up the main road… definitely no sight of a little boy. There was only one other explanation. Stephen must have taken him."

All sounds very quiet to me.  Anyone that's ever been to a Greek island and outside a town will know just how silent it is - that's part of the attraction in my opinion.  An enormous digger trundling about would be heard without doubt.
I don't know how far away the digger was supposed to be, but could Ben have possibly scrambled onto the digger, then toppled in, and unable to clamber out, suffered in the sun. Driver may then have started work again, unwittingly. All sorts of possibilities. Some possibly pitifully innocent.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Verdi 26.10.16 12:42

Tony Bennett wrote:This is a little compilation I've made about the family's history plus a number of additional extracts from the book:

May I add?

According to the very lengthy Guardian article written by Melainie McFadyean, published on 29th March 2009 [snipped]..

In September, I went to see the Needhams in their council house in Sheffield to interview them for the Guardian. They were easy to find; journalists could ring them directly and go and see them. They've always hoped publicity will keep Ben in the public's thoughts.

Ben was born in October 1989 when Kerry was 17. She had met his father, Simon Ward, when she was 15 and still at school. The Needhams come from South Yorkshire: Eddie Needham, a builder by trade, is from Chapeltown, near Sheffield, and Christine is from Thorpe Hesley, outside Rotherham. They met as teenagers and married soon afterwards. In the early 1980s, they moved to Chapel St Leonards, near Skegness. At first they lived on the caravan site; Eddie worked on a building site and collected scrap metal; Christine worked in a chip shop, then ran a café. They did well and bought a house.

Leighanna was born in February 1994; not long after, Simon went to prison for five years, charged with robbery. It was a long time before Kerry had been able to articulate what those early months had been like after Ben went missing. She and Simon were living together again.

When I left he was with his younger son, Danny, who lives in Cyprus. A few days later, I went back to see him. He was sober and unexpectedly sanguine about Christine's continuing absence and her insistence that she would never return. Their 39 years of marriage have been punctuated by Christine's intermittent departures, usually sparked by Eddie's occasional drinking. Christine had always returned within a week or two.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by jeanmonroe 26.10.16 13:31

SN "What if I did do it, Kerry? What if Ben was on the back of my bike? What if he did fall off? What if...?"

Well that 'contradicts' what he said in 'documentary'.............'I never took Ben on bike' which, incidentally, the grandfather, 'contradicted' by saying 'he (SN) DID take Ben on his bike, Ben 'loved' it'

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Tony Bennett 26.10.16 20:56

Verdi wrote:As an aside, in all my years living on the periphery of the tourist industry, I have never ever experienced hotel staff being allowed to use the hotel facilities for socialising.  They arrive for work and leave by the back door, so to speak.  A few times I've seen mention of Kerry Needham hanging around the hotel after finishing work as also I recall mention of something similar with reference to the Ocean Club, Praia da Luz.

@ Verdi       I must concede that, as I was compiling this history and list of quotes for the forum, my mind did stop for quite a while pondering exactly what Stephen is supposed to have done that afternoon. If I'd had a bit more time, I would have added a summary of the timeline. These appear to be the essential elements of Stephen's timeline that day: 

1. Morning - Set off to do building work: renovating a farmhouse
2. Lunchtime - Stopped, ate lunch outside
3. Was asked by Michaelis to fill up a jerry can of petrol/diesel to 'make sure the generator will work tomorrow
4. 2.30pm Sped off on his motorbike
5. Went to a garage to fill up the jerrycan 
6. Brought it back (Kerry's Mum says it had been filled up, though no-one heard Stephen return: "Mum did spot the jerry can full of fuel for the generator. Obviously Stephen had been back, but Mum assumed that he and Ben had gone to the hotel for a swim")  
7. He went for a swim at the Palm Beach hotel where Kerry worked: he 'often did that but 'had already left by the time I nipped out for a dip between shifts'
8. c 5.15pm/5.30pm Was showering in Kerry's apartment in Kos.

We can't be sure from the book whether (6) or (7) came first. I think (6) must have come before (7), otherwise, whilst he was (allegedly) swimming in the hotel swimming pool, he would have had to leave his bicycle AND a jerry can full of petrol somewhere.    

On re-reading the relevant parts of the book which deal with the events of that day (pp. 78-95), the accounts of Stephen's movements that afternoon seem stranger and stranger.

If he needed a shower, would he not take a shower straight after work, or after he had returned the jerry can (if that's what he did)?

Would he really go straight from work, in his work clothes, to Kerry's hotel for a swim. Where did he change for a swim? Did he keep his swimming trunks and a towel at the hotel?

And if he really did have a swim, why would he need a shower not much later?

I can't help feeling it is eerily reminiscent of the various attempts that have been made to account for Gerry McCann's precise movements on the afternoon of Thursday 3 May 2007 - or of Kate McCann's two showers in quick succession on the same afternoon - one at 6.30pm, when David Payne allegedly popped round to see her, and another one an hour or so later as they were getting ready for dinner at the Tapas


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Richard IV 26.10.16 21:22

What was it HobNob said about `water`?
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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Verdi 26.10.16 23:54

Talking of water - I have another little query about the day Ben Needham allegedly disappeared. 

Why did Christine Needham take Ben to the derelict farmhouse on that particular day - apparently his first ever visit.  Half an hours trek over rough terrain, with Ben in a pushchair laden with toys and bucket and spade, just for her to share lunch with a group of workman surrounded by builders rubble - hardly conducive to a pleasant mid-day meal.

Ben Needham was said to be in and out of the building, such as it was, dousing himself with water (?) and grabbing a handful of whatever the adults were eating whilst the adults were sitting inside or outside (it matters not) a derelict building in the mid-day scorching heat munching the local delicacies.  No decent washing or toilet facilities, no cutlery or crockery for eating respectably - no telephone or other means of communication.

Perhaps it's me but I wouldn't dream of taking a 21 month old child to a building site to eat, drink and play.  Above all else, any region that is subject to heatwaves normally give out a public warning to take special precautions to avoid heatstroke, dehydration etc., paying particular attention to very young children, the elderly and the sick.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Tony Bennett 27.10.16 8:25

Verdi wrote:Talking of water - I have another little query about the day Ben Needham allegedly disappeared. 

Why did Christine Needham take Ben to the derelict farmhouse on that particular day - apparently his first ever visit.  Half an hours trek over rough terrain, with Ben in a pushchair laden with toys and bucket and spade, just for her to share lunch with a group of workman surrounded by builders rubble - hardly conducive to a pleasant mid-day meal.
And Kerry Needham says it was 110 deg F, or 43 deg C.

It really doesn't sound right at all, does it?

And Stephen being sent off on his bike to get some extra lunch in??


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Equity 27.10.16 9:51

One other observation...

The derelict farmouse, caravan and the hotel where Kerry worked, are all less than 2 miles from each other.

There is a Jet Oil garage (not sure if it was there in 1991 but the GP said it was on the way to the hotel) on the sea front less than a mile from the hotel (opposite the clay tennis court) and less than a mile from the farmhouse.

I find it strange, given the close proximity, why Stephen had to run an 'urgent errand' to fill up a jerry can at 2.30pm for the following day (which would have been a Thursday). From memory, I'm sure the filling stations were all open until 10.30pm during the holiday season and 9pm in the winter.

Just doesn't ring true that it would be anywhere near the top of your to do list.

But then again the jerry can turned up outside the caravan, proving that Stephen had run the errand and so couldn't possibly have had Ben on the bike. So I suppose it did turn out to be important.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Richard IV 27.10.16 13:26

Verdi wrote:Talking of water - I have another little query about the day Ben Needham allegedly disappeared. 

Why did Christine Needham take Ben to the derelict farmhouse on that particular day - apparently his first ever visit.  Half an hours trek over rough terrain, with Ben in a pushchair laden with toys and bucket and spade, just for her to share lunch with a group of workman surrounded by builders rubble - hardly conducive to a pleasant mid-day meal.

Ben Needham was said to be in and out of the building, such as it was, dousing himself with water (?) and grabbing a handful of whatever the adults were eating whilst the adults were sitting inside or outside (it matters not) a derelict building in the mid-day scorching heat munching the local delicacies.  No decent washing or toilet facilities, no cutlery or crockery for eating respectably - no telephone or other means of communication.

Perhaps it's me but I wouldn't dream of taking a 21 month old child to a building site to eat, drink and play.  Above all else, any region that is subject to heatwaves normally give out a public warning to take special precautions to avoid heatstroke, dehydration etc., paying particular attention to very young children, the elderly and the sick.

Nor would the most ignorant of people. It was mid summer and the middle of the day. You wouldn`t even do that in the UK let alone the Greek Islands.
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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Doug D 27.10.16 18:59

‘But then again the jerry can turned up outside the caravan, proving that Stephen had run the errand and so couldn't possibly have had Ben on the bike. So I suppose it did turn out to be important.’
Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8STRBTAGNoz-z6KSqURdXPzb_mpQ-hSt6UT6k3jDn9-2Mv6lajQ
Why not?
We don’t know if we are talking about a traditional army type jerry can of 20 litres or so or just a small 5 litre petrol can.
Either way, if it was strapped to the seat behind him, Ben could have sat on it, or he could have had him in front of him between his legs as was quite commonly seen.
TB’s timeline
I think the following are also relevant as it puts some sort of time to Stephen’s first trip out from the farmhouse on his motorbike, which could not have been before about 12.30 at the earliest.
Was this when the ‘old lady’ saw Stephen leave on his motorbike without Ben who she says she saw playing?
KN ‘needed to be at Palm Beach by eleven, which meant leaving Ben at Mum’s thirty minutes earlier’
‘……..Walking I’d be half an hour late for work………’
so KN left caravan about 11.00.
‘After I’d left, Mum got Ben washed and dressed in the clothes I had brought with him’
…push Ben up to see his granddad and uncle working at the farmhouse’
‘they actually took closer to fifty minutes’
so the earliest they can have reached the farmhouse is about 12.15, after which Stephen was sent out to the shops for some more lunch stuff.

There is also confusion as to how Stephen got to Kerry's flat. According to the book, Eddie turned up in the Landrover about 5.30 to find Stephen in the shower. 

When he established Ben was not there, they 'ran out to the Landrover..........Mum crumpled when she saw Dad and Stephen return alone'

'Dad and Danny would return to the farmhouse in the Landrover. Mum and Stephen would take his motorbike to the police station in Kos Town' 

so his bike must have still been at the caravan or the account is just poetic licence.
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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Verdi 27.10.16 20:51

Doug D wrote:Equity:
‘But then again the jerry can turned up outside the caravan, proving that Stephen had run the errand and so couldn't possibly have had Ben on the bike. So I suppose it did turn out to be important.’
Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8STRBTAGNoz-z6KSqURdXPzb_mpQ-hSt6UT6k3jDn9-2Mv6lajQ
Why not?
We don’t know if we are talking about a traditional army type jerry can of 20 litres or so or just a small 5 litre petrol can.
Either way, if it was strapped to the seat behind him, Ben could have sat on it, or he could have had him in front of him between his legs as was quite commonly seen.
I got the impression @Equity was being facetious - maybe I'm wrong. 

From what I've seen in the past, the simple 50cc moped can be used as a white van - with driving skills to match!  Nothing too large or awkward for the seasoned biker.

Worth noting:  Stephen Needham said somewhere along the line that it's impossible Ben was taken for a ride on his bike as he didn't have a helmet.  However, judging by this video of 'life on Kos', it doesn't look as though helmets are high on the list of priorities..

@ approximately 33:00 minutes

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Post by Equity 28.10.16 10:34

Sorry Doug D, Verdi is correct - although I would prefer sardonic rather than facetious.

Carrying children on mopeds/motorbikes is commonplace. Wearing a crash helmet is a widely ignored legal requirement especially 25 years ago.

The Greek death rate on the roads is around 3x that of the UK. The most roadside shrines I have seen were in Crete - certainly made me slow down - the locals not so much.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by MayMuse 29.10.16 17:19

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Verdi 29.10.16 23:07

What utter nonsense - do South Yorkshire police think the public are a bunch of imbeciles to swallow such a bizarre conclusion? 

So my dog disappears without trace but a bone is found buried in the garden - am I then expected to believe that my dog is dead?


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Post by Verdi 29.10.16 23:18

Time can never ease the pain of losing a child when the fate of the child is unknown but unless a person completely sinks under the grief, time usually makes humans more phlegmatic - not so with Kerry Needham, all these years down the line and she's still blubbering every time the cameras are rolling.  In my view Kerry Needham wears a fixed expression of rigid woe, just like Kate McCann.  It's human nature for moods to change under any circumstances which is reflected in the way we look, we don't go through life from hour to hour displaying the same facial and body expressions.  I don't believe the McCanns fake public persona so why should I be convinced by anyone else in similar circumstances.

So back to the same old fact - children do NOT just disappear off the face of the earth without trace.

This video is quite revealing in my opinion [help!]..

Don't allow yourself to be diverted by sentiment - look and listen, in particular question the grandparents version of events and the ex-consuls support, there is much that doesn't tally with the Needhams continuous cry about lack of support.  The more I see of this case the more it mirrors the aftermath of Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by Verdi 29.10.16 23:25

Deposition of: JOHN ROBERT LOWE BSc CBiol MlBiol RFP Age: Older than 18

Profession of Witness: Forensic Scientist

On 12 October 2007, the Forensic Science Service(R) received a blood spot in a cardboard frame (object JRB/1) from Leicestershire Constabulary. That object was inside a sealed package.


Anyone out there still fool enough to believe the 'blood spot in a cardboard frame' was in fact a blood sample taken at the birth of Madeleine McCann, a Guthrie Card otherwise known as a heel prick test - watch listen and learn..

@ 53 seconds onward

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by MayMuse 31.10.16 2:46

Verdi wrote:Deposition of: JOHN ROBERT LOWE BSc CBiol MlBiol RFP Age: Older than 18

Profession of Witness: Forensic Scientist

On 12 October 2007, the Forensic Science Service(R) received a blood spot in a cardboard frame (object JRB/1) from Leicestershire Constabulary. That object was inside a sealed package.


Anyone out there still fool enough to believe the 'blood spot in a cardboard frame' was in fact a blood sample taken at the birth of Madeleine McCann, a Guthrie Card otherwise known as a heel prick test - watch listen and learn..

@ 53 seconds onward
Not sure what you are trying to say or for us to learn? 
If it wasn't the Guthrie test what was it?
Madeleine was under eighteen so it would not need the courts permission to access surely?

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” bingo

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007

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Ben Needham - Extracts from the book Empty Re: Ben Needham - Extracts from the book

Post by hogwash 31.10.16 8:51

Ben Needham case has hallmarks of cover-up with cops wanting probe closed quickly and sex lies in bid to blacken mum's name

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