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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Mm11

HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Mm11

HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Regist10

HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by Tony Bennett 12.10.10 21:00

Can anyone grab a screenshot of Dr Gerald McCann laughing at 2mins 42 secs to 2mins 43 secs on this YouTube video please?

It's the interview, you may remember, where the BBC presenter said in solemn, stentorian tones, how the McCanns had had to 'steel themsleves' before agreeing to be interviewed
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by ufercoffy 12.10.10 21:36

HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  G210

HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  G110

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by Guest 12.10.10 21:39

I wonder what was so funny?

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by Tony Bennett 12.10.10 21:57

ufercoffy, Thank you vey much.

It was the second photo that I was most interested in. Is there an easy way of doing this please?

It was quite an amazing recovery from having to 'steel yourself' for the interview. Perhaps even more amazing than the recovery which transformed a man with an Achilles Tendon injury so severe that he had to stop playing tennis at 4.30pm on Thursday 3 May into one capable, just days later, of jogging to the top of the cliff and back in under 20 minutes.

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by jeanmonroe 30.04.13 12:44

candyfloss wrote:I wonder what was so funny?

THEY think they've got away with it?

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by Guest 30.04.13 13:11

They were right then, weren't they? Certainly as of now, anyway.

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by plebgate 30.04.13 21:19

Has wee Kelly seen these photos I wonder? I thought the interview on wee Kelly's sofa before the marathon run was the first time Mrs. had smiled since Maddie went missing.

Watch wee Kelly's programme on a regular basis NO THANKS deffo not for me. HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  172348

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by PeterMac 30.04.13 23:07

video now whooshed !. I wonder why ?
Brilliant job getting the screen shots.
copy and paste, down load and spread through the world.
Truth is under attack by dark forces, called Kevin ( Honestly ? Mr Kevin ? )

meta text to make your job easier tomorrow, Kevin
Tony Bennett, Carter-Ruck, Kevin, Libel, repeating allegations, involved, hid, hidden, concealed, lied, - is that enough for you ?
Watch out for blackbirds and thrushes when you come up

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by plebgate 01.05.13 13:56

Yes, wonder why the vid has now been whooshed PeterM.

and a clap for the screenshots HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  259100 HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  259100 HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  259100 HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  259100 HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  259100 HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  259100

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HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview  Empty Re: HELP WANTED - Screenshot of BBC TV East Midlands broadcast of McCann interview

Post by aiyoyo 02.05.13 10:09

PeterMac wrote:video now whooshed !. I wonder why ?

Could it be because Mc-fright put the frightener onto people not to display photo or image of them looking joyful.
But they couldn't restrain from manifesting their happy emotion, so that's the problem.
Kate did say Gerry is a good performer, a good actor in other words. And she's a natural actress able to turn it of and off for the camera, but does not like to be caught unaware. Tough!

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