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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Mm11

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Mm11

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Guest 09.10.14 6:52

This message was kindly sent to me by 'David' and said I could post it on the forum:

I've done a transcript of Last Friday's Radio 4 Today John Humphrys Gerry McCann
interview if you want to use it (no acknowledgement necessary)

Please check against the broadcast which is on the iplayer on the Today website
for a few more hours starting about 1hr 36mins in

7.36am on Friday 3rd October 2014


John Humphrys: The parents of Madeleine McCann have said press regulation is
still not working. They were paid libel damages by the Sunday Times after it
published reports alleging that they had deliberately hindered the search for
their daughter after she vanished from their hotel room in Portugal seven years
ago. Well I'm joined on the line by Gerry McCann, Madeleine's father. Good
morning to you.

Gerry McCann: Good morning John.

Humphrys: Those allegations, of course, were false.

McCann: Absolutely.

Humphrys: You knew, before they were published, that they were going to be

McCann: Well we didn't know the allegations in full, John, and I want to tell
you something about the culture of newspapers and how they work. I received an
email which I opened at 10.30pm on a Thursday evening, demanding a response by
4.30pm the following day. As you know I work as a full-time cardiologist. Not
only Kate and I were implicated in this, but also the directors of Madeleine's
fund and previous investigators who worked for us. As far as we were concerned,
the story should just never have been published, and we gave a statement to that
effect which the Sunday Times unfortunately chose to ignore and went ahead and
published the story on their front page.

Humphrys: But you can't have been surprised that they published the story, given
that that is what newspapers do - they establish the facts to the best of their
ability. They go to the source, or the target of the story, in this case you.
They take into account - at least this is how it's meant to work - what you tell
them. And then they publish the story. That's the way it works, isn't it?

McCann: I think you're absolutely right, John, that is how it works. And the key
thing as the industry works currently is the story is paramount, not the truth.
This story should never have been published.

Humphrys: Yeah, but whose truth, that's always the problem isn't it? And that's
at the core of all newspaper reporting.

McCann: You know the key element here was we denied their allegations even
though they hadn't been put to us in full. We made it very clear that the
directors of Madeleine's fund and ourselves had always acted in Madeleine's best
interest when she went missing. And they refused to accept that.

Humphrys: But you've had redress now, the fifty-odd thousand pounds in libel
damages which I know you're giving to charity, so it's not as if it's for you.
But you have won your case. And I don't think anybody out there believes that
you are anything other than admirable people.

McCann: You know the key thing here is this damaged us. It damaged the
reputation of the fund. And it quite potentially can damage the search for
Madeleine. And the damage is done. This was never about damages. We offered the
Sunday Times the opportunity to settle this without any recourse to legal
action, which they denied (sic) and it's taken us eleven months. And the
behaviour of one of the so-called most respected newspapers in the country
really has been appalling. And it's symptomatic of the culture in the press
industry. It's the culture which has to change.

Humphrys: But my point is that, at the end of it all, and it was obviously a
horrible time for you and your wife and the fund, but at the end of it all you
have won - that's the point.

McCann: No it isn't the point, John ..

Humphrys: Isn't it?

McCann: .. we have had to resort to legal action. We didn't want an eleven-month
fight to win. There should never have been a fight in the first place. And I
have to say if it wasn't for a no-win-no-fee agreement we probably wouldn't have
gone to court. And that's what it took to force the Sunday Times to pay damages.

Humphrys: But do you not think that with the new arrangements that are now in
place, that most of the newspapers - not all - but most of the newspapers have
agreed to, the new IPSO regulator, do you not think things might be different?
Shouldn't you at least say well let's give it a chance?

McCann: Well you know it's been a significant period since the Leveson Inquiry
finished, and I don't see any change in culture.

Humphrys: Well it's only been going now for a couple of weeks hasn't it? Sir
Alan Moses, a very distinguished High Court judge has taken it over. He's just

McCann: Sure IPSO has just started, but the Leveson Report was published over a
year ago. And the key thing for us is IPSO is just the PCC in different clothes
- it doesn't ..

Humphrys: We've yet to see that

McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us.
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..

Humphrys: Well we don't know that, do we? Thats the thing

McCann: Well they clearly are because they're not ..

Humphrys: Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge in the
pockets of the industry?

McCann: Well who's paying his salary?

Humphrys: It's quite a serious allegation, isn't it?

McCann: Well it seems like that to us because IPSO clearly is not

Humphrys: Yeah but that isn't a kind of holy writ, Leveson-compliant. Many
people believe that if Leveson had had his way, the papers would have been at
the mercy of the politicians, and you wouldn't want that, would you?

McCann: No we clearly do not want that. And, in fact, the proposed Royal Charter
makes sure politicians don't interfere. In fact the relationship between
politicians and the press industry is one that should be scrutinised very
carefully. We fully acknowledge that. Leveson also enshrined free speech. What
we want is resonsible journalism and responsible behaviour of an industry which
is, on a daily basis, causing damage to ordinary people. And no other industry
would get away with the damage it causes.

Humphrys: Let me just talk to you, briefly, if I may, about something else; this
business of the woman who was trolling' - to use that expression, on
Twitter. Some pretty vile abuse against you. What do you think should happen to
people like her, who do that sort of thing?

McCann: Well the first thing to say is I think some of the internet trolling is
fuelled partly by the newspaper reporting. And if that was more responsible I'm
sure we would have less of the former. Clearly something needs to be done about
the abuse on the internet and I'm glad to see that there have been a number of
people who have either been taken action by the police. I think we probably need
more people charged. we should

Humphrys: Should this woman be charged? The woman who's been ..

McCann: I haven't read her tweets, John. And I think that is an issue that our
behaviour is modified by this. We do not have any significant presence on social
media online. And I've got grave concerns about our children, as they grow up
and start to access the internet in an unsupervised capacity.

Humphrys: In this particular case this woman was, as I say, pretty vile about
you and your wife and I mean it's er ..

McCann: Well there have been other instances where, you know, people are
threatening to kidnap our children, people are threatening violence against Kate
and myself. And of course, it's not just us. It's many other people who happen
to find themselves in rather tragic circumstances

Humphrys: So do you think the police should be more willing to prosecute? Or
should that be ..

McCann: Yes, and I'm glad to see that the law around this area has been
reviewed, but I do think we need to make examples of people who are causing

Humphrys: This particular woman, well you say you haven't read what she's
written yet, but do you think perhaps ..

McCann: And I'm not going to.

Humphrys: You're not going to?

McCann: No, because it is upsetting. It causes us severe distress. There is so
much vile nonsense written on the internet.

Humphrys: Gerry McCann, thank you very much for talking to us.

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by tiny 09.10.14 7:08

Is McCann saying he never read the tweets, didn't he have the dossier?i thought it was the mccanns who handed to the police

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by PeterMac 09.10.14 9:03

tiny wrote:Is McCann saying he never read the tweets, didn't he have the dossier?i thought it was the mccanns who handed to the police
Don't expect him to start telling the truth now !!

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Doubter 09.10.14 9:24

'And the key thing as the industry works currently is the story is paramount not the truth '

Sounds familiar .

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by tiny 09.10.14 9:28

PeterMac wrote:
tiny wrote:Is McCann saying he never read the tweets, didn't he have the dossier?i thought it was the mccanns who handed to the police
Don't expect him to start telling the truth now !!
I cant believe what am reading,How and Why are the mccanns still getting away with this. blantant lies

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by ChippyM 09.10.14 9:29

Just when you thought you had done being gobsmacked with this saga!

It's almost as if Gerry adds 'the victims' as an afterthought after saying 'us'.  Just who is the 'us' that demands Leveson's recommendations are implemented?    I don't believe for a second this is about 'ordinary people' or free speech. Gerry is engaging in Orwellian 'double speak'.

"McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations 
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us. 
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..

McCann: No we clearly do not want that. And, in fact, the proposed Royal Charter 
makes sure politicians don't interfere. In fact the relationship between 
politicians and the press industry is one that should be scrutinised very 
carefully. We fully acknowledge that. Leveson also enshrined free speech. What 
we want is resonsible journalism and responsible behaviour of an industry which 
is, on a daily basis, causing damage to ordinary people. And no other industry 
would get away with the damage it causes.  "

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by MrsC 09.10.14 9:38

admin wrote:


7.36am on Friday 3rd October 2014


Humphrys:  And I don't think anybody out there believes that
you are anything other than admirable people.


Tongue in cheek, surely?!

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by .Guest.. 09.10.14 9:52

MrsC wrote:
admin wrote:


7.36am on Friday 3rd October 2014


Humphrys:  And I don't think anybody out there believes that
you are anything other than admirable people.


Tongue in cheek, surely?!
One would think so. Good job it wasn`t a face to face. And did we just see GM libelling an eminent judge? JH made sure he emphasised the point. The McTwats have no idea how to deal with probing questions and just use rhetoric to deflect.
They would be mincemeat in the hands of a truly tenacious and fearless journalist. I actually find myself feeling sorry for half decent journos sometimes. They must be itching......

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Dr What 09.10.14 9:53

I nearly choked on my cornflakes when the word 'admirable' was used.

Most of the people I know have described the McCann parenting priorities and their personalities with many words......but 'admirable' is not one of them.
Dr What

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Lance De Boils 09.10.14 9:53

That McCann fellow comes across as nothing but a whinging, self-centred twit.
To me.

Am I allowed to say that?
Lance De Boils
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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Dont Make Me Laff 09.10.14 9:59

McC -"What we want is responsible journalism" WtF!!???
What the people want Gerry is the truth to be allowed to be published without your spinners interfering and gagging MSM
What the people want is freedom of speech
Dont Make Me Laff
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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Jamming 09.10.14 10:31

Just who the hell does this twerp think he is ? And why do people give him the platform to speak as if he is some kind of authority ?

All he is is a Doctor who went on holiday with his friends and family, and came back without one of his children. Missing for reasons unknown/unproven, that are, regardless of what you believe happened, as a result of his and/or his charming wife's actions. 

Still, if he keeps coming up with comments like this, one way or another he is sure to get his comeuppance

McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations 
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us. 
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..
Humphrys: Well we don't know that, do we? Thats the thing
McCann: Well they clearly are because they're not ..
Humphrys: Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge in the 
pockets of the industry?
McCann: Well who's paying his salary?
Humphrys: It's quite a serious allegation, isn't it?
McCann: Well it seems like that to us because IPSO clearly is not 

What next ? Will he be wheeled out as a pundit on MOTD now Alan Hansen has left as the latest Scottish 'expert' ?

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Guest 09.10.14 11:10

Precisely. Wish he'd take the platform more often. And Kate.

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by bobbin 09.10.14 11:24

Jamming wrote:Just who the hell does this twerp think he is ? And why do people give him the platform to speak as if he is some kind of authority ?

All he is is a Doctor who went on holiday with his friends and family, and came back without one of his children. Missing for reasons unknown/unproven, that are, regardless of what you believe happened, as a result of his and/or his charming wife's actions. 

Still, if he keeps coming up with comments like this, one way or another he is sure to get his comeuppance

McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations 
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us. 
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..
Humphrys: Well we don't know that, do we? Thats the thing
McCann: Well they clearly are because they're not ..
Humphrys: Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge in the 
pockets of the industry?
McCann: Well who's paying his salary?
Humphrys: It's quite a serious allegation, isn't it?
McCann: Well it seems like that to us because IPSO clearly is not 

What next ? Will he be wheeled out as a pundit on MOTD now Alan Hansen has left as the latest Scottish 'expert' ?
But where is the Pink Ponce when you most need him Gerry ? protecting you from making such godawful gaffs.
P.P. who announced he was in control of what was put out in the press, would never have let this unguarded libellous/slanderous statement slip out.
Oh dear Gerry, and you thought you could go it alone.

No wonder all the previous 'interviews' were so tightly scripted...what was it when Mr. Gerry nearly walked out of one interview, their lady adviser, who has just resigned from her post in parliament for speaking rather outrightly, muttering something like, just stick to the script Gerry.

House of cards....

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Tony Bennett 09.10.14 12:36

Lance De Boils wrote:That McCann fellow comes across as nothing but a whinging, self-centred twit.

To me. Am I allowed to say that?
It's a close call, LDB.

Your message is offensive, but arguably not 'grossly offensive'. 

I think you have probably just about escaped prosecution under Section 127, Malicious Communications Act 2003, see below:


(From LSE Law website)

Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003, once one of the more obscure provisions of the cybercrime world, has had a good workout lately. Famously, Paul Chambers, delayed at Doncaster Airport and frustrated at possibly not getting to see his girlfriend, was accused and convicted of sending ‘by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character‘ (s 127(a)) because he had sent a humorous and frustrated tweet saying: ”Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You’ve got a week and a bit to get your shit together otherwise I am blowing the airport sky high!!"

AND see:


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Liz Eagles 09.10.14 12:51

"McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations 
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us. 
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..
Humphrys: Well we don't know that, do we? Thats the thing
McCann: Well they clearly are because they're not ..
Humphrys: Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge in the 
pockets of the industry?
McCann: Well who's paying his salary?
Humphrys: It's quite a serious allegation, isn't it?

McCann: Well it seems like that to us because IPSO clearly is not 


That most certainly is a serious allegation. I do hope Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge finds time to challenge Mr McCann.

This serious allegation is quite breathtakingly defamatory isn't it?
Liz Eagles
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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by bobbin 09.10.14 13:17

aquila wrote:"McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations 
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us. 
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..
Humphrys: Well we don't know that, do we? Thats the thing
McCann: Well they clearly are because they're not ..
Humphrys: Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge in the 
pockets of the industry?
McCann: Well who's paying his salary?
Humphrys: It's quite a serious allegation, isn't it?

McCann: Well it seems like that to us because IPSO clearly is not 


That most certainly is a serious allegation. I do hope Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge finds time to challenge Mr McCann.

This serious allegation is quite breathtakingly defamatory isn't it?
Certainly true, DEFAMATORY indeed.

If I were a person who believed Mr. Gerry McCann's judgement and integrity I would certainly find myself persuaded into thinking that Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge, must be at risk of making partial decisions based upon the corrupting sources of his financial engagement with IPSO, namely that IPSO and Sir Alan, according to Gerry McCann's quote "are in the pockets of the industry".

Gerry McCann should never be let out without his pink leash around his neck.

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by tigger 09.10.14 14:05

bobbin wrote:
Jamming wrote:Just who the hell does this twerp think he is ? And why do people give him the platform to speak as if he is some kind of authority ?

All he is is a Doctor who went on holiday with his friends and family, and came back without one of his children. Missing for reasons unknown/unproven, that are, regardless of what you believe happened, as a result of his and/or his charming wife's actions. 

Still, if he keeps coming up with comments like this, one way or another he is sure to get his comeuppance

McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations 
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us. 
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..
Humphrys: Well we don't know that, do we? Thats the thing
McCann: Well they clearly are because they're not ..
Humphrys: Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge in the 
pockets of the industry?
McCann: Well who's paying his salary?
Humphrys: It's quite a serious allegation, isn't it?
McCann: Well it seems like that to us because IPSO clearly is not 

What next ? Will he be wheeled out as a pundit on MOTD now Alan Hansen has left as the latest Scottish 'expert' ?
But where is the Pink Ponce when you most need him Gerry ? protecting you from making such godawful gaffs.
P.P. who announced he was in control of what was put out in the press, would never have let this unguarded libellous/slanderous statement slip out.
Oh dear Gerry, and you thought you could go it alone.

No wonder all the previous 'interviews' were so tightly scripted...what was it when Mr. Gerry nearly walked out of one interview, their lady adviser, who has just resigned from her post in parliament for speaking rather outrightly, muttering something like, just stick to the script Gerry.

House of cards....

The PP isn't always that useful, or it may be the case that he can't shut Gerry up that easily when in full flow.

Said PP was sitting right next to Gerry during one of the most incriminating interviews, in which Gerry told of the great marketing ploy, even if the abductor would 'do something' to Maddie's eye. In which he admitted that the PJ report might well be right about The likelyhood of Maddie being Dead was greater than her being alive, in which he pointed out they'd only lost one of three children and said it could have been worse...

In short as it stands, the Vanity Fair interview conducted in September 07 and published in Jan 08 makes one wonder if Clarrie was asleep at the time - but definitely there..... laughat

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by tiredofthebs 09.10.14 14:11

Why are people still entertaining this pair?

Someone who managed to lose one of his children abroad is able to go on Radio 4 and tell us the whole of journalism is wrong for trying to report about it and calling out high court judges???

It makes me wonder just what is being protected here. I can only imagine some cabinet minister was in the room when Madeleine met her fate, how else can this level of protection be explained?

"Cadaver dog? What is it? Lassie?" - Philomena McCann, This Morning, September 2007

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by HelenMeg 09.10.14 14:30

tiredofthebs wrote:Why are people still entertaining this pair?

Someone who managed to lose one of his children abroad is able to go on Radio 4 and tell us the whole of journalism is wrong for trying to report about it and calling out high court judges???

It makes me wonder just what is being protected here. I can only imagine some cabinet minister was in the room when Madeleine met her fate, how else can this level of protection be explained?
Something along those lines - for sure.

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by jeanmonroe 09.10.14 14:36

Lance De Boils wrote:That McCann fellow comes across as nothing but a whinging, self-centred twit.
To me.

Am I allowed to say that?

You just DID!

But as a 'defence' should you ever need one, which you won't, which exact 'fellow' called McCann were you referring to?

I THOUGHT you were referring to that McCann 'fellow' that plays football.

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by waiting for justice 09.10.14 14:51

Why on earth would IPSO consult with GM? Or does he mean the "victims" group. 
Who does this guy think he is. 

I wish the paper had printed his response, that would be interesting. 

Admirable? I doubt there was a huge amount left over after 11 months of CR on the case 
so the donation to charity would probably have been small change to their usual court battles. 

He couldn't possibly have commented directly on BL after the previous spiel about what the papers do to people's lives. The presenter certainly pushed a few buttons though in trying.
waiting for justice

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by bobbin 09.10.14 15:07

waiting for justice wrote:

Why on earth would IPSO consult with GM? Or does he mean the "victims" group. 
Who does this guy think he is. 

I wish the paper had printed his response, that would be interesting. 

Admirable? I doubt there was a huge amount left over after 11 months of CR on the case 
so the donation to charity would probably have been small change to their usual court battles. 

He couldn't possibly have commented directly on BL after the previous spiel about what the papers do to people's lives. The presenter certainly pushed a few buttons though in trying.
I almost get the feeling that this interviewer managed to do what Jeremy Paxman might have wanted to do (my interpretation of events of course) but couldn't quite get in there.

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by LombardySkeptik 09.10.14 15:46

aquila wrote:"McCann: It doesn't meet Leveson's requirements, and Leveson's recommendations 
was the minimum acceptable to us, the victims. IPSO haven't consulted with us. 
They're in the pockets of the industry and the industry ..
Humphrys: Well we don't know that, do we? Thats the thing
McCann: Well they clearly are because they're not ..
Humphrys: Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge in the 
pockets of the industry?
McCann: Well who's paying his salary?
Humphrys: It's quite a serious allegation, isn't it?

McCann: Well it seems like that to us because IPSO clearly is not 


That most certainly is a serious allegation. I do hope Sir Alan Moses, a retired but distinguished High Court judge finds time to challenge Mr McCann.

This serious allegation is quite breathtakingly defamatory isn't it?

Seems ripe for a torrent of "Gerry McCann slurs distinguished High Court judge" Tweets

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Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview  Empty Re: Transcript of last Friday's Radio 4 'Today' John Humphrys & Gerry McCann interview

Post by Lance De Boils 09.10.14 15:59

jeanmonroe wrote:
Lance De Boils wrote:That McCann fellow comes across as nothing but a whinging, self-centred twit.
To me.

Am I allowed to say that?

You just DID!

But as a 'defence' should you ever need one, which you won't, which exact 'fellow' called McCann were you referring to?

I THOUGHT you were referring to that McCann 'fellow' that plays football.
This is wherein the problem lies.
I gave an opinion, said how he comes across to me.
How can that be illegal?

If I said the exact same thing about a politician, (or a footballer) would that be different?
Lance De Boils
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