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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Mm11

Secret Video of Maddie suspect Regist10
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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Mm11

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by Guest 07.03.11 19:35

Secret video of Maddie suspect, 06 March 2011

Secret video of Maddie suspect News of the World (subscription/paper edition)

News of the World, paper edition

March 6, 2011

MADELEINE McCann suspect Raymond Hewlett said his wife would "go mental" if she was asked about the missing girl in a dramatic video recorded before his death.

Convicted paedophile Hewlett was tracked down to a German hospital by a British couple who met him on holiday in Portugal.

In a tense video, the couple confront Hewlett and tell him they know of his paedo past - and ask him if he was involved in Madeleine's disappearance from an apartment in Praia da Luz on the Algarve in May 2007. He replies: "You're joking. How would I know about that?"

Hewlett then launches into a rambling alibi, during which he claims he was at a market with German wife Mariana Schmuecker on the day Madeleine vanished - except the market is held on Saturdays and the little girl went missing on a Thursday.

Terrified the couple are going to speak to his wife, Hewlett adds: "I mean, you going... going to repeat all this to Mariana about this, about this kid? She'll go mental."
Secret Video of Maddie suspect Notw060311

Thanks to the mccannfiles thumbsup

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by theolivebranch 07.03.11 20:23

How is it secret? Secret as in this man didn't know that he was being videod or secret that the people taking it were going to keep it a secret but then decided to flog it.
I know this man was a paedo and caused misery in many ways but he shouldn't have been treated like this as he lay near to death.
Look at the picture, he is in a hospital being nursed and I would hope that the people nursing him treated him with dignity. I say this as I was a nurse many many years ago and nursed people into death I hope with dignity and compassion. And I can say with all honesty never wondered what sins they had committed, they were patients who were near death.
The people taking this video and flogging it to the News of the World have no humanity.
I shall now don my tin hat because I expect a barrage of he deserved it or some other torture. I would say that myself about a paedo to be honest. I suppose in a way in this post I am condeming the couple who were out to make money, now that sounds familiar Secret Video of Maddie suspect 234726

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by Guest 07.03.11 20:31

I agree with you olive, we know what the man was, but they keep dragging this story up. Why now. Doh silly me, book out soon!! daft

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by theolivebranch 07.03.11 20:44

candyfloss wrote:I agree with you olive, we know what the man was, but they keep dragging this story up. Why now. Doh silly me, book out soon!! Secret Video of Maddie suspect 816671

Yes indeed Candyfloss, rake anything up just to keep it in the public domain. And to any lurkers reading this don't go back to your cesspits and say that theolivebranch is a paedo protector, because I loathe them and what they do. I also loathe bandwagon jumpers.

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by Judge Mental 08.03.11 3:44

This is utterly despicable of whomever has flogged this to the NOTW. Themost important thing is to find out who these people are and see why they went to see Hewlett. We have seen many characters engage in dubious behaviour in this case; not least the private detectives, who seem to have been coerced into all kinds of ridiculous scenarios concerning sightings.

Are the public now supposed to believe that Hewlett knew more than he had ever said?

If his wife had known Hewlett had anything to do with Madeleine's ''abduction'', does anybody think for a single moment that she would not have been going for the fantastic reward money, and changing her identity and moving abroad to bring her children up in luxury?

One would have thought that the lesson would have been learned after the quite hysterical ''Sun's Son of Hewlett'' story.

Anyway, let's hope they keep 'em coming big grin We all need something to amuse us ourselves with from time to time, whilst we wade through all these police files.
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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by aiyoyo 08.03.11 4:32

The 64m question is why did the British couple only emerged now with the video? Is there really such a couple or is this another bogus tip of the mccanns?

If the couple did indeed go the hospital armed with a recording device, why was the purpose of that?
Was it for monetary reason? If so, why hold onto the video until now? Why didnt they surface with it when the papers were running story about Hewitt? Timing is important to maximise on interest hence profit for them.

If it wasnt for money why didnt they hand the tape to mccanns, Police or press earlier?

Anyway it's fishy that someone would take it upon themselves to approach a dying person not only confront him but to video record their chat.

I wonder what team mccanns will pull out of their hat next? A washed cuddle cat!

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by Judge Mental 08.03.11 8:06

aiyoyo wrote:The 64m question is why did the British couple only emerged now with the video? Is there really such a couple or is this another bogus tip of the mccanns?

If the couple did indeed go the hospital armed with a recording device, why was the purpose of that?
Was it for monetary reason? If so, why hold onto the video until now? Why didnt they surface with it when the papers were running story about Hewitt? Timing is important to maximise on interest hence profit for them.

If it wasnt for money why didnt they hand the tape to mccanns, Police or press earlier?

Anyway it's fishy that someone would take it upon themselves to approach a dying person not only confront him but to video record their chat.

I wonder what team mccanns will pull out of their hat next? A washed cuddle cat!

big grin

We will have to wait until we know a lot more about this. We need to know who the people were who actually did the recording, and when Team McCann and the newspaper found out about it. If Hewlett did not give his consent to be recorded, there may be some serious legal implications here, whether Hewlett be dead or not. Which he already is big grin

Having spoken to somebody who contacted Hewlett's hospital as the McCann's detectives were camping out and waiting to speak to Hewlett, it may well be the case that this should be explored further. Let us hope that Hewlett gave written consent. Being a dying paedophile did not mean that this man could be used as a target and expolited for profit by unscrupulous others. Hewlett did not kill or abduct Madeleine McCann, and nor did he know anybody who did. The amount of filth surrounding this case would have ensured that Hewlett could have kept his family in luxury for years, if he could have placed himself or his friends in PDL on the night Madeleine is alleged to have been ''abducted''. The fact is quite simply that he could not.

One cannot imagine lying on one's death bed and allowing such an interview take place. For all their trouble , they have not come away with anything worth hearing about at all.

One gathers that the bottom of the barrel has been scraped so hard that it has a hole in it now.

Is there another paedophile already in the frame to be exposed before April, or will the press ignore thsi rubbish now?
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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by Angelique 12.03.11 2:37

IMO this smacks of the "McCann touch" - it's been organised to be reported - along with most probably other material which will be drip-fed until the Book launch. Heady days ahead - I don't think!

Don't really fancy reading endless spin/money-led articles of sightings/witnessess etc for almost 2 months - one wonders if they have enough supporters judging from the recent comments on articles in the press.

Things aren't always what they seem

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Secret Video of Maddie suspect Empty Re: Secret Video of Maddie suspect

Post by aiyoyo 12.03.11 3:04

Oh, so it was just an interlude to book preview exercise then?

Cant wait will book preview day! Are they going to pay lackies to queue up for the book signing ?
Well, imagine muratfan and chummies first in the line....... Secret Video of Maddie suspect 110921

Wonder whether there's going to be be rotten tomatoes and eggs hurling.........?

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