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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Mm11

UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Regist10
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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Mm11

UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Regist10

UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

Post by Magpie 11.03.11 1:54

"Here we go"!

What clever plan it was from the start... un-freakin-believable as someone said:

The Express is talking of "KIDNAP", as if nothing had happened since the 3rd May 2007. "Why the McCanns believe their daughter is still alive. To coincide with Madeleine's 8th birthday and the 4th anniversary of her kidnap a new book by mum Kate reveal all"

UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. 890363

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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty Re: UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

Post by Autumn 11.03.11 13:10

The full story:


THE true story of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance is set to be revealed in an explosive new book billed as the publishing ­sensation of the year.
Four years on, Kate McCann’s emotional first-person account of her daughter’s abduction from a Portuguese holiday apartment will give a huge boost to the depleted fund to find her.
The family doctor and her cardiologist husband Gerry have pledged to use every penny of the proceeds from the book, called simply Madeleine, to continue their desperate search for her.
The 384-page personal account – which will cost £20 – will be published on May 12 to coincide with Madeleine’s eighth birthday, underlining the book’s central message that her parents are convinced she is still alive.
Sources close to the McCanns say their belief that Madeleine McCann will eventually be found has been strengthened by the cases of American schoolgirl Jaycee Lee Dugard and Austrian Natascha Kampusch, abducted as children only to emerge alive years later.
My reason for writing is simple – to give an account of the truth
Kate McCann
After signing the multi-million-pound publishing deal, Kate said: “My reason for writing is simple – to give an account of the truth.
“Publishing this book has been a very difficult decision and is one that we have taken after much deliberation and with a very heavy heart.
“However, in the last few months, with the depletion of Madeleine’s Fund, it is a decision that has virtually been taken out of our hands.
“Every penny we raise through its sales will be spent on our search for Madeleine. Nothing is more important to us than finding our little girl.”
The McCanns, both 42, from Rothley, Leicestershire, also hope the book may help the hunt for Madeleine in other ways.

Gerry McCann said: “Our hope is that it may prompt those who have relevant information – knowingly or not – to come forward and share it with our team. Somebody holds that key piece of the ­jigsaw.”
Publisher Transworld won the rights to the couple’s account of Madeleine’s baffling disappearance from the family’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in the Algarve on May 3, 2007.
Details of the deal have not been released but it reportedly includes a “substantial” advance and “enhanced royalties”, giving the fund a bigger share of profits from sales of the expected best-seller. Bill Scott-Kerr, publisher at Transworld, said: “It is an enormous privilege to be publishing this book.
“We are so pleased to be joining Kate and Gerry McCann in the Find Madeleine campaign.”
The official Portuguese inquiry into Madeleine’s disappearance formally ceased in July 2008 but private detectives employed by the McCanns have continued the search for the missing child.
Within weeks of Madeleine being snatched, just days before her fourth birthday as her parents dined with friends nearby, money from the public poured in to help fund the massive search for her.
But it emerged recently that the fund had dropped from its £2million peak to less than £300,000. The McCanns have also sent letters to public figures asking for money to help continue the hunt for their daughter.
Along with a conviction that their daughter is alive, the McCanns are angry they are not receiving more help from the authorities.
Kate admitted to misgivings about writing her own account, fearing the effects on Madeleine’s brother and sister, six-year-old twins Sean and Amelie.
“This decision has not been an easy one,” she said.
“Many factors needed to be given thorough and careful consideration, not least the impact of such a book on the lives of our three children.”

Read more:

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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty The Telegraph

Post by Autumn 11.03.11 13:35

Also an article in The Telegraph

'It will be published on May 12 – Maddie's eighth birthday – and costs £20, with all the proceeds going to charity'

The Telegraph is taking comments - interesting that people are asking which charity might this be as the McCanns Fund is a Ltd Company.


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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty Re: UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

Post by Magpie 11.03.11 14:10

Hi Autumn and Thanks!

I will click on the Telegraph to see if they give the same soup to help the fund-machine, I'm curious as they had been publishing headlines in the past that were not typically in the favour of the McCanns.

Good thing to mention the Comments! And the fact that it is NOT a 'charity', now I am so amazed to see that some people still think it is one. UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. 181154

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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty Re: UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

Post by Autumn 11.03.11 17:35

And look at the photo of Kate The Telegraph have chosen to go with the article affraid

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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty Re: UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

Post by theolivebranch 11.03.11 17:52

Autumn wrote:And look at the photo of Kate The Telegraph have chosen to go with the article affraid

Autumn, have you no heart? That is her sad woe is me mummy face. She is trying you know, very trying.

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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty Re: UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

Post by Magpie 11.03.11 18:20

Autumn wrote:And look at the photo of Kate The Telegraph have chosen to go with the article affraid
UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. 670379

argh comments are on registration on the telegraph, I must have registered 3 times but can't remember my sign-in, never mind cause if I start getting into that I'd be stuck there til midnight -and the whole week-end, I've done my bit on here anyway and have shared the links around, so they can try harder for propaganda now, MUCH harder as far as I'm concerned. Imo only the mentally deficient, and that's sad, would still believe these crooks, and all their friends will fell obliged to buy the book, lol.

Such a shame for these newspapers, remember the Express who were saying they were guilty and all, got sued, now they are all chummy, bet the deal was quite good for them

-and same for the telegraph,-see my recent post on here, - I suppose that both groups belong to Murdoch, anyway it's a blatant case of group-milking on a child, fund for what? to pay David Edgar and the other inspector gadget?

She don't need no money to peel the files and even obtain 81 more pieces of info from the police, and get all the time in the world to search on NAMES to practice witness intimidation, and something is interesting in the Telegraph article, "However, in the last few months, with the depletion of Madeline's fund, it is a decision that has virtually been taken out of our hands."

Ah ah, one blog I follow has a colourful presentation of these articles - with all screen captures in the end:

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UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. Empty Re: UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK.

Post by Magpie 11.03.11 19:16

Autumn wrote:And look at the photo of Kate The Telegraph have chosen to go with the article affraid
She has obviously wanted to give herself the "pensive, deep Joana Morais -style look and expression" UK PRESS "Express" giving PAID advertisement for the McCanns' BOOK. 839261

....but no matter how hard she tries, she can't help but looking "deep-down EVIL"!

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