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The book - as seen in the library Mm11

The book - as seen in the library Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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The book - as seen in the library Mm11

The book - as seen in the library Regist10

The book - as seen in the library

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The book - as seen in the library Empty The book - as seen in the library

Post by Letterwriter 07.07.14 18:38

The book - as seen in the library Maddie11

Photographed as seen - I didn't rearrange the books at all.  Perhaps I should have checked to see if the ISBNs were in order or whether someone else had been having a bit of fun.  Still, made me chuckle

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by PeterMac 07.07.14 18:40


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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by TheTruthWillOut 07.07.14 18:48

Letterwriter wrote:The book - as seen in the library Maddie11

Photographed as seen - I didn't rearrange the books at all.  Perhaps I should have checked to see if the ISBNs were in order or whether someone else had been having a bit of fun.  Still, made me chuckle

Isn't it also weird that Madeleine is printed in lower case (at least the m should be capitalised when  a name, right?) but Kate's name is all caps!

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by Guest 07.07.14 19:54

Says a lot, doesn't it?

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by Rasputin 07.07.14 20:54

Reminds me of when wretched Bliar had a book published , id read that in Spain people were picking a copy up at the doors of Carrefoures and placing them inside toilet pans being sold in the plumbing department ...I picked a copy up at Los Patios in Malaga and made my way to the plumbing section...had to laugh , each of the pans had a couple of bliars book sitting on the closed lid...lifting of the lids revealed they were already occupied with his doings ....:-)

"I'm not buying it" Wendy Murphy

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by Guest 07.07.14 21:27

A reminder of a previous "unfortunate" juxtaposition of titles.

The latest one is funnier though, I think.

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by Woofer 07.07.14 21:34

Well spotted letterwriter - hope someone puts it on Twitter.

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Still on sale on Amazon

Post by PeterMac 20.07.14 9:48

Price: £3.86

How the mighty have fallen.  Was it not £ 20

But the reviews are still to the point.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
90 of 103 people found the following review helpful

A desperate appeal for funds? 22 Oct 2013

Lots of these reviews ask questions of the McCanns: why did you leave her and so on but I ask only this: why write a book entitled "Madeline" when, in the first chapter, you mention her twice? I think "Kate and Gerry: Our History" would have been a more apt title.

Although I bought the book I find it almost impossible to buy into it. I will leave others to decide whether this is a heart breaking account or a pure work of fiction.
I will review just the first line of the book which reads as follows, "Before 3 May 2007, I was Kate Healy". Readers might ask so what? Well clearly this statement is untruthful. A tiny amount of detective work online shows that Kate signed herself on the Ocean Club crèche records for Madeleine and the twins as "Kate McCann" in the period 29 April 2007 to 3 May 2007 except for Madeleine on the afternoon of the 2 May 2007.
As Kate states on page 349 "On 4 May 2007, I became Kate McCann. According to my passport, driving licence and bank account I was Kate Healy. I hadn't kept my maiden name for any particular reason - it was just who I was and who I'd always been". On page 356 Kate also confirms "As Kate Healy, I could do what I liked, when I liked".
When I have to question the authors name before and after the 3 May 2007 should I not start to question the rest of what I am being told throughout the book?

I really don't buy into a word of this! There are far too many inconsistancies in the case and also in the statements given by Kate, Gerry and the tapas group! Why on earth would Kate Mccann call a policeman searching for her daughter F'ing tosser F'ing tosser? And what was page 129 all about where she says she often imagines Maddies torn perfect little genitals? Then let's look at why Gerry & Kate supressed VITAL evidence for 5 yrs? Add this to the fact that they have earned millions off of Maddies disappearance which they used to pay off their mortgage and fight legal battles. 13% of these funds are actually used to search for Maddie!? I have also read the official pj files and seen the youtube video "the truth of the lie" and cadaver and blood dogs do not lie. I have also watched the Rebekah Brooks (Mccann) leveson inquiry via youtube and am following the current court case against her. The Amaral Goncalo libel case is currently underway and i have been keeping up with the court transcripts in which Gerry Mcanns sister is seen to be lying blaitantly which did very little to impress the judge i must say! lol The Mcanns hired "DODGY" detectives (crooks) with a string of convictions to search for Madeline? Amarals book banned by Mccanns has since had its' ban lifted? And the woman who spoke out against Amaral a convicted murderer!? The truth will out, eventually! Glad i only paid 1p for this hogwash. :)

Despite the fact that her picture adorns the front cover, this book is not about Madeleine McCann. If you were hoping by the end of it to know more about Madeleine, to feel as if she was a real little girl, then you will be sorely disappointed. Madeleine is a bit part player in the story that bears her name. This book is about her mother.

Although ''Madeleine'' leaves you with no 'sense' of Madeleine herself, it may afford you with an insight into Kate McCann's personality you could have happily lived without. Does she come over as a grieving mother? No. Does she come across as an angry, vengeful and spiteful woman? You bet she does.
Because this is a book about blame and getting even. Kate McCann blames everyone bar herself and her husband for the circumstances which led to their three year old daughter vanishing. There is no sense of anguish that at the time whatever happened to Madeleine was happening, they were not there, having decided that dinner came before sons and daughters. What there is, however, is a series of montages where Kate exacts revenge on those she appears to regard as ''the enemy'' or who appear to have offended her overwhelming sense of her own importance. So we are treated to her spiteful description of casually dressed police officers, too busy doing their job to fawn all over her, offering refreshments; plummy-voiced neighbours whose offer of help was met with a shouted obscenity and law enforcement officers who had the temerity to speak their native tongue in their native land. Even the priest is singled out for having a face that was too ''cheery'' for her liking.

Trying her hardest to justify to everyone that she is innocent. Her and her husband should be doing time behind bars for what they did.

Firstly let me suggest that for a balanced view of this case and to form an opinion about what happened to this little girl who was taken abroad and did not return home as was her right, read this book in conjunction with the police files, read witness statements and look at evidence then weigh it all.
I decided to borrow this book from my local library because I was interested after reading so much elsewhere, to read what Madeleine's mother had to say. I will not give to the fund, it is documented that in the first year less than 20% was spent on searching for the child. The money now is spent on damage limitation and suing anyone who questions the McCann version of events. If the couple and their friends had not acted in the ways they did during the investigation, people would not be still asking questions.

It would be unreasonable to expect all of the book to be about the child, as after May 3 2007 the book inevitably must deal with events post-disappearance. I do not refer to an abduction, as the book is subtitled disappearance. In fact this is what the vanishing of this poor child must be called. There is as has been clearly documented, no evidence that a child was abducted 3 May 2007.

What struck me was that this book bears the little girl's name as its title, yet even in the chapter which bears her name as the heading, most of that chapter deals with a pregnancy and birth. I felt after reading this and the entire book that Madeleine appeared abstract,apart from aspects of her physical appearance, I got no sense at all of her being, her essence as a child, her character.
Talking of physical appearance, where was the much publicised coloboma, the eye defect that was mentioned by the McCanns against police advice, not only that, it was there on all the posters and photographs for people to recognise her? This is her most distinctive physical feature, yet there is not one mention of it in the book.
And where were the photos from that holiday?
Why did DNA have to be retrieved from the UK?
The book raised more questions than it answered.
Why was this nonsense about " it was like eating in your back garden" still being churned out. I have lived in many homes, and back gardens were within the perimiter walls of my property. Children would only need to come downstairs and through a rear entrance to a dining area there, not along a road.
Why does Kate McCann complain that not enough was being done in Portugal, when by exercising her right to remain silent meant that she hindered the investigation, by ensuring she was not rapidly eliminated and so allowing police to focus attention elsewhere. Police forces always examine the family and immediate circle when a story like this emerges, it is their duty given the statistics.
Why under the dire circumstances did she complain about not being offered food or drink at the police station? Why when her daughter is missing, does he say SHE felt as if SHE did not exist for the police. No in-flight food on a short flight from Faro airport? Did you really care about trivia such as this ? It beggars belief. This is a sense of entitlement and narcissism to a massive degree.

I do not understand the David Payne scenario evening May 3. Neither of the 2 parties involved, David Payne, Kate McCann, mentioned this episode in their initial statements to police. It was mentioned by Gerry McCann days later, and he was not even present. Both Payne and Kate McCann remember this very differently: massive differences about the length of time he was either at or in the McCann apartment,one says inside for a good length of time, the other there for less than a minute and did not enter.....all neatly sidestepped in the book by stating he just popped his head in.

Why does the child in the tennis court photo taken on that holiday look so much older than the child on the last photo at the swimming pool? Why was this pool photo not immediately produced for the police,instead of 3 weeks later? A much earlier one was used, where the child in the red velvet dress, coloboma prominent, looks very different to the girl holding tennis balls.
Kate tells us the pattern for her children became very much one of routine, day care centre in the day, lunch and tea and bath and bed routine for them all.
There are about 16 pages dealing with days from arrival to May 2nd, but nothing about 30th April, when routine changed for Madeleine. Daycare centre records show that while her twin brother and sister remained until tea time as usual,. Madeleine was signed in then out again after only 15 minutes.
There was a decision made to do something different. Why not tell us about where she went? She was under adult supervision, did she go to the beach,the shops, for a short trip somewhere? Strange that a break with routine is not mentioned in detail in the book, when there is so much detail about boring stuff, milk, biscuits, bed..... just a couple of lines about a trip to the supermarket with one of the female members of the holiday group and a reference to the evening meal. Why not tell us about the precious time spent just with Maddie this afternoon, a couple of lovely hours focussed just on her, rather than attention having to be given to the twins as well?
Why was a woman convinced her daughter had been abducted so dismissive of the sniffer dogs behaviour when police showed her a video of them in action? Rather than fear and distress that her daughter might have been harmed prior to being taken, was her initial reaction one of contempt, and her husband's desire to immediately find things to discredit them? The dogs do not have an agenda, they do what they are trained to do, simple.

Why does she 4 years later talk about forced shutters? Documented not to have been forced from the outside to gain entrance.
Why does she think that the man allegedly seen by her friend, is the same man seen 45 minutes later by other people? Would a child abductor be walking around so long in a public place with his victim?
Why does she say " we resumed our search" about the ealry hours of 4 May. She has admitted in a tv interview with the BBC that she did not physically search for her daughter, being non functioning in the aftermath of Madeleine's disappearance.
Why did she say in her book that she was Kate Healy until May 3 2007? She makes a big deal of this at the end of her book, when the daycare sheets show her signing Kate McCann[ understandable to keep a maiden name for her work, understandable in a family scenario to use McCann.]
Why such the fuss, still, about the press calling Madeleine Maddie? She uses a diminituve for Sean Seanie... in her book, and Amelie already has the sound at the end. I have read Gerry McCann on his early blogs referring to his daughter as Maddie as does one of the twins on a video.

So many unanswered questions. I can only recommend that they ask for the case to be reopened, not for a review[a stamp on a short letter is all that I believe it will take.]
Oh yes....a reconstruction would have helped. But they all refused that.

Kate did not mention the near 24 hour rota of the police with some choosing to sleep on the floor rather than come and go, did she?
And a plea bargain,a deal, does not as far as I know,exist in the Portuguese legal system. No deal was offered.
And I think the truthfulness of this book can be proven to be a nonsense about 200 pages in. Kate McCann states that no one in the party could speak about events due to judicial secrecy laws in Portugal. It is in the public domain that a former spokesperson of theirs stated that they managed to get messages about what was going on at the police station out to McCann family and friends.
Finally, I hope the twins never read p.129 of this book .
Reading it made me profoundly depressed and angry.
I hope and pray that one day the truth will out about what happened to Madeleine McCann. And that she gets justice.

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The book - as seen in the library Empty NEW BOOK

Post by PeterMac 30.07.14 10:11

At last the definitive New Book.

No Tern Unstoned.

The book - as seen in the library Dc662d410bce005927f9956509666bba41970a529d0e8be19a7822467b1832bd

co-authored by Gerry and Kate

This book complies with all libel laws as defined by You Know Who

It was a dark and stormy and calm and freezing cold and hot night.
At 9 pm Gerry went into the apartment by the front door and the patio door
At 10 pm Kate went in and found the curtains open and closed,
The shutters had been forced and smashed and not damaged
Madeleine was not in her bed in her white and pink pyjamas
The twins were wide awake and sedated
So Kate ran outside and swore at Mrs Fenn who spoke to Gerry
Kate remembered the photo she had taken only that afternoon and three or four days before

I think I am going to need some help with this !

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by MrsC 30.07.14 10:33

PeterMac wrote:

It was a dark and stormy and calm and freezing cold and hot night.
At 9 pm Gerry went into the apartment by the front door and the patio door
At 10 pm Kate went in and found the curtains open and closed,
The shutters had been forced and smashed and not damaged
Madeleine was not in her bed in her white and pink pyjamas
The twins were wide awake and sedated
So Kate ran outside and swore at Mrs Fenn who spoke to Gerry
Kate remembered the photo she had taken only that afternoon and three or four days before

...and they're getting away with it!

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by aiyoyo 30.07.14 11:56

Once, not that long ago, I popped into a secondhand shop which I chanced upon, and I saw the hardcover book on the shelf.
First time ever I saw the physical copy.
Out of curiosity I asked the price and was told any 5 books for £1.
I would not touch it with a barge pole.

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by kimHager 02.09.14 3:42

Your version of the said events correspond and well fit all of the facts on that cold windy calm warm night when a child was errrm taken to her hellish liar somewhere in Portugal or surrounding countries.
I would buy it!


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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by sar 02.09.14 8:46

PeterMac wrote:At last the definitive New Book.

No Tern Unstoned.

The book - as seen in the library Dc662d410bce005927f9956509666bba41970a529d0e8be19a7822467b1832bd

co-authored by Gerry and Kate

This book complies with all libel laws as defined by You Know Who

It was a dark and stormy and calm and freezing cold and hot night.
At 9 pm Gerry went into the apartment by the front door and the patio door
At 10 pm Kate went in and found the curtains open and closed,
The shutters had been forced and smashed and not damaged
Madeleine was not in her bed in her white and pink pyjamas
The twins were wide awake and sedated
So Kate ran outside and swore at Mrs Fenn who spoke to Gerry
Kate remembered the photo she had taken only that afternoon and three or four days before

I think I am going to need some help with this !
Bumping cause it made me laugh out loud!

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by worriedmum 02.09.14 9:07

PeterMac, you missed a bit... exalt

  You know, the bit where the kindly friend pops round and goes inside the apartment while still standing outside of it and only putting his head round the door, staying for just a few seconds which also lasted for half an hour, and noticing, in an eagle-eyed way, what colour pyjamas three small children were wearing while failing to notice that the adult you are speaking to is only wearing a bath towel and is probably wet or damp. ..

Should there be a prologue?  exalt

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by Snifferdog 02.09.14 10:08

The posts above brought to mind, through the mists of time, this nonsensical poem we had to learn to recite at school in std 3. Perhaps I have not remembered it entirely correctly, but it goes something like this:


Ladles and Jellyspoons
I come before you
To stand behind you
To tell you something
I know nothing about.
Next Thursday
The day after Friday
There will be a ladies meeting
For men only
If you can come
Please stay at home
Wear your best clothes
If you haven't any
Admission is free
You can pay at the door
We'll give you a seat
So you can sit on the floor
It doesn't matter where you sit
The kid in the gallery
Is sure to spit.

“‘Conspiracy stuff’ is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.”
– Gore Vidal

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The book - as seen in the library Empty Re: The book - as seen in the library

Post by Naz_Nomad 02.09.14 15:06

PeterMac wrote:At last the definitive New Book.

No Tern Unstoned.

The book - as seen in the library Dc662d410bce005927f9956509666bba41970a529d0e8be19a7822467b1832bd

co-authored by Gerry and Kate

This book complies with all libel laws as defined by You Know Who

It was a dark and stormy and calm and freezing cold and hot night.
At 9 pm Gerry went into the apartment by the front door and the patio door
At 10 pm Kate went in and found the curtains open and closed,
The shutters had been forced and smashed and not damaged
Madeleine was not in her bed in her white and pink pyjamas
The twins were wide awake and sedated
So Kate ran outside and swore at Mrs Fenn who spoke to Gerry
Kate remembered the photo she had taken only that afternoon and three or four days before

I think I am going to need some help with this !

The main suspect is a tall short, fat thin man, with an English-Irish-Scottish-Welsh-Jamaican-Pakistani  accent who walks with a lisp and talks with a limp.  He has one glass eye, and a patch over the other, which he is blind in.  He was seen hanging around the entrance to the apartment in 1987, with 120 other men of the same description, except they were African and dead.  He can be recognised by his completely bald, full head of hair, which is completely grey but brown all over, cut in a collar length number two skinhead style. He sports a huge ginger beard, which has sparrows nesting in it.  His mobile phone records and passport show he was in Sweden from February to July 2007.  This doesn't rule him out, as he has special time travelling, levitating powers that also allow him to glide silently into an apartment without leaving a trace (except for spreading cadaverine and blood in a few places).  Although we cannot place him at the scene, at the right time, 10 million witnesses swear they saw a woman matching his general description walking near the beach. In Benidorm. This is our strongest lead yet, and we urgently need to question this man/woman. 

As for speculation that CCTV cameras and audio caught the following conversation:-

Knock Knock:-  "Who's there?"
"But it can't be, you're dead, we hid the body miles away!"
"FFS Kate, it's Gerry, I'm only mucking about.  I've locked myself out."

Gerry McCann assures us that it was merely "banter".  He added "CCTV and audio is incredibly unreliable.  We can prove it with statistics, sneers and smirks"

Everything written by me is just my opinion.

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